The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, April 25, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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WilfBe Marked with Splendid
Ceremonies, Under Auspices
of Commercial Club.
Said to Have Beat the Worlds
Record in a Race with a
Tame Black Bear.
Physicians Believe That the
Accident . Will . Not Cause
Loss of Girls Eye.
Ceremony Was Performed Last
Evening by Rev. White, of
United Presbyterian Church.
Is Capitalized at $50,000; the
Articles Filed Yesterday at
County Clerks Office.
Willamette Lodge No. 856 Is
Now Incorporated; Papers
Filed Yesterday.
Continued from Wednesday, April 23.
For the purpose of tliffusiiiK the
principles of charity, justice, brother
ly love and fidelity in accordance with
the constitution and by-laws of the
Supreme Lodge of the World, articles
incorporating the local lodge of the
Loyal Order of Moose, were filed
this morning with County Clerk
The name of the order is Willam
ette Lodge No. 859 and its duration
shall be perpetual.
The estimated value of properly and
money now possessed by the lodge
is, according to the articles, $1,()0()
and the source of revenue or income
is by dues and fees from its members
and donations which it may receive.
The articles were executed by the
present board of trustees of the lo'dge
consisting of J. W. Alcorn, T. K
Miles, and Harry L. Roowny.
The new Motel Lebanon will be for
mally opened Wednesday night, May
7, at Lebanon, with splendid cere
monies, under the auspices of the
Lebanon Commercial club.
Many local people have received in
vitations to attend the event and it is
expected that a large, crowd will go
there from this city for the occasion.
The building is a splendid structure
and one that Lebanon can justly be
proud of, for it would do credit to a
city twice the size of Lebanon.
The opening ceremonies will be in
the form of a banquet, commencing at
8 o'clock in the evening. An orches
tra will furnish special music during
the evening 'and prominent citizens
of the state are scheduled for address
es. The arrangements for the func
tion arc under the supervision of Hon.
M. A. Miller.
Mrs. Boles and two sons this noon
eturiicd from a Lincoln county visit.
Planing Mill Co.
"Made in Albany"
House Finish
China Closets
Estimates Cheerfully Given
Both Phones
Mill and office foot of Ferry street
That Fred Weatherford of this city
has established a record as one of
the fastest foot racers in this section
of the state, if not on the entire Pa
cific Coast, is the claim made by
Albany people who were in Newport
it seems that Dr. Berry of Newport
is the owner of a tame black bear.
Chester Stevenson desired to take
some snap shots of the bear on the
beach and in company with D. O.
Wood worth, Dr. Berry and Fred
Weatherford, obtained some excellent
photographs of t,he animal. When the
work has been completed Dr. Berry
suggested that the members of the
party run a foot race to the light
house and the proposition was accept
ed. The bear had been trained to fol
low his master much in the same man
ner as a dog and when the race was
started the doctor released the ani
mal from the chain and called to Wea
therford that the animal was loose
and advised him to make the race of
his life. One look behind was enough
for Weatherford. The bear was gain
ing on himself and the doctor and
the way Fred "beat it" over the hot
sands of the beach indicated that a
champion foot racer had been spoiled
when be entered the law school. He
reached the cabin door a few feet
ahead of the bear, and according to
reports, was the worst frightened
lawyer in Oregon when his friends
reached the cabin.
Formerly a-Resident of This
City Where He Has Many
The friends of Mr. Earl H. Conser,
of Albany and vicinity, will i(o doubt
be pleased to learn that be has been
chosen cashier of the new Paisley
National Bank of Paisley, Oregon.
Mr. Conser was formerly a resident
of this city and is well known here.
Of recent years be has been" connect
ed with the Trust department of the
Security Savings & Trust Company,
of Portland. .
He is a young, man of splendid char
acter and attainments.
S. A. Hay-ward, of Peoria", -111., is the
guest of his cousin Ed. Washburn.
Florence Scott, the 9-year-old
daughter of Wi H. Scott, postmaster
of Crawfordsville, was brought here
to the St. Mary's Tospital yesterday,
where she will undergo an operation
upon the right eye.
