The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, June 17, 1913, Page 1, Image 1

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No. 66.
ry np.s
Dr. J. L Hill Occupies Cenier
of Stage at Meeting
Keid Last Night.
Other Matters of Interest Dis
posedof at Regular
Weekly Meeting.
insinuations lo the effect lluil the
council hail pa.-std upon the merits
of i;iinij ordinances without giving
the property owners due time to consult-v
Hie multer, were last night made
on the Iloor of the council chamber
by Dr. J. L. Hill and evoked a heated
dUcussiou in which the city authori-tie.-
tnoN direct issue it:i the speak
er. Dr. Hill contended that the taxpay
ers had been stung on the paving pro
position and in answer Lo a question
as to who they had been stung by,
he shouted that they stung themselves
by acepting the propositions as sub
mitted by the council when they were
ignorant of the facts. He asserted
that he has made a careful study of
the paving proposition, not only in
Albany but in other towns and re
iterated his statement that the people
have not gotten what they paid for
and that he believed that the taxpay
ers should be allowed to select their
own kind of pavement .it a minimum
The members of the council, in an
swer to Dr. Hill's allegations con
tended that the assertion was without
foundation. Incidents were cited that
discredited Dr. Hill's statement that
the paving matter was being rail
roaded and that there was no reason
for the people to be in ignorance of
the procedings attendant to the au
thorization of the pavement of a
street. The procedure of the council
relative to these matters was cited;
to :wit : that acording to a custom
that has been adopted, though not
required by law, the council would
desire to receive a petition signed by
the greater number of property own
ers along a street, representing the
greatest number of feet frontage, be
fore they would grant the pavement.
In the event a remonstrance repres
enting the majority should be filed
the petition would be thrown out. In
these petitions the kind of pavement
desired has always been stated.
The discussion arose over the mat
ter of the naving of Jefferson street
between Water and First streetf.
when a proposal from the Warren
Construction company for the im
provement of the block according io
the il;ms and specifications on file
in the recorder's office was read.
A petition for the improvement of
this block has never been filed is the
Oregon Electric Railway company,
one of the property owners, for some
reason could not sign the petition but
had expressed themselves as desirous
of having the street improved. John
Warner and a Mrs. Cleek are the oth
er uroivrtv o'vncrs in the bloeic and
although all of the proceedings fur thi
laying of the pavement have been per
formed, the proposal was lost last
night upon vote on the contention
that Mrs. Clerk opposed the pave
ment, having just learned of its con
templation. The report of the committee rn
streets and public pronertv. re n'!-
ing all action taken in the Second ;
street paving matter, was adopted.
Several proposals for the improve-1
merit of alleys and streets by navin.
from the Warren Construction Co. 1
vi'f'.' read and filed. I
A communication from Pres. J. H.
Young of the Oregon Electric to
Mayor Gilbert was read. It pertained
to the condition along the tracks on
Firth street and slated that the nec-t-snrv
repairs will be made in the
near future.
A communication from the Warren ;
Obstruction Co. stated that crushed i
gravel wr.uld be substituted for whole .
i:r.'tvrl in uvarini; surface of all gravel
bitulithie pavement laid by the com
pany during the present year without
com to the city providing t hey are:
notified a reasonable time hifore the j
pavement is laid.
A rvtui-'n to rr struct a cement
iilewalk on Eighth street between i
I.yon rid E!K-.vortb Mri-rt. wa- re
ferrt d t- 1r-v-is and public property'
C'-TV-.mittre. D. l5r.s-.-nl wa the pc- '
Roadway Is Oiled.
Tli. r. ariniii iiv Surhrn
r.ii:V '. n ' ii ! a' 'l !ttt
vitv litt!- '!--; i -'n (ninir
w ! . "i ;.n ; ..- tvitn a:-
:r- . 1- - i'i" ,'...:;. Tie roadway
U much traveled and .-on-id.-r
dust ir.uivrs ilttrite t!u- '"' a---n.
N-a-s on This P?ge i
F- rn Pilv IiMie of
T1'1" DAY. JUNE 12. 1913.
numcTisM i
liL UiiniJIiHIH i
Sixty Gather at Splendid Oc
casion Which Had Been
Quietly Planned.
