The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, April 22, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly
Published liy
Managing Editor.
Entered at the postoffice at Albany,
Oregon, as second-cbss matter.
Published every evening except Sun
day. Semi-weekly published Tuca
days and Fridays.
"iTusT.N'KS S M A XT E K.
Addrgss all communications and make
all remittances payable to .the Dem
ocrat Publishing Co.
In ordering changes of address, sub
scribers should always give old as
well as new address.
rdivcrcd by carrier, per month....$ .40
Delivered by carrier, per year 4.(10
by mail, at end of year 3.50
By mail in advance, per year 3.00
At end of year $1.50
When paid in advance, one year.... 1.25
Ic per word for first publication; 2c
per word thereafter, payable in ad
vance. Minimum charge of 25c.
Established in 1865.
TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1913.
? ,
The Sunshine Circle met with Mrs.
Works on Thursday. The ladies spent
the afternoon in sewing after which
light refreshments were served.
Miss Mary Lines delightfully en
tertained a few o'f her friends last
Saturday. The evening was spent in
playing games and a delicious lunch
was served.
Mrs. Frank Clcvenger of Portland,
is visiting her mother, Mrs. E. B.
Miss Jessie Reed was hostess to the
members of the 500 club this week.
The game was followed by a dainty
Mrs. Chas. Reed and little daughter,
from Mill City, were the guests of
A. N. Reed for a few days. '
TJic Cnpeland saw mill is running
again after being closed for a few
At the I.ickskillet school the child
ren kept Arbor day by planting sev
eral trees which are n great improve
ment to the grounds.
Mrs. A. Lshmcal visited friends at
Shelhurn this week.
The Progressive club met in regular
session on Tuesday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Kane. Roll call
was responded ,lo with quotations
from Shakespeare. The evening was
spent in a social time after which
lunch was served.
Ernest Welch returned Friday from
an extended visit in the east. While
gone he visited pomts in Oklahoma,
Kansas and Florida, returning home
by way of California.
Mrs. H. Robertson has been quite
ill but is recovering at this time.
Mr. and Mrs. Gaines were Albany
visitors F'riday.
The Cost of Sanitation
Conflicting reports have gone
out from tin- Isthmus of Panama,
ri'KarilhiK the cost o sanitation.
Some have claimed that sanita
tion lias been very expensive :
that when the work shall have
heen finished, sanitation will have
tost 5 per rent of the total ex
pense. This comes, says Col.
Win. Gorans, the chief Sanitary
Officer of the Istlmian Canal
Conimissio'ii, from confusing the
expense of the sanitary depart
ment with those of sanitation. The
sanitary department spends a
ood deal of money that has no
lelation whatever to sanitation;
for instance, more than half the
revenues of the sanitary depart
ment are on hospitals, dis
pensaries, etc., things that have
no relation w hatever to sanitation.
It is just as misleading to call
such things on the Isthmus "san
itation" as it would he to charge
to the health department of our
!at;e cities the expenses of all
Hospitals ami dispensaries and the
incomes id' the physicians .Tad
muse's. As a matter of fact, the
sanitation of the Isthmus has cost
ahotit $HX.lXK per annum. This
is a luile more than one cent per
il.iy per capita lor the total pop
ulation, and when we ate through
we shall have spent on sanitati'mi
iilmnt $4,lXX),CXXt instead of $.'(!.
(O).(KX). as has l.een stated, or 1.03
per cent of the total cost of the
canal instead of five per cent.
The matter lias a far wider ap
plication than to our local affairs
on the Isthmus. If our work is
going to ho of assistance to other
tiopical countries, we must show the expeusrs uf sanitation are
w ithin tho limits of (heir financial
ahilit v. 1 1 the South American
government are told that it has
cost the American government
520,000,000 for the sanitation of j
this small territory of 500 square i
miles on the Isthmus for ten years
they would all see at once that a
similar work for themselves
would be entirely beyond their
financial ability. I!ut if they are
informed that it has cost the
Americans a little more than a
cent a day pe rcapita for the
work, they will know that they
are financially able to do the same.
