The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, May 30, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly
Published by
Managing Editor.
Entered at the postoffice at Albany,
Oregon, as second-class matter.
Published every evening except Sun
day. Semi-weekly published Tuea
days and Fridays.
Address all communications and make
all remittances payable to the Dem
ocrat Publishing Co.
In ordering changes of address, sub
scribers should always give old as
vvell as new address.
Delivered by carrier, per month....? .40
Delivered by carrier, per year 4.00
hy mail, at end of year 3.50
By mail in advance, per year 3.00
At end of year $1.50
When paid in advance, one year 1.25
Ic per word for first publication; ic
per word thereafter, payable in ad
vance. Minimum charge of 25c.
Established in 1865.
FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1913.
An Honest Revision.
From the date on which the
first tariff law was signed by an
American president, the tariff
question lias been the bone of
contention between two great po
litical parties. It has made and
tin-made statesmen, created and
disorganized political parlies. On
one hand it touched the pockets
of the tariff-robbing trusts and on
the other, the pockets of the
American consumer.
When the tariff was first pro
posed, it was suggested merely as
a means of raising revenue for the
maintenance of the federal gov
ernment. The idea of protecting
so-called "infant industries" did
not enter the minds of the earlier
patriots. That came later and
when once the "infants" obtained
a laste of the tariff bottle, from
that time on they agreed to re
main infants in the eyes of the
public until such time as the peo
ple tore from their faces the mask
of dishonesty and took from litem
the protection which served only
to fallen their purse and gratify
their greed for excessive profits.
1' resident Roosevelt side
stepped the tariff and by so doing
won for himself (he reputation of
being (he best politician who ever
occupied a scat in the white
I'ttblic opinion would not per
mil President Taft to follow the
example of his predecessor in of
fice, lie lacked the courage to
insist upon an honest revision and
permitted Aldrich to draft a law
which pleased only the benefic
iaries of the system. In his
speeches President Taft revised
the tariff downward and in the
tariff law as finally passed and
signed by the president, the tariff
was revised upward.
It was the refusal of Roosevelt
and Taft to give the people some
relief from the excessive tariff
duties that swept into office a
Democratic administration in
The new president has done his
share in bringing about an hon
est revision of the tariff and the
lower house of congress has per
formed its duty through the pas
sage of the Underwood bill. The
issue is now squarely up to the
senate. There can be no com
promise. It is the forces of greed
against the forces of common
justice, and the senate of the
United States is on trial. The
public mind is in no mood for
trifling. The people know what
they want anil tin v want mi tone
Inst in securing the passage of a !
iav which will atlnril permanent
relief from excessive prices anil
dishonest profits.
Fifth Street Improvement.
The proposed improvement id'
V'iflli street through (lie co-operation
of the properly owners rcsid
int; on litis popular thorough-fare
his the enthusiastic approval of
the Democrat.
Hundreds of people daily form
their impressions of Albany
lhroiii;h the view of the citv seen
through the windows of the Oro
(;ou IMccttie passenger trains,
and ilurinir the vear of the I'an-
an!:! ovposition thousands of east-
ei ners hi torut their iiiitit essioiis i
of Albany from the
same limited
view of the citv.
A system of parkings and ilow
rr gardens would yroatly improve
the apiM-nram-e of this street and
would imdonlitodly he the lust
and cheapest form of advert i-im;
that could be obtained.
. Mr. Fisher and those who are
identified with him in this worthy
enterprise, have proved that civic
pride is one of their virtues and
the example set by these enter
prising and public-spirited citi
zens miht be profitably followed
by every resident of Albany.
Order to Show Sausc.
In the County Court for Linn Coun
In the matter of the guardianship
of Herman Hickman, Cyrus Hickman,
Rachel Hickman and Mary E. Hick
man, minors.
On this May 28, 1913, R. Shcl
ton, guardian of the estate of the
above named minors, having this day
filed his duly verified petition in this
Court, praying for license to sell the
real property of said minors; and it
appearing from said petition that it
is necessary and will be beneficial
to sell the real estate of said minor?,
described, as follows, to-wit:
Beginning 2 rods E. of the X. W.
corner of Sec. 25 in Tp. 10, S. of R.
