CONVICTED TODAY Walter Marks Alleged Proprie tor of "Titanic" Arrested This Morning. 3CI0 WOMAN ATTEMPTED TO COMMIT SUICIDE PID WARD CHANGES HIS PLEA OF "NOT GUILTY" Both Were Found Guilty of Sell ing Liquor and Fined $100 and Costs; Fines Paid. Continued from Saturday, May 24. As a result of the two raids made Thursday afternoon by the police on allied blind lis, which resulted in the arrest of I rancis Ward and the seizure of a quantity of bottled liquor, under evidence that a blind pig was iK-i'.i? conducted at 'he I hour,- at the foot of Maker street, known as the "T 'unic," I' firiff Kins early lint morning effected an en trance to the boat house and arrested Walter A Marl's, the aliened proprie tor, before I e lu-l arisen; a') (I the two were convicted in the police court this Policeman K',ri tinned with a war rant, gained an entrance u. the rouse Ir.' 'vorkins the combination , 'he improvised loot, by a niece of stiff vire. l'p"'i enteriiljr he proceeded t': a room in the rear end of the pla where he .found ft'lavks and a man nv the name ot Wright ilecp in bed , Wright is not suspected of having -anything to do with conducting the place. . "Wake up there, you fellows," commanded the officer; 'Vet on your clothes Marks, I have a warrant for .your arrest." Marks immediately pro. ceded to do the officer's bidding and while on the way to the police court, he admitted to the officer thai he intended I" flee Mrs. Fred Barth Is in Critical Condition As Result of Revolver Shot. Scio, Ore., May 24. (Special to Democrat.) It became known here yesterday that Mrs. h'red Barth, who resides with her husband on a farm one mile west of here, attempted to commit suicide last Sunday night by shooting herself in the mouth with a J2-calihre revolver. The bullet proke out two teeth, shattered the jaw hone and lodged at the base of the hram. . . , A I ,.'., ..!, in erilieitf condition. physicians entertain hopes for her re covery. A sad feature of the case is that the uniortunate woman is ex pected to give birth to a child within i month and it is thought that her physical condition unhinged her mind and caused her to commit the rash tortably today at an improvised hos pital wnere everyining possiuie is uc ing done for her. Siias Couey, of Pcilland, went to Lebanon this afternoon to. attend the fu.ieral of his brotner-in-law, Chas. Gentry. Mrs. Coney ha3 been at Leb anon for several days. Mrs. Geo. J. Wiilhelm of Harrisburg, arrived this noon on a visit with .Mrs. J. G. Crawford for Urcilenbush springs this morning and that he made the arrest in the nick of time. He said that he didn't understand why he had overslept for it was his intention to arise early and take his departure for the mountains until the smoke had blown over. When arraigned in the police court this morning on the charge of con ducting a nuisance and violating the local ontion law he pleaded guilty and was fined $100 and costs which was paid. Marks was later given his free dom. Frances M. Ward, who was arrest ed Thursday afternoon in the raid conducted at his alleged resort at the foot of liakcr street and arraigned the same afternoon when he pleaded not guilty, was rearraigiied this morning in the police court and changed his former plea to guilty. Ward also re ceived a fine of $100 and costs which w:is paid :md he was released. H.S. STAGED PLAY "The Millionaire Freshman" Delighted Large Audience at Opera House. PARTICfPANTS DISPLAYED CONSIDERABLE TALENT "Keeping a Secret" Curtain Raiser, Was Splendidly Pre sented by Young Ladies. Hair Goods A great variety of genuine II u m a n Hair Switches to select from. All shades and weights in 24 to 34-in. lengths. Wo can mulch nil shades including; Ktcy. Audits fur Standard Patterns FLOOD'S 334 West First Street HALSEY MAN ARRESTED ON CHARGE. OF MD0NSHININ6 T. M. McDonald. Confectioner of That Place for 3 Months, Wanted in Kentucky. Agents for Knl)n Reducing Corsets The humor and pathos of a