I his can certainly be done by all
these countries, as far as their
iarger and infected cities are con
The following is reprinted from the
last issue of Dun's Review and indi
cates the business interests are not
particularly worried over the tariff
"General trade is quiet for the time
being, many railroads and industrial
centers not having as yet fully recov
ered from the ettects of the western
floods; Satisfactory progress, how
ever, is reported at many points. The
readjustment of the tariff, now in pro
gress, produces more or less hesita
tion in some trades, but in spite of
these two unfavorable factors, there
is no indication of n nermanent set
back in business, and fundamental con
ditions appear as sound as before.
An encouraging development of the
week was the very favorable renort
on the condtion of winter wheat, which
is far above the average. Bank clear
ings this week were 5.0 per cent, under
those of last vear. but 3.7 ner cent
above 1911. The prevailing dullness
in tne speculative markets no doubt
accounts in part for the decrease.
Railroad gross earnings in March were
5.5 per cent, better than last year, and
the gain would have been larger, but
for the interruption to traffic caused
by the floods. The idle car surplus
has increased 20.000 in two weeks.
Pig iron output during March showed
a falling off from February, while the
Steel Corporation's unfilled orders
at th end of March were 187.758 tons
less than at the close of Fehruarv.
The conper situation has improved
materially and a further advance in
prices is expected. Better weather
favors building operations. The drv
goods markets arc experiencing a
steady, though quiet, trade. The shoe
industry rctlects progressive move
ment, with an excellent outlook for
the coming season. Lumber shows
steady improvement. Foreign com
merce maintains its imposing dimen
sions, statistics for the latest week
at New York showing a total trade in
and out of ?.1K.1K0.41.1 against $36 227
770 last year and $34,488,872 in 101 1.
Exports increased $3,546,212 over 1012,
while ininorts decreased $1,548,569 "
"Liabilities of commercial failures
reported for April to date amount to
$5,133,825. of which $1,640,790 were In
manufacturing, $3,215,125 in trading
and $277,010 in other commercial
lines. Failures this week numbered
279 in the United Slates against 207
last year, and 28 in Canada compared
with 22 a year ago."
Mrs. Cora Westhronk vestcrday re
turned In lier li. ..I W.,.tl ; ..r
r a visit with her son of the' St.
rrancis, ni a month.
Indue Mi'F.i,l,l..n f rn..ii:. :.
registered at the Hotel Ilaninicb'
Notice is herehv tri'v,.,. I...
dersigned has this day filed his final
account as mllllillictrn l,r nr ,t. ..........
of Conrad Johnson, deceased, and the
l.olintv I ourt of Linn Couiitv. Ore
gon, has liixed Monday, the twenty
sixth day of May. 101.1, at the hour of
OIIC O'clock P. 111. for the e..(ili..t
of said account and the hearing of the
.M.jeciiuns inereio. ..ny and all per
sons hnvinu- ohici'tmtic tr, o.'.l
count are hereby notified and rcoiiir-
eil to lie present in the above entitled
Court at said time and present such
objections as they may have to said
IXitcd April IS. 101?
Administrator of the Estate of Con-
rnd Tolinsnn n,-i.'t,.,l
Attorneys for Estate.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution and or
der of sale to me directed issued out
of the Circuit Court of the Slate of
Oregon for Linn County in the case
wherein Ferdinand I'reisinger is
plaintiff ami C. 11. Corbin, Stella Cor
bin, Clara M. K.uiffinau, Teh.iult
Real l'slatc Co.. Joe Pclic and Alva
Smith are defendants, 1 will on Satur
day, the .'4lh day of May. l'M.t, at
the hour of one o'clock 1'. M at the
front door of the Court House in
Albany. Linn County. Oregon, sell
at public auction to the highest bidder
lor cash in hand the following ile
scribed real property, to wit: Begin
ning at a point w hich is 53 rods north
of the southwest eortier of section
35. in township 9, S. R. 1 east of t lie
Will. Mer. in l inn Connlv, Oregon,
thence north to the northwest corner
of section 35. in township '), s K. 1
east, thence east 40 rods; thence south
-V7 rods more or less to a water main
ditch running in a westerly course said land, thence following
said ditch in a westerly course to the
place of beginning, containing in all
tv acres, more or less, in Linn County.
Oregon, lo satiety a judgment ren
dered in lavor of the plaintitt and
against the defendants in the sum of
JI.'SIUl .lu.l accruing interest thereon
at S per cent per annum from April
I. 1"!3. and the co. is of this M1,i
taxed at S-'S "ll. and the costs of this
execution and sale
n ii noniXK
Shcrift of Linn County, Oregon
t. C. Hi ,nt. attorney tor pltiutili
A-V-JO-Mo -13 ;!