2 W. of the Will. Mcrid., Oregon,
thence E. 7X rods; thence S. 40 rods;
thence W. 78 rods; thence N. 40 rods
to the place of beginning containing
i'J'i acres more or less, in Linn coun
ty. Oregon.
And it further appearing to the
Court that said minors are non-residents
of the State of Oregon and have
no relatives residing m said State.
It is llierefore Ordered that the
next of km of said minors and all per
sons interested in said estate appear
uciorc oie county Loitrt ot Linn
County, Oregon, at the Court House
in Albany, Linn County, Oregon, oil
Monday, June 30th, 1913, at 9 o'clock
in the forenoon of that day, the same
being a day of tiic regular June term
of said Court, and then and there
show cause, if any exist, why a li
cense should not be granted for the
sale of said real property; and that .i
copy of this order be published for
three successive weeks in the Scmi
Wfcekly Democrat, a newspaper of
general circulation in said Linn Coun
ty; and that the date of first publi
cation thereof be May 30th. 1913
D. B. McKnight!
C. C. BRYANT. Judge
Attorney W-M30-J6-I3-20
In the matter of the estate of Xoncy
Muelenhoff, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator will, from and
after the 30th day of June, 1913, pro
ceed to sell at private sale the fol
lowing described real property of the
above entitled estate, co-wit:
The Northeast quarter ( X EJ4) of
Section 34, Township 9 Souht, Range
2 Hast of the Willamette Meirdian,
in Linn County, Oregon, containing
160 acres.
The foregoing sale will be made
under and by virtue of an order duly
made and entered hy the County
Court of Linn Count, Oregon, on the
3rd clay of May, 1913.
Terms of sale cash.
Post Office address and Residence
Lyons, Oregon.
Attorney for Administrator.
W. M30-J-6-13-20-27
Notice of Appointment of Administra
tor Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly appointed
Administrator of the Estate of Will
iam Ncclcy. deceased, and all persons
having claims against said estate arc
required to present said claims, with
the proper vouchers, within six
months from this date at the office
of Gale S. Hill, in Cusick Bank Build
ing. Albany, Linn County, Oregon.
Da led Mav 14. I'M 3.
Attorney for Administrator.
M. 16 23-30-J-6-13
Notice of Sale for Delinquent As
sessment. Western Oregon Land Company, lo
cation of principal place of business,
Albany, Oregon.
Xotice is hereby given that there is
delinquent upon the following stock,
on account of assessments levied on
the 29th day of Mav. 101 1. and on the
2Sth day of May, 1912, the several
amounts set opposite the names of the
respective holders .as follows:
James D. Prentice. the sum r,f
$37S.7S. and in accordance with the
law, and an order of the board of di
rectors made on the 17th day of
March. 1913. , sh-ue of such s'lock.
or as many as may be necessary, shall
be sold at public Auction to the high
est bidder, at the fro'tt ,l,,nr ,,f tl,..
Court House
the City of Albanv,
I. inn t otintv.
Oregon, on the 26th -
lav of I
101.1. at the hour rl i I
lock a ill. of said (lav. to n.iv thr I
assessments due therron. to,',.il,rr
"Tin me expenses ol advertising and
S.l II
Hated this 2ilh dny nf M:lv
at Alhauv, Oregon.
M-M-.m I 6-U-20.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executor of the last will
.,. " ."
lu email deceased has tiled with the
ounly I lerk ot Linn ( ounty. Orc-;
urn u'-iameiii and estate of am,.
sun. in- im.ii account in the matter
of -aid estate, and the County Conn
has appointed Monday, the th day
of lime. 1'1.. at the hour of one
-ii clock in the atlcrnoon of said d.iv,
i at the Conutv Court room th
'ourt house in the City of '.Albany.
' '"'''". as ti:e time and place
heirmc objections to s.u.t
count, if any there be. ami io:
lu- il settlement of s.ud estate
lVitcd this 5th div .n' Mav. I'M.t.
Alon.-o S I'lec-niu.
I'vecutor of the 1 a-t Will and Tes
tament of l.rncs l-'reenian, Dec'd
I M Curl.