whole some college play in the title of the "Millionaire Freshman" played havoc with the succeptibilitics and emotions of a large opera house audience last night. During stages the play was an indescribably breezy comedy, ap pealing with a spontaneous natural ness, as presented by the seniors of the Albany High school as the 1913 class play. Jt was a simple story of a young man whose wealthy father wished him to go through school as an ordinary collegian. The secret of his wealth leaks out. However, upon entering school the young man is subjected to hazing by the upper classmen. He is befriended by the charming daugh ter ami co-ed of the college professor and thereby hangs the tale. The cast was composed of diminu tive stars and starlets and the entire three acts was strong in appeal and refined in humor. In his portraiture ot the hesnnuui, Virgil rarker celled to a remarkable extent. Seth I'rench, Hugh Hammerly, John Hus ton and Herman Abraham played tin Darts of, the sophomores riplendidly In his unmerciful hazinir of the fresh man by ordering K.n to do things, rrencli earned Ur: part out to such a creditable extent that he reminded one of a modern Simon Lo;;ree. How ard Speer, as the p" fessor, was ex cellent. We have heard of negro actors with Nor lli Da', ota accents, and Porter Martin, as the negro servant, labored industriously with his part and it is doubtful if anyone else could have carried it as well. Miss Marian Stan ford as Mary I.oeke was exception ally good and Miss Julia Crowell as the president's daughter, and Miss Madeline Uawlings as Miss Porter, ably sustained their parts. Miss Mar guerite l'ennebaker was nearly the life and center of the production in her gem of characterization of Violet, whose mother keeps boarders. Miss I'eiinebaker displayed marked talent. 'Keeping a Secret," the curtain raiser to the senior play, was heart ily received by the audience and much credit is due those who participated in the cast who were as follows: llabcl Sweetly, the engaged girl, I la.el Thompson ; Maude Harrison, her bnsom friend, Vesta I.amb; Mary Morton, who is giving the tea, Ro berta Veal; Lelia, the waitress, Dena I'Voiitm; girls who are sure they can ! : e t p a secret: Clara 1 . e w is, Stella tJardincr. Hazel Brown, Nellie Ather ton, Mary Carr. Jessie Cooper, Mabel Itlotint, Verlie P.ilveu, Neva lloth'ch, Ruby Wiukley, Hazel Earl, Clara Lu ther. Without exception, those who par ticipated in both plays showed won- leriui natural talent and had they re ceived the dramatic tnunmir of an ex pert would have made even a more creditable showing. ny request thesame play will be repealed again next Tuesday even Wanted in Kentucky on a fed- eral charge of moonshining, T. M. McDonald, was arrested yes- terday at Halsey by a United States marshal from Portland ? and is now being taken back to tace the charge, according to w word brought here this after- noon bv Denutv Sheriff D. Tav- lor, of that place. 2) McDonald, it is understood, lo- W cited at Halscv about 3 months ago where he purchased a small confectionery store, conducting the business up until the time of his arrest. It is srtid that he claim- ed to come from Indiana, his na- tivc state. He has a wife and child who are residing in Hal- vf sey. Mrs. McDonald has taken vs; v charere of her husband s confec- tionery business. According to Deputy bhenti W Tavlor. the United States Mar- shal has been conducting a quiet investigation at Halsey tor sev- J eral days but his identity was not ? learned '.intil yesterday when the arrc-t was made. He was no- ticed aroimd Halsey early Thurs- ) day morning but in the after- noon he left Halsey on a north- ) bound afternoon train. It is sup- posed that he went to Salem to get the proper papers for the arrest of McDonald. He return- ed yesterday and made the ar- rest. No other details concern- ing the charge against McDonald w cotiid be learned. ) PLAN TO BEAUTIFY FIFTH AVENUE IS NOW UNDERWAY