The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, May 09, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Effort Being Made to Perfect
An Association in Every
Funeral Services Will Be Held
at the United Presbyterian
Church Tomorrow.
Trout Streams to Be Planted
and Birds Released; The
' Railroads Assist.
Continued fintn WViliicMhy, May 8
Sjeci;il of fort is ln-hitf innde by
State (j.-tnu- Wanli-n William I..
l-'inley, to urbanize thr sportsmen in
every eonuininily I lirr jiijIh mt the
state. In many plug's, urbanizations
have been forim-il and ood results
have been secured.
"I n order to' carry out the Work
that has been outlined by the State
Hoard of Fish and Game Commis
sioners, it is necessary that we have
the active assistance of sportsmen in
different parts of the state," says Mr.
I''inley, "The object of these sports
men's clubs is to assist the commis
sion in planting trout and other atue
fish in the various creeks and rivers,
and to release different varieties of
Maine birds."
Th various railroads in the stale
have offered free transportation for
an especially cipiippcd fish-distributing
car, which is considerable saving
to the name protecting fund. This
ear will bcin the distributing nf fish
from the Central Hatchery at Itonnc
ville, the latter part of next mouth.
Applications for trout or ame birds
should be made immediately through
the sportsmen's organizations in each
Another object in having the sports
men organized is to secure a better
sentiment in certain localities in fa
vor of trante protection. It is planned
to have at least one or several such
organizations in every county in the
state. A .general convention of sports
men is to be held next October or
November, at which time, delegates
will assemble from all over the state.
An active campaign will be begun to
make Oregon one of the greatest
hunting and fishing grounds in the
Mrs. S. G. Irvine died yesterday
evening shortly after 6 o'clock at her
home corner- Sixth and liruadalbin
streets of paralysis at the age of 75
Tile deceased was one of Albany's
beloved ladies and was held in high
esteem by many friends throughout
l.tuu county. She is ranked among
the comity's earliest, pioneers. She
was born near Kittle r"rk, 111., and in
company witli her father, (he late
Joseph Martin, crossed the plains by
fix team in the year 1852. Her father
took up a claim near IVroria, Ore.,
where they resided for several years,
later removing to this city, where the
late Mrs. Irvine has retained her resi
(Unce for the past 42 years.
The deceased is survived by the fol
lowing children: Mrs. J. V. Illain,
..l Oakland. Ca!., Kev. S. S. Irvine,
of H tiller, I'enn., J. C. Irvine, Mrs.
C. II. Stewart and Miss Klizabelh
Irvine, of Albany.
The funeral services will be held at
the United i'resbyterian church to
morrow afternoon at o'clock and in
terment will take place in the city
cemetery. Kev. VV. I'. White, pastor
of the church will conduct the ser
vices. The casket will arrive 'at the
church half an hour before the ser
vices commence and will be placed
in the vestibule, that those who de
sire may view tly: remains.
On the evening of May 0 two de
bates will be held between O. At C.
and Washington Stale College, one
in Corvallis and the other in Pullman.
The (piestion will be the same in both
cases, O. A. C. defending the affirma
tive at Corvallis and the negative at
Pullman. The question reads: "Re
solved, that all corporations doing in
terstate business should be required to
take out a federal charter."
Henry Slruckniier went out to
Thomas this morning to look afj er
his fine garden, one of the best in
the county.
Harry I,. Day, a former Albany
man, is one of th emany candidates
for commissioner, under the new Port
laud charter.
Flaming posters at the depot tell
of the fifth annual strawberry show
at Roseburg May 21-24, with a big
program of events.
Mrs. Minnie C. Eicker Filed a
Suit This Morning Against
A. L, Eicker.
Upon a charge of desertion, Mrs.
Mimic C. Kicker, of this city, has tiled
a suit for divorce in the circuit court
of Linn county against A. L. Kicker,
her husband.
Jn the complaint the plaintiff charg
es that her hu-band wilfully deserted j
deserted ner .May ivit and has
since lived separate and apart from
her. The couple were married here
October 23, 1909 and there are no
children as a result of the union. The
plaintiff asks the court for an abso
lute decree of divorce.
Attorney C. C. Uryaiit will appear
for Mrs. Kicker.
W. h. Wallace, of Lebanon was in
llie city today. He is one of eleven
children, which includes Dr. Wallace,
of this city, a big old fashioned family
of six boys and five girls.
FARM LOANS W have just closed
a deal for the exclusive agency for
one of the largest mortgage com
panies in the Northwest and are
prepared to receive applications for
loans on Linn county real estate.
Five years time and option of pre
payment. The Oregon Title & TruM
Co., Albany, Oregon.