Harry Wilkins Secures Collec
tion of Photographs of Teams
of Early Days.
Our Forefathers Could Play
Ball As Well As We of
Harry Wilkins, the well known
clerk and photographer of Dawson's
drug store, has succeeded in securing
a very interesting collection of old
time pictures of ' leading baseball
teams of this city of the early days.
The pictures are owned by differ
ent people of the city who have kindly
loaned them to' Mr. Wilkins. who is
ever alert to things of the hour, as
attested by the window exhibits that
have appeared from time to time at
this popular drug store. Hence Mr.
Wilkins has arranged an interesting
exhibit of these baseball pictures in
one of the windows of the store which
has attracted much attention.
Among the pho'tographs are two
championship teams representing this
city. One team captured the state
championship in 1878. The line-up
of this team is as follows: George
Sill lb.. Ed Clarke, c., .Tim Fosterss.,
Dick Conn. If.. Phil Baltimore, c.
Cash Hawkins, 2b., H. M. Crane, mgr.,
Rev. Stevens, cf., Mack Monteith, 3b.,
Frank McCully, p.
Another picture is of the old Al
bany Colts who toolc the Northwest
championship of Oregon, California
and Nevada. 17 years ago. The per
sonel of this aggregation is as fol
lows: F.lton Connaway. 3b., Rialto
Weathcrford. lb., Flemmings, p., Har
ry Crawford, cf., Frank Layton, ss.,
Billy Mack, mgr.. Will Mullcr, c,
Harry Clisick. sub.. Lair Thompson,
If.. Fred Wcatherford, rf.. Ed McFar
land, 2b., Arch Coins, sub.
A game that was of considerable
interest and one that will probably be
recalled by many of the oldtimers of
this city, was a contest played at
Lyons, between an aggregation of that
city and an Albany team, June 4. 1892,
which resulted in a score of 19 to9 in
favor of Albany. Mcmbei's of the Al
bany team are as follows: C. B.
Winn, Fd Blodgett, Billic Campbell.
Pearl Casey, Oscar Marshall. Jack
Warner, mgr. Art Lamert, S. Farrcll,
Wm. Stites. McFarland. Farlow. Alex.
Rennie, Jno. Hoffman, Bert Majors.
Other pictures represent the K. O.
T. ,M. team of 1906, the Albany Col
lege aggregation of the same year,
who captured the state championship
and the Albany High School of 1908.
Armstrong's Baby Dolls passed
through Albany this noon, a strik
ing looking lot of young women and
men, on their way to Corvallis where
they will show tonight, coming to
Albany tomorrow night.
Mrs. Ina Smith Thomas and child,
of Jefferson, arrived this noon for a
visit at the home of the parents of
the former. MY. and Mrs. D. S. Smith
Dr. Withycombc anil Prof. Kent,
of the O. A. C. went south this af
ternoon, the former to Pleasant Hill,
on extension Work, the latter to Drain
today and F.lkton tomorrow. At the
latter place he will help set going a
big creamery association just start
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Linn County. Depart
ment No. 2.
Registration of Land Title.
In the mailer of the application of
Horace II. Hunt to register the title
to the following described tract of
land, to-wit: Beginning at a point on
the south boundary line of Block 7i
eipn-iiisiant trom the south east and
the south west corners of said Block,
thence northerly parallel w ith the east
boundary line of said Block to the
center of said Block: thence easterly
parallel with the south boundary line
of said block sixty-six feet: thence
-oulheily parallel! with the cast boun
dary line of saiil Block to the south
boundary line of said Block: thence
on the south boundary line of said
Block to the place oi beginning, all
ill Monteilh's Southern Addition to
the City of Albany, in Linn County.
Whom It May Concern.
Tike Notice, on the 10 dav of
pril. I'll.t, n application was filed
by said Horace II. Hunt in the Cir
cuit Court of Linn Coun:v, for in
itial regi-tration of the title of the
land above described. Now. unless
you appear on or before ti e 17th day
of May. 1I3. and show cause w iv
Mich application shall not be granted,
the same will be taken as eoufe.-cd
and a decree will be entered accord
ling to the praxcr of the application,
land you will be forever barred from
deputing the -.line
Ill S l'I r 1" S. County Clerk.
