The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, May 23, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly
Published by
Managing Editor.
Entered at the postoffice at Albany,
Oregon, as second-class matter.
Published every evening except Sun
day. Semi-weekly published Tuea
days and 1'Yidays.
Address all communications and make
all remittances payable to the Dem
ocrat Publishing Co.
In ordering changes of address, sub
scribers should always give old as
well as new address.
Pclivcrcd by carrier, per month... .$ .40
Delivered by carrier, per year 4.00
Fty mail, at end of year 3.50
By mail in advunce, per year 3.00
At end of year $150
When paid in advance, one year 1.25
lc per word for first publication; ylc
per word thereafter, payable in ad
vance. Minimum charge of 25c.
Established in 1865.
FRIDAY. MAY 23, 1913.
Jury in Washington, D. C, Un
able to Decide After Deliber
ating for Six Hours.
Washington, May 20. The solu
tion of the problem, as to who owns
the wedding presents, the bride or the
husband, or whether in the event of
a disagreement between the pair a
distribution should be made, proved
too difficult for twelve "mere men"
lo deeide. After deliberating six
hours over the matter, the jury to
whom the question bad been submit
ted reported lo Justice Gould its in
ability lo reach a verdict.
Chivalry seemed not to abound
among the jurors, as only a few are
said to have been found to suggest
a complete surrender of the presents
to the wife. At least two of the jur
ors insisted (bat all the presents be
longed lo the husband. Others fa
vored a division of the "spoils" of mar
riage. After six hours' wr;ugliug the
"triangle" still existed and an agree
ment was hopeless.
Justice Gould dismissed t lie jury
from further consideration of the ease.
Unless the husband and wife can
reach an agreement the presents will
remain in the custody of the United
Stales marshal until the ease is again
reached on the calendar and the prob
lem submitted to twelve other men
for solution.
The "delicate" quest inn crew out
of the matrimonial infelicitv of Rene
(,. Kauseher and his wife, Julia Marie
Kauseher. Six mouths after the wed
ding, at which presents of glassware,
silverware ami niahoiianv furniture,
valued at $.UKK), had been received
from friends and well wishers, a disa
greement arose. Mrs. Kauseher de
parted December 14, I'XH), from her
husband's home and took with her
the wedding presents, under the be
lief shared by many mortals that such
remembrances belong to the wife.
When the husband reached home
ami missed both wife and presents he
sought Attorney J. S. Kasby-Smith
and through him instituted a pro
ceeding in replevin to secure posses
sion of (he gifts, which he considered
belonged tn the husband, together
with all other personal property in
the home. The writ was served on
Mrs. Kauseher by a deputy marshal,
who took possession of the presents
and has -ince held ihetn in st-Mano.
Mrs. Kauseher retained Attorneys
T.. J. Mather and John Hoyte Car
modv to defend her right to the gifts
and the matter was threshed out be
fore Justice Gould and a jury for
three days.
Mrs. Kauseher also instituted di
vorce proceedings which were dis
missed for failure to prove the eharg-
A town without a good lirass
hand is like a iviiicUm v without a
The nvi'tit drop in tho doi- mar
ket at Albany can certainly not be
laid at the door of the Democratic
administration. If we are eorreet
ly informed, loo,s were on the free
list under the I'avne Aldrieh law.
More soap suds and less paint
and pow der would make a deeided
improvement in the looks of nianv
Albany jirls.
,oh pit a lot of credit that nev
er wotiM have been his had mo
tor boats been invented a few
thousand years earlier.
When a man puts in a third of
bis time complaining about busi
ness conditions it won't be lone;
before a customer will become a
l! appear to reiptire a yood
ileal of new-paper space to elect a
in i.t an. I city council in IVtt
I nid. The politician was the t'ir-t
io prow that "It pavs to advertise."
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executor of the last will
and testament and estate of James
Freeman, deceased, has filed with the
County Clerk of Linn County, Ore
gon, his final account in the matter
of said estate, and the County Court
has appointed Monday, the 9th day
of June, 1913, at the hour of one
o'clock in the afternoon of said day,
at the County Court room, in the
court house in the City of Albany,
Oregon, as the time and place for
hearing objections to said nnal ac
count, if any there be, and for the
final settlement of said estate.