Little Miss Scott was the victim of
a frightful accident Sunday at Craw
fordsville. The little girl was run
ning along the street, when she trip
ped and fell forward, running a stay
of a parasol which she was carrying
into the edge or her eye. Doctors
pronounced the accident a narrow es
cape for she not only escaped death
but will not even lose the sight of her
eye, for the metal pushed far enough
into her head to have penetrated the
brain, causing instant death had it
ranged backward instead of upward
after entering the eye.
Physicians have determined that the
sight of the eye has not been destroy
ed and are of the opinion that the clot
of blood which has formed behind the
pupil of the ye can -be successfully re
moved so that the eye .will be re
stored to normal condition.
Mr. Byron Wolfe and Miss Lennie
Horner, two prominent young people
of Gates, were united in marriage yes
terday evening at 8 o'clock by the
Rev. W. P. White, of the United
Presbyterian church.
The ceremony was performed at the
parsonage of the church in the pres
ence of immediate friends of the couple.
Shortly afterwards the happy pair
left on an evening train for Portland
where they will spend a brief hon
eymoon after which they will return
to Gates to make their home.
For the purpose Of buying and
selling live stock, meats, fruits, hard
ware, dry goods, groceries, farm ma
chinery, agricultural and dairy pro
ducts, articles incorporating the
Scio Mercantile Association at a cap
italization of $50,000 were filed in
the county clerk's office late yesterday
The -principal office of the concern
will be at Scio, Oregon, and its dura
tion will be for an unlimited period.
The capital stock is divided into 5000
shares of par value of $10 each and
half of the number of shares are des
ignated as preferred stock and the
other half as common. A. P. Fra
wick. M. D. Good and C. E. Mann are
the incorporators.
Sohuld be attended to at once, as.
neglect often leads to grip and other
serious ailments.
Children like Rexall Cherry Bark
Cough Syrup, and- it is the most ef
fective remedy we know of for the
treatment of coughs, not only of child
ren but of adults. It helps allay the
irritation and iuflamation and tends
to put the affected organs in a state
of rest so that the injured tissues may
have a chance to heal. It also helps
stimulate the glands to pour out their
secretions, hastening the discharge of
the disease g'-ms that would other
wise prolong the disease.
Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup
may be taken with every assurance
of safety. We have the utmost con
fidence in it because we have noted its
beneficial results in scores of cases
in which we have recommended it.
We have yet to leanl of a single in
stance in which Rexall Cherry Bark
Cough Syrup did not give satisfac
tion. In fact, every sale is made with
a positive guarantee that if it docs not
relieve, if it is not found just the thing
wanted, if it does not give prompt and
effective relief your money back.
Prices, 25 cents, 50 cents and $1. Sold
in this community only at our store
The Rexall Store Fred Dawson, Al
bany, Oregon. A 23
New Sweaters
For Women, Misses
and Children
Children's Wool Sweaters, sizes 28
to 34, all colors $2.00 each
Misses All-Wool Shaker-Knit Sweat
ers, sizes 34 and 36, at $4.00 each
W omen's A 11-Wool Shaker-Knit
Sweaters, in White, Oxfords, Navy
and Red at $6.00 each
Women's All-Wool, heavy Jumbo
stitch Sweaters, all colors and sizes
$6.50 each
Agents for TT f V 'Cj Agents for
Standard - M-jyJJ 1J O Kabo Reducing
Patterns 334 West First Street Corsts
Men's Suits
Youths' Suits
Boys' Suits
We Dress the Men Folks
of the entire family, from 5 years to 75 years. This is quite a space
of time but we must all travel a goodly part of it, and it is
meet that we be comfortably clothed
Every department of our store is fresh and bright with new Spring
Goods, the largest stock south of Portland, and we are anxious to
sell you your Suit or other Furnishings
The price will be no hinderance to you for we will sell
you good goods at very low prices
Men's Suits $10 to $30.00
Youths' Suits 6 to 1 7.50
Boys' Suits 3 to 7 J Q
fcartrty SratuS CGuJtfjrs 9
CwrrtcMIfit. MMMuAGMl H
The Blain Clothing Company
did t&