M Io 2.t .to I t. ,:tv. for Executor
Winners of First Prizes An
nounced This Afternoon;
Others to Receive Tokens.
M-iple school children who were
successful in capturing first prizes in
the Fred Dawson writing contest
were announced this' afternoon by
Mr. Dawson who presented the priz
es to the lucky ones at tlu school this
morning. Those who received the
tokens are as follows: Joseph Crock
er, sixth grade; Pauline Dallliert. fifth
grade; Adelaide Baldwin, fourth
grade; Doris Finch, third grade; Nor
ma Blanche, second All of the
above mentioned received the first
prizes for their respective grades.
Mr. Dawson announced this after
noon that winners of prizes in the
other public schools will be made
public tomorrow morning. At 9
o'clock tomorrow morning Mr. Daw
son will present the prizes to the suc
cessful students at the Central school
and the Madison school students will
be awarded tlii'ir tiri-vec tit I nVlin-L-
I Prize winners of the East Albany
school will receive their prizes the
following morning at 9 o'clock.
Dennis and Frank Are Victims
of Unique Joke Played on
Them by Harry Wilkins.
"Merrill and Tracy" have again
sprung into the limelight but no fear
should be entertained for this time
they are a harmless pair and besides
they have already been caught. Har
ry Wilkins, of the Owl drug store,
made the catch with his famous
camera and the picture, which has at
tracted considerable attention, is on
display in the window of the drug
store. The picture is entitled: "Fu
gitives; reward if caught," and the
principles of the photograph are nolle
other than Dennis Merrill and Frank
Tracy as they were snapped in Dick
Churchill's automobile while on a re
cent gunning trip. The rough outing
costume worn by the principles lend
natural color to the theory borne out
in the photograph.
Application to Register Title.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the county of Linn.
Department No. 2.
In the Matter of the application of
James N. Rciley, to Register Title to
the following described real properly
situated in the County of Linn and
State of Oregon, towit:
Beginning at the Southwest corner
of Section 35 in Towusliip 10 South,
Range 2 West of the Willamette Meri
dian in Linn County, Oregon, and
from thence running Xorth 0.91
chains to Crabtrcc creek; thence Xorth
il degrees East along said Creel; 3.50
chains; thence Xorth bOlj degrees East
along saul Creek chains; thence
Xorth 6S degrees 15 minutes East
along said Creek 3.91 chains; thence
South 9.86 chains to a point in the
South boundary line of and East 10
chains distant from the Southwest
corner of said Section; thence
East along the South boundary
line of said Section, 12. chains; thence
Southerly along the East boundary
line of the West half of the X. W.
Vt of Section 2 in T. 11, S. R. 2, W.
of the Will. Mer., Oregon, 25.30
chains," thence West 4.49 chains
to the East boundary line of
the Southern Pacific Right of Way;
thence South 14 degrees 45 minutes
East along said Right of Way, 15.51
chains to the South boundary line of
the X. W. of said Section 2; thence
West 19.30 chains to the S W. cor. of
the X. W. yi of said Section 2; thence
X. 0 degrees 35 minutes W. 40.30,
chains to the X. W. cor, of said Sec
tion 2; thence W. 2. chains to the
place of beginning, containing 84.96
acres more or less, save and except
ing therefrom the Right of Way of
the S. P. R. R. Co., described as" fol
lows, towit: Beginning on the South
boundary line of and Fast 19.30 chains
distant from the S. W. corner of X.
W. i of said Section 2, in said Tp.
and Range and from thence runnimr
kh -i.s minutes . M.j.s
ii said Crabtrcc Creek; thence
' ft : thence S. 14 degrees 45
E. 51.25 chains: thence East
,llc phlec of beginning. con-
taming 400 acres more or l-
Also: the North half of the South
halt of the Northeast ouaricr of S,-,--
Hon in lownhip 11 South. Range
- west ot the Will. Mer., Oregon.
Containing in the aggregate 124.96
acres more or les. Ail K ing and be
ing in Linn County, Oregon.
f. v" Keller M I" k',',.r i ,n
whom ii in-,.- ...,-,-.,' I
- v...,
Take Notice
1 hat on the 14;h d
of May, 101.1.
