BOOSTERS FRGM BROWNSVILLE HE! Large Delegation Boosting for Big Attendance at Pioneer Picnic. 15 AUTOS BEAR POSTERS GIVING DATES OF EVENT Brief Address Made By Rev, Kohler of Brownsville on First Street This Morning. (Continued from Friday, June 6) Arriving shortly sifter 11 o'clock, a large delegation of prominent busi ness men from Brownsville this morn ing advertised the Pioneer Picnic which is to be held in that city July 18, 19 and 20, and left for Corvallis where the members of the party will b'e the guests of the Commercial club of that place for lunch. Three automobiles containing rep resentatives of the local Commercial club met the Brownsville business men several miles out of Albany and escorted them to the corner of First and Broadalbin streets, where Mayor Stanard of Brownsville arose in his automobile and presented Rev. Koh ler who briefly told of the plans being made for the event by his fellow town men and invited the people of Albany to be present. On the fifteen automobiles bearing the delegation of Brownsville boost ers were huge posters advertising the date of the picnic. COUNTY COURT CONVENED TEMPORARILY THIS MORNING The county court convened tempo rarily this forenoon :it"ter remaining in session lor the past two das busily auditing hills, passiitg upon road pe titions and receiving a delegation in the interest of milking a public park out of the court house grounds, and all of tli members left on the noon train for Lebanon, near which place tlicy will inspect a rock crushter and incidentally lake in the Lebanon Strawberry Fair. The members of the court will return tonight and to morrow will resume the present term of court. N' a-ti'm lias been taken relative to making a public ur out of the court house grounds. SCIO COUPLE WERE MARRIED HERE YESTERDAY AFTERNOON Mr. F.thil G. Arnold ami Mis M. luilela Cyru- were united in mar riage yeslcrd:iy afternoon at the Bap tist parsonage bv the Rev. Klhert 11. Hicks. Tile couple beloni; to e-timahle fam ilies of Scio where they both have many friends. A number of intimate friends and' relatives were present at the ceremony. After the nuptial knot was tied the newlyweds left on a short honeymoon to points north and upon their return will make their home at Scio. Horse Bites Man's Cheek. While attempting to shoe one of the horses of the circus in the blacksmith shop of the bin teift of the Sells-I'lolo shows here yesterday, one of the blacksmiths in the employ of the cir cus nearly got Ins cheek bitten off. the horse objected to being shod, became unmanageable and in the scuf fle between horse and man. the an imal bit the man on the cheek. Balloon Peddler Arrested. A balloon peddler, win is supposed to have been with the Sells- l-'loto cir cus, was arrested here yesterday charged with creating a disturbance on the streets. Comity officials who made the arrest refused to state the nature of the charge or what was done with the man. but it is understood that the man was relieved of his balloons, given a severe lecture, and set free. Guardian Appointed. County Judge McKnight has ap pointed Mrs. Mabel H. Ruiter. the mother of Herthel Hoflich, age 5. ouardian of the child upon applica tion. The child has an estate of the nrobab e value of S6UU and the guar dian will be required to furnish bonds in this amount. To Set Spike Today. Mark Woodruff of the F., E. & E. came in Wednesday evening for a conference today with Manager M. .1 Duryca regarding the celebration to mark the completion of the Eugene-Monroe-Cnrvallis line of the P., K. c' E. Mr. Woodruff went to the from ..,.. in c th u-o-l- i CT'tliv along C. A. Murphcv. sccrctarv of il,. r.,n.