GEORGE TAYLOR TELLS OF SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY Delegates to Shriners Conven tion Were Given Thousand Mile Trip. Returning last night from Dallas, Texas, where he was sent as a dele gate to the Shriners convention of North America. Geo. Taylor reports an excellent trip and is loud in his praise of the good old-fashioned Southern hospitality. In addition to attending the regu lar meetings, the delegates were ten dered a free one thousand mile trip and other similar' courtesies. Mr. Taylor stated this morning that the cotton growers appear to be little concerned over the proposed reduc tion in the tariff and that the same feeling seems to prevail among the delegates from other states as to the general reductions. A. W. Blackburn, of near Lebanon filed an application to register the title of a tract of land near that place tins morning in County tIerk Marks office. POOR GIRL BECOMES A GREAT SINGER Daughter of a Washer Women Developes Unusual Talent on Stage. Oklahoma City, Ok., May 22. Miss Helen Renstrom, for years known as the "Oklahoma Nightingale," daugh ter of a poor washerwoman, who was rescued from poverty through the dis covery of remarkable vocal accom plishments, has become a vaudeville singer and is touring southern cities in one of the best circuits. Reports of her work received here indicate that she is receiving much encouragement in her new career. A few years ago Miss Renstrom was placed in charge of a tutor who gave her voice culture for two years. A local association of business men and philanthropists was formed to aid her in pursuing her studies. She at tended school for two years and then began singing in local theatres. Miss Renstrom accompanied an Oklahoma delegation to Washington during the statehood fight in 1906 and was received with praise wherever she sang in the capital. 11 They Want Your Orders for Screens Measured and Fitted If Desired ALBANY MEN ELECTED TO FILL HIGH OFFICES Two Albany men were elected of ficers at the annual election of the Grand Kncampment of the I. O. O. F. which held its annual session at Med ford during the fore part of the week. Out of the two elections one was a re-election. Mr. G. V. Wright was elected Grand High Priest and Mr. W. V. Francis was re-elected as Grand Treasurer. Mass Meeting of Citizens Call ed; Purpose to Attract Oregon Electric Passengers. . L. Fisher, of the Fisher-Bra- deu Furniture concern, has started a commendable movement by which it is planned to beautity Fitth avenue, one of the main cross town thorough- tares ot the city, by parkings and oth er improvements, that passengers passing through the city on the Ure gou Electric trains may be attracted by the appearance ot the city. As a result of the movement a mass meet ing oi citizens lias been called as fol lows: We, the undersigned citizens of Al bany, residing on Fifth avenue, re spectfully request a large attendance of any interested persons at a meeting called in the basement of the United Presbyterian church, Tuesday even ing, at S o'clock, for the purpose of the organization of a "booster club," the prime object of which will be to beautify said street by inaugurating a system of flower gardens to attract the attention of people passing through the city on the Oregon Elec tric trains to the beauties and enter prise of the city. F. M. French, F. P. Nutting, Rev. W. P. White, A. C. Schmitt, C. H. Essex, G. H. Crowell, D. O. Wood worth, W. F. Pfeitfer, Rocky Willis. J. K. YYeatherford, C. C. Bryant and A. L. Fisher. Mrs. O. M Mitchell left yesterday for Loma, Montana, to join Mr. Mitchell and reside. Mr. Mitchell was one of the first Albany men to go there. He is said to. have done well. LEBANON YOUNG MAN SUCCUMBS TO FEVER H. T.. Robe, of Hrownsville, trans acted business in Albany today.. Miss Laura Mcllridc went to Port land today on a visit with her sister and family. THE SHERIFF SELLS 67 ACRES AT PUBLIC AUCTION Sheriff Bodinc this afternoon sold at public auction in front of the court 'so tiio l II. Corhin property near Ionian of o7 acres for the sum of $13, IW.M, the amount of the judgment against the land. Ferdinand Trcis inger. of Jordan Valley, was the high est hidder. 