At the Christian church la-t niulit j
the nun had their inning and i!;e '
eert '.v;; a in.;t ell joy:.lle one. Tin- :
..'fair IkM been planned tor quietly;
Uhi'Ul special announcement and re i
.-ulted in the bringing 'together of 6'
men oi the church for the pleasant '
The men began assembling at 6.-1,". ',
The fir ' t comers resolved tliemseUvs '
into an impromptu reception cummii '
o e a'ld v. flconied ;dl comers in the
church parlor. At 7:45 the anuoun.'e-;
m-.nt was made that all things were!
ready and the procession started i;i - j
mediately for the dining room down
stairs. The Ladies Aid Society hat1
transformed this region into a glimt e
of paradise with greenery and tlv-Iters.
A dinner was served in courses.)
chief among which were chicken )ie
and strawberry shortcake The !i
dies proved themselves most excel
lent caterers and praises for them
were heard on every hand.
Following the act of it-stice ire ted
out tit the gastronomic temptal'rns
the time came for "feast of reas ji
and flow of soul." Mr. j. M. Hawk
tns acted as toastmaster nd fulfilled
this important function to the delight
of every one. Toasts with res;i .n-es
were given as follows! 'The Fdiua
lional Department," J. F. Watson :
"The Young Men of the Church." '
C. Holbrook; "When I was a r.oy,"
G. E. Finnerty; "The Christi:.n Sol
dier," Capt. Frank M. Powell; "The
Pulse of the Church," Dr. V. H.
Davis; 'The haw and "he Cospi.I."
Dan Johnston; "Life is She Ain,"
Rev. Albyn Esson; "The Business
Side," W. A. Eastburn; "Dreams and
Visions' Rev. F. W. Emerson.
Bert Davis and his orchestra have
been engaged to furnish the music for
a dance to be given Saturday night at
Grange Hull No. 10.
Miss Mabel Reddick. of Lincoln,
Neb., arrived this noon to spend the
summer as the guest of her sister,
Mrs. F. W. Emerson.
Mrs. Victor Yates Entertains in
Honor of Miss Eulah
Leaving this morning on an Ore
gon Electric train, a party of promi
nent young ladies of this city were
the gttcs'ts at dinner this afternoon of
Mrs. Grace Swank Yates, of Oakville,
who had as her honor guest, Miss
Eulah Wright, whose marriage to Mr.
Xclson Wilber, of Payette, Ida., a
former Albany young man. has been
announced to ta' e place next Tues
day. After spending the day as the
guest nf Mrs. YaUs. the young ladies
will return on an early evening train.
Mrs. Yates' guests were: Misses
Willetta and Kulah Wright. Mabel
and Anita Schultz, M-e and Claire
Tillman, Kate Stewart, Pera Wilkins.
Louise Wiedcr and Greta Fortmiller.
It was learned today that the wid
ows pension law does not require that
pensions iall 1e paid directly to
those who are granted pensions. At
his own discretion the county judge
can make arrangements with mer
chants for eredit for widows who are
really in destitute circumstances hu'
before arrangements are made ?
must ascertain the cases :n which s:t h
credit is established, will he those n
which pensions arc practically certain
to be granted. It has been held that
under this construction of the law it
will be possible to pay the merchant
when the pensions are granted.
Students Work on Convicts.
Tilirty-nine dentists making the
dental examination at Salem arc tak
in a practical test by doinn work on
the teeth of ;he cotnirt- in the --tatc
iik nt i are a .r: n -ix -ii'.'
rt-iiled t- - tl .:ri'.'cr-i who ,-,r
' v
t'-': '
' : '
'i' t i-.'ll o-i,- Vf-:ir on
-ripii. a. o,,,-
'v !n,r, o-.-rl. in I
.r.'- tint il!
Record Established in Local
Police Circles yesterday ;
Afternoon. ,
Arrested yesterday in Eugene for
violation of the provisions of the local
option law, brought to this city yes
terday afternoon and arraigned before
Circuit Judge Kelly, pleading guilty,
waiving time and sentenced to 10 days
in the county jail which he began
serving sin irtly al ter receiving sem
ence, was the record established here
in police circKs yis.c.(!:iy in the case
of the suite aairst (. arl Ewers.
