The Semi-Weekly Democrat Published by DEMOCRAT PL HUSHING CO. WM. 11. HOKXIHROOK, Managing Editor. Mitercd .'it the pus toff ice at Albany, Oregon, as sccond-ebss matter. Published every evening except Sun day. Semi-weekly jiublisiiea TueJ days and Fridays. . UUSIXKSS MATTER, address all communications and make all remittances payable to the Dem ocrat Publishing Co. u ordering changes of address, sub scribers should always give old as .veil as new address. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily i. divi ml by carrier, per month....? .40 elivered by carrier, per year 4.00 .y mail, at end of year 3.50 'y mail in advance, per year 3.00 Semi Weekly vt end of year $1.50 iVhen paid in advance, one year.... 1.25 U,A.-5-l J-1 ED KATES, ic per word for first publication; Jc per word thereafter, payable in ad vance. Minimum charge of 25c. Established in 1865. FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1913. The Vice Investigation Alloyed immorality amonr the girl employees of the- large de partment stores in the metropolit an eities, is a subject which is be ing investigated in the eastern states. Among some of the causes which have been assigned as contnlniling to vice among these employees is the low wage scale in force in establishments of th;s character. That the girls employed in tlii capacity are entitled to a high? scale of wages, ' is admitted by those who have been conductmg the investigation, but thus far l.:ey have faihd to establish the claim that there is more immoral ity among working girls than among those who are d'yendei rpon others for their livelilu od. The Democrat does not believe that the standard o: morality a, 'ong working girls is that among tin ir more prospcrou ; Vice is not ncce.-nai :iv . .).' usually, a lesult of pourly uc (loiiar sign is not a i m vx to char, iter, nor ,'-,il the p a- -i ... ion l ". ealth or soi ial positio i k -cp i'i;ii or a woni;.ii in the sir.iigliL a- . i : rrov pat,i of .miii !:.'t;;. " 1 li has do ic ,n . ; Li i"! ,.i y inig jirls th.ia j.i'Vc' i v. and his sal majesty wili hi. ! ; 1 : : -;o : t -' home ir, p-iiaua' ri '-idi-:.-ces on Broadway than ,n the lioine of sonic poor wnrkin.r girl hi the tenement district. dive a girl a nicliier and her poverty will not surrender '. 3 vice. Make the home alfa-i e . v providing sonic rational form of amusement. Christian to. chiug is essential but to make the hone a veritable sculcher of religious thought is an invitation to the girl to seek her enjoyment c'.-.e-wherc. Kitltor too much, or loo little restraint, are the causes which lead to vice. The parents, and not the department store heads, are usually responsible for the moral wrecks among girls who are forced into business life, as well as among those who have enjoyed the liixoties of. wealth. 'ue of the leading organs of Republicanism in Portland Sat urday conveyed to its readers, the news that a general advance of hall a cent would go into effect on the wholesale price of beef. Only a few months ago this same publication was predicting hard times and low prices in the event l a Democratic administration. Fcderat Aid for Roads In :i,lv ,ii':iiiii (I... :.....n:... s. 0111 iiieiiii ind practical cn-oncratiim of ib.-i ii'ici.ii .inn staio nvciiiiiicnis in the ci'iiMntctiiui, iniit'iivctnent mil iiiaintcn.incc nf i;nnt rnails. l' i"iunr Jonathan llournc lias I ,t. , un .i"iioiai ,ii i no i icinocrat. S "lie plan stioubl be tlcvisctl ii bull will improve existing con- dumps, ami the plan proposctl bv I Nortlm est comer '!' Notification o. 1 ' 'in Hi" appears to have merit ' 5" '" T"wnhip In lb," hri..!' til. ..I i.l, ti. . .' ,J South of Range 3 West of the Wil li! IIH Mill tiled with tbc con- .,.,. Meridian in linn County. Ore- ure-sio-ial commiiico baviui; "ante ol tins subicct, Mr. ISonine hreifly sums lip (he essential fea tures of his pl.m as follows: ( 11 A plan slnnibl be ilcvclopoi! that would be satisfactory ;,,! nvoplahlo to U" I' ijovein inent anil the IS sian-s. represent ing, in effect, (' tlill'cicut person al etpiitaiions, thus insuiini; co operation between (he 1'cKral government and the states. 