I hv the above
i. in .'ppiicaiiou was tiled hv the
j named James N. Reilev. in th
cuit Court of the State of Oreg,
an Application was fit
tlreison lor
' inn i ounty. lor initial registration
ot the title of land above described.
Now unless VOIl rt., k-
lore tne intn day ol .lime. P'l.t,
( j
snow oan.e why such application shall
not be granted the same will be taken
as confessed ard a Decree will he .
!rt cd according to the praver of the
',i-ili -ation. and von will ,..
' barred from di-pming t'if same
! . W 1.. MARKS.
, l ounty I lerk of I urn Comity,
c.'n and i vc ;,, ('!,..:
I .'.'we ru'ith ,1 Circuit Court.
' Wm S. R1S1 l-'Y.
I Attorney for -i--tu-i-t
Party of Pathfinders from the'
College City Were in Albany
This Morning.
Plans Are Underway Here to
Afford Visitors Royal Re
ception Upon Arrival.
The pathfindiug delegation for the
Corvallis automobile excursion ar
rived m the city this morning shortly
before noon by automobile, lunched
here and were received afterwards at
the Commercial club, later departing
by way of the west side. The trip to
this city was made by way of the east
side, through Halsey, Shcdds and Pe
oria and other way points and the
delegates report that they were roy
ally and enthusiastically received all
along the route.
The party is composed of the fol
lowing prominent business men and
members of the Corvallis Commer
cial club: J. M. Prather, R. M. John
ston, G. E. Cooper, W. M. Ball, C. A.
Murphy, who is secretary of the Com
mercial club.
The purpose of the big automobile
excursion is to afford Corvallis peo
ple the opportunity of visiting the
outlying districts of Linn and Benton
counties and to exchange greetings
with the citizens of the different com
munities that a closer friendship and
a stronger universal spirit may be
mnexed between the districts.
One week from today the big ex
cursion will leave Corvallis by the
route as mapped out on the east side
of the river and according to plans it
will arrive here by noon. Plans are
under way here by members of the
local commercial club to give the Cor
vallis excursionists a royal reception
after which they will depart for Cor
vallis by way of the route mapped out
on the west side. Although the mem
gers of the delegation were not pre
pared to state definitely how many au
tomobiles will participate in the ex
cursion, it was estimated that between
25 to 30 automobile londs from Cor
vallis will enjoy the trip.
The intinerary of the trip will in
clude stops at all of the places nloiiLr
the routes mapped out. The details
of the trip will be arranged so that
trie excursionists can leave Corvallis
between 8 and 9 o'clock next Tuesday , ing Jefferson and Woodburn.
morning and make the round trip hi I Lawyer J. Fred Yates, of Corval
time to reach home between 6 and 7 j lis', was in the city this morning on
o'clock. his way down the road.
According to the statement made I Chas. H. Stewart and Jos. H. Rai
ny one of the p.n-tv of pathfinders who ' ston went to Portland this forenoon
were in the city this morning. Corval-! on a business trip,
lis people are enthusiastic over the , 4 MeCully, of Hood River, left
prospective trip and that it was h
opinion that the excursion will be the
lagest as well as the most enjoyable
ever held. Albany and Corvallis peo
ple have held similar excursions and
thus far they have proved to be a
source of much benefit to the com
munities as well as a pleasure.
Executrix' Notice
To all the creditors of William M.
Cook, deceased:
You and each of you are hereby no
tified that the undersigned has been
duly appointed executrix of the cstato
and last will of said decendent by the
county court of Linn county. Oregon:
therefore, all persons having any
claim against said estate are hereby
notified to present the same to the
undersigned, with the proper vouchers
at her residence in the city of Albany.
Linn county. Oregon, within six
months from the date-hereof.
Dated this 16th dav of Mav. 1013.
Executrix of William M. Cook, de
ceased. W. R. BII.YEU,
K.i.i.,.. r, , VttKJl"
-' - !
