DAI FITTINGLY Students of Albany College to Hold Annual Event, Marking - ' ; Dawn of Spring. MISS MARY BRYANT TO BE CHARMING QUEEN OF MAY Beautiful May Pole Dance to Be Given; Splendid Cafeteria Lunch Served on Campus. Continued from Wednesday, April 30. May day will again be fittingly ob served by the students of tbc Albany college, when auspicious ceremonies on the college campus will mark the dawn of spring next Thursday after noon, May 1. The festivities will commence at 4 oclock with Miss Mary Bryant, a popular student of the college and the attractive daughter of Mr. Hub Bry ant, seated on the throne as Queen of May. The throne will be erected directly in front of the college build ing and will be beautifully decorated with spring flowers and apportioned in the true style of an original throne Stanley Van Winkle, a member of the senior class, will' officiate as the master of ceremonies. The guards will be Messrs, Frank Hatfield, Ver non Cushman, Arthur Hodge and Ir vine Acheson. The maids will be Misses Inn Hansen, Kuth Knowlos, Margaret McDonald and Dana Cush man. Winson Henderson will b the herald. The usual ceremonies will mark the occasion. There will be the reading of the proclamation and the heralding of spring and the beautiful dance of the May pole wilt be participated in by 14 charming young ladies of the college, who will be attired in dainty while dresses and will wear a wreath of spring flowers. A splendid musical program will be rendered together with several vocal and instrumental solos. Before and after the festivities are over the young ladies of the college will serve a dainty cafeteria lunch on the campus. Many tables will be set and those who partake of the lunch will be assured of having plenty to eat as great preparations have Iieen under way to make this cud of the ONION HIGH SCHOOL FOR DISTRICT IS PLANNED Section Includes Foster and Sweet Home; $6000 Build ing to Be Erected. Lebanon, Or., April 29,. Special. Plans, were accepted this week by the union school board at Sweet Home for the immediate erection of a $61)00 union high school building for that place. The union section is composed of nine school districts in the vicinity of Foster and Sweet Home and in cludes all the schools in the Sweet Home valley.- It is the purpose of tha district to have the building com pleted and ready for the fall term. The patrons of the school believe there will be enough pupils to require the employment of four high school teachers. LUTE WILLIAM NEELY WILL 8E LAID TO RESTTOMORROW The funeral services of the late William Henry Ncelcy will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the family home, 628 West Ninth street. Rev. D. H. Leech of the Methodist church will conduct services and inter- mcnt will take place in the city cemetery. The pall bearers will be J. C. Holbrook, M. V. Merrill, W. F. Garrett, H. H. Cronise, F. M. Redfield and J. F. Powell. the students have been "working in dustriously to make the entire event a thorough success in every particular and from present indications the oc nccasion will far surpass any that has heretofore been given by the collegi ans. The May day festivities have been an annual event of the Albany college for many years and has always been marked with grand success. It has always proven to be a -source of much pleasure to great crowds of local people who assemble every year on the college campus to witness the pageant and it is expected that the largest crowd in the history of the college will sec the festivities this year. The following is the musical pro gram for the exercises: .Solo "Whisper and I Shall Hear" riceotomi. Miss Kuth llass, Violin Obb'gato Miss Kllen Bass. Solo Lovely "Spring" Coenen Miss Ina Hansen. Quartette--"Greeting to Spring" Strauss Misses Tears, Jacks, Irvine and Mass, HOTEL LEBANON WILL BE OPENED MAY 7TH Program Complete and Elabor ate Preparations Being .. Made For Event. The folowing is reprinted from the Lebanon Express: The committee having the big ban (piet in charge, which will be known as the formal opening of the Hotel Lebanon, on Wednesday evening, May 7, report everything progressing nice ly, and the indications point to a great success. Following are those from abroad who will tie present and the subjects they will speak upon: J no. M. Seo'tt "The Railroad's Re lation to the Public." Phil Metschan, Jr. "The Hotel and Its Influence in the Development of a City." Robert E. Strahorn "Railroad De velopment in Oregon." Wm. 