10 ENTER CONTEST L P. Harrington, State Field Industrial Worker, Delivers Interesting Address. POINTS URGENCY OF PRACTICAL TRAINING Great State Wide Contest to Determine Who Can DoThings Is Being Launched. Continued from Tuesday, May 27. L; P. Harrington, state field indus trial worker, in his addresses before the students of the Albany public schools in the interest of a state wide contest to determine what the school children can do and primarily in the interest ot the Linn county Indus trial Fair which is to be held at Scio during the Linn county fair the fore part of September, when the largest school exhibits in the history of the county will be installed, has talked interestingly of the work as planned which will no doubt prove interesting to mothers and fathers ot school chil dren. During one of his addresses, Mr. Harrington said in part: "We are asking boys and girls to be interested and to help m a great state wide contest to determine who can do things that count the best. The common duties of the home, for the girl and the boy, are of prime importance and are emphasized in this manual contest. The practical side of education is being given the attention it deserves. Oregon has taken an advanced posi tion in this great nation wide indus trial and agricultural school move ment.. Linn county is awake to this verv important educational move menr. The county superintendent, Mr. Jackson, has secured $600 in cash prizes for the boys and girls of the county who prepare and send in their products for the county contest. The state offers some very fine prizes for the things that boys and girls can raise or make. What is of more importance than home duties, cooking and sewing for girls, the care of poultry and stock for boys, also the use of tools and for all, caring for a erarden. "School credits for Home. Work." when the system has been introduced, is proving a great incentive to the bovs and eirls in this industrial work. There are five prizes for county exhibits, the first prize being $100. Could Linn county get any better ad vertising than to win one of these prizes?" MISS SARAH PRATT BECOMES WIFE OF ROY T. WORLEY Pretty Church Wedding Solem nized Last Night at Grace Presbyterian Church. STATES REUNION 10 BE HELD HERE The marriage of Miss Sarah Ella Pratt, daughter uf Mr. X. D. Pratt, and Mr. Roy Worley took place last night in the Grace Presbyterian :hurch. Rev. Geo. Pratt of Seattle, :i brother of the bride, officiated, in the presence of SO idatives and friends. The decorations in the church were white snow-balls and green vines. The wedding march was played by .Mrs. Kobt. liurknart. Airs, l-rank Powell sane "Love's Coronation," preceding the ceremony, and Mes- iinmes John Hryant, Hayden Hutter ueld (Ashland). Frank Powell and Miss Christine Sandstrom sang the bridal chorus frpm Lohengrin. Little Miss Catherine Pratt, a niece of the bride, was flower girl and Master Paul Pratt was ring bearer. Miss Ada Pratt, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and Mr. Ralph Kuotts acted as best man. Misses Mary Baryant, Patterson, Hazel Hoardman and Edith Hall were the ushers. A reception to about 35 people was held at the Pratt home on the San tiam road following the ceremony. Many beautiful presents were re ceived by the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Worley, after a short wedding trip, will make Albany their future home. NEW PAPER FOLDER FOR THE DIPLOMAS PRESENTED TO H. S. GRADUATES JUNE 6 Special Memorial Program Will Be Given Friday Evening in Honor of Soldiers. TWENTY DELEGATIONS WILL BE PRESENT Splendid Musical Program Is Arranged; Boys GleeClub and 50 Children to Sing. FOREST HILL INVESTMENT CO. SUES DELINQUENT CLIENTS Are Named Plaintiffs in Three Suits for Recovery of Money Filed Today. BURNETT COMMITTEED TO STATE INSANE HOSPITAL Was Examined Before Judge McKnight Late Yesterday Afternoon by Dr. Davis. Suffering mental anguish, due tn an unascertained cause. Joseph T. Burnett, a bachelor farmer, residing five miles cast of here, was taken be fore County Judge McKnight late yesterday afternoon and an examina tion as to his sanity was conducted