Administrator's Notice
Notice is hereby given that the im-
ilersigncd has been by the Countv '
Court ot Linn County. Oregon, duly
appointed administrator of the estate
of Margaret S. Mouteith. late of said
County, deceased. All persons hav
ing claims against the estate o'f said
deceased are hereby required to prc-
eiu me same, wim proper voucher
to tne undersigned, at the oftic
Hewitt fc Sox. in the City of Albany.
s'i'd County, within six months
Irom the date ot this notn
Dated M
16, 101.!
Attorneys tor Administrator.
M I6-23-.W J ti U
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the un-
dcrsigned has filed in the county court
1 oi i-.'iiii vouni v. v 'regou, lis llllal
j account as administrator of the es
j tate of Arnold Sommcr, deceased, and
that said court has fiv-d Monday, the
I 2nd day of June. Ul,t. at the hour of
i one o'clock in the attern ion. as the
time for the hearitig of objections to
said final .ice, unit a?i,t ill.. ..ot... ,,..,.
Attorneys for Ad'niiiistiat-ir
Ail-'imi.t: '.sr
Albany Was Scene of Hanging
of Convicted Murderer in
Early Days.
Aged Linn County PioneerHiked
16 Miles This Morning With
out Lift.
Jrorty-nine years ago today occur
red the hanging in this city of An
drew J. Pate, a convicted murderer,
before a vast multitude of early resi
dents of t lii s section, according to a
statement made this morning by
Newton Crabtree, an old pioneer of
Linn county who has reached the
ripe old age of 70, and who resides
six miles cast of Crabtree. On this
occasion, stated Mr. Crabtree, who
appears hale and. vigorous at. Ins ex
treme age, he made his first trip to
Albany, accompanied bv his father
and a twin brother. He said that as
near as lie could recollect the hang
ing took place on Fifth avenue in the
neighborhood of Calapooia street but
his rcmemberance appeared to be
very vainic relative to the incidents
attendant to the case. The hanging
was conducted by the state under a
law which required that such punish
ment should take place in the terri
tory in which the crime was commit
ted. Aside from the above incident of
the hanging a peculiar incident hap
pened to Mr. Crabtree this mornimr.
Setting out from his home 16 miles
trom ncre early this morning to walk
IU .-uUMJ 111 ILlli dllMlipULlUU Ul U
lift from a passing wagon, over u
road that has about the heaviest trav
el of any highway out of the city and
to cover the whole distance on foot
without meeting a vehicle bound for
the city seems hardy credible, but
nevertheless it happened to Mr.
Crabtree this morning, who arrived
here at 9 o'clock dusty and slightly
weary after his long journey but ap
pearing to be none the worse for the
wholesome exercise. An erand of
business with Mr. Fred Dawson of
the Owl drug store brought Mr.
Crabtree to Albany this morning. He
will probably spend the night here
with relatives and will return home
S. V. Hall came down from De
troit last night. He is now running a
crew of fourteen or fifteen men, get-
titlir Ollt 1o(t for severnl mUlc ,iel,,rl
for home this morning after spending
several days at the home of Rev.
Leech. He has a fine apple orchard
Nestled In, which is paying well.
Dr. Herbert Schmitt, of Portland,
returned home this afternoon,' after a
visit with his brother. A. C. Schmitt,
of the First National bank.
Jefferson Mill Co. and F.
Devaney Are Plantiffs in
Both Cases.
Wcatherford and Weatherford, as
attorneys for the plaintiffs, filed two
l suits in the circuit court of Linn
j county this morning for the recovery
one of the suits is for the recovery
The Jefferson. Mill Co., the
piamtitt s all
ege that I. X. Hooper i
Hooper, the defendants. I
(were executed a promissory note for,
. the amount January 17. 1907. which
I fell due in October of the same year.
. y"-"-"" y '"e same year
;",ul "lch nas not been paid up un
I til the present time. The plaintiffs
: seek judgment to date and $50 attor
ney's tees.
. I. P. nevaney is named as plain
; till hi the second suit tor the recovery
I oj sSvit-0 from Fred Gooch and others.
' The note was executed frinimrv 111
: 1011. and according to the complaint
:l uv ",lc year alter ilate. the
plaintiffs seek judgment in the sum of
JoOO with interest to date and $50 at
torney's fees.