0 Mark Weatherford returned last night from a business trip to Salem. Returning from Medford last night vere C. V. Wright, Or. Tracey, V. V. Francis. Mr. and Mrs J. K. Weatherford. Mr. and Mrs. Tweedale, Mrs. .1. A. McChrsncy. of this citv, Mr. and Mrs. J I.. Underwood of Lebanon. Miss (."line of Corvallis. and many others of this part of the valley, all loud in their praise of the splendid treatment anil good time had at the vr.ind lodges of the Odd Fellows and Kebekahs. V. J. Tisdale, of Tanirent. arrived this morning from Grants Pass, where he has been for the S. P. some time, and went to Lebanon, called there by the death of his son-in-law, Charles Gentry, who dieil yesterday. Mr. Gentry and his family were taken with typhoid fever, undoubtedly from the water of the neighborhood, as others in the same vicinitv have hail it. Mrs. Gentry is now all right, but her little daughter is in a critical con dition. The deceased, a young man, had lived in Oregon all his life, a young man of Excellent character and reputation. EXCURSION COMMANDED BY COMMODORE BLOUNT Commanded by Commodore Blount, fisherman, sailor, city councilman and author of the now famous "dog" ordi nance, a squadron of boats yesterday ascended the Willamette river on a fishing excursion. Included in the party were A. C. Schmitt of the First National Rank, H. Kabb and W. F. Tobey. and while the accounts vary as to the number of fish caught, all of the members apear to be agreed that two bull-heads ere safely landed. C. H. Hurggraf went to Eugene this afternoon. W. T. Cook returned to Portland this forenoon after being here for some time cxperting books. . Miss Heic Irvine, of Corvallis, went to Portland last night to join l-er lather for a visit at the home of her brother, B. F. Irvine, of the Journal. TODAY, THE FIRST DAY OF OUR END-OF-THE-MONTH SALE demonstrates to us be yond all contention that the people see, read and have faith in our advertisements. Join the money saving shoppers that throng the store from early till late. It's Our End-of-the Month Sale With the largest aggregation of up lo date merchandise you have ever had the pleasure of looknng over. One of the main attractions is -J2 PRICES Buy Any Day Next Week Sale Closes May 31st Ladies' and Misses' Suits PRICED FOR THIS v SALE ONLY Values Up to $35 Divided Into 3 Great Lots: You cannot imagine the good values awaiting you here. Every good combination shown this se ason is to be found at reduced prices. DON'T WAIT UNTIL YOU HAPPEN DOWN TOWN BUT COME AT ONCE MAKE IT A POINT TO SEE WHAT HAMILTON'S ARE DOING FOR YOU IN THE WAY OF GOOD VALUES ITS THE SALE YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. Your Coat Is Here Every coat in this department is marked down. Let us show you through. Its the price and the quality that we want you to look after. Millinery You Can Afford another Hat by Now. The entire millinery department will show a sharp reduction. N'one reserved. Every one a new mdel. PRICES GOOD FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. How About a Rug for Your Home 20 ROOM SIZE RUG TO CLOSE OUT THE PRICE? YOU CANT BEAT IT. There will be 'lively times among the Piece Goods Sections We have selected the goods that you want and want right. Silks, Wool Goods and Cotton Goods Each department offering their share of good buys that will make this a notable sale. 27 IN. BROCADED CHARM EUSE SPECIAL 50c 52 IN. HEAVY ALL WOOL COATING SPECIAL 98c 27 IN. SILK RATINE ALL COLORS, SPECIAL 75c 12 l-2c 12 l-2o ALL HAIR GINGHAMS TOWELING GOODS Now Now at 8 l-3c Per Yd. 9c Per Yd. One-Quarter Off 5c PER YARD FOR ALL CALICOS AND PRINTS. HALF WOOL CHALLIES GOOD COLORS, SPECIAL 39c HAMILTONS ALBANY'S BUSY STORE