Dated this 5th day of May, 1913.
Alonzo S. Freeman.
Executor of the Last Will and Tes
tament of James Freeman, Deed.
L. M. Curl,
M9-16-23-30-J-6. Atty. for Executor.
Tn the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of IJnn.
Cora B. Driver, Plaintiff,, v Ralph
A. Driver, Defendant.
TO RALPH A. DRIVER, the above
named defendant:
III the name of the State of Orcgoil,
Volt lire hereby required to appear
and answer a complaint of the above
named plaintiff in the above entitled
court now on file with the Clerk of
said court on or before the 24th day
of May, 1913, and within six weeks
from the date of the first publication
hereof, and you are hereby notified
that if you fail to appear and answer
said complaint as hereby required,
plaintiff herein will apply to the court
for the relief demanded in said com
plaint to-wit: For a decree of this
honorable court dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
plaintiff and defendant and that plain
tiff have a decree of divorce and that
she have the care, custody and control
and management of their minor child,
Do.rthea Lenora Driver, and that she
have a decree against the defendant
compelling him to pay suit money
to the sum of at least $.?5(M) and that
he be compelled to pay to the plaintiff
for the purpose of supporting and
maintaining and the care and educa
tion of said minor child the sum of
$50.00 per mouth, and for the costs
and disbursements of this suit to be
This Summons is served by publi
cation in the Albany Semi-Weekly
Democrat, by order of the Hon. D.
H. McKnight, County Judge of Linn
County,. Oregon, made at Albany,
Oregon, April 14, 1913, the date of the
first publication of this summons is
April 18th, 1913. and the date of the
last publication is May 23rd, 1913.
Weatherford & Weatherford.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
A 18-25 M2-9 16 23.
Application to Register Title.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the county of Linn.
Department No. 2.
In the Matter of the annlication nf
James N. Rciley, lo Register Title lo
the lollowing described real properly
situated ill the County of Linn and
Male ut Oregon, tuwil:
Beginning at the Southwest corner
of Section .15 in Township 11) South,
Kange 2 West of the Willamette Meri
dian in l.iuu County, Oregon, and
from thence running North 0.91
chains to Crabtrce creek; thence North
72 decrees Kast along said Creek .1.50
chains; thence Xni'th tSUJj decrees Kast
along said Creek 3.15 chains; thence
North 08 degrees 15 minutes East
along said Creek ,1.91 chains; thence
South 9..S0 chains to a point in the
South boundary line of and East 10
chains distant from tile So'ulhwest
corner of said Section; thence
Kast along the South boundary
line of said Section, 12. chains; thence
Somberly along the Kast boundary
line of the West hall of the N. W.
'i oi Section 2 in T. 11. S U. 2. W.
of the Will. Mer., Oregon, 25.30
chains, thence West 4.49 chains
to the Kast boundary line of
the Southern Pacific Right of Way;
thence South 14 degrees 45 minutes
Kast along said Right, of Way. 15.51
chains lo the Solilll boundary line of
the N. W. ',4 of said Section 2; thence
West 1').30 chains to the S W. cor. of
the N. W. 1.4 of said Section 2; thence
N. 0 degrees 35 minutes W. 4030,
chains lo the N. W. cor, of said Sec
tion 2; theme W. 2. chains to tile
place oi beginning, coulaining iS-I.Oo
acres more or less, save and except
ing therefrom the Right oi Way of
the S. 1'. R. K. Co.. described as follow-.,
towit: Iteginning on the South
boundary line oi and Kast 19. .10 chains front the S. W. corner of N.
. '.i of said Section 2. in said Tp.
and Range and from thence running
.V 14 degrees 4. minutes . 51,2.1
chains to said Crabtrce Creek: thence
Wt-I 62 ft.: thence S. 14 degrees 45
minutes K. 51 25 chains: thence Kast
t2 ft. to the place of beginning, con
taining 4 tin acres more or less.
Also; the North hall of the South
half of the Northeast quarter of Sec
tion 3, in Township 11 South, Range
2 West of the Will. Mer., Oregon.
Containing in the aggregate 124(i
acre more or less. All lying and be
ing in Linn County, Oregon.
