The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, June 03, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly
Published by
Managing Editor.
Entered at the pustoffice at Albany,
Oregon, as second-cbss matter.
Published every evening except Sun
day. Semi-weekly published Tuea
days and Fridays.
Address all communications and make
all remittances payable to the Dem
ocrat Publishing Co.
In ordering changes of address, sub
scribers should always give old as
well as new address.
Delivered by carrier, per month.... $ .40
Delivered by carrier, per year 4.00
By mail, at end of year 3.50
By mail in advance, per year .. 3.00
At end of year $1.50
When paid in advance, one year 1.25
1c per word for first publication; Jc
per word thereafter, payable in ad
vance. Minimum charge of 25c.
Established in 1865.
TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1913.
"Teddy Bear" Mint Juleps.
"One lump of sugar, one tea
spoonful of liquor ami the mint
leaves stirred in with the liquid."
If the testimony of one of the
plaintiff's witnesses in the Roose
velt libel suit against a Michigan
publisher is to be believed, the
above recipe was faithfully fol
lowed by the White House chef
in preparing the favorite drink of
Ex-President Roosevelt.
Again we are informed by an
other witness placed on the stand
by the plaintiff that the ex-president
never mixes his drinks.
These are interesting historical
facts and the Democrat is indeed
glad to learn that Mr. Roosevelt
required only one teaspoonftil of
liquor for his mint juleps. In
common with every other Ameri
can citizen wc are glad to know
that the former president never
mixes his drinks.
The editor of the Democrat
docs not pose as an expert and
therefore wc are not in a position
to say as to whether or not more
than one teaspoonftil of liquor
would have spoiled the mint ju
lep, but we assume that the de
fense will place experts on the
stand to prove if possible that the
president followed an indent and
well established preeedrnt in lim
itinir hi., chef to one teaspoonftil
of John Harleycorn.
Wc have been tol.l, however
by men who we considered ex
perts, that mixing tlrinks is not
only ba I taste but indicates lack
of judgment. It is ci,.imcd that
only a specially constructed tank
will hold mixed drinks without
showing some outwa-d signs of a
capacity load. If this is correct,
the ex-president showed rare dis
cretion. !
The outcome ol the Roosevelt
libel suit against this misguided
and indiscreet Michigan publish
er will be watched with interest
by an anxious and curious public
and certainly afler the evidence
produced by the plaintiff, no
good, true and loyal Hull Moose
will hereafter have tin temerity
to mix his drinks or indulge in
anything stronger than a "teddy
bear" mini julep.
Memorial Day.
Today we pay a loving and
tender tribute to the nation's
dead. We do h ir to those who
helped sustain the honor of their
country and who IV I. upon the
field of battle.
Hut we not only do honor to
the military heroes on Memorial
day. We pay tribute to our de
ceased ic!atics ami friends and
upon their graves we place a
flower in token of our never-dv-ing
respect and admiration for
their virtues. Their faults, if anv
they had. are a forgotten mem
ory. When they passed on, their
lillle eccentricities passed on with
them, but iheir kindly deeds,
their helpful words and their
cheeil'nl smile is imprinted indel
ibly upon our memory. We re-j
member the flowers and forget'
the thorns.
I eal!i turns hatred to ashes 1
and blots out from the memory
of man all evil thoughts towards
the one who has passed on to
eternity. I 't ieiiil hip never dies,
the tie of blood is unhi e akaMe.
and death en settles and can- '
eels all scores between enemies.
The real M will save at '
least a si,,.-; . (!,, f,,r ,,,. ,p,
of the one be oi ee despised and
by so ,oiii" y,;! make narti.-d re-,
'ribmion for bis lack of Christian
i han't v.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon for Linn County.
Martha Houston, Plaintiff, vs. Or
pha Greener, (formerly Orpha Hen
n.ngscn), Defendant.
