The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, June 13, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly
I'ublishi'il liy .
Managing I'.dimr.
liiiii-rcil at the pusmnice at Albany,
Oregon, as sccond-cbs;. matter.
I'uljlishcil every evening e.ceJt Sun
day. Semi weekly published 1 Hi t
days and Fridays.
Address all communications and make
all remittances payiiblc'to the Dem
ocrat I'llblisllillg Li,.
hi ordering changes of address. snl
scribeis should always give old as
well as new address.
Delivered by carrier, per month....? .40
Delivered by carrier, per year- 4.0U
by mail, at end of year .. 3.5tl
liy mail in advance, per year 3.1)0
At'end of year .... $1.5l
Whun aid in advance, one
year.... 1.25
1c per word for first publication; 'ic
per word thereafter, payable in ad
vance. Minimum charge of 25c.
Established in 13G5.
FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1913.
Armed With Inexperience.
When the average youth re
ceives a neatly printed diploma
from his local school he honestly
and candidly believes that he is
better equipped to battle wttli tlie
problems of life than the mem
bers of the school board or any
other venerable and highly re
spected denizen of his home town.
When the same young man re
ceives his L. L. 11. or M. D, from
the State University he is firmly
convinced that opportunity is the
only barrier which might by some
hook or crook prevent him from
attaining first rank among the
ically great men of the country.
l ie then buckles on his armor
of conceit and inexperience and
inarches off to some inland village
to assume the aggressive in the
battle, for wealth and fame. He
. soon learns that the young, men
with diplomas and an unlimited
supply of confidence in themselves
arc numerous, and that the aver
age man doesn't inquire whether
or not he was a member of the
niguia iaia iraiuriiiiy, nui .uu iiiey
often appear to be inlerc'stecOn
. the fact that he has received, a
diploma from some recognized in
stittttion of learning. They ask
him how many years of actual ex
perience he has had in his chosen
ir(mntit fin, I It fun ootnt
to some business or professional
.success in the past, they are in
variably slow to trust him with
any important business transac
Kaittc is a jealous mistress.
Wealth docsu t pursue the aver
age young man at a very rapid
rate. To acquire cither is a slow
process and conies only after
years of patient toil.
Confidence in one's self is
good thing for any young man to
have. Hut there is a difference
between confidence and conceit.
Confidence pushes a man forward
and conceit pulls him backward
The latter is the rock upon which
many a young man has wrecked
the ship of opportunity. As soon
as the graduate learns that he
doesn't know any thing about the
problems of life, he has a chance
of making gootl. The sooner he
is able to forget his college days,
the sooner he will begin to make
progress in mounting the ladder
of wealth and fame.
The Payroll Problem.
Having unlimited confidence in
the possibilities for the future
crowth and development of Al
bany, the local business men pro
pose to exert every effort towards
the establishment of a permanent
Hacked by the largest and most
productive body of agricultural
and timber land in the Willamette
v;illey, and particularly favored as
a railroad center, the business
ti'en believe, and have a right to
I -!icve. that with the establish
ment of one or two large manu
facturing cnterpt ics, Albany will
become one of the largest and
most prosperous cities in the en
tire state.
To induce a large ami substati
tiil manufacturing establishment
to locate a plant, rupiires money
and the burden of raising the
'uu, Is should not be borne by a
'cv of the more generous and
!!ioro proorcssivc cilicn. Kvery
"iv'iner in the city should be
willing to contribute his share
'owanls a greater Albanv and
.should consider it a privilege to
rial.e the contribution.
Factory cimtriliuti'ins are not
donation to charity. They
-ImiiM he ti;,'ttrel as a permanent
investment. on fct a dollar hack
ior every' niclde cxpeii'led, ami
jy making a liberal contribution
earn lor yourself a place anion;
the more progressive citizens ol
your community.
In takiiiL' the initiative in tliii
matter of promoting manufac
luring enterprizes, the Commer
cial Club has proved its useful
ness to the people of Albany and
is entitled to the support and
friendly co-operation of every tax
payer who has the interest of the
city at heart.
Post Office Elections.