by Dr. VV. H. Davis which resulted in his commitment to the state insane hospital. Tiitrnett was broueht here yester- dav afternoon by Sheriff Bodine. Durincr tlii examination Burnett TC- fused to talk save a few unintelligible remarks, and appeared to be on the verge of a nervous wreck. HIGH SCHOOL LAD COLLAPSED ON STREET YESTERDAY E. W. Mullcr and W. J. Summers, Will D. Rudd and others, and C. VV. Gourdoux and others, are the sepa rate defendants in three suits filed this afternoon with County Clerk Willard Marks by the Forest Hill In vestment Co., as the plaintiffs in all three suits, through their attorneys, Hewitt & Sox, of this city and At torneys Read and Hell of Portland, for the recovery of 111011.7 on prom issory notes executed irom one to two years ago tor the payment ot three tracts ot land wh cli the plain lifts sold the defendants. 1 he plain tiff company is the owner of a large tract ot land southeast or Lennnon which is bciuc sold in subdivisions on the installment plan, and the parcels ot land on winch they seek to rccov er the . monev as stipulated in the complaints arc located in this tract. Supt. Billingsly of the P., E. & E., was in the city last evenintr. Rev. and Mrs. P. A. Moses of Cor- vallis returned home last night after a visit with their daughter at iangent, Miss Powell of Hrownsville return ed home this morning after an Al bany visit. Geo. Dtvaney and family have re turned from Oakland where they re sided several months.. They will now make Albany their home." Will Fold, Paste and Trim Any thing from a Four to Twelve Page Newspaper. The llrown folding machine or dered nearly two months ago by the Democrat arrived yesterday trotn Erie. Pennsylvania, and is being erected today. 1 he machine is one of the best newspaper folders made and will fold, paste and trim anything from a four to a twelve naire newspaper. When crated at the factory it weighed just 1lAi pounds. In installing a high grade machine of this character, the I) e :1:0c rat is building for the future and assures its subscribers that other permanent improvements will be made just as soon as the patronage will warrant their installation. Dr. Homan to Deliver Address; Rev. Leech to Give Bac calaureate Sermon. The graduating exercises of the Al bany High school will take place Fri day evening, June 6. commencing at 8:15 o'clock at the Methodist church when Chairman J. M. Kalstoii. ot the school board, will present diplomas to 32 graduates. Dr. Fletcher Homan, president of Willamette University, will deliver the class address on this evening. Dr. I Ionian is an able speaker and the members of the graduating class may expect a splendid address. Rev. U. II. Leech, pastor of the M'ethodist church, will deliver the baccalaureate sermon to the graduat ing class next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Ba pi s tch u rch. E ARE COMPLETED Big Procession Will Be Formed on Lyon Street and March Through City at 10 o'Clock. In mcnioriam, and to honor the dead soldiers and sailors who fought and died on the battlefield and at sea under the stars and stripes, plans are nearly completed for the holding of the big annual states' reception when the spirit of "Oregon, My Oregon." as will be portrayed in an address by C. C. Chapman, ot Portland, win reign supreme Friday evening at the lirst .Presbyterian church. Twenty delegations representing several states in the union ana ior eign countries each to be headed by a cauuin bcarimr the title of his rep resentation on a staff, will attend the rcceotion. Members of the local post of the G. A. R., including the ladies of Fair Oaks Circle of the same or der, together with the local camp of Spanish War Veterans and the mem bers of the militia company will at tend the reunion. To the delegation representing a state or country having the largest number of members will be awarded a large box of candy. The box is on display at the New Elite with a de scription card. The program will commence promptly at 8 o'clock, when all of the delegations will be seated in sections in the auditorium cf the church. The old scoldiers will be seated in the choir loft and