To Orpha Greener, Defendant:
In the Name of the State of Ore
gon, i ou are hereby required to ap
pear and answer to the complaint
filed against you in the above entitled
suit, on the 15th day of July. A. 1) .
1913, said date being more than six
(6) weeks from the date the publica
tion of this summons was first made,
to-wit, the 3rd day of June, 1913; and
if you fail to appear and answer here
in the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief prayed for in plaintiff's
complaint herein, to-wit:
That plaintiff have judgment and
decree that the deed of conveyance,
recorded and filed on the 13th day
of April, 1911. as appears by Vol. 96,
page 211 of the Deeds of Records in
Linn County, Oregon, purporting to
convey the following described prem
ises, situate in Linn County, State of
Oregon, to-wit, beginning 13 chains
and 93 links south of the northeast
corner of the north wes: quarter of
Section 18, Township 10 south of
Range 1 west of the Willamette Me
ridian, running thence east 2 chains
and 2 links to a point 3 chains and
30 links west of the west boundary
line of the City of Scio; thence south
25 links; thence west 2 chains and 59
links; thence south 4 -liains and 71
links to the center of the county road
leading west from the City of Scio;
thence south IT, degree-, west in the
center of said county road to a point
10 chains and 30 links east of the west
boundary line of the east half of the
northwest quarter of said section 18;
thence north 3 chains and 72 links,
more or less, to a point 3 chains and
25 links north of the south line of the
northeast quarter of the northwest
miarter of said section 18; thence
north 2Si degrees west 3 chains and
56 links; thence east 10 chains and 50
links to the place of beginning; con
taining 5.67 acres. Also any and all
parts and parcels, or anv part of that
certain Donation Land Claim of Eli
jah McKinney and wife, which lies
north of the center line of the original
channel of Thonufs Creek and west of
the City of Scio, Linn County, Ore
gon, and which is at this time owned
by the grantor herein, and which is
not included in the foregoing bound
aries. Also a tract of laud beginning
at the northwest corner of lot No.
129, in the original plat and survey
of the City of Scio, in Linn County,
Oregon, and running thence west
217.75 feet; thence south 200 feet;
thence cast 217.75 feet; thence north
200 feet to place of beginning, con
taining one acre. Also a tract of land
beginning 37 feet south ami 217.75 feet
west of the southwest corner of said
Lot 129; thence north 237 feet; thence
west 170 4-5 feet; thence south 273
feet; thence in an easterly direction
about 175 feet to the place of begin
ning, and containing one acre. Also
a tract of land beginning at a point
.12 feet west of the northwest corner
of Lot 119, in the original plat and
survey of the City of Scio, in Linn
County, State of Oregon, and run
ning thence west 636.25 feet; thence
south 360 feet more or less to the
north hank of Thomas Creek; thence
up the nieanderings of said creek to
n point nn ,i line with the west line of
West Street in said City of Scio;
thence north on the line of West
Street 266 feet to the place of be
ginning, containing 49-16 acres. Also
Lot io. 129, as known and designat
ed upon the recorded plat of the orig
inal plat and survey of the City of
Scio, in Linn County, Slate of Oregon,
all situate, lying and being in Linn
County, Stale of Oregon, as afore
said, from James Williams to this
defendant, as Orpha llenningsen, be
vacated, set aside and .muilled, and
lati-d of no force and effect, and
that plaintiff have such other relief
as lo this Court may seem just and
.'iiilahlc, together with the costs and
disbursements of this suit.
This summons is served upon ynu
by publication in the Albany Daily
eurocrat, by virtue of an order of the
Honorable .Indue of the above entitled
ourt .made and entered on the 2th
dav of Mav. l'M.t. ,li,v,.,i i,ij
in said newspaper once a' week lor I
period ol six (0) successive weeks.
pn"C ri,s! Publication, June 3.
pij'i'"1' "f l,Hl,lication. July 15.
Atlorncvs lor Plaintiff
508 Crbelt l!i, line,.
Portland. Oregon.