In the town of Xeligh, Nebras
ka, the two rival candidates for
the post office bave agreed to sub
mit their case to the patrons of
the office and abide by the result
of the ballots cast at a semi-official
election. The voting will be
conducted under the supervision
of the democratic county central
committee and the loser agrees to
withdraw from the race as soon
as the result of the vote is an
nounced. This plan appears to the Demo
crat to be worthy of careful con
sideration by rival applicants for
postmaster in the various towns
in Oregon. The patrons of the
office, and not a small and select
coterie of politicians, should be
permitted to decide as to the qual
ifications ot the various candi
School Inspection Day.
The Superintendent of Puhlic
Instruction has designated June
16th as the Annual school Mcct-
inc day. On this date all of the
patrons of the various schools in
the state arc expected to visit the
nearest school house, investigate
conditions, suggest improvements
and make some definite plans for
the future..
.The schools of Oregon are no
better or no ' worse than the
schools of other states. There is
always room for improvement and
unless the patrons take the neceS'
sary steps to improve conditions
under which the younger genera
tion, receive their, instruction, no
progress will be made.
Every resident of Linn county
who believes in the proper edu
cation of the young should make
it a point to vis.t the schools on
June loth and make some sugges
tion .which may assist in incrcas
ing the efficiency of the common
schools of Oregon.
Miss Wilcox, of the cloak depart
ment of Young's store left yesterday
for Portland where she will spend
few days visiting with friends and at
tending the Rose festival.
George M. uragg, a prosperous
farmer of near Monroe, transacted
business matters here today.
Notice of Appointment of Administra
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been tluly appointed
Administrator of the Estate ot will
iatu Necley. deceased, and all persons
having claims against said estate arc
required to present said claims, with
the proper vouchers, within six
months from this tlate at the of fie
of Gale S. Hill, in Cusick Hank ltnild
ing. Albany. Linn County, Oregon.
Dated May 14. 1913.
Attorney for Administrator,
. M 16-23-30-J-613
Notice is herebv given that the mi
dersigne.d have been by the County
Court of l.inn Conntv, Oregon, duly
annointed executors of the last wiil
and testament of John A. Mcltride
late of said eounlv. deceased. All
persons having claims against th
stale ol said decease,! are llereliy re
liliied to present the same, with
proper vouchers, lo the undersigneil
it the oltue ot Hewitt .vis, in 1 lie
Citv of Albany, in said county, ami
State, within six months trom the
date of Ibis notice.
Dated lime 6, 101.1.
HEWITT it SOX. Executors.
Attorneys for Executors.
bine 6-i.V20-jr.Julv
Executrix' Notice '
To all the creditors of William M
Cook, deceased:
You and each of von are hereby in
tifiyd the undersigned has V
ii'.dv appointed executrix ot the
and la.t Mill of s.od decendetit by the
eountv court of l.inn county. Oregon
therelore, all persons having any
claim against sod estate are hereby
notified to prc-cnt the same to th
undersigned, with the proper vouchei
it her resilience in the city of Albany
I mu comity. I cg.-u. w ithin
ni.-nths lioin the d.i'i- he-cot
IV.i-.l Uns l(-t!i ,l-.v of M iv. "'
MRS !l V ' H !' S YI OK
l-'xeciil'ix of William M Cook. ,1
W K l'.l' YH
r,i,i iv. m iv p. :.i .'i' I (-!. w i
Application to Register Titled
In tile Circuit Covtrt of the State ot
Oregon, tor the county of l.inn.
Department Xo. 2.
In the Matter of the application of,
' James X. Keiley. to Register Title to
:. the following described real property
situated in Hie County oi I. inn and j
i .Mate of Oregon, town: :
I beginning at tiie Southwest corner I
ol .Section 3d hi lownshlp in
I Range 4 We.-.t ot the Willamette Men- j
1 (ban in l.inn County. Oregon, and
from thence running North O.yl !
haius to Crubtree creek; thence North !
72 degrees East along said Creek 3.5U j
chains; thence North W'j decrees East
along said Creek 3.15 chains; thence !