J. W". Keller. M. K. Kiner, ami all
w hom it may concern,
Take Notice:
That on the 14lli dav of May, ll13.
an Application was filed by the above
named James N. Kcilcy. in the Cir
cuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, tor
l inn County, for initial registration
of the title of I. mil above described.
Now unless you appear on nr tie
fore the Itnli day of .lime. II3. and
show cause why such application shall
not be granted the one will be taken
as confessed and a Decree will be en
tered according to the prayer of the
MM'licatiou. and von will be forever i
tut red from disputing the null-
I omiiy Clerk of linn County. Ore-1
g.-n and I- x l tp-co t lerk of the
il'oe entitled Circuit Court.
Attornev for ViM'lic.Tiit
W Mb. 23.3t!(v 13
Martha Houston Charges That
Orpha Greener Exercised
Influence Over Grandfather.
Daughter Gains Title, Threaten
ing to Leave Sick Mother
and Grand Parent.
Bringing a suit against her own
daughter and asking the court to set
aside a deed to several tracts of land
in the vicinity of Scio on the ground
that the daughter obtained title to the
same through an alleged fraud, from
her own grandfather Was the jtst of a
suit filed at the office k of County
Clerk Willard Marks this morning.
In the complaint Martha Houston
alleges that in 1907 she became strick
en with paralysis and that prior to
that time she had attended to all of
the household duties of her father's
home, and cared for him during his
declining years. She alleges that in
April 19 10, her father, the late James
Williams, became enfeebled and in
capacitated at the age of 90 years
and that it was at this time that they
invited Orpha Henningser who is now
Orpha Greener, a daughter of the
plaintiff and the granddaughter of the
deceased, to live with them and at
tend to them by administering medi
cal treatment and attention during
their sickness.
After residing with them for some
time, it is alleged that Orpha Greener
demanded reward for her services un
der continual threats to leave the
plaintiff and her father to care for
themselves as best they could, Fin
ally fearing that they would be left
alone, the aged man deeded to his
granddaughter1 an acre of land.
After this was done it is alleged
that the defendant continued to bur
den them with threats that she would
leave them uncared for and th after
repeated threats of this nature, the
late Janus Williams, signed over all
oi his property to her, consisting of
several tracts of land located near
Scio. It is charged that the defendant
took advantage of the feeble state of
the deceased's mind, that the execu
tion of the deed was caused by undue
influence and constraint exercised
upon him by the defendant, by im
portunity which could not be resisted
so that he was constrained to do what
was against his will fearing that he
would be left alone without being
cared for.
The late James Williams died at
Scio on August 19. 1'Ml, and left as
his only heir the plaintiff, Martha
Houston, according to the complaint.
The plaintiff demands judgment
that the deed purporting to convey
the several tracts of laud from Wil
liams to the defendant as Orpha Ilen
ningser, be set aside and annuled.
Rev. J. T. Abbett, district superin
tendent of the M. E. church, was in
the city last night on his way to Cor
vallis and other west side points, vis
iting the congregations in his district.
A. C. Schmitt was transacting busi
ness in Corvallis this morning.
Notice of Appointment of Administra
Notice is hereby given that the
undei'Mgned has been duly appointed
Administrator of the Kstate of Will
iam Xeeley, deceased, and all persons
having claims against said estate are
retpiired to present said claims, with
the proper vouchers, within six
months from this date at the office
of Gale S. Hill, in Cuick Hank Ituild
ing, Aibanv, I. inn Countv, Oregon.
Dated Mav 14.
GAl.K S. 1 1 1 1. 1..
Attornev for Administrator.
1 M 16-2.V.W-J-0-U
Administrator's Notice
Notice is hereby given that the un
deisieticd has been In the County
Court of Linn County. Oregon, duly
appointed administrator of the estate
ot Margaret S. Monteilh. late of said
County, deceased. All persons hav
ing claims against the estate o'f said
deceased are hereby required to pre
sent the s.inu'. with proper voucher,
to the undersigned, at the office of
Hewitt & Sox. in the City of Albany,
in said County, within six months
troiu the date of (hi-; notice.
Hated Mav Id. o.i
Attorncvs t'-.r Administrator.