June 3 1(1 -l7-.M-.luly I S 15
Miss Kdith .,n Wl. , (;.lU,s t,is
' morning to spend the dav with
Notice is hereby c.ucu the nn
ilcr.signed has been duly appointed I'V
the I unity Com! ,,i Linn County.
.Oregon, executor of the laM , ;,
testament ,, Margaret Irvine, late of
s.,1,1 comity, decease. I. All persons
h:ivl" claims against the .-Mate of
said deceased hereby required to
piescnt the auie. with proper Vouch
cis. to the undersigned, at the First
.mnc.s batik, in the Cm ,,, ..anv
V s.,l county. ,vi, six mouths
tO'ln ihe ,.,u. ,,, ,,,uv
Haled M,,v J", .l,l
""vitt.v1, 1 "!i;.
ttorncs tor
W'-.l.,y J, June 3 10 7-24
In the Comity l,it of the State oi
Oregon tor l.itm I'oniitv.
In llie nutter o; the application of
Mike tlcliibcske lo cliangc his name
to Mike Kicc
Notice is lurcbj. given , h.i t on the
-'ml day ot May. I'U.S. ,,n order and
leciee was dlllv ma.le ae.d filtered i'l
the above entiil. .1 , ,n. and cue t
hci. ni ii w.i- ,., ,t, ,,-,!. ., !,., , ,,,,,
decreed that the name ol 'i'-.c li.ei
I'csl .. ,.. :,.,, ,tu. ...,. , .,,
to Me" e. Kicc ,,..,1 ,!.. ,,,,, .u.;.
this i'l!.- K- Wi'l heir .old h,. ,
lo ti'e s.ii.l ..,,. , u Inch s one 1. ,
cl- I" 'cl t' . sec 'ml ,! n V ,,, '0' I
M 1 1 iv i . r
W MM .13 10
Third Annual Reunion of Al
banyites From Other Sec
tions to Be Held.
Program of Patriotic Airs and
Addresses to Be Given in
Presbyterian Church.
The third annual States' Reunion
reception will be held this evening
commencing at 8 o'clock in the First
Presbyterian church. McPherson
Post No. 5 G. A. R., Fair Oaks Cir
cle No. 1 Ladies of the G. A. R., the
5th Co. Coast Artillery, O. N. G., and
Camp Phillips No. 14 Spanish War
Veterans will attend the services. A
committee has arranged that any of
the old soldiers who live at a distance
will be brought to the church in au
tomobiles. The reception will not be conduct
ed as in former years, as the cere
monies will be of a memorial nature
in honor of the old soldiers. The
captains of the various state delega
tions will have banners and badges
designating the state which they rep
resent. After the states' representa
tives. are seated, a short program will
be given consisting of old patriotic
airs and an address on "My Oregon"
by C. . C. Chapman, manager of the
executive committee of the Portland
Commercial ctub and secretary of the
Oregon Development league.
The church will be artistically dec
orated with flags and flowers and
light refreshments will be served in
the commodious social hall after the
completion of the program.
The following will act as captains
.for their respective states: New
England, Mrs. Roy Dowtl; New
York, Mr. D. O. Woodworth; Penn
sylvania. Mr. Vicreck; Dixie, Mrs.
M-ark Wcatherford; Ohio, Mrs. C. B.
Winn; Indiana, Mr. W. F. Heckman;
Illinois, Dr. Shinn; Wisconsin, Mr. J.
R. Hulburt; Minnesota, Mr. Bouley;
North and South Dakota, Misses
Laura and Gertie Taylor; Colorado,
Mr. McLean; Missouri, Mr. J. K.
Wcatherford; Kansas, Mr. Dowd;
California, Mrs. Buford Payne; Eng
land. Mr. Fred Dawson; Germany,
Prof. E. L. Wilson; Norway, Prof.
Hans Flo; Canada, Mr. Stover.