North 0 degrees 15 minutes East:
along -aid Creek 3.91 chains; thence
South y.Wi chains to a point in the
South boundary line of and East 1U
chains instant front the Southwest
comer of said Section; thence
hast along the South boundary
line of said Section, 12. chains; thence
Southerly along the East boundary
line of the West halt of the N. W.
i of Section 2 in T. 11, S R. 2, W.
of the Will. Mer., Oregon, 25.30
chains, thence West 4.4'J chains;
to the East boundary line oi
the Southern Pacific Right of Way,
thence South 14 degrees 45 minutes
East aloiig said Right of Wayy 15.5)
chains to the South boundary line of
the N. W. J4 of said Section 2; thence
West 19.30 chains to the S W. cor. of
the N. W. 'A of said Section 2; thence
0 degrees 35 minutes W. 40.30,
chains to the X. W. cor, of said Sec
tion 2; thence W-. 2. chains to the
place of beginning, containing 84.96
acres more or less, save and except
ing therefrom the Ktght of Way of
the S. P. R. R. Co., described as fol
lows, towit: Beginning on the South
boundary line of and East 19.30 chains
distant from the S. W. corner of N.
W. J4 of said Section 2, in said 1 p.
md Range and trom thence running
N. 14 (leirrees 45 minutes W. 51.2a
chains to said Crabtrce Creek; thence
West 62 ft.; thence S. 14 degrees 45
minutes E. 51.25 chains; thence East
62 ft. to the place of beginning, con
taining 4.66 acres more or less.
Also; the North half of the South
half of the Northeast quarter of Sec
tion 3, in lownship 11 South, Range
West of the Will. Mer., Oregon.
Containing in the aggregate 124.96
acres more or less. All lying and be
ing in Linn County, Oregon.
I. W. Keller, M
E. Kinzer, and all
whom it may concern
Take Notice
That on the 14th dav of May, 1913,
an Application was filed by the above
named James N. Reiley, in the Cir
cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Linn County, for initial registration
of the title of land above described.
Now unless you appear on or be
fore the 16th day of June, 1913, and
show cause why such application shall
not be granted the same will be taken
as confessed and a Decree will be en
tered .according to the prayer of the
Application, and you wifl be forever
barred from disputing the same.
County -Clerk of Linn County, Ore
gon and hx-Ulhcio Llerk ot the
above entitled Circuit Court.
Attorney for Applicant.
Order to Show Cause.
In the County Court for Linn Coun
ty, Oregon.
in the matter ot the guaruiansnip
of Herman Hickman, Cyrus Hickman,
Rachel Hickman and .Mary t. Hick
man, minors.
On this May 28, 1913, R. Shcl-
ton, guardian of the estate of the
above named minors, having this day
filed his duly verified petition in this
Court, praying for license to sell the
real property of said minors; and it
;tppcanug from said petition that it
necessary and will be henehcial
to sell the real estate of said minors,
described as follows, to-wit:
lleginnmg 2 rods v.. of the N. V.
orner of Sec. 25 in Tp. 10, S. of R.
I W. of the Will. Mcrid., Oregon.
thence E. 78 rods; thence S. 40 rods;
thence W. 78 rods; thence N. 40 rods
to the phec of beginning containing
19;i acres more or less, in Lir.n coun
ty. Oregon.
And it further appearing to the!
Court that said minors are non-residents
of the State of Oregon and have
no relatives residing in said State.
It is therefore Ordered that the
next of kin of said minors-ami all per
sons interested in said estate appear
before the Countv Court of Linn
Conntv, Oregon, at the Court House
in Albanv. Linn Countv, Oregon, on
Momtav. June 30th. W13, at 9 o'clock
in the iorenoon of thr.t day, the same
being a day of the recular June term
of said Court, and then and there
how cause, if any exist, why a 1-
eensc should not he granted tor the
alo of said real property: and that a
copy of this order be published for
three successive weeks in the Seini
YYW'kly Democrat, a newspaper of
general circulation in saiil Linn Coun
ty; and that the date of first publi
cation thereof be Mav 30th. IM3.