Ev.-.ts was indicted here by the last
grand . jury under t he name of Carl
Yure and skipped out before pa p. .'is
were served upon him. lie has svice
resided in Eugene where he has been
employed in a livery stable. County
officers have since iiis indictment held
a warrant for Iv- .rr.-st. He was .:r-
re f.ted bv Sheriff Parl e" t 1 .ane
county who notified Slier iff JJodine.
1 he Linn countv shenfl went to . .u-
gene yesterday norniug and brought
the prisoner here.
Recommendations of Street
Superintendent Junkin
Were Adopted.
The recommendations of Street
Superintendent Glen M. Junkin for
street improvements was read and
adopted. The following arc the im
provements authorized by the adop
tion of the recommendations: Ce
ment sidewalk and curb on south side
of lots 5, 7 and 8 in block 52, Hackle
man's second addition (Seventh
street); sidewalk on west side of lot
1 in block 4, north side of lots 1, 2, 3
and 4 in block 4 on Water street,
Hacklcman's fourth addition; cement
sidewalk on west side of blocks 39,
42, 59 and 62, east side of Elm street
from Fifth to Ninth streets; foot
bridge across ditch on north side of
Seventh street on Vine street to be
constructed by the Oregon Power Co.
Miss Georgia Hodson will be mar
ried to Mr. Herbert Anthony in Port
land this afternoon. Miss Hodson is
a popular Albany young lady and Mr.
Anthony is a resident of this city and
is employed at the Palm cafeteria.
The marriage is the culmination of a
romance which started when Miss
Hodson accepted a position some time
ago in the cafeteria. She has been
away for the past three weeks on a
vacation, visiting with friends in Port
land. Men on Bicycles Collide.
Hubert Birtchctt, the ticket agent
of the Southern Pacific, had a narrow
cscap from receiving serious injury,
as well as the second party, whose
'ynne was not learned. When'they col
lided on the depot platform, this
noon. Each man was riding a bicycle
and they crashed head on
U. E. Collins of Toledo transacted
business here yesterday afternoon.
S. P. Williamson of Shedd was
transacting business in Albany today.
Walter Chance returned this after
noon from a business trip to Silvertoti.
Frank Masck relumed 'yesterday
evening from a Imsiiuss trip to Hal--ey.
Geo. Wright rettirmd yesterday
from Portland where he attended the
Rose Show.
W. S. Hall, a prosperous resident
of tin- -' ...ntry. is registered at
the Hanynel.
Hr. H. A. Leininger .and Dr. Waiter
liilyeit left yesterday for Portland to
attend the Rose Carnival.
Arch Milter was a business visitor
liere tliis morning, lie is a prosorr
oiis tanner residing five miles eat o-
Mayor Wenner-tein ot I.'hanoii
ia-i(l throimli the city e-tcrday en
rotite to his home in Lebanon alter
visiting ill Spokane for tile past three
week 5.
.Mi : Pearl Cair'Ton lrft iliis iio .n
or Eugene : h-rc -lu- will -. i-ii for a
.... vt .r ,r M; , I : c li
C;iia( ron-Siinpson.
Tii-rl irt Am1!' i;- left r i-- n. on f. r
P '!! a i -e , .,. ,,,
ti !, aftrr II lo C-or ;;;, j,l.
rl Whit-. .,( .;,:! , .i
Me- D j ! I., !
M;ss I va Hughes b ft this morning
f ;' '"' .i 1 1 1 n.1 the Anlh'.nv-
Star Pilcher and Second Base
man Are Inspecting Lands
Owned by Them Here.
Arrmn- in the uty yesterday after
noon tVonj Portland. Charles' Check
and William 1'avrc. members of the
I. us Angeles Coast League baseball
team spent the night at tin- St. l-"r;i u ;
cis and left his morning lor the foot- j
hills east (if Lebanon where the form- I
er will inspect a tract ot land owned
by him. t heck is a member hi tin- I
Los Angeles team's pitching stall and j
i age is i no crack second liaseman,
' h.- on h::s been nhving in 1'ort
land durni'T the week ";-r'd the hall
players -.-ill return here this after
noon and will leave ;i.U r. nnr : I
I'.etbed lc rc"-i i',.- d-tv
row's game. Clerk Page of the St.