2) A plan to be satisfactory must be practicable, simple, and so framed as to insure the most intelligent and honest expenditure of funds, whether contributed by the states or by the federal gov ernment. (3) The federal government's contribution plan of co-operation must be such as to induce the states to undertake road construc tion, improvement, and mainten ance actively, intelligently, and extensively. (4) The plan should not only encourage construction but insure improvement and maintenance of roads already built or being built. (5) The money exendcd today should benefit, and coordinate with the money to be expended years hence; in other words, the expenditures of today should be so made as to correlate with the expenditures of the future. (d) Federal supervision of ex penditures of the federal money should not interfere with the rights of states or leatl to a federal espionage irritating to the states and resulting in the building up of a great federal bureau. (7) Any plan of federal aidor co-operation must insure an equit able apportionment among the 48 states. Itichard Warner and son, George, left this afternoon for Cheadle. Al berta, where Mr. Warner owns a large farm. A son, I'rank Warner, is ai ready there developing their large holdings. S EAST KNOX BUTTE NOTES. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver, of Portland, spent a few days at the home of J. T. Stewart. They were looking at the prospects of the country. Kd bade, a U. O. student, is home on a short visit. A good sermon was delivered at the selii nil house Sunday by Dr. White, of Albany. The school in District No". 18 gave an entertainment Saturday evening with a splendid program of music, dialogues and clever song, after the program a social time was enjoyed. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court nf the State of Oregiyi, for the County of I. inn. Cora 11. Driver, Plaintiff, v Ralph A. Driver, Defendant. TO RALPH A. DR1VFK, the above named defendant: In the name of the Stale of Oregon, You arc hereby required to appear and answer a comphiint of the above named plaintiff in (tie above entitled court now oil file with the Clerk of said court on or before the 24th day of May, P'l.l, and within six weeks from the dale of the first publication hereof, ami you are hereby notified that if you fail 10 appear and answer said complaint as hereby required, plaintiff herein will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint lo-wil: For a decree of this honorable court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant and that plaill- tilt have a decree of divorce and that she have the care, custody and control and management of their minor child, Dorthea l.enora Driver, and that she have a decree against the defendant compelling him to pay suit money to the sum 01 at least s..'MKi am that he be compelled to pay to the plaintiff lor the purpose ol supporting and maintaining and the care end educa tion of said minor child the sum of $50,110 per mouth, ami for the costs ind disbursements of this suit to be taxed. I his Summons is served by publi cation in the Albany Semi Weekly Democrat, by order of Ihe lion. D. It. McKnighi. County bulge o'f l.inn County, Oregon, made at Albany, Oregon, April 14. 101.1, Ihe dale ot the first publication of this summons is April ISlh. l'M.l. ami the dale of the last publication is May J.lnl. 101 .1. cathcrlord i oalherlord. Attorneys I'm' Plaintiff. A1S 25 M.' lo 2.1. Notice of Administrator's Sale. N'olice is hereby given lo all tiersoi's that by virtue of an order of sale duly made ami entered in and by ihe coun ty conn of I. inn county. Oregon, in Ihe Malter of the l-'slate ot .Martin Moss, deceased. I the undersigned ad-niini-ll ator of said estate will mi the l-'tli day of May. I"U. at Ihe front loci of the conntv court bo-.tse in tin ... . ..: ! .......... .... .. .... ,v . " .1. . . ' ' ' , " . i ., : '... . s.nd date, sell at public sale highest bidder theicli.r ,"r cash ii hand at such sale all the rich', till and est, tie which said deceiulent. ... Mu tin Mos ii. in m ami to the l"t n,wtne. described premises at the time j of his death, to wit: Beginning at a p-'int which is E:ist one chain ami ntv eteht links from the ind runtime, from thence Fast t enly one ' chains ami twenty eicht and one h ill links, thence South t It i r t y - s i chains :,n,l ten and one half links, thence West twenty one chains ami twenty etcht and one half links, and thence North thirty six chains anil nine and one half links lo the place of beginning cont, lining To"- acres Dated tins llth div of April 10! J GEORGE II MOSS. Administrator of Martin Moss, de ceased. WI AU IS J5 May.' 0,h Rev. Chambers, of Portland, return ed to Salem this morning after being here si',1.