D. B. McKnight,
C. C. BRYAXT. Indue.
Attorney W-M30-J6-13-20
Notice is herebv civen that the un
derMned executor of the last will
and testament and estate of James
Freeman, deceased, has tiled with the
County Clerk of Linn County, Ore
gon, hi final account in the matter
of said estate, and the County Court
ha appointed Monday, the th day
of June. l13. at the hour of one
oVUvk in the afternoon of said day.
at the Conntv Court room, in the
court hou-e in the City ot Albany.
Oregon, a the time and place for
bearing objections to aid tip si ac
ount. if anv there bo. and for the
'"mat -settlement of sai.l rtate.
Dated thi 5th day of Mav. 1013.
Alonro S Fre "inn,
Fxcoutor of the Will and Tes
t rnent of Limit Fret-man. Dcc'd.
T M. Curl.
MO.lri.J3 .V-I-6. Artv for Fxecutor.
President and Mrs. Crooks Re
ceived Large Number at
Their Home Yesterday.
Rev. William Parsons of Eugene
Will Deliver Address To
morrow Morning. ,
The reception held yesterday after
noon by President and Mrs. Crooks
to the friends of Albany College at
their home was a highly successful
social event. The rooms were beau
tifully decorated with roses. The at
tendance was probably larger than on
any similar occasion. The social spir
it was very marked as the animated
throngs mingled greetings, laughter
and more serious converse until near
ly time for the senior class play.
President and Mrs. Crooks and Mrs.
Elliott welcomed the guests most
pleasantly and dispensed mos.t cordial
hospitality. Miss Ina Hansen and
Miss Mary Irvine assisted in serving
delicious refreshments.
The freshman class of Albany Col
lege took leave of their freshman
year with a freshman breakfast un
der walnut and elm trees on a grassy
spot on the campus this morning.
President and Mrs. Crooks were their
guests, and a delightful time was had
Among Albany College trustees
from out of town who have arrived
to attend the annual meeting of the
trustees todav arc Mr. John McUoti-
aid of Wallowa, Mr. Fletcher Linn
Kev. A. M. Williams ana ixcv. n. i
Mount of Portland, and Rev. William
Parsons of Eugene. Rev. Parsons is
to deliver the commencement address
tomorrow morning. , .
Tomorrow morning faculty, trus
tees, alumni, and graduates will meet
at the college and march in academic
procession to the First Presbyterian
church for the annual commencement
exercises. There- will be excellent
music, a splendid address by Rev.
William Parsons, D. D.. of Eugene,
announcements, and conferring of di
plomas by Pres. Crooks. It is hoped
that the people of Albany will mani
fest interest in the College by an at
tendance that will fill the church:
The hour at the church is- 10 o'clock.
In the matter of the estate of Nancy
Muehlenhoff, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator will, from and
after the 30th day of June, 1913, pro
ceed to sell at private sale the fol
lowing described real property of the
above described estate, to-wit:
The Northeast quarter (NEO of
Section 34, lownship y south, Kange
2 East of the Willamette Mcirdian,
in Linn County, Oregon, containing
lot) acres.
The foregoing sale will be made
under and by virtue of an order duly
made and entered by the County
Court of Linn Count, Oregon, on the
3rd day of May, 1913.
Terms of sale cash.
Post Office address and Resident
Lyons, Oregon.
Attorney for Administrator.'
W. M30-J-6-13-20-27
Notice of Sale for Delinquent As
Western Oregon Land Company, lo
cation of principal place of business,
Albany, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that there is
delinquent upon the following stock,
on account of assessments levied on
the 29th day of May, 1911, and on the
28th dav of Mav. 1912. the several
amounts set opposite the names of the
respective holders ,as follows:
lames D. Prentice, the sum ot
$378.78. and in accordance with the
law. and an order of the board of di
rectors made on the 1 th day of
March. 113. one share of such stock,
or as many as may be necessary, shall
be sold at public Auction to the high
est bidder, at the front door of the
Court House in the City of Atbany.
Linn County. Oregon, on the 26th
day of June. 1913. at the hour of ten
o'clock a. m. of said day, to pay the
assessments due thereon, together
with the expenses of advertising and
Dated this 20th day of May, 1913,
at Albanv, Oregon.