Krancis and Pitdur Clu ,1c are 'orm
er acit'.iaiiita.uees. havini.'- Known eaeh
other in St. Paul, their ''ornier home.
While here the Los Anire'es star and
Mr. aive renewed their aemiaintauee.
A Mnr Irvli... ... - --I...! 1.:.. I... 1
....w ii Hui; ID Hint I ei.lMUIISIII) liy
ijie taet that holh bear the same llantc,
Seeond Itaseman I'a.ue and Clerk Pane
pave it iti and deeided that thev were
t:ot related.
Prominent Young People of this:
City Were Marrhd at
Methodist Parsonage.
This morning at the parsonage of
ihe Afethodist church at 8 o'clock,
Mr. Charles E. Gould and Miss Rubv
F Curl were united in marriage by
Rev. D. H. Leech. The ceremony
was performed in the presence ot a
few relatives.
The couple left this forenoon for a
brief honeymoon to Portland where
they will be the guests of frien Is.
They will return to this city to make
their home.
The groom is a prominent young
man of this city and is in the cmpl iy
of the Bell Telephone company. The.
bride "is a popular young lady of Al
bany. She has resided here for many
years and has a host of friends.
Work on the bridge across the Wil
lamette at Kiger's Island stopped a
day or so to investigate the sugges
tion that government engineers might
find a draw bridge necessary, was re
sumed today. There is no danger
of this ever being made the main
chancl of the river, maintains Judge
Moses of Benton county.
Marriage License? Issind Yesterday.
Yesterday County Cleric Marks is
sued the following marriage licenses:
Robert Raymond Barnes, age 24,
and Mary Chastain, age 19, both of
W. I Meudenhall. age 35, and Myr
tle P. Vaughn, age 27, both of Harris
bur,';. Mrs. Arthur 'Miner is snendiiif Ihe
week in Portland attending the Rose:
Carnival. She is the guest of friends.
Attorney X. M. Newport and fani- '
ily, of Lcb.oiun, were in the city this j
morning. They motored over. j
C. V. and E. V Bloomfield !
returned late last night from Salem, j
The trip wa made by automobile. j
Hon. M. A. Miller returned thi !
noon from Portland after spend in g
two days at the Rose Kc-tival. Ilci
left fin the noon train for his home in
I'ert Thompson of Philomath trans- ,
acted htisines; hen. tnis morning. !
Mr. ajid Mrs Robert C. Lilly of
Corvallis. arc reL.'i'-tered al the St .
Lrancis. j
! Rev. D. II. L- '-eh and daughter of :
Albany wit- in the city yesterday for j
a Miort vi-it with the former's nangli-:
'r. Miss K-th'T I.ecMi, of O. A. C ;
O-r'vallis G-;zeto- i
Nov Xiittiit', a i I;. P. N'ut-
tmir of thf- city, but wh- ikhc redden
in Coi-valli- v ine he i-. employed by
th- railroad .nipa-iy, pa-ed tiir-iiijli
tile City ye-t i-rd:: v HI e'liing- fi.r
iT'-tH' on a brirf hu-iiH'- errand.
Mrs n L!i:ir of C-r-tic.
re rived th. ii". ti ! r pannt-.
Mr. and M-- I P. i"! : ' b u- .n. and
t" Mtend t'i-' v.-Mini' ..f h r bro'l'-r.
RoWo JL.e'.t. .. - I',,-
S' v in.-:- v. ill ,n-ir y.
ne-i'ia ni'dit "
(";: !', (', r. -d h-t v d l
:r..m P..rt! -i.-t ' he a?!--., . J .
V at:1;. .1 -'-.e I ... :,V,
Mr-. H.,v lb, II- V i V,'.
I:.!S en III.- f.t.-t I Mv. ',. M-!..V
'I --.1t,, Ji (I,,, ':. l'o!.
l-ra . . :n :!v Mi C.rit. - It. 1-
Claims Albany Time Is Ahead
Of Eugene; Oiher Comments
by the Sage.
Kugenc, June 10. 1U.