-. :itl,nl:. Innbi'n., ..ft..- !. Episcopal parish, preaching on Sun day. Dr. Mark Skiff, a prominent Ealem capitalist and owner of valuable Hrei- tcnbiish springs, was in the city last evening seeing Albany. Amended and Supplementary Petition In the county Court of the State of Oregon for l.inn County. In Ihe matter of the adoption of Margaret Mary Ueattie, a female child. Comes now, George S. Sandstrom and Nellie Sandstrom, and for their amended and supplementary petition, filed herein by leave of court, re spectfully allege and show unto the court: I. Thai your petitioners are hus band and wife, and are residents of the City of Albany, in Linn County, Oregon. II. That the above named Mar garet Mary Ueattie is a female child of the age of about twenty-one months, and is and has been ever since, her birth a resident and inhabit ant of l.inn County. Oregon, and for a considerable portion of said time has beeii in the care and custody of your petitioners: that said child is now in the custody of W. F. Pfieffer and Mollie Pfieffer, his wife, in said CitV Of AlhailV. OUrSliatlt In the or,l,.r of the above entitled court made and entererl on the 2yth day of October, 1912. in the inatlcr of the application of W. 1". Pfeiffer and Mollie Pfeiffer for a writ of habeas cornus on behalf of Margaret Ueattie, a minor, vs. Geoorge S. Sandstrom ami Wlli,. A Sandstrom, his wife. III. That the parents of the said Margaret Mary Ueattie arc William Ueattie and Agues Dawson, formerly Agnes Beattic; that the said Agnes Dawson now resides in the Cily of Kugene, in l.ane County, Oregon; that the residence of said William Beattie is unknown, except that lie does not reside and cannot be found within the Stale of Oregon. IV. That the said parents of the sadi Margaret Mary Beattic have wil fully deserted deserted their said child, and have neglected to provide, properly maintain or care for said' child for more than one year last past, anil ever since the birth of their said child. , V. That your petitioners are of suf ficient ability and suitable and proper persons to bring up said child and fur nish suitable nature and education therefor, haying reference to the de gree and condition of the parents of said child, and that your petitioners desire to adopt said child and to euaugc uie name 01 saicl child, in case of such adoption, to Helen Elizabeth Sandstrom. Wherefore your petitioners pray for leave 10 adopt said child, and that from and after the date of the decree of the court said child may be de creed tit all legal intents and purposes to be Ihe child of vour nelilioners for an order changing the name of sain child to Helen Elizabeth Sand strom, and for such other order as may be meet in the premises. GEO. S. SANDSTROM NELLIE SANDSTROM Petitioners. Slate of Oregon. County of Linn. ss. We. George S. Sandstrom and Nel lie Sandstrom. being first duly sworn, each for ourselves, say: I am one of the petitioners above nam,., I- tb;f 1 know the contents of said petition, and that Ihe same is true as I verily believe. GEO. S. SANDSTROM NELLIE SANDSTROM Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of April, 191.1. (Seal) C. E. SOX, Notary Public for Oregon. In the County Court for the s;-t.. of Oregon for Linn County. In the matter of the adoption of Margaret Marv Ueattie :i fenv.ln child. Order. Now on this 16th day of April. 191.1, this cause coniinir on to he heard upon the motion of George S. Sand strom and Ne be Sandstrom. net!- tioncrs herein, for leava to' file an amended and supplementary petition herein, said petitioners appearing by their attorneys. Hewitt Sov it is ordered that the said petitioners be anil are hereliy granted leave to file an amended and supplementary peti tion herein; AND now tin said day this cause coming on further 10 he heard upon amended ami supplemenlarv petition of said petitioners filed herein by leave of the court, as aforesaid, which said petition is duly verified by the oalhs of said petitioners, which "prays leave to' adopt Ihe above named Mar garet Mary Ueattie and to change her name lo Helen Elizabeth Sand strom, IT APPEARING TO THE t Ol'RT licit the patents of the saiil Margaret Mary Ueattie have not con sented to the adoption ,.f the said child; that the mother of said child. Agues