'H. Hornibrook "A Greater Linn County." Mrs. Edyth To'zicr Weatherred "Patronize Products Made in Ore gon." Tom Richardson "Practical Help to the Farmer." W. J. Kerr "Relation Between City and Country Life." J. B. Eddy "Transportation Past and Present." In addition to the speak:ng a fine orchestra will furnish special music during the evening intcrspcrced with vocal and instrumental selections. Among those from abroad who will sing is Clair D. Lee of Eugene. The banquet and program- will com mence at 8 o'clock in the evening. The committees having the affair in charge are as follows: , Committee on Arrangements Mil ton A. Miller, chairman; T. D. O'Bri en, Dr. Anion, Sigurd Landstrom, E. L. Clark. Reception Committee S. M. Gar land, chairman; N. W. Newport, S. C. Stewart, W. R. McHaffie, A. M. Reeves, A. W. Blackburn, A. C. Dvorak. AUTO FIRE TRUCK ARRIVED TODAY Splendid New Apparatus Is Equipped with Chemical Tank Hose and Ladders. WAS MANUFACTURED BY THE WHITE MOTOR CO. To Be Given a Thorough Test Here by Expert From Portland. Pursuant to an ordinance passed by the city council November 27, 1912, providing for the purchase of aWhite automobile fire truck on con dition that it would prove efficient in a test made by the city officials and members of the fire department, one arrived here this morning from San Francisco. The machine is of the White Gas make and an expert from the White Motor Company of Portland, is ex pected here Saturday to demonstrate the new apparatus. If purchased by the city it will do away with the pres ent hook and ladder . and the hose cart being drawn by hand. It is equipped with two large chemical tanks and all of the necessary hose and ladders required for an ordinary fire. The machine was ordered through Barrett Brothers. STUDENTS ROUGH HOUSE MOVING PICTURE SHOW Throw Eggs at. Proprietor of Corvallis Theater; Resented Vaudeville Stunt. A very exciting event happened at Corvallis last night when several hun dred students threw eggs on the stage of one of the moving picture theaters. The proprietor, who had put in an appearance, was the target. A vaude ville stunt had been put on at the house for several days, meeting with the disapporval of the students, who declared it to be "raw." The night before a crowd of them attended the show and made things so- tropical, the proprietor attempted to put them out. Last night the students gathered there in an immense crowd, and when the proprietor came out he was met with a storm of eggs, making him look very scrambled. Two of the leaders in the movement were arrested. 0. 0. WQDDWORTH SUSTAINED FALL AT NEWPORT SUNDAY He Is Confined to His Bed But the Accident Is Not a Serious One. HARRISBURG COUPLE WERE UNITED IN MARRIAGE TODAY Mr. Arch Miller and Miss Effie M"ay Gooding, well known young peo ple of Harrisburg were united in mar riage this morning at 11 o'clock at the Methodist parsonage by Rev. D. H. Leech. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a few friends and relatives of the couple. The newlyweds will leave on an afternoon train for a short honeymoon trip to points north after which they will return and make their home at Harrisburg. D. Q. Wood worth, who was recent ly operated upon for appendicitis, is confined to his bed at Newport under the care of a trained nurse as the re sult of a wrenched side sustained in a fall Sunday while he was walking along a board walk when he tripped over a loose board. Mr. Woodworth has been spending the last two weeks at the beach re cuperating from the operation. Mem bers of the family stated this morning that the accident is believed by the attending physicians to be a serious one. Mr. Woodworth was to have returned home Monday but the mis hap prevented him from doing so. Mrs. P. R. Kelly went to Salem this afternoon to see Nat Goodwin tonight. Dr. Stark returned this noon from a Portland trip. Marriage Licenses Issued Today Ralph Ellis age 21 and Jenie Davis, age 18, both of Lebanon. George Scott, age 21, and Vira Loomis, age 18, both of Leb- anon. R. M. Andrews, age 27, of Al- bany, and Ada Haskell, age 18, of Harrisburg. Arch Miller, age 26. and Effie May Gooding, age 25, both of Harrisburg. 9 Just fright SHOE "Good Shoes" If you want the best looking shoe If you want the best fitting shoe If you want the best ' wearing shoe Go to The McDowell Shoe Co. "QUALITY FOR LESS" 338 We.t Fir.t Street Have You a PIANO? If not here is your opportun ity to select one from such old standard makes as the Weber, Knabe, Decker Bros., Fischer, Hobart M. Cable, Kohler & Chase, Kohler & Campbell and other pianos. You pay us no' more for these pianos of world-wide repu tation than you pay else where for pianos of unknown make and quality. Some real bargains in used pianos and organs. A Steinway square piano for $100 Pianos Tuned, Rented and Repaired Used organs $15 to $40 Davenport Music House 235 Lyon St., Corner Third. Home 41 Bell 263-R I ' From Head to Foot It Makes No Difference what kind of Clothing you want, for we have everything that a man or boy wears. If it's a new Suit, we have it in all prices and styles. If it's Shoes, we have them in all colors and shapes; one that will "become" you. In fact everything for all occasions; from your everyday wear to Sunday best. It's a Real Pleasure to us to show you, it'll be a real pleasure to you to trade with us. HTfl ITH leeo i nam Clot nog Lompaey