lEanoe ciiausnrer sa Men s and Boys' Clothing Furnishing Goods Commencing Saturday, May 24, 1913 The last 4 years our policy has been not to carry goods from one season to the next. This Spring has befen late, cold and no demand for merchandise. Our loss will be your gain. If the weather man will not help us we must help ourselves. We have but one way: You Have the money. We are told that in Oregon if you hold a man up they send you to jail. Now we don't want that. What we want is your money; just as well say so for that's what we mean. Saturday, May 24 at 9 o'clock we will open our doors on the Biggest Slaughter of seasonable goods for Men and Boys we ever put on Not a Thing in Our Store That Is Not on Sale at a Big Reduction Saturday, May 24 is the day we start the biggest Clothing Sale and continue until this stock is sold. As we need the money Men's Clothing $12.50 Suits go for $ 7.89 $15.00 Suits go for 9.89 $18.00 Suits go for : 11.89 $20.00 Suits go for 13.89 $25.00 Suits go for 16.89 $30.00 Suits go for 18.89 $35.00 Suits go for 20.89 One Lot $3.00 Hats Light Col One Lot $3.00 Hats Blk $3.00 and $3.50 Straw Hats S3.00 and S3. 50 Stiff and Soft Hats . ..$ .89 .. 1.39 .. 2.49 .. 2.49 Men's $1.50 Union Suit $ .89 Men's $2.00 Pnion Suit 1.29 Men's $1.00 Union Suit .69 Men's 50c Shirts and Drawers 37 Men's $1.25 Night Robes 89 Men's $1.25 and $1.50 Pajamas 89 1ULMr GUARANTEED W&lll 50c Ties all colors "l9c 75c Ties all colors 39c 25c Boston Garters 13c 15c Black and tan hose 06c 25s Hose all colors 19c 35c Silk Hose 23c 50c Suspenders ..19c Men's $1.25 Golf Shirts Men's $1.50 and $2.00 Shirts Men's Work Shirts Men's 15c Hdkfs white Men's 25c and 35c Linen Hdkfs $ .79 1.19 .41 .06 .29 Boys' Suits $3.50 Suits go for ....$2.39 $5.00 Suits go for 3.39 $6.50 Suits go for 4.39J1 $7.50 Suits go for .... 5.39 $8.50 Suits go for .... 6.39 $10.39 Suit go for .. 7.39 $12.50 Suits go for .. 8.39 Boys $1.00 odd pants .69 Store Will Be Closed Friday, May 23d jracy GSothieg Company 330 West First Street, Albany, Oregon