Dawson, resides in l.ane v "iinii, v-tcgou, anil thai the resi Hence ol tlliani Ue.illie, fa the f ! said child, is unknown, except that ne tines not reside and e.tnnot V lound within the Mate of Oregon 1 I IS OKDl'RI'D BY T1TK.'11 t Ol R T the lid Willi. un Ueattie n be vn,l eaeli of i J"d Agnes l. them are hereby reuuircd to :mi,.".ir ! ill the County Court of the Slate of Oregon lor l.inn Comitv. at the court ! in thereof, in Albany, in said Conn- ll Monday, the 0;, ,;,,. ,,, i 1"1... at 111 o'clock in the forenoon of s.iitl d.iv. then and there to show c.iuse. it ;my there be. why an order should not be made granting leive to the said George S. S.onNtrom and Nellie Sandstrom to adopt the said Margaret Mary Beattic and ,-limcc her name to Helen Elizabeth rid "trout. n prayed for in s.:i,l neotion. and tlvit a copy of said petition and of tins order be per-on ,!iv sc-ve,! upon the s.,1,1 Ague, !.,.,,.., n,,'t ,.s thin twenty d.iis prior to said 'Hh day ot bine. I'll., aed t!;.lt i copy of s.iitl petition and of t!os oi '.r be pub b.hed once a w eek for !hrc s-acft s sivc weeks in the Semi Wivi'ly "em """tat. a weel ly newsj,,inct o"'!, ,l i" said conntv. the l t tb!-citi..'n to be at least tour weeks before the time appointed fur so, hca-tnw d i! Mcknight I "a 'Ice -MS :.' M.' 0 TO HEAR GASES Thursday May 8, Date Set for Hearing of Applications of Bell Telephone Co. 70 TELEPHONE OFFICES IN STATE MAY BE CLOSED Crawfordsville, Is One of Most Prominent Offices Company Seeks to Close. Salem, May 6. On Thursday, May 8, the railroad commission will hear the application of the Pacific Tele phone & Telegraph company in four cases for approval of the discontin uance of about 70 telephone offices in all parts of the state. Most of these offices have been discontinued for six mouths or long er, and the company now seeks ratifi cation of its action, as the new public utility act is construed to require the consent of the commission to the clos ing of any oifice that has ceased op eration since January 1, 1911. It is expected that in most cases Hie hearing will be a formality, as there is no evidence of a protest on the part of citizens of the communities atlectcd. lint in some cases objection may be raised, particularly where of fices now in operation are sought to be discontinued. Crawfordsville, Linn county, is one of the most prominent of the offices tne company wants to close. The rea soil given is that the town is now reached hy lines of the Pioneer Mu tual of Brownsville, under an aoxec nient with that company. Among oth er offices the COmnanv desires in close are Sodaville, Linn county, be cause ot small receipts; Fall Creek, lane county, for the same reason and Springfield Boom, Lane county, because there is said to be no further use tor it. HENRY PYLE ELECTED HEAD OF LINN COUNTY OIL COMPANY John MacNeil Was Chosen Vice President; Boardof Directors Met Yesterday. Henry Pylc, a prominent farmer ol Lacomb, was elected president of the Linn County Oil Company, at the meeting held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the company's office ill the brenner building. Other officials were elected as fid lows: John MacNeil. a well known farmer residing three miles northeast of here, was elected vice-president, and A. W. Uowersox, of this citv was elected treasurer. None of the direct ors present t.'oultl accept the no, urn;, tion of the secretaryship pud accord ingly this office was not Idled ami Ihe matter was deferred until the next meeting. All of the above named parties in cluding L. A. Wood. G. A. Hindes, B. V. Raines and Ered Rcis form the hoard of directors as elected at the annual stockholders' meeting held at the Commercial club last Eriday af ternoon. The election o'f the above officers was all that was done at the meeting yesterday. Miss Lena Marshall, of Portland. returned to that city last evening af-1 ter visiting at I). O. Woodworth's for i several days. I Mrs. Jay W. Blain, of Oakland, Cal- tornia, is in the city, called here by 1 the dangerous illness of her mother, Mrs. S. G. Irvine. Win. Eiilerl, of Lebanon, was in the city today. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executor of the last will ami testament and estate of James Freeman, deceased, has tiled with the County Clerk of l.inn County. Ore gon, his final account in the matter of said estate, anil the Conntv Court lias appointed Monday, the 9th day;,i., ...i.i .nine, i i ... .u i ne hour ol one o'clock in the afternoon of said day. tIlt C onnty L ourt room, in the. court house in the City ot Albany, Oregon, as the time and idace fori hearing objections to said final .tr fount, if any there be. and for the, final settlement of said estate. i Dated this 5th d.iv of May. 1013 ' .Monro S. Freeman, Executor of the Last Will ami Tes tament ot lames i'reeman. I.. M Curl. Dec'd. ; M9-16-J3.30-J.6. Atty. for Executor. 1 o I Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hc-eliv given that the un- derstgned has tiled m the county court ' of Linn county. Oregon, his final account as administrator of the cs late of niold Summer, deceased, and that s.iitl court has fixed Monday, the ; 2nd day of June. 101.1. ,t the. hour of .tne o'clock tn the afternoon, as the tune tor me Hearing ol olocctions t.t said final account, ami the .settlement thereof. .,,. . . II FA ITT & SOX. Attorneys for Administrator. , W. F. SOMMKK. Administrator May 2 0-10 2.1 RUSSIANS PREFER VALLEY Four '"Scouts" Returned From Brief Southern Oregon Trip; Stopped at Eugene. That the Russian colony in Sas katchawan, Canada, will locate some where in the middle Willamette val ley is believed from the fact that the four emissaries, who were in this city a week ago, and who have been mak ing a tour of "Western Oregon, look ing for a site for their colony, of sev eral thousand farmers, returned to the valley again alter a short trip to Southern Oregon. On the way north they stopped off at Eugene again and were shown some land near that place that they had seen when the first stopped off there. They spent all day Sunday there and passed through Al bany early Sunday morning bound lor Canada. They are well nleased with the Un per Willamette Valley, according to ineir interpreter, and the only ques tion is that of finding a sufficiently large tract of land at a price that will suit them. They have been looking at land and living conditions all over Oregon and Washington, and will re port their findings to their fellow ex iles for final decision. They are dis satisfied with Canada because of the long, cold winters, and want a mild climate where they can get plenty of fruit. They are vegetarians, and de sire a plentiful supply of fruit and vegetables. F. G. WILL ERECTS STREET CLOCK IN FRONT OF STORE Will Be Lighted at Night; It Is First Street Clock in the City. Another evidence of Albany's ad vancement along metropolitan ways is a $600 Howard street clock being erected in front of the jewelry store of F. G. Will. The clock will stand at the edge of the sidewalk, thirteen feet to the middle of the dial, pre senting an attractive appearance. The double faced dial is three feet in dia meter, in a pretty case. The clock has electric attachments and will be illuminated nights. It is the first street clock to go up in this city, and, besides being an ornament will be a great convenience to people passing along the street. The clock is the re sult of the enterprising spirit of Mr. Will. 9 COURT HOUSE NOTES. Warranty Deed Joseph It. Pietrok to John Pietrok May 2. 1913. 109.6 acres in tp. 9, S. R. 1 East. $1. John P. Pietrok to Joseph B. Pietrok May 2. 1913. 116.43 acres in tp. 9, S. K. 1 East. SI. Joshua Paddock to Vincent Elijah Paddock Sept. 16, 19H. Lands in sec. 6, tp. 14, S. R. I East. $900. J. A. Rowcll and wife to V. E. Paddock Aug. 2S, 1912. Lands in See. 6. tp. 14, S. R. 1 East, $500. The Central Land Co. to .Geo. E. Richards. May 2. 1913. Lands in blk. 80 in Monteith's Southern add to Al bany. $10. Marriage License C. P. Brickev. aue 24. of Albany. and Ina L. Van Dusen, age 19, of Harisburg. In the matter ol ihe estate of Perry Hyde, deceased. Motion for order Nunc pro tune. Granted, In the matter of the estate of An- drew J. McClure. deceased. Oath of executor and executrix In the matter of the estate of Mark tlulbert. deceased. Bond approved. In the matter of the estate of II. U, Mover, deceased. Inventory and ap praisement. In the matter of the estate of Nancy Muehlenhoff. deceased. Motion for apoiutmenl of guardian ad litem, granted. Warranty Deed' Maud M. Matiu'ltn to Lulu M. oward April 22. 191.1. Lots in Fair- to Albany. $10. Peter Talus et ux to Thos Cnm mings et ux May 1. "ill. I - ls in block 5 in city of Albany. $10. Mrs. Marv Stand:h el vir to Fran ces A. lU.ickhurn Aug. 24. 