Attorney lor Applicant
! tScaU AI"-:?-M:o.16
News Bcginninc With This Head Is
Krrn Daily Issue of
Plan Now on Foot Is Meeting
with General Favor by the
Local Business Men.
Would Cost 50 Cents a Month
For Twenty-Five Foot Front
age to Maintain.
If the business men of Albany will
co-operate with the city authorities,
a uniform system of street lighting
which will include cluster lights for
First, Second and Lyon streets will
become a reality in the near future.
Business men were interviewed in
regard to the proposition this morning
and those spoken to in regard to
the matter were enthusiastic.
The city proposes to place -cluster
light posts at the comers of First,
Second and Lyon Streets and main
tain them out of the city funds. Lo
cal business men are now being asked
to install and maintain two posts be
tween the corners on each side of
the street, the estimated cost of main
tainence. being approximately fifty
cents for every twenty five feet of
business frontage. .
The plan appears to be the only
solution of the problem of the street
lighting in Albany and is
meeting with much favor among the
progressive and public spirited mer
chants who have taken the lead in 'a
campaign for a better lighted city.
Occasion Will Be the Fifth
Anniversary of Organization
of Commercial Club.
Approximately 200 invitations will
be sent out today or tomorrow to
all of the present members, all of the
old members and all who" ought to
become members of the Albany Com
mercial club, inviting them to attend
the fifth anniversary of the organiza
tion of the commercial club.
All of those who have been unin
tentially overlooked -and who desire
to attend the meeting will be gladly
given an invitation by the club man
agement upon application and will be
cordially welcomed.
With a specific notation of "Please
be prompt" the following is the print
ed form of the invitation:
You are cordially invited to par
ticipate in the celebration of the Fifth
Anniversary of the Organization of
the Albany Commercial Club to be
held on Monday evening, April 21,
1913, at the Club Rooms, commencing
at 6:30 o'clock, at which time a sup
per will be served, without charge to
those holding this invitation. An in
teresting programme is being ar
ranged. Reports, will be rendered of
the doings a and accomplishments of
the Club for the past year, and what
is more important will be the con
sideration of some matters of tre
mendous bearing upon the develop
ment of Albany in prospect tor the
near future. Your presence will be
I M. French, S. F. watch inspector,
left this afternoon on a trip as far
south as Springfield. lie will return
tomorrow night by way of Woodbum,
adjusting atches along the Spring-field-Woodhurn
G. Y. Rolirbaugh. S. Si missionary,
went to I .ebanon this morning, and
fi om there three miles into the
country, where he will organize a Sab
hath school. Next Sunday he expects
to organize one at Uekskillet, near
Knox Hutte, wherever possible cover
ing territory not touched in the work.
Sir. A I Douglas, of Kugene, has
been in the city. He formerly for
several years run the farm of J. H.
Simpson on the Tangent road.
Mrs. V.. J. Moist went to Lebanon
this afternoon for three or four weeks
visit with relatives.
Mrs. W. M. Parker and daughter,
AUina, lett today tor Newport where
they will enjoy an outing.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of t.inn.
In the matter of the Application of
Mike liombeske to change his name
j to Mike Rice.
; Any and all persons are hereby no
! tified and required to appear before
j the above entitled court 0:1 or before
! May 2, 1)U, at the hour of ton o'clock
j itt the forenoon, and then and there
. otter and show c.uisc. if any they
1 have, why the application of the un
j dersigned Mike l!eniluke lor a de
1 eree changing his n.ime to Mike Rice
j should not be granted ami a ccrtiti
I cate issued to the undersigned as re
I iiuired by law of the s.iid change of
his name.
' This notice is published pursuant
to an order of the Honorable IX It.
' McKnight. Judge of the above en
1 titled I'ourt. made and entered on the
1 -xth dav of March. 11U
Aprl-JQ (Tues)
Game Was Characterized by
Good Hitting; Fielding of
Collegians Was Ragged.
In a seven inning practice game the
candidates for Hulen's Regina, West
ern Canadian League again defeated
Coach Garrett's Oregon aggies by a
score of 6 to 3 yesterday afternoon at
Hulen's men made a much better
showing in this contest than they did
in Tuesday's game when they defeat
ed the O. A. C, by a score of 7 to 6.