M lo-2.1-.H) J 0 LI
Executrix' Notice
To all the creditors i i William M.
Cook, deceased:
You and each of you are hereby no
tified that tlie undersigned has been
thilv appointed executrix of the cstat:
and will of said dccemlrnt by the
county court of Linn countv. Oregon:
thcrclore, all person having any i
claim against s.ud estate are herv-hy I
notified to present the .ime to the ;
underpinned. wi:ti the proper vouchers I
at her residence in the city of Albany. I
linn county. Oiceon. 'within six
ni'nth fiorn. the d ue In- cot i
ll.ned tin dav ,.f Mav. l'M.t j
Fxecutiix oi William M. Cook, dc-i
w r mi Yi:r,
Friday. May It. .to .1. 6-1.1 WUy
Judge McKnight Grants Petition
to Change Names of Landguth
Boy and Girl.
Hollis Landguth, age 13, and Frede
rick Landguth, age 11, will hereafter
be known by the name of Ransom,
pursuant to a decree entered in the
county court by Judge Bruce Mc
Knight, in passing upon a petition of
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ransom, residents
of northern Linn county, who peti
tioned the court for the adoption of
the children. Mrs. Ransom was for
merly Mrs. Landguth and since her
marriage to Mr. Ransom after the
death of her first husband the chil
dren have been residing with their
step-father and mother.
In the county court yesterday the
proofs of the wills of the late Mar
geret Irvine and John McBride were
Waived Examination in Justice
Court at Eugene Yesterday,
Bonds Fixed at $2,000.
Harry- Argetsinger, who was ar
rested here Saturday night, by Chief
of Police Austin and taken to Eu
gene Sunday by Deputy Sheriff Cro-,
tier, of Lane county, charged with a
statutory offense, was arraigned be
fore Justice Wells, at Eugene yester
day morning, and waived examination
and was bound over in the sum of
$2000. His brother went his bonds
and he was released until May 24, the
date set for his preliminary hearing.
The chief witness in the case cannot
appear against him until then.
The complaining witnesses in the
case are Alameda and Alvana Mee,
twins of that city. One of the girls
gave birth to a child a few days ago
and an investigation, as to who was
responsible for her condition was con
ducted by the parents with the result
that the girl divulged the secret of her
relations with Argetsinger and the
matter was placed in the hands of
the Lane county sheriff.
It was while he was employed as a
carpenter on the Oregon Electric
freight depot at Eugene last summer,
that it is alleged, Argetsinger became
intimate with tlie Mee twins. The
claim is made that he promised to
marry one of the girls. Argetsinger
admits this but denies the specific
charge against him and has secured
counsel and will fight the case. The
penalty for conviction is from one
to five years in the penitentiary.
June 6 and 7 Dates Set for the
Annual Show; All Prelimin
aries Are Completed.
The executive committee of the
Lebanon Strawberry Fair Association
met Wednesday night at Lebanon
and set June 6 and 7 as the dates for
the strawberry fair. All the prelim
inaries are now completed. The flo
ral display has been turned over to
the Ladies' Civic Improvement
League, who will not onlv make a
show of flowers, hut will put on their
"Made in Lebanon" exhibit. This will
be the fifth fair held here. A. M.
Reeves. W . R. Mel attic. I. C. M.iver.
J. G. Gill and II. V. Kirkpatriek make
up the executive committee.
Notice of Final Settlement. !
Xotiee is herebv civen that the n:i- !
dersigned has filed in the countv court
of Lmn county. Oregon, his final ;
account as administrator of the es- i
tate of Arnold Soimner. deceased, and
that said court has fixed Monday, the1
2nd day of June. H'l.l. at the hour of
one o'clock in the afternoon, as the
time for the hearing of objections to
said final account, and the settlement
Attorncvs for Administrator.
May 2-9-16-2.J-.10
Notice of Sale for Delinquent As
sessment Western Oregon Land Company, lo
cation of principal place of business.
Albany. Oregon.
