Dry Kiln of Cameron Plant Damaged to Extent of $450 Last Evening. THE LOSS IS ENTIRELY COVERED BY INSURANCE Blaze Discovered by Police man Rodgers; Telephone Girls Praised. Continued from Saturday,. May 1 1 . Tlic timely discovery of a serious fire in the dry kiln of the Cameron planing mill, foot of Ferry street, by Night Poliecfnau Rodders at 6:20 o'clock last evening probably saved the total destruction of the plant or prevented serious damage to the big building. The damage is estimated at $4 .SO and is covered by insurance. Policeman Rodgers was standing near the corner of Ferry and First streets when he saw great clouds of smoke curling from the building. 11c rushed down Ferry street and man-ag-ed to effect an entrance to the building, discovering the fire raging in the dry kiln, lie immediately sent in an alarm over the Home telephone and the operators deserve great cred it for their prompt action in respond ing. When seen this morning As sistant 1 ire Chief Jlorsky was loud in his praise of the telephone girls, stating lhat every member of the fire department was notified of the fire over the phone before the alarm fin ned sounding. Four of the firemen staled that they failod to hear the alarm. The action on the part of the telephone centrals played an impor tant part in averting what may have been a serious fire for the prompt response in sending in the alarm to Policeman Rodgers' call enabled the di-parimcnt to make a miick run. The fire originated from a spark that blew out of the smoke stack of the boiler room, which alighted in the dry shavings of the kiln and when first discovered it had reached threat ening proportions, having eaten its way across the floor and up the wall. It is believed that had it once gotten beyond control the whole building would have gone, as the kiln is locat oii the northwest corner of the build ing and a brisk northwest breeze was blowing, which would 'uudmthtcdlv serve to have caused the flames to rapidly spread over the roof of the entire structure. The fire engine and hose cart were used by the fire department in extin guishing the blaze. The new fire truck was brought to the scene after the fire was under control, but was not used. The reason given for not us ing the fire truck was the fact lhat it had not yet been officially accepted by the city, otherwise it would have been put into service at a real fire for the firt time. It was officially given out today that the mayor and members of (he city council author ized the purchase of the new apparatus. M Mary M:i-sh;ill, who has been al Newport resting for the past week after a protracted illness, will return home today to resume her profes sional duties. The Albany high school and Ualsey high school were to play baseball at llalsey litis attcrnuun; but the game postponed on account of rain, llalsey was so anxious to play the boys msisied on the Albany hovs go ing until just before the train left. Miss I.ettie 1'ralt has returned from C rawfordsvillr, where she has been teaching in the high school for the pasi year. School closed this week with a fine entertainment after a suc cessful year's work. J. F. POWELL STARTS FIGHT ON 9TH STREET PAVING Protest Is Filed With Recorder Today and Will Be Presented at Next Meeting of Council. A iK'lition protesting against t lie paving o'f 9th street was filed today with the city recorder. The petition is signed by a large number of prop erty owners in that section of the city .old will he presented at the next reg ular meeting of the council. The protest is said to he the result of a fight starteil several weeks ago by J. I' I'owell and others against the paving of this street. o . H. Irvine and daughter, of Cflr vallis, were in the city this morning. Mr. Irvine went to Portland for a visit with his son, li. h, of the IJaily Journal, and Miss- Irvine went to lirowns'ille for a visit with relatives. A high class picture program was on the boards last might at the Empire. The sinning by Crosno & Woods was also "ood. COUNTY COURT APPROPRIATES $450 FOR LINN CO. FAIR Will Provide Sum for County Exhibit at State Fair; Adjourned. The Linn county court appropriat ed the sum of $450 towards the Linn County Fair yesterday afternoon. A large delegation of Scio people beaded by President A. G. Prill, of the Fair association went before the last ses sion of the court in the interest of this aprppriation and the court sig nified a willingness to act favorably in the matter as it had always been lenient towards the appropriation of money towards the fair. The apprp priation also goes towards the sup port of the industrial school fain which will be a special department of this season's fair. The Applcgate petition for a road near Tangent was dismissed and be fore adjourning the term the court decided to provide a sum of money towards the installation of a Linn county exhibit at the state fair but the amount was not set. FREE Music Lessons To' every purchaser of a new or second-hand piano during the remainder of this month we will give free a term