Wkly M23-30-J-6-13-20.
Administrator's Notice
Notice is hereby given that the u
dersigned has been by the County
Court .of Linn County. Oregon, duly
appointed adminitrator ol the estate
lot Margaret X MontettU. late.ot saul
County, deceased. All persi-n hay
'ing claims acainst the estate t sod
jdecrted arc hereby required to ire-
sent the same, with proper voucher,
j to the undersigned, at the office
Hewitt So. in the ( tty ot Albany,
in said County, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated Mav to. lop
Attonuvs for .. 't- -" -trati"
M l'.-?3 30 J 6-13
Sheriff Farris of Smith Center,
Kansas Has Arrived for j
Yesterday morning, according to lo
cal authorities, Governor West grant
ed requisition papers to the Governor
of Kansas fo rthe detention ot Louis
arier. ate 19. and Mrs. Mac Kirtlev.
age 26, who are wanted in that state j
on a white slavery cnarge.
Yarger and the Kirtley woman
were arre.-ted in Lebanon last week
by Deputy Sheriff Richards upon in
structions from Sheriff Bodine who
had received word from the Smith
Center sheriff. They were taken into
custody, from descriptions given at
the Hotel Lebanon where they Had
registered as man and wife, were
brought to this city where they have
since been held 111 the county jail.
Sheriff Farirs arrived this morning
and will take the prisoners back east
wjth hi mto face the charge. It is
believed that the Kirtley woman de
serted a husband and child in the east
to come west with Yarger. They
were bound for Sweet Home where it
is believed that they have relatives.
Cannery Will Begin with Straw
berries; A Busy Season
Is Expected.
The Brownsville Canning & Pre
serving company will commence the
season with strawberries tomorrow
acording to a letter received here this
morning. An unusually busy season
is expected as there is an unprece
dented large berry crop this year.
The Brownsville cannery handles
most of the Lebanon berries besides
the local output. Acording to the
statement made in the letter the cul
tivation of loganberries is rapidly as
suming the proportion of one of the
leading industries of this section of
the valley and last year the cannery
paid one man $267. IS for loganber
ries grown on a 3x300 hill in a quarter
acre patch.
Ferry Street Gets Oil.
The progressive property owners
residing on Ferry .street between
Ninth and Uleventn streets today oil
ed the street and the same is now in
first-class condition.
Large Crews of Workmen Are
Busy on K. of P. and Library
Excavation work is rapidly pro
gressing on the Library and Knights
of Pvthias tenmle buildinz sites. The
former is located at the corner of
Third and Ferry and the latter is at
the corner of Lyon and Third streets.
Large crews of workmen have been
kept busy on both jobs since the ini
tial operations were started and this
mode of procedure will continue un
til the work is complete'. I he work
on . the K. of P. temple was com
menced several weeks ago while the
library work was started only a week
aro. The library building is to cover
nearly a quarter, block while the oth
er building will cover exr.ctly this
area. Basements covering the entire
sites are being dug for both buildings
and from the progress thus far made
it is apparent that the work will be
completed on the K. P. basement
within another week.
County Fruit Inspector D.W. Rum
baugh. accompanied by H. S. Jackson
of the bacteriological department of
the O. A. C., returned this
morning from Halsey where they
went to inspect some fruit trees
that section. Mr. Rumbaugh reports
that the trees of that section are in
splendid condition.
Mr, and Mrs. L. A. Anderson, of
Portland, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs Grant Pirtle yesterday.
District Attorney Gale S. Hill.
prominent of this city, was one
of the principal speakers at the dedi
cation of the new fclks temple n
M'Minnville which occurred Satur
rtnv tiierht
lhi afternoon Mrs. (ieo. I nvlor
and Mrs. Grant Tirtle left for Port -
land for a few davs' visit and to at -
tend the convention of the Eastern
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pfeiffer left this
niorninir for Centralia. Wahincton
for a viit with their son-in-law. Rev.
Frank Dorris.
F- M. Howard, a well known rei
!"n of S'l"m. spent the mor"i"e he-."
meetin? old acquaintances and attend
ee 'o hMi'ness matters.