Xotiee is hereby given that there is upon the following stock,
on account of assessments levied on
the 2)th day of May. lou. and on the
-Nth day of May. 1912. the several
amounts set opposite the names of the
respective holders .as follows:
lames D Prentice, the sum of
$.'"S7S. and in accordance with the
law. and an order of the board of di
rectors made on the l"th day of
March. 191.1. one share of such stock.
or as many as may be necessarv, shall i
be sold at public Auction to the high-:
est bidder, at the front door of the i
Court House in the Citv of Aibanv. 1
Linn County. Oregon, on the 26th j
tv of Jure. 101.1. at the hour of ten
o'clock a. m. of said day. to pay the
assessments due thereon, together
with the of advertising anil
Dated thi 20th day of May. 101.1,
at Alb.inv, Oregon. ' j
Win. It A IV.
fecrctarv. i
WUy M2J-.W-T -6-1.1-20.
Was Convicted Twice in Lane
and Twicein Linn Counties
on Similar Charges.
Roseburg, Or., May 20. (Special to
Democrat.) Found hidden in the at
tic of his home. Brown Hansard, of
Voncalla, was arrested Saturday on a
charge of bootlegging. The prisoner
was brought here, and upon being ar
raigned in court was held to appear
Deiore me grand jury. Iwelve bot
tles of whiskey were found in his res
idence. Hansard conducts a confectionery
store and pool hall in Yoncalla and is
well known throughout norther Doug
las county. Hansard was convicted
previously four times of selling liquor
in "dry" territory, twice in Lane coun
ty and twice in Linn county. Han
sard formerly resided in Lebanon.
Mother of Mrs. Argetsinger
Sends Letter to Democrat
and Denies Rumors.
The following communication was
received today' from Mrs. Oliver,
mother of Mrs. Argetsinger: . '
Editor of Democrat:
I, Mrs. Oliver, have never said that
the assault on Mrs. Argetsinger was a
make-up and never will say so, for it
was no make-up, for there were two
masked men who assaulted my daugh
ter and I found her tied and gagged
and I untied her. Parties who say
that it was a maike-up telj falsehoods.
My daughter has never' said there
were no men there. What theory
could we have to say such an out
rageous thing, when there, were two
men there ami she was tied? I am
willing to go with any police or of
ficers to face parties in what they
call a make-up. 1 think mothers or
fathers have ltltle to do to start such
outlandish rumors as are going
around. I, Mrs. Oliver, would like to
find the low-down rascals that com
mitted such a crime on my daughter
and other mothers who love their
children should not think of talking
as some are talking.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Flood returned
last night from Portland where they
were visiting with friends ami seeing
the sights of the Oregon metropolis.
W. T. Cook, of Portland, is visiting
at the home of Geo. H. Crowell.
Alati H. Banks of Young's Store
Wins Second Prize in
Great Contest.
For the purpose of finding out how
much real interest the window dres
sers all over the country, are taking
in Corset displays, the Gossard Cor
set Co. of Chicago, recently held a
"Window Trim Contest."
Alan H. Banks, the display man
ager at S. E. Young and Son's store,
won second prize in the contest.
In announcing the results of the
contest, the Gossard Co. said: "So
varied and beautiful were the many
photographs submitted, that it was ab
solutely necessary for us to have the
Ixoester School of Window- Trim
ming, at 304 West Jackson Blvd.,
Chicago, make the final decisions in
awarding the first, second, and third
i"':as offered."
Window trimmers from all over the
United States participated in the con
test, and the fact that a local man
won second prize, proves that the peo
ple of Albany can see absolutely first
class window trims, right here at
home, every day in the year, without
going to the larger cities.
For the recovery of $62 a suit was
filed this morn in tj in the county
clerk's office entitled The S. n. Park
er Co. nsninst R. C Frazer. The
plaintiff allege that the defendant
executed in their favor a promissory
note about a year ago which has fal
len past due.
To set aside a deed. Martha Hous
ton has filed suit against Orpha
Greener in the circuit court of Linn
Mr. arvl Mrs. Whiter Cutr.mings
yesterday returned from a visit at
the home of Mrs. Cumming's father,
Mr. Feglev.
Mrs. V. C. Cowgill. of Corvallis.
ha been iu tlie city on a visit with
Mr. Will Mott;in is seriously ill at
her home in this citv.
News on This Pa?e is
From Daily Issue of (?)