of music les sons, you select yo'ur own teacher. $250.00, S10 DOWN $8.00 PER MONTH, places a guaranteed piano in your home, or we will take in your old organ as the first iMiyment. OUR PIANOS ARE RIGHT AND PRICED RIGHT. Such old standard makes to select from as the Weber, Knabe, Fischer, Vose & Sons, Decker Bros., Hobart M. Cable, etc. DAVENPORT MUSIC HOUSE HOME 41 3rd & Lyon St. BELL 263 R 0. A. C. AND WASHINGTON STATE APPEAR IN DEBATE Prof. A. C, Schmitt, of This City to Officiate As One of Judges. SURVEYING? s PENLAND & EATON KOOM 1 Albany State Bank Bldg. Home 303 Bell 457-R. This evening two debates will be held between O. A. C. and Washing ton State College, one at Corvallis and the other in I'ullnian. The ques tion will be the same in both cases, O. A. C. defending the affirmative at Corvallis and the negative at Pull man. The question reads: "Resolved, that all corporations doing an inter state business should be required to' take out a federal charier." The debates were scheduled to take place last night but were postponed on account of the "Military Day" fes tivities at the college. Prof. A. C. Schmitt. of this city, has been invited to officiate as one of the judges and he will go to Corvallis tonight to at tend the contest. , Prof A. M. Moses, of Corvallis. was in the city this noon on his way home from Salem. BLODGETT RANCHER WEDS LINN COUNTY YOUNG LADY The Kneeland Dress Shoe For Men Is the Best Shoe ' for the money in the market Prices arefrom $3.50 to $5 To be had only at - I " B Mrs. Frederick Wilson, of Blodgctt, and Miss Ethel Chute, of Linn county, were united in marriage at the Baptist parsonage this morning bv Rev. F.l- bert II. Hicks pastor of the church. Mr. Wilson is a well known and highly esteemed young farmer resid ing near Ulodgett in Benton co'untv. J After a brief honeymoon to points north the couple will return to make ! their home at Blodgctt. A first class bill was presented last night at the Dreamland, the singing and dancing specialties being excep tionally good. The same attraction will be on the boards again this eve IT'S OUR A PRETTY TOUGH CUSTOMER whom we cannot satisfy. No matter how critical of qualities or values we seldom have difficulty in proving that in both re spects our Toilet Articles cannot be surpassed. VERY BEST CUSTOMERS are the keenest and sharpest. They know the high character ot our service and cannot be lured away. Burkhart & Lee. Jos. H. Young, general manager, Tralfic Manager Skinner and Chief Knginecr Wickersham. of the Oregon C. S. Stuart, the Lebanon banker, was in. the city today, going to Cor vallis to see the show. Fisher, Braden& Co1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND UNDERTAKERS Under ;aki.ig Parlors. 3rd and Broadalbin ts5" LADY ATTENDANT Both Phones R & G Corsets in the New Models Medium and High Busts are still in evidence but the long, snug fitting skirts still prevail. $1.00 to $3.00 Pair. Agents for T7T ( ? O Agents for Standard f LUU1J 5 Kabo Reducing Patterns 334 West First Street Corse(s W. B. Stevens & Co. lltiiyBM They Want Your Orders RAINEY'S AFRICAN HUNTVIEWS "SHOWN AT OPERA HOUSE Proofs of Remarkable Achieve ments; Will Be Run Again Tonight. ror Screens Measured and Fitted If Desired The gun followed the camera on Paul J. Raincy's big hunting expedi tion in llritish East Africa. That is why the audience last night at the Opera House was enabled to sec, for instance, a lio'u hunt at close range. ja rhiuocerous growing suspicious, then charging fiercely nut ! ' ., c.l ! a bullet, or wild ani . " . ' i native slate, visiting drin s in til.' uldt;; elephants, g! , - . . ihmoccp, 1 .' oi'ii. g...- 11. s "tlur animals ta g t'is at (valor holes. Then.- d;iti ns plicis i'v '"'in sixty lo eighty miles apart a the great plan's, and the animals, a are in their wild shrewdness that water is necessary to hie, flick their llpisi in what is tn imfcsttv an est.ib I sln-d .11 mistier They h ive rules of picccdcm-c. t.,o. for the rhinoceri give w.iy to the elephants, giraffes to the rhmoccri ami pachv derms but to no other, and so on. 1 he pictures are to be shown agin tonight at the Opera House. The pci iorm.inec starts at 8:.!0 o'clock uair Stock h Mow k SUmp So TJn&i Eweiry Md IF th Sweet Gin Qm dkafes WHITE VOILE DRESSES, made in the newest styles, elegantly trimmed, just the proper articles for the gradua tion dress. Priced from $6.50 to $20 All accessaries including Shoes, Hats, Gloves, Hose, etc. are here in big assortments cut will be agreeably surprised at the showing of House Dresses. Made of Gingham, Percale, Novelty Lawn and Whipcord, in good designs that are neatly trimmed. hy waste your time and patience sewing when you can get house dresses, ready made, for so little money. Priced from - $1.25 to $3.50 Among the new things that have just been placed in stock are: EMBROIDERY Exceptionally pretty patterns of 45 inch Mouncing. Priced at $1.25 the Yard 18 INCH MUSLIN FLOUNCING, Priced at 35c the Yard The Hossse of Totally Different assdl Better SuiU ntS-Ccts and the 1 1