Kditor JVmoyrai:
Having visited Albany in May .'th
and living mi itupresM-d villi the im
provements made since my previous
visit that 1 feel liko I nuir-t' say a few
words through the Democrat express
ing my surprise at the growth that
Albany has taken on within the tew
short moil tits between my visits
The Hotel 1 1 annuel, a magnificent
'-s'ory building; the Kirst National
bank building, a beauty in architec
ture and, a live story structure,
and the new theater jut implied is
certainly a eredit to the ehy of Al
bany. Ami Kugcne will have to go
some when site tries ,to keep pace
with Albany.
When I arrived in Alb.-.tiy and look;
ed at tny watch and compared it wilh
the clock on the court house I was too
slow and thought tny watch had
stopped. So I set it with Albany
time. When 1 got back to Kugcne
and looked at the clock on the court
house 1 was way ahead of it, so the
thought struck me that Eugene was
too slow for Albany.
I noticed so many improvements
while in Albany that I oali't remem
ber all of them.
What struck me most forcibly was
the fine condition of the Masonic
cemetery. It shows that the order
takes great pride in caring for the last,
re.iting place of the departed.
Hut I am sorry to say the condi
tion of the City cemetery was cer
tainly not a credit to any community.
1 met a great many old friends dur
ing my short slay and all seemed to
still have that .same old hand, shake
that seems good to me.
I only have one short kick to make.
And that is I find sime of my old
friends are going to vote against the
U. of O. appropriation. Now don't
do it. Never east your vote against
any appropriation for higher educa
tion, especially your State University.
Let's have as good as any state or
better. Don't fight your educational
institutions but give thcin your , sup
port. Am sorry I did not meet the editor
when 1 called.
Yours truly,
E. G. Balschweid Loses New
House by Fire; No Insurance
The country house of E. G. Bals
wcid caught lire from the stove nine
and burned Wednesday. A washing
machine, a baby buggy, and three
eiiatrs were rescued Iron) the porch,
but nothing from inside. The dav
being nice,- the children were bare
footed and lightly clad, consequently
were left without anything. Men
folks were all gone and the lire was
not discovered until it was well under
way. No insurance was carried.
Owing to the kindness (if Mr. Win.
Marret the pupils of the Academy had
a most delightful picnic yesterday.
They were taken in autos to Mr. Jae- '
cobs' farm about four miles out of
town, where they were treated to!
cherries, straw berries, candy and ice
'ream. Tl'e pupils enjoyed them- j
selves to their heart1.' content because!
:t was an idc-tl pl.'ee tor having all the
fun tliey wished for.
This fine picnic day will be long
remembered by the pupils,, but the
kindest and fondest renieiiiberanee
they will always preserve for Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Itnrretl as also for Mrs.
J.ieobs and the many other good
friend-, of the children.
Several local people are pi .inning lo
attend the coming s,.,si,,n of the U'il ,
I Va!!'-v' ( "haul:i'iiu:t, whieli will
be held al (,l;olslone Park, mar Ore
.11 City. July H 20. The program
i --t b. rii made public and in. hide'
i:' oiy v.. II l no.n ( h.itlt,iuiur. attr.v
..ns and
I'rof II. K. Il.inn.vaidl. Col. (ieo
V,'. I; on. Wall llob-omb, l-rederiek
Olirir: I'isjii r. .g, I',, -ii ("i,.,- I'ii -'
bin. .. ...t.-. :.-:ie I ; til,. Sierra Mue.l
''.'':' ' '!';- '! r. it'-an Ali-ine Sinv
i -. I'i.imc, I art, r. Maude Willi'..
' I .nt titiit'n -. K ' . I .. is .iiir i ;, a, c
I ' in : an, our; lin- lig ic Our. s oi
' ' if'.tv. I', .r I lie an -
f . o .i pi-i-i i ii nt yi u'lg
lllli ANNUAL
Memhers of Albany College
Alumni Wot at Banquet
Board Last Niglit.
Sig Gathering Is Planned for
Next Officers
Were Elected.
Willi 50 mcmliiTS present, Ihc. for
ticlli annu;il rtMtninn anil lianquct of
Ihc Alliany .Gillojii' Alumni was held
last iiihIh at the Hotel llaunnel.