a unique feature of the program will come when all of the lights will be turned off save those in the pulpit, while the Albany High school boys' glee club, who will be stationed in the study of the church, sings "Tenting Tonight on the Old Camp Ground." The feature of the program will be the address of C. C. Chapman, on "Oregon, My Oregon." Mr. Chap man is a forcible speaker and perfect ly qualified to speak upon the subject because of his knowledge of the re sources and natural advantages of the state, having been connected for a number of years witli leading com mercial organizations of the state. At present Mr. Chapman is connect ed with the Oregon Development League. The program will be inter spersed with musical numbers, includ ing special patriotic music on the pipe organ, a school children's chorus of 50 voices will sing, and the high school bovs'- dee club will be heard in another selection entitled ""Just Before the Battle. All of the details concerning the program have not yet been complet ed but will be announced later. WILL SALEM HAVE CHERRY FAIR AGAIN THIS YEAR? Mass Meeting of Citizens Will Decide Matter at an Early Date. Becoming suddenly sick while in Woodwork's drug store yesterday afternoon. Virgil Parker started to ro out on Ihe street for the benefit of the air and as he reached the door he suddenly collapsed and fell in the doorway in a faint. Friends rushed to his assistance and he was carried into the store'. Fearing that his con dition was serious Dr. H. J. Kava nangh was called and after a short period the young man was restored to consciousness. Parker is a member of the graduat ing class of the high school and was a number of the cast of the senior play, and it is believed that the strenuous work which the young man has been doing to complete the term-is respon sible for his condition. It was report ed at the high school this morning that he appeared to be perfectly well this morning and was able to attend school. Hugh Fisher went to Portland today. Salem, Or.. May 27. (Special to the Democrat.) "Will Salem have a Cherry Fair?" 'this question will be decided by the promotion department of the Illihce club at its next meeting. to be held in the Salem Board of Trade rooms. Everyone in Salem who is interested is requested to be present. Preparations arc being made for a large gathering at this meeting for the purpose of considering the advis ability of holding the annual cherry fair. Farmers, business men and those from all walks arc expected to be present. It is thought that there will be a strong showing made in favor of the Cherry fair as it is re ported that other places are anxious to have one which they will not fur ther consider if Salem decides favor ably. OBITUARY OF THE LATE MRS. HUBER OF JORDAN Deceased Was a Native Born Oregonian and Resided All Her Life in Linn COunty. Lawver A. O. Condit, of Salem, ! was in the city yesterday afternoon on legal business. PECULIAR INCIDENT HAPPENS TO FOUR MEN TODAY A peculiar incident happened in Dawson's drug store shortly before noon today. Mr. Dawson inquired the time from Harry Wilkins, a clerk in the store having looked at his own watch, exclaiming that it recorded 3:05 o'clock. Wilkins upon looking at his v.ateh discovered that it had stopped at 3:23 o'clock. The two men appealed to a bystander for the time and when he looked at his lirnc piccc, much to hii dismay, it had also The late Mrs. C. C. Huber, who died at her home near Jordan, May 16, at the age of 31 years, was born near the place of her death March 2, 1882. Prior to her death she was the widow of the late George B. Hu ber, whom she married February 14,; 1904, who preceded his wife to her , grave May 26, of the same year. The' deceased is survived by a father and ( mother, three sisters and one brother as follows: Mr. and Mrs. P. R. liil yeu, and Mrs. Mary Crabtree, of Jor- da n, Mrs. Elva Shelton and Mrs,, Kltha Grimes, both of Scio and Mr. Joby Bilycu, of Burns, Ore. Besides the immediate family she left a host: of relatives and friends. The funer-. al services were held at the home of ; Mr. P. B. Bilveu, where the deceased had resided since