D-M2-E. O. D-Wkly
Every few days some woman ex
presses her gratitude to us for having
recommended Rexall Vegetable Com
pound to her.
Scores of these instances have oc
curred. In fact, we have yet to learn
of a case where the use of Rexall
Vegetable Compound has not been
followed by benefit to the comfort and
health of the sufferer.
Kexall Vegetable Compound is spe
cially designed for the relief of all ail
ments common to females, whether
they arise from painful menstruation,
pregnancy or the change of life. Gent
ly stimulating in its effect upon the
sensitive organs its use tends to allay
inflamatiou and irritation, to render
the monthly periods normal in time
and amount, and to promote recovery.
Price, $1. Sold in this community only
at our store The Rexall Store Fred
Dawson, Albany Oregon.
Great Removal Sale
My business has grown to such and extent
that I am compelled to move to
larger quarters
My present stock of goods will be sacrificed by the enormous cuts that I am sub
mitting to my customers and friends. ONLY FOUR DAYS
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
May 7, 8, 9 and 10
Royal B. Powd. 50c size 43c
Royal j. Powd. 25c size 20c
Cleveland B. Powd 25c
size 19c
White Seal Tea 50c size 41c
Diamond V. Tea 25c size 21c
25c Coffee 23c
30c Coffee 3l2 lb for ....$1.00
35c Coffee 29c
American Club Coffee 37j4c
Schepp's Cocoanut 20c
size 16c
Schepp's Cocoanut 10c
size 8c
Preferred Stock Raisins
Pkff 72c
Preferred Stock Currants
vks :...ny2c
Shreaded Wheat 10c
Post Tavern Special 15c
size 12c
Quaker Puffed Wheat ....11c
Quaker Puffed Rice 2 for 25c
Olvinpic Pancake Flour 20c
Violet Oats, per,Pkg. ..11c
Cream of W heat 18c
Krrinkle Corn Flakes 8c
Post Toasties 8c
Kellog Biscuit 12c
Ginger Snaps 25c size 17c
5c Fkgs. 2 for 5c
Red Fox Molasses 15 c
cans 11c
1 Gal. cans Yosemite Svr-
up ."....90c
Spuds per sack 35c
Spanish Beans 4 lb for 25c
Black Diamond Matches
Pkg 3c
Carnation Milk 8c
Sugar 17'. lb for $1.00
50c Size Olive Oil 37c
Salad Oil per Bottle 11c
Celery Salt 15c
Lea 6c Perrins Sauce,
Regular 35c size 31c
Bottle Olives 15c
A. & II. Soda 5c
Crystal White Soap per
bar ,....4c
Bob White 4c
Jap Rose Soap per bar SVaC
A B Xaptha Soap 6 for 25c
Fels Xaptha Soap bar 5c
Raven Tar Soap 5c
Glycerine Soap .-. 8c
Queen Regent Toilet 5c
Wood Toothpicks 2'2c
Can Preferred Stock Saner
Kraut 10c
Fig Prune reg. 25c size 10c
Fig Prune, reg. 15c size 5c
Tomatoes, reg. 10c 3 for 25c
Tomatoes, reg. 15c 2 for 25c
Corn Sweet reg 10c 3
for 25c
Corn Sweet, reg. 15, 2
for .; 25c
Bartlct Pears reg 30c
cans 25c
Star Chewing Tobacco
Per tb 47c
Horse Shoe Per lb 47c
After May 15th I will be in my new quarters at 331-335 Lyon street,
two doors south of my old location
325 Lyon Street
Clothes Make the
If the Right Man Makes the Clothes
ERE arc clothes that are not
foppish, nor rakish, nor ob
trusively loud. They have style,
yes. But it's style founded squarely on
good sense.
They arc the kind that do a man credit.
They make him stand out as well-dressed,
without making him look conspicuously
Do n't fail to see our fresh stock. Owing to
a clothing strike in the East our goods came
later than usual, but the season is later so
they are here together, and our stock will
be at its best for the next month.
"Your Outfitters
to the tail of a pup whose name was ann
Ann tried to tear his Sunday pants
but all she could do was tomake peh Sawe
Tempting Styles in
Boys' Clothes at this store.
Tempting Values too.
A peep at our stocks of
236s&3 Boys' Clothes
will convince you they
are the best in America.
While you are looking at
the style examine the in
side construction of these
You will find they're built
for wear but not for tear.
Prices that insures their
quick moving.
Here are some of tbem:
We are agents for
The Blain Clothing Company
224-226 West First Street, Albany, Oregon
11 1 win 1 mil 1 iiimp'i 11 in i