To the delegation representing a
state or country having the largest
number of members wilt be awarded
:i large box ot candy.
Prof, and Mrs. David Torbet went
to Lebanon this morning to decorate
the graves of their two oldest daugh
ters, who died there while Prof. Tor
bet was teaching in Sautiam Acad
emy many years ago.
News on This Page is
From Daily Issue of
Notice is hereby given that the un
lersigneil bv an order of the County
j Court of Linn County. Oregon, have
iiccu appomieu Hiiiioy as c.xccmor
and Kxecutrix respectively of the
estate of Andrew J. McClure, de
ceased. All persons having claims
against said estate are required to
present them within six months from
the date of this no'tiee. with the proper
vouchers, to the undersigned at the
late residence of said decedent shout
three miles Southeast of Sweet Home
it: Linn County, t ircgon. or at the of
fice of Amor A. Tussiug in Browns
ville, Oregon.
I Haled llns 2nd day of Mav. 113.
OI.IVI-.U McCl.l'RF..
Attv. ior Lxr. & Kxrx.
May 6 13 31-27 -June 3
In the Circuit Court of The State of i
Oregon, for the County ol Linn. He !
partnient No. 2. " ,
.Minnie C. Kicker, lllaiutiff. vs. A. L.
Kicker, 1 'lien, lull. i
l o A I., lacker, the above named ;
defendant: ;
In tile name of the Stale of Oregon I
ou are hereby required to appear and '
answer tin- complaint ot the above
named plaintiff in the entitled '
i.'iirt. now on file with the Clerk of!
s.ii.l Omit wirhiti six w eel s from the i
tt.ite of the first publication of this1
siiinni iis; ami yoii a e her. by notified
tli it if ou fiil lo appear and answer
-an! eompleiut as hereby required,
t'laintitl will i.i'.e a decieo as prayed
ior in tlie -aid complaint herein, to-!
wit: A deciee diss ,lmg C 0 ,.,ds of'mionv heretofore and now exist- ,
me between plan: : i ' and del'cnd'nt:
an. I that the plaintiff hale such other,
.:'.! tnrtli,. relet as , the Court!
s( e-"s equitable ;
I :..s sii"-ni.'ns is onMi-'ied in the'
eno W Peaioe, . ,, ce a week ;
lor -ix ens, ,-ut' e w , cks bv order of 1
lion p i: M,-vi Jit. i,,tmtv l
gon. -ii "le '
! at
Ait. n- fo- Phi'iru-'
I'm . I-T-.i 1 17 J4
Commencement Exercises Next
Friday When Prof. Ressler
Will Deliver Address.
According to a letter received here
today, the commencement exercises of
the Harrisburg High School will be
held Friday. Professor Ressler, of
Oregon Agricultural College, will de
liver the class address.
The high school students gave a
play entitled "The School Ma'am,"
Friday night, which was one of the
most successful events of the school
year. A reception to the incoming and
outgoing classes will be given by the
student body and faculty sometime
this week.
Those who will graduate this year
are: Bonnie E. Crow, Lionel Lee
McMahan, Blanche Herman, Willard
Herman and Jesse Miller.
A. E. Keith went to Brownsville
this morning to see the city for the
first time.
Albany Post Office Will Be Open
Between Hours of 1 and 2
The postoffice will be open be
tween the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock.
The city carriers made only one trip
today and that was made this morn
ing. The rural carriers had a whole
day holiday.
Only a few of the stores were open
this morning but this afternoon all of
them will remain closed for the day.
R. B. Montague, of Portland, went
to Lebanon this morning to spend
Decoration Day. His father, the late
Col. C. B. Montague and other rela
tives, are buried there.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Nevins, of
Portland, arrived last night to spend
Decoration Day with Albany friends,
while here being the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. E. D. Cusick.
Miss Mabel Becker, of Portland,
a former Albany young lady, passed
through the city last night for Eu
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn County.