--,1l;t rlnh. will lie licre S.turd:iv for the conference. Eugene Register. '$ $ ? ? i ?5?3S?s News Beginning With Thii Head Is ) l-rom uaiiy issje oi SATURDAY. JUNE 7. WRECKTHIS MORNING DELAYS NOON TRAIN FROM PORTLAND Train No. 28 Northbound De railed Near Reform School; No One Injured. Delayed on account of a wreck near the Reform school, Southern Pacific train number 19, southbound, due to arrive here at 12:25 o'clock this after noon will not arrive until sometime late this afternoon between 4 and o'clock. The wreck which caused the delay occurred this morning about 10 o'clock, just as train number 28 north bound was pulling past the reform school, when the engine, tender and one baggage car derailed, caused by the spreading of the track. As far as could be learned at the depot this noon no one was injured in the acci dent and a wrecking crew has been busy all morning endeavoring to re place the derailed train. The latest reoort stated that the work was rap idly progressing and that from present indications it will be completed in time to let the southbound train pro ceed in time to reach here about 4 o'clock. COLLEGE SENIOR CLASS PLAY TO BE GIVEN MONDAY "The Elopement of Ellen" Will Be Staged on Campus at .6:30 o'Clock. The senior class of Albany college will present its annual play on the college campus at 6:30 o'clock Mon day evening. "The Elopement of El len" is an entertaining comedy in three acts. The performance is free and all friends of the college are in vited to be present. The cast of the play is as follows: Richard Ford, a' devoted husband, Irvin Custer; Molly, his wife, Dana Cushman; Robert Shephard, Molly's brother, Frank Hatfield; Max Ten Eych. a chum of Robert's. Stanley Van Winkle; Dor othy March, engaged to Max, a guest of Mrs. Ford's, Helen Hulbert; June Haverhill, Wellesley '14, who is doing some investigation in economic cours es during the summer, Ruth Knowles: John Hume, rector of St. Agnes. Louis Jones. SCIO NEWSPAPER MAN BOOSTS HIS HOME TOWN Arriving - this morning from Scio, L. . V. Charles, editor and proprietor of the Sann'am Xews, his wife ami son nl the greater portion ol the day in Albany. V lien asked tins morning as to business conditions in Scio, Mr. Char les stated this morning that the town never appeared to be more prosperous. Two new brick buildings and a num- her o: residences are in course ot con struction at ihe present time and oth er minor improvements are being ninde. Mr. Charles is a good newspaper man and is publishing a better paper than is warranted by the advertising patronage. Uncalled for Letters. ! Albany. Or:-., June 7th. 191.1. Letters remaining i;i the postoffiee 1 uncalled for. and advertised June 7th, P. Mrs. I.ulu Henneti. V:.;s )r- otliy Cook. Mrs. Lizzie Heathner, Hendrick & McQueen, Mrs. Carrie Jesus, Lee Longneckcr, Connie Mil-' !er. i .-;p ,to;;,.i (i".mn), I la re i M one v. Mr. Lrinra Moore, Win. ! Pratt.' Claude Penncll (2), Ruth Pratt.! Eva St. Clare, Chas. Wirt, Miss Maude WiUnn, I. II. Winn. J. S. VAN WINKLE, P. M. o The new road building machinery, recently purchased by the county court, including a combination roller-tractor and scarifier is being tried on the Pacific highway just south of the city limits and tuns lar has proven :o work very satisfactory. . Street Paving Operations Started Work of tearing up the street pre-, punitory -to commencing paving op erations was started this morning by the V arren Construction company, on Water street near the Oregon El ectric depot in the east end. Jefferson street is to be paved from Water to First street. i New Wood Saw. j Harry N'eelcy has just completed the construction of a gasoline wood saw which will be operated by him ! during the present season. He will still remain in his present buiucs but will hire an experienced man to handle the saw. Prof. Leslie Sharn went to Salem 'his noon to attend the strawberry "air and attend the baseball game be- j tween the Albany and Lebanon high school teams. Mrs. William Neely and daughter! Miss Faync. went to Portland this noon to visit with friends for a few da vs. Dr. and Mrs. C. V. Littler left to day for Portland where they will visit with relatives and sec the Rose Show. Dr. Littler will also attend the an nual meeting of the state dental o ;ct v whii h c nvencs in Portland June 9th. 10th, I!th and 12th. - anl Mr L. E. Hamilton and ;,. - T.