The banquet eonuueneed at eight
o'cloek unci C. K. Sox prcsiilvil as
toastmaster. In a Jiospitahle maimer
he ueleuined the members of the 1913
graduating elass of the eidlege. who
were the guests of honor of the occa
sion. Stanley Van Winkle gave the
response in Mr. Sox's welcome.
During: the course of the liaumict
the 'toastmaster called upon Mrs. C.
II. Stewart to . respond, to a toast.
Mrs. Stewart was a member of the
first graduating' class of the college
and a charter member of the Alumni
association,. Mrs.' II. 1 .Merrill; who
graduated from the college a year lat
er, also responded to a toast.. She is
also a charter member of the associa
tion. These two Indies "were the only
two present who arc charter mem
bers. P. A. Young and II. M. Crooks
concluded the list of speakers.
Towards the close of the banquet
tlte annual election of .officers ensued
which resulted in the re-election of J.
C. Irv.ine for a term of three years ns
the alumni member of the board of
trustees of the college. Owen Beam
was elected president of the associa
tion and Stanley Van Winkle as sec
retary, as it is customary that this of
fice be given to a member of the lat
est graduating' class.
An executive committee of five was
appointed as follows: Owen Hcnm,
Stanley Van Winkle. C. K. Sox, Mrs.
J. II. Ralston and Miss Flora Mason.
Another committee of five was also
appointed to make arrangements for
a big reunion in 1914. It is the plan
to make this meeting one of the larg
est ever held and a special effort will
be made to have as many of the mem
bers of the alumni present as is pos
sible. Those named on this commit
tee were Miss Hthcl Redfield, A. M.
Williams, Ilcltie J. Hamilton, C. C.
Bryant and Miss Wilctta Wright.
Congratulations were ill order when
it became known that last night's re-'
union rounded out the 22nd alumni
bamiuct, that f. C. Irvine has attend
ed without missing a single meeting
since his graduation from the college.
Last night al the rcjular meeting
of Ihe eily council the following bills
were allowed: Oregon I'ower Co.,
M.SD- K I- Van Tassel. JU9 52- T
I. Terrill. .51); !. K. Churchill, $7.50;
Cameron Trailing Mill, 51. 2U; Ham
mond Lumber Co., $S.rl; Albany
Iron woris $12 9J ; A V Dock,
slender. $4,175: Harrv NVelv. $1.51);
Albany Lumber Co.. SIS 115: " .M Sen
ders K- Co.. $.14.15: Ihllbert Oliling
it'lw. l o $.M.f: (olhcrt Itros., $KI;
Albany Sand - Crave! Co., $9(0;
Herald. S2I.H.5; Democrat. $M.(KI;
Woodworth Diuir Co.. $s..;5: Martin
Linlwig, $1.50; Albany Fle.-ttic Sup
ply Co.. $2.90; Hulberl Ohling Hdw.'
Co.. $5 70- A. W. Docksie.ider. SI 20;
II. X. Miller. $12 00: K'''im-th k,,b
son, 50c; li.-n lilack, $22.50; b'rank
I'Yoman. $26.25; (,. M. Knox. $.1X0(1;
J. T. Wcntworth. $.171.25; J. K. I'en
land. $104.75; Caldwell Marshall &
Meed, $10.1.10; Democrat. $14 00; M
Senders, $14.40; 111 t & l;,,b, $41.
Dnrim; the eonin il meetii.
l;,st night. i,;sl
I s.".--;- ..! ,.; -. lilg , .rdlll.liu , s, ( .'otillcil
ri in I. 1 1 1 1 - .-I arose and ..ildrc ... I llic
I I .
' 'I t In- i - en.-ilin -n
st, are voll
'.lil Tas-
poke up I',,.
"Well. I have t,, li iv f.,r I'mlland
lomoi i.e., mo '-pin;.' al 4 o'eloel ."
"I loll'l w, i rv." said CoiiiH lliu ill
Smii.s,iii, "it i n't 4 v l."
Ml-s , II,,., Tebault. of
V i . nr. iv. -d from tli- im.i tins noon
;and -ill be ll, e guest ,,f .r. ;,,)
" - : W T,l,-,;!i Mi.. T.-I,.,,lt is
.1 'lieee ..f Mr ' , ,;,,,,
i ll.