Dr. Hill, pioneer of Albany and!
well know as one of the first
settlers in this section of the state I
has been invited to deliver an address j
at the Pioneer Picnic whic'nwill in-1
llrnii-novltL ,1,.-;.. . 1. '
nig month
Dr. Hill is an able rpcak
e who attend the picnic
cr and tho
mav expec
good talk irom the Albany physician.
irs AH,
" d
Cockcrline this noon re
.1 visit with her mother
Arthur Wagner, Arrested Late
Yesterday Near Sandridge
by Sheriff Bodii-e.
Prisoner Is Confined in County
Jail; Refused to Talk Con
cerning His Actions.
Charged with assault with intent to
rape, upon the person of a 12-year-old
girl, Arthur Wagner, aged 17, is be
ing held in the county jail by Sheriff
liodine awaiting trial in Justice
Swan's court.
Wagner, who resides on a farm
near I'lainview with his parents, was
taken into custody early yesterday
evening near Sandridge by Sheriff
liodine, who proceeded to the scene
upon telephonic communication of
residents of that section, and brought
to Albany last night where he was
confined in the county jail.
According to reports relative to the
alleged crime, it appears that the
young girl, wdiose name is withheld,
was returning from school when she
yas accosted by the lad, who inquired
if she was going home. She replied
that she was, whereupon Wagner
proceeded to accompany her. At a
lonely spot in the road, according to
the report of a resident, he heard the
girl scream. He rushed out to the
road to investigate the cause, and ar
rived there just in time to see Wag
ner, who was leading a bicycle, mount
the wheel and dash up the road.
An effort was made to follow the
mgitivc with a team, but he had gain
ed considerable start and the pursuer
stopped ill at a farm house to tele
plume to the next place for someone
to intercept him. Successful connec
tions were not made ami ey,.rr,i ro;
dents of the neighborhood proceeded
"i o;c ioau wnii me intention ot tak
ing up the chase.
Upon arriving at a bend of the road
the lad had disappeared and upon
phoning to a farm house farther up
the road it developed that no one
was seen passing tliere on a bicycle.
A search was then made in a thicket
skirting the road, the searchers be
lieving the lad had taken refuge
there. After conducting a protracted
search, Wagner was discovered go
ing back up the road towards Plain
yieiv. A hasty phone call to a nearby
farmhouse resulted in his interception
by a farmer. In the meantime the
sheriff had been called.
Before he was taken into custody by
Sheriff liodine, an ct'ort was made to
have him go before the girl and her
father, to deny or affirm his rela
tions, but he refused. When asked
why she screamed he refused to an
swer. The case will probably be tried
late this afternoon.
Wagner was arraigned before Jus
tice Swan shortly after 1 o'clock,
waived examination and was bound
over until the next teim of the grand
jury under bonds of $1000, which
were not furnished. The prisoner
was remanded back to the county
Albany Retail Merchants Will
Send Representative Before
That the discussions relative to
home patronage and the mail order
business during the grange conven
tion has awakened considerable inter
est, has been indicated in many ways
To show that some good might re
sult locally from the discussions and
that the grangers have taken notice
of the circumstance, the following
quotation from a letter from W. W.
Poland, of Shedd, to Pres. F. J. Fiedl
er ot the Albany Retail Merchants
may be of interest: "During the con
vention I talked with you concerning
the farmers' patronage of the mail
order houses and it was suggested
that if an opportunity was offered
you might send a speaker before the
Linn county council to present the
home merchants' side of this impor
tant question. Arrangements will be
made to give you a hearing in open
session at the next meeting at
Mrownsville. Saturday. June 7.
I think if our trade "relations
could be presented by some home
merchant it would result in good for
all concerned."
Mr. Fletcher' stated this morning
that a representative will be appoint
ed to go 'before the grange council
at the iwxt meeting of the merchants'
T. II. Ilaggerty. the lawyer, who
recently opened an office at this citv.
this mornim: left for Marsllfield.
where he will locate, the place offer
ing a better opportunity for a young
trail in the business.
? ? '5 S
News on This Page is
-rrn D-t-ly Issre of
W Mlo-2.t..liilrV U
May 2 n-Io .