M-s. Straus left this morniivj for
Fort'-"!'' to attend the Graid C!-ar-of
Fiitrrn Star T.odpe.
Dr. and Mrs. !.. E Traov left this
'"orri'i - for Fo't-"-1 to rtr'M1.
Grind '"ipter of F'ern Sti- lod e.
C. G Si-nt; .of Silem, is stopping
M 'he St Fr.'-v'; v'-Me pt'endip? to
hpc'nr" mttrrs here today.
Business Men Discuss Propos
ed Rail-Road from Albany
to Timber Belt.
New Wagon Road in Benton Co.
Proposed and Club Urged
to Support Movement.
At one of the best attended meet
ings of the Albany Commercial club
held during the past month a large
volume of important, business was
transacted last eevning.
The meeting was called to or"der by
Vice-President F. P. Nutting and af
ter the minutes of the previous meet
ing were read and approved the rout
ine work of the club was disposed of
by the board.
One of the most important matters
under discussion was the construc
tion of a proposed road from Albany
to the'-timber belt.
Manager Stewart read brief extracts
from .three Lebanon newspapers, all
of which agreed that Mr. Andrew Por
ter in his talk at a Lebanon banquet
had said that he would build his road
from Albany through Lebanon to his
timber on the Santiam.
Mr. Hammer brouerht up the matter
of -the improvement of the road from
Uates into the ypartzvtlle mining dis
trict and Mr. Gilbert also urged that
the club should use its influence to
wards getting a new road opened up
near Mr. Vanderpool's in Benton
county. Both matters were referred
to committee on good roads.
Commends Suggestions Con
tained in Recent issue of
Democrat; Urges Action.
Editor .Democrat: s -
We wish to commend you for the
position you have taken in regard to
the court house square.
Would it not be a healthful and a
pleasant place for the many children
of Albany to have their evening play
upon the court house lawn?
Would it not be happiness for the
parents of such children to be there
also, not only to look after their
children but to have a little social
outing after their day's work is done?
Would it not be a better place for
the grown up sous and daughters to
spend their social evenings than it is
to go alone into Bryant's Park, of
loiter on the steel bridge or spend
their evenings at the schoclhouse vc
would it not be an excellent place
for band concerts, social entertain
ments, etc.?
Why go to the mountains or to the
coast when you can have an outing at
Again, would it not be a pleasant
place for the rural people to meet
their friends and have their lunches?
If the court house sauarc belongs to
Linn county, we should not be de
barred from using the same tor pur
poses above mentioned. Away with
the obnoxious explanation, "Keep oft
the grass."
from the standpoint of a large city,
ll"uiv is vet in swaddlint? clothes.
Remember you must have the rural
trade. Remember also that the farm
er has the telephone, the rural deliv
ery, the daily paper, the parcel post
" catalogues trom supply nouses
from all over the Union.
The cognomen "hayseed" need no
lonrer be applied to him. He knows,
as the grange song goes, that "The
farmer feeds them all." Albany should
not forget that the bridge across the
Willamette at Corvallis affords the
people in Orleans precinct a good op
portunity to trade in that city- Leba
non, a tuture rival of Albany, has a
square in which the farmer may
hitch his team. They have their wa
tering troughs ever filed with spark
ling water fresh from the Santiam.
I was told that the city will soon in
stall drinking fountains. All things
being equal, the city or establishment
that merits the farmers' trade will
hereafter receive the bulk of it.
John Marrs, state Fire Warden oi
I.acomb, transacted business here this
: ""cmuon.
! Dr- and R- V. Thompson, son
, an! daughter, of Jamesport. Mo., went
i lo Newport Saturday for several
i weks oittinR. While here they are
the Riiests of their daughter, Mrs. J.
F. Smith.
Passing through the city yesterday
morning by automobile. Mr. and Mrs.
Homer Speer of Tangent, former resi
dents of this city wrre on their way
to l-o-tland to attend the Rose festiv
al They were accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Hudson of Tangent.
News on This Page it
!'.. Dil Iu- f
TUESDAY, JUNE 10. 1013.