- nuni ' r d among the vis it the Lebanon strawberry fair '-ar n 1 it niyht M n- .1 Vr Francs arid Mr and s 'i-r cc at Lil .mon yftr- -it: 'iv.t the st:a" 1 rrrv ( .tr. FIREMEN TO BE SHOWN THROUGH CHAIR FACTORY Fifteen Firefighters Will Fam iliarize Themselves with Conditions at Plant. Fifteen firemen of the local fire department will be taken on a sight seeing tour of the Veal Chair fac tory tomorrow morning, for the pur pose of inspecting and investigating the conditions in the factory and to learn the location of numerous hy drant take-offs, hand extinguishers and the location of the highly inflam able turpentine tanks, wares and oth er articles used in the big manufactur ing concern. Mr. Bert Veal, manager of the fac tory, extended the invitation to the firemen to visit the plant, and as Fire Chief Horsky is anxious to have his men become familiar with the inter iors of all of the big plants of the city, and in order to have them reach a certain degree of efficiency which they are destined to do, the invitation was gladly accepted by all of the fire men. The tire lighters will assemble at the factory at 10:30 o'clock and will be conducted through the plant by Mr. Veal. ARRESTED FOR VIOLATION OF SPEED ORDINANCE Gets Lecture from Police Judge; Dog Owners Clash with Police Over Provisions of Law. Recausc he violated the terms of the new dog ordinance and incident ally expressed himself in no uncertain terms concerning its provisions when reminded by an officer that he was guilty, of its violation, -a man was yes terday arrested and taken before Po lice Judge Van Tassel, given a lecture on the duty of the local officers in enforcing the law and permitted to go on his way without entering a plea to the charge. June Women's black sateen Petti coats, $1.25 and $1.50 grade special 98c each. . 58 inch, mercerized Table Linen special 39c yd. 64 inch mercerized Table Linen special 49c yd. Fancy Ribbons 3 and 4 inches wide, special 10c yd. Atfc-ntsfor T?T OOTVQ Agents for Standard JUKJKJ U O Kuhu Reducing Patterns 334 West First Street Corscts Special Sale of Lawn Mowers During This Week Only Clover Leaf 14-inch, Regular $3.50, Sale Price $2.50 Clover Leaf. 16-inch, Regular $3."5, Sale Price $2.75 Baby Grand Hall Bearing 16-inch, Regular $5.0, Sale Price $4.50 Ideal Ball Bearing, 16-inch. Regular $675, Sale Price $5.50 Admiral, Ball Bearing, 14-inch, Regular $7.X), Sale Price $5.75 Admiral, Ball Bearing, 16-inch, Regular $7.75, Sale Price...... $6.00 May Flower, Ball Bearing, 16-inch, Regular $10.01), Sale Price, $7.50 May Flower, Ball Bearing, 18-inch, Regular $11.00 Sale Price, $8.00 Crcstlawn, Ball Bearing, 16-inch, Regular $16.00, Sale Price $12.00 Crcstlawn, Ball Bearing, 18 inch, Regular $18.00, Sale Price $14.00 Crcstlawn, Ball Bearing, 20-inch, Regular $20.00, Sale Price $16.00 At the Barker Hardware Company First Street OREGON ELECTRIC GRADE CAUSES OVERFLOW OF LAND Railroad Company Sued Fori $500 Damages by Mrs. America F. Holbrook. Charging that she is impeded from farming a tract of land, of which she is the owner because it overflows with water from the Calapooia creek caused by the construction of a rail road grade with improper drainage facilities , Mrs. America F. Holbrook has filed a $500 damage suit against the Oregon Electric Railway com pany. Mrs. Holbrook is the owner uf a large tract of laud, located on the Corvallis road south of here and in her complaint she alleges that she has been deterred from consistently farming 17 acres of the land which she claims has been partially covered with water during the past winter with water during high water stages of the past winter caused by the rail road grade, which she asserts was constructed improperly and without regard to proper drainage taciUties. CARRY DRIVER IS GRANTED DIVORCE BY JUDGE KELLY James Driver Is Shaken on the Grounds of Habitual Drunk enness and Non-Support. On the grounds