111. lands in claim .17. tp. 14. S. R. 2 W. S750 Ida V. East to II. L. Drake. Mav 2. 101,1. Lands in block 1) in llack elman's adtl to Albany. $10. The Scandinavian Ainerrvan Hank lo Marv k'e, .ti .,1 May 1 lOll 1-,,U in sec. . tp. 12. 2 West. $10 . patent ; P-in was accidentally discharged. ! The shot struck the under side of 9. J'EiV '" "i""' '"""rinK the bone. He was The Merry .15. to Marriage License Hugh Ilcrg. age 2t. of Harrisburg anil Agnes lianer. age 20. of Harris' burg. Prohate In the matter of "he estate of N'ancv Muehlenhoff. deceased. Petition to sel'l real property. Granted. i In the matter of the estate of James Freeman, deceased. Final account s, t J! to- hearing on Momhv, June 0th, ? 1913. I" the matter of the estate of Greta A. Wilson, a minor. First account an- proved. i ,j. CITY WILL GRANT Ordinance Granting Right to Operate Gas Company in Albany on 2nd Reading. THE GRANTEES MUST PUT UP A BONO OF $5000 Work Must Be Commenced in Six Months; City Reserves Right to Purchase. At a meeting of the city council held late yesterday afternoon the or dinance granting a gas ' to G. L. Ranch and associates was plac ed on the second reading and will doubtless be placed on its final pas sage within the next thirty days. If the new ordinance is enacted in its present form, the company will be required to put up a bond of $5000 as evidence of good faith; the city reserves the right to purchase the plant, to regulate the rates to be charged and the corporation nyust light the city hall and fire house with out charge. When seen this morning by a Dem ocart representative, Attorney Ranch a' tliortz.-.l 111-.- folowing statement: "The proposed ordinance provides that actual construction work must be commenced - within the next six months and our company proposes to have the plant completed and in operation within the next year. "We will establish a modern plant and use the most modern methods of distribution. The plant will be cap able of supplying a town of twenty thousand people and will be increased as rapidly as the growth of the city win warrant us in so doing. "Albany has been passed upon lis some of the best konw gas men in the country and while they do not anticipate large dividends during the first few years the plant is operated, they do have abundant faith in the erowth of the city and belive that the plant will ultimately prove an ex cellent investment. In their judge ment Albany has the best future of . r city .!:. Willamette . alley. "Members of the party who will have active chcarge of the plant have already "'lo :ti Albany and ar.. gveat Iv pleased at the prospects of making this city their firture place of abode." 400 PUBLIC SCHOOL PUPILS TO TAKE 8TH GRADE EXAMS County School Superintendent Jackson Sent Out Questions Yesterday. Four Hundred students will take the state eighth grade examinations in the public schools of Linn county during the present week. The examinations this year are the most important tests ever submitted to the pupils, according to County School Superintendent W. L. Jack son, as it embodys the first, quiz on the newly adopted subject of agricul ture. This subject was introduced in the schools this year for ihe first time and is considered as important as tiic regular subjects. It is the outgrowth of a desire that the students become efficient tillers of the soil if it be comes necessary anil familiar with the products of the soil. The number of the students in the l-rgest towns of the county who are to take the examinations are as fol lows: Albany 60. Lebanon 40, Itrov.sville 40 Halsey 20, Harrisburg 15. Scio' 15. Mr. Jackson was busy all d.iv ves- i lertlay sending out the questions as compiled by the state superintendent jot public instruction, to the chairman of each school board in the county. I The exams will proceed immediately I anil the papers will be returned bv j Saturday at w hich time the work o'f grading them will be commenced. SWEET HOE BOY IS SHOT ACCIDENTALLY BY OWN GUN Oscar, the 11-year-old son of J, A. Hrown. who lives near Sweet Home, was accidentally shot yesterday while hunting squirrels. In crossing a log brought to Lebanon and the physician hopes to save the arm. Supt. lioctticher went to Tangent this afternoon foi a visit with the schools. : i- and Mrs. R. X, Kellog, of Sa lem, wire in town last night. "SS3(SSTiS) 5) News on This Page is ? From Daily Issue of TUESDAY, WAY 6 S) S)