In the matter of the Application of
Henry I. Sheldon, to register title to
the following described premises, to
wit: Beginning at the Northwest corner
of Lot One (1) in Block Six (6) of
in town of North Brownsville, -in
Linn County, State of Oregon,
and running ' from thence East
along the North boundary of said
Block 127 feet, thence South parallel
to the West boundary of the said
Block 105 feet to the South bound
ary of Lot Two (2) of said Block,
thence West along the South bound
ary of said last named lot 22 feet to
the Southeast corner of said Lot
One U). thence South Ten (10) feet,
thence West parallel to the South
boundary of said Block 105 feet to the
West boundary of said Block, thence
North US feet to the place ot be
ginning and being within the cor
porate limits of the City of Browns
ville in Linn County, State of Oregon.
Against all whom it may concern,
Take notice that an t'.i. 28th dav of
May, 191.1. an applicaiion was tiled
by the said Henry f. Sheldon in the
Circuit Court of the of Oregon,
lor Linn County, for initial registra
tion of the title oi the land above de
scribed. Now unless vou appear on or before
tilt- 10th day ot July. 1913. and show
cause why such application should
not be granted, the same will be taken
as eonk-SM-d and decree wilt be en
tered to the prayer of the applicant
and you will be forever barred from
deputing the same.
Dated this -Nth dav of Mav. 1013.
County Clerk of l.inn County. Ore
gnu, and ex-oi'ticio Clerk of the
above entitled Conn.
FORD. Attornevs for Applicant.
June .M0-17-24-JuIy 1
In the Circuit Court for Linn Coun
ty. Oregon.
In the matter of the application of
the Methodist Kpiseopal Church.
South, of Tanei-nt. Oregon, to regis
ter title to Lot . 10 in HI, .ok Xo. &
in Heard's addition to ihe town of
Tang itt, Oregon, againsi
AH Whom it May Concern, defend
ants. TAe Notice. on the 17th day of May. A, D.
I'M.', an itpplMv.tiou was filed 'in s;id
Methodist Kpiseopal Church. Suth.
"t 'lane cut. Oregon, in t!u Circuit
Court o'f I.'nn County, for initial reg !
i-tratiou of the title ot the land above1
d s. rihed.
Now unless v.u appear on or K tore
the 17th diy of June. V I'M., and :
show e.iii-e why -inch application shall
not he granted the anu will he tak
en ;is contested, anil :i decree will be
enteivtl according to the prayer ot the
.pplieati and on will te forever
ha .-( I iro-n disputing the anic.
Witness ii v hand .md the svil of'
the Circuit Court this 17:h dav of .
May. V IV I'M.?
I on-' v CV k an.'
tffieio Clerk of
V-.e t ;r.-Mt i .Mir;.
1 L. c i n i iv,,
A't'v tor V'rhe-int
m jo j
Albany and Salem High School
Will Clash in Final Contest
at Aiheleiic Park.
Tomorrow afternoon at the Arhlet
ic park, commencing at 3 o'clock, in
the final mterscholastic game of the
season, the Albany and Salem High
school teams will clash.
During this contest it will be de
tertntneu which of the baseball boys
are entitled to official A's and it is
expected that keen competition and
rivalry will ensue throughout the bat
tle. The Albany High school has won
from Salem in football during the
present school year but lest to them
in basketball. The score is now a tie
and an effort will be made to make
the score 2 to 1 by tomorrow's game.
Local fans should go out and sup
port the local team as the admission
is only a5 cents. The big Albany
High school band will make things
lively during the contest vith musical
P. Blevins, Was Aged Member
of the Odd Fellows Lodge
and Beloved Citizen.
Word was received here today that
P. Bivens, a pioneer resident of Lin
coln county, died near Dallas, Or.,
Many 20 and was buried in the Elk
City cemetery May 23.
Mr. Bivens was the son of H. J.