Modern Travelers Club Extend
Their Appreciation to City
Dads for Action Taken.
Councilmen Transact Much Left
Over Business; Paving
Remonstrance Filed.
Although there are many people
who disapprove of the "dog" ordi
nance it is evident that some are
not against it, according to a resolu
tion read before the adjourned meet
ing of the city council which was held
last night for the purpose of taking up
left over business.
The rt solution reads: Resolved,
that the Modern Travelers Club ex
tend to the city council its apprecia
tion and approval of the recent action
taken in the passing of the "dog or
dinance," thereby ridding our city of
a great nuisance.
The Modern Travelers club is a
book club, composed of prominent
ladies of flic city. The resolution
was read and placed on file.
Whether the Warren Construction
Co will be allowed to retain its street
paving plant at the foot of Montgom
ery street or whether it will be com
pelled to remove it to another ;.i.-a-tion,
rests in the hands of the com
mittee on health and public property,
which is armed with a petition, signed
l.y J. L. Hill and others, asking the
council to take such steps as arc nec
essary to cause the plant to be re
moved from its present location or at
least not operated there longer. It
was read before the council last night
and referred to the committee.
The council passed the ordinance
authorizing the mayor and recorder
to enter into a contract with the Ore
gon Power Co. relative to street light
ing. The new contract is to be in lieu
of the present one, now in effect.
An ordinance authorizing a loan for
a term oft years, providing for the
manner of issuing bonds and time and
manner of paying for same and for
the sale thereof, to provide for the
construction of main sewer lines in
the city was passed.
Plans and specifications for the
building of the Geary, Baker, Oak and
Railroad street sewers were submitted
by City Engineer John R. Penland
and were adopted, as was a resolution
of intention to construct said sewe-.
The council authorized the payment
of two claims as follows: John R
Penland. services as civil engineer
for a stated time and object. $;
ix. u. t oik & lo. tor new cttv direc
tory, $5.00.
The matter of fixing up the San
tiam road at Pennywinkle creek in the
east end, was referred to the commit
tee on streets and public property
with power to act. The communica
tion of Bushong & Co. relative to the
printing of special improvement
bonds was read and filed.
Clara L. Cooper and Lucy G. Gard
and others were the signers of a re
monstrance against the paving of
Second street from Lyon street to
Lafayette street. The remonstrance
was referred to the committee on
streets and public property.
Ashland Young Man Formerly
of This City. Takes Popular
Albany Girl As Wife.
The marriage of Mrs. Edith Fran
cis and Mr. Glen Elkins of Grants
I'ass. took place last night at the
home of the bride's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. T. I. llacklcnian. Ninth and
Mam streets. Rev. E. H. Hicks, pas
tor of the Haotist church, nen'ormed
I the ceremony in the presence of fifty
.u, u iiiiiinaie menus. l ne
rooms were prettily decorated with
palms, ferns and carnations.
The bride looked charming in a
gown of cream crepe de chine and
carried pink rosebuds. Miss Bernicc
Hackleman. a sister of the bride, was
bridesmaid and wore a pretty gown
of pale blue marquisette trimmed in
shadow lace and carried pink sweet
M iss Hernicc Hardener plaved the
wedding march and caught the bride's
bouquet. During the evening Miss
Bernicc Hackleman sang several se
lections. Mr. A. W. Gould served the groom
as best man.
An elaborate collation was served
by the Misses Hazel Jeffries and Vel
ma Davis. Pouring, in the dining
r. oin . were the Misses Josephine Hilt
anil elma Davis. Misses Sadie
Miutl- and Volenti SttiKh dispense
the ices.
A groat many beajliful presents
were received, including cut glass and
silver. The bride and cmom. amid
-hi.wers ot rice, left on the late train
tor Grants Pass, where they will re
side, the grooin having a responsible
p,.-,!!..,! ,n citv n5 wjre chict- of
the liell telephone Co
.dr. Elkins. a f' inner Aibanv voung
ma-i. -s a member of the" Aibanv
i-.."ctric Simply Co. on Lyon street
; -r a number .-f years.
Mrs. Elkins is' a lady of estimable
c.ia-aeter and for a number of years
v is hived in Hie county record
ers oitue. where she made nianv
III", bis.