the death of her ; husband. The services were conduct ed by S. B. Cole with interment tak- : ing place in the Mount Pleasant cem-1 etery. j CHARLES GRAY IS WEDDED I TO MISS HAZEL SHELTON In the presence of a few friends Charles A. Gray and Miss Hazel Shelton, both of this city, were united in mariage yesterday afternoon in the study of the Baptist church by Rev. I-lbert II. Hicks. well host their Mr. dray and his bride are known here where they have a of friends. They will make home in this city. Ja. A. Bilycu. brother of W. R., of this city, returned to hi, home at Scio this morning, after an Albany (1 ! clerk in the store, came to the rescue N'cv. ton Crabtree, of Crabtree. one i9;of the lo-t watch bearers and gave : f f I. inn comity's first citizens, return s' the correct time of 11:32. led home thi- morning. m D.mnnin. With Thi Head Is ' stormed, exactly at 3.V) o clock J From Daily issue 01 1 WEDNESDAY. MAY 28. FORMATION OF THE LINE OF MARCH IS GIVEN G. A. R., Spanish War Veterans and Militia Will Form Part of Column. Olds Engine Sawing Wood "'OU won't get "stung" if you buy an Olds Engine here to saw your wood, or do any other kind of work around the place. You need an engine you can't get along without one but a poor gasoline engine is worse than nona at all and that's just the reason you want to be sure what you get. A cure way to be sure: come here and get an Olda Engine. If you can't find time to come and see us, ask us to come and see you or send you a free catalog of Olds Engines. We're here to serve you I give us the chance. Waldo Anderson & Son Agricultural Implements and Vehicles All of the plans have been perfect ed for Memorial Day ceremonies to he belli Friday nioruiing. Authorita tive announcement was made this af ternoon that the parade will be formed on Lyon street between First and Fourth street and will proceed to the cemetery promptly at 10 o'clock. The formation of the parade is giv en as follows: The Kilts band will take a position on Lyon street near First followed by the members of the Spanish War veterans, who will be accompanied by eight little flower girls. Next in line will he the local militia company, followed by the num erous orders and societies who will join the line of march. All of those who desire to join the parade to the cemetery will fall in line behind this division. The parade will march west on First street to Washington, thence cast on Second tt Ferry and a halt ill be called long enough for the old soldiers of the G. A. R. to fall in line of inarch accompanied by the La dies of the G. A. R. circle. They will be given a position in front of the Spanish War veterans. Provision will be made for the transportation of many of the old sol diers and ladies of the G. A. R. to the cemetery in automobiles and car riages. Hundreds of school children of every age will join the parade at the court house square where they are requested to assemble at 9:30 o'clock. The parade will then proceed to the cemetery by wty of Ferry street to Sixth street, direct to the East gate. Rev. and Mrs. Babcoek, of Salem, were in the city last night to attend the Worley-Pratt wedding. Gig antic Slaughter ALE Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnishing Goods Not a Thing in Our Store That Is Not On Sale at a Big Reduction Men's Furnishings $12.50 Suits go for $ 7.89 $15.00 Suits go for .... 9.89 $18.00 Suits go for 11.89 $25.00 Suits go for 16.89 $30.00 Suits go for 18.89 Men's $1.50 Union Suits 89 . Men's $1.00 Union Suits 69jt Men's 50c Shirts and Drawers 37 Men's $1.25 and $1.50 Pajamas....89 50 Tics, all colors 19 75 Ties, all colors 39 25(" Boston Garters 13 l.V Black and Tan Hose 6 35 Silk Hose , 23 50f? Suspenders 19ff One Lot $3.00 Hats, light colors....89(S One Lot $3.00 Hats, black $1.39 $3.00 and $3.50 Stiff and Soft Hats $2.49 Men's $1.25 Golf Shirts 79 Men's $1.50 and $2.00 Shirts $1.19 Men's Work Shirts 41 Men's 15(f Handkerchiefs, white 6 Boys' Clothing $3.50 Suits go for $2.39 $5.00 Suits go for 3.39 $6.50 Suits go for 4.39 $7.50 Suits go for 5.39 Boys' $1.00 Odd Pants 69 Tracy Clothing Company 330 West First Street, Albany, Oregon