Bivens and was born May 5, 1859, at
Airlie, Polk county. He moved with
his parents to Soap Creek, near Air
lie, when 3 years old and resided tbere
until 1883, when he. accompanied his
parents to Elk City, He was married
to Verna Parks. Three of their five
children are now living. Two sisters
and four brothers also survive him.
Mrs. Wm. Fortmiller of Seventh
street was hostess Tuesday evening
at a 7 o'clock dinner, complimenting
her son Edwin, who left Wednesday
for a six weeks' visit in the East.
The dining table was attractively
decorated with red sweet peas, place
cards and candies. A delicious seven
course dinner was served to the fol
lowing guests: Misses Elsie Bain,
l.ora Taylor. Flora Simons, Myrtle
Roberts, Julia Crowell, Greta Fort
miller and Messrs. Clyde Roberts.
Buford Payne, Neil Bam, Pari- Stal
naker. Gordon Barrett and Edv in
Little Miss Loretta Fisher, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hniih Fisher of
S17 Ferrv street, gave a birthday par
ty on Wednesday to 14 of her little
friends. Pink and white were the
decorations in the house. The din
ing table was prettily decorated with
pink and white sweet-pi-as and pink
May baskets, each guest receiving a
basket fuli of candy. Tlx- afternoon
was passed in playing games, after
which choice rcfreslmcn:s were serv
ed by Misses Carrie W'icht. Hazel
Cook and Ruth Fisher. Those pres
ent were: Georgia Wright, Madeline
Ward, Josephine Ralston, Marabel
Hraden. Mattie Fisher, Marguerite
Perry, Henrietta Davis, Elizabeth
Beam. Elsie Cox. Stewart Ralston
Teddy Young. Elliott and Lee
Crooks. Edward Fisher rnd Loretta
Miss Louise Wieder of Washington
street, returned Thursday, after a fen
days visit with friends in Salem.
Miss Mvra Montgomery of Sheri
dan is visiting her cousin Miss Vo
lena Smith on West 4th street.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn County.
In the mutter of the application of
Luella Hotliday to Register title to
the following described premises, to-u-it:
Heginning at the quarter section
corner between Sections 33 and 34 in
Tp. 10 S. R. 2 V. of the Willamette
Meridian and running thence la$t S3
-3 rods: thence South 20 rods: ;
thence West 53 1-3 rods: thence
North 40 rods: thence West 8(1 rods: :
thence North 80 rods, thence East
80 rods to the place of beginning,
containing 8(1 acres more or less in i
Linn county. Oregon.
Against Mrs. Kate Bilveu, wife of!
Fcter Hilyeu. and All Whom it may j
concern, defendants. " !
Take notice that on the 2Sth day of .
May. 1113, an application -was filed by
the said Luella ffollid.iy in the Circuit
Court of the Snte of Oregon, for Linn !
County, for initial registration of -the
title of the land above described.
Now mile vou appear on or be- j
fore the 10th day of July. 1013. and I
how causp why such application !
should not be rranted. the same wi'l I
he taken as- eon'Ysed and decree will .
bp entered to the nraver of the rip- t
plieant an,; you will he forever bar- !
red from di "ting the same
Dated this y d.-v nf Mav 'M3
W L. M R"S
County Cl-rk of Linn Countv, Ore- i
eon .and ex-offieio Clerk of the'
rK'"r entitled court
(roRn. j
' Attornevs for AW;--nt
T3-hm::4.ti !
Fitting Ceremonies Mark Ob
servance of Day at Graves
of Departed Heroes.
Special Services at First Pres
byterian Church Will Desig
nate Waning of Day.
With flowers strewn upon the wa
ters of the Willamette river in honor
of the dead sailors and with similar
emblems of respect planted on the
graves of dead soldiers who stood in
the ranks and were shot down or
succumbed to disease, a big pa
rade, special services at the G.
A. R, hall and in churches of the city,
are marking and will bear testimony
of the fact today that Oregonians do
not forget those who fought and died
for their country upon the battlefields
and the seas.