that her husband is a habitual drunkard and that he ;pent all of Ins money in saloons, failing to support her, Mrs. Carry I, Driver was granted a divorce late yes terday afternoon by Circuit. Judge kellv from James W. Uriver. Mrs. Driver is a resident of this city and has not resided with her hus band for several mouths. The coup le were married in Spokane Wash., over 12 years ago. There are no children as a result of the union. At torney J. C. Christy represented the plaintiff. Specials SCOTTISH RITE BODIES TO I BURN MORTGAGE TONIGHT Big Banquet to Follow Impress ive Program; Albany Man Elected to Office. One of the most important affairs in the history of the Scottish Rite bod ies of Oregon will be the burning to night in Portland of the $55,000 mort gage which has been against the Scot tish Kite cathedral since the comple tion of the building in 1902. The af fair will be followed by a banquet which will be attended by ab..ut OW) persons. i he class of the present reunion met and organized last night with the elect ion of the following officers: President, rranklin 1. dnffith, Port land; class orator, William K. BUyeu, Albany; secretary -historian, George W. Holcomb, Portland. K. G. Jones was elected as honorary member. The program will mark the close of the 28th semi-annual reunion of the Scottish Rite. Local firemen are planning on an other water fight to be held a week from next Thursdav. LJII - J.T.MIIW.l - J.I - II II After a Fashion ? Want something different from the general run of styles Among this great showing you can find something out of the ordinary. Many exclusive garments that you would know to be direct copies from Paris models. Our assortment of color schemes and sizes are well represented for this time of the sea son. Then too, you get that perfect fit that characterizes the II auiilton garment. Inspect Our Line of Apparel for Ladies Misses arid Children WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY k 1mm V 1 ' ' "3.1 r Shoes AS YOU LIKE THEM We hisUl Hiat when you conic to our ston: for xhoi'S you get a perfect lit. This is the policy that has marie our service popular. FINE FITTING FOOTWEAR FOR WOMEN A perfect fitting shoe insures absolute comfort anil trings the customer hack to our store. They come hack with their hoy or girl, knowing that they get giotl leather, good fit anil good style. OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS LESS FOR SAME QUALITY We Are Open Tonight Until 9 o'Clock YOU CAN DO A LOT OP SHOPPING AFTER SUPPER. It's Easy When Things Are Handy and the Prices Right. That's the combination that makes this store famous through out the Willamette Valley. HAMILTONS ALBANY'S BUSY STORE ALBANY PEOPLE INVITED TO CITIZENSHIP CONFERENCE E. F.Sox, Mrs. Henreitta Brown and Rev. Albon Esson Will Attend Event. Among the many distinguished peo ple who have been invited to attend the great Second Worlds Chritsian Citizenship Conference to be held at Portalnd, Oregon, June 2t)-July 6, next are Mr. K. F. Sox, Mrs. Henriet ta Brown and Rev. Albert Esson. In fourteen states definite organiza tions are now being formed under State Secretaries anl it is certain that sonic eminent man in this state has been or will be named for this im portant post. More than 100 of the world's great est orators have been invited to take part in the Conference which will doubtless attract 20,000 persons to Portland. The affair is everywhere regarded as the greatest religious and social event of modern ti.nes. Mrs. W. A. M'l.ain and Miss Leila Mitchell went to Lebanon this morn-( ing to attend the strawberry fair. lJrliJIIJJIW Pretty Wash Dresses For Less Than You pan Make Them For girls from 4 to 14 years old various -styles and patterns made up of good quality percales, ginghams, galatea, I udian bead and Scotch zephyr that are really less than you can afford lo build them for. All the late styles are brought out both in tight and dark col ors. Uange in price from $1.25 to $4.50 EACH -a 1