Fitting ceremonies marked the ob
servance at the cemetery where hun
dreds followed the parade. In the af
ternoon the members of the G. A. R.
and the ladies of the Circle assem
bled on the big steel bridge and scat
tered thousands of flowers upon the
waters of the river. In the evening
the old soldiers and their wives will
be the honor guests of the States Re
ception, at the First Presbyterian
church, when impressive services will
mark the waning of the day.
Like a vast column of patriotic
spirit, the big parade was formed on
Ferry street promptly at 10 o'clock
and shortly afterwards proceeded to
the cemetery. Headed by the splen
did Albany High school band, the lo
cal militia company was next in line,
dressed in full dress unform. Nearly
400 school children of Albany and
surrounding places, each dressed in
white dresses and carrying a bouquet
of flowers, occupied the next position
in the column, followed by the Spanish-American
War Veterans who
were accompanied by eight little
misses who acted as flower bearers.
Then followed the old soldiers and
the ladies of Fair Oaks Circle of the
G. A. R. Local automobile owners
kindly donated the services of their
cars for the transportation of the
members of the G. A. R. at the re
quest of the Spanish War veterans.
The rear of the column was brought
up by the different civic organiza
tions of the city, several lodges being
included, and hundreds of citizens of
Albany joined in the rear.
Ritualistic services were held at the
plats at the cemetery of the G. A. R.
and Spanish War Veterans. being
conducted by members of the differ
ent orders. The G. A. R, and Span
ish War Veterans' ceremonies were
exceedingly impressive. The firing
squad of the militia company fired
several volleys over graves of de
ceased soldiers and the bugler sound
ed "taps." Rev. Hicks conducted the
services at th G. A. R. plat.
At 2 o'clock this afternoon special
memorial services will be held at the
G. A. R. hall and at 4:30 o'clock the
services of strewing flowers on the
Willamette river from the steel
bridge in honor of the dead sailors
will take phce. It is expected that
hundreds will witness the ceremony.
Tonight at the First Presbyterian
church 20 delegations representing
several states in the union and for
eign countries each to be headed by
a captain bearing the title of his rep
resentation on a staff, will attend the
States' Reception. Members of the
G. A. R., including the ladies of Fair
Oaks Circle, together with the Span
ish War Veterans and the members
of the militia company will attend the
The program will commence
promptly at .S o'clock, when all of the
delegations will be seated in sections
i" the auditorium nf the chnrch. The
old soldiers will be seated in the
chre- loft and a unique fentnre of the
'-r -rram will come when all of the
lights will be turned off save those
in the pulpit, while the Alhanv High
school bovs' elee club, who will be
stationed in the studv of the church,
sings "Tenting Tonight on the Old
Camp Ground."
The feature of the program will
be the address of C. C. Chamnan. on
"Oregon. My Oregon." Mr. Chap
man is a forcible speaker and perfect
ly tmalified Jo speak upon the subject
because of Ms knowbdge of the re
sources and natural advantages of the
state. The program will be inter
spersed with musical numbers, includ
ing special patriotic music on the pipe
organ, a school children's chorus of
voice wi'l ,jnt; ar,i the high
sc.ioo! b.,ys gU-e club will be heard
ni anoth.-r selection entitled '"Just
Heiore the Hattle."
With his 5h..c f.vcri.l t) much
di'5t K-I...V .-i sin,;!,- r.'.io in his
tr.'uscr Cynis II W'nlfcrr. earlv
ri' llcor ;uHi voter ,.f !mH-tn wars,
iiivcl in the city this in, .mine nt 9
i.Vl.H-k ailtr a wall- f-,,,.,, his home
-' "V! rM .. Iv-c. to Mt. n.! Me
!""rul services.
Mr. W.-R-cr says that he doesn't rc
. ".!! ever tir'.sinvi a Memorial ilav cer
emony m the latter years of his life
nit that he is confident he will at
tcnil many more.