There is only one error marked
against the Reginas while the aggies
are charged with 6. However, the
collegians put up a better game of ball
than they have thus far this season.
The special feature of the game
was the batting of both sides. Re
gina made seven hits off of O. A. C's.
best pitchers and the collegians made
five hits.
The Canadians made two runs each
in the fourth, fifth, and sixth innings.
Corvallis made one score in the sixth
and in the seventh Captain Cooper
made a three bagger, . which netted
two runs for his team.
Rankin and Irwin did the twirling
act for Regina with Baker and Gray
behind the bat. Carnell McMillian
and Moorehead pitched for O. A. C.
and Supple and Weller performed the
backstop stunt.
Big Event for Corvallis Lodge
With Special Degree Work
That Date.
Next Tuesday evening will be a
time, of festivity for Barnum Lodge
No. 7, I. O. O., F. At that time the
first degree team of Albany lodge
will be here to exemply the first de
gree work for the edification of the
members of Barnum lodge and all so
journing members. Alpine lodge has
been invited, and it is said that the
entire membership anticipates getting
here for the occasion. Following the
serious work of the evening, a ban
quet will be given and hours devoted
to jollity.
This will be a very special occa
sion. The dramatic features of the
first degree under the new ritual will
be given in full by the Albany staff.
The work in its entirety is said to be
very beautiful, but seldom given be
cause of a lack of paraphernalia. The
Albany team is well equipped, gives
the work superbly, and doubtless the
presentation will prove interesting
and edifying to all who witness it.
This effort is designated to inspire the
members of Barnum lodge, as a first
degree team is being organized in the
local lodge.
The local Odd Fellows are planning
for a delightful social time, and will
entertain royally.
The Rebekahs, also, are planning
for the occasion on the 28th, when de
grees are to be conferred, after which
a t supper will be given. Corvallis
Everyone Is Cordially Invited
to Attend Services at Rural
Church April 27.
Dedication and district quarterly
meeting April 24 to 27 at the Lake
View Free Methodist church located
eight miles east of Albany and two
and a half miles west of Crabtree.
Ministers o'f the Salem district will be
present. Services in charge of W. N.
Coffee, district elder.
Preaching services each evening at
7:30 and on Thursday evening Bishop
Walter A. Scllen, of Jamestown. X.
V.. will deliver a missionary sermon.
The order of 'services for the Sab
bath the 27th is as follows:
Dedicatory sermon by Bishop Scl
len at 11 a. in.; Missionary sermon by
Mrs. Grace: Edwards, a returned mis
sionary from India, at 2:30 p. m. A
three weeks' Kvangclistic campaign
will begin at 7:30 p. m. Come on Sun
day prepared to stay all day. A gen
eral invitation extended to .ill.
Desertion Is Charge Made in
Complaint Filed This Morning
in Circuit Court.
Claiming that he had been deserted
by his wife. R.ileigh T. Sharp, of this
city, has filed suit ior legal separation
in the circuit court oi i.inn counlv
from Mrs. I.ettie Sharp. hi wiie
The couple were married here Jan
unry 2. I'M-', and in the complaint
Sharp allege that on January
of tlie s:une month he w'.i deserted
bv his wile without any imiic or pro
vocation whatever, ami that since that
time he and his wife have lived Sep
crate live I, .tally against his will.
W R llilyeu is att.Tncv fen the
Young Genius of City Destined
to Become' Famous Bird
Will Test Machine Sometime
During Summer; Has Com
plete Work Shop.
I'ciple of this city should not bev
surprised if Ihcy hear that H;my
1 ish. the .7 etar old sen of Mr and
Mrs. L. II. Fish, of West Fifth. street,
has become famous, for Henry is a
genius in the art of.fli.. i.:achine
cotisrr I'-'tion snd has iu-t .. Ictcd
a genuine coaster aeroplane.
The machine is an exact duplicate
of an ordinary bi-plane to the min
utest detail, except that it is not
quite as large as the standard ma
chine. The planes are three feet wide
and are 18 feet 'n length and between
the p'anes at each end are two smaller
planes which are called balancing
w nigs The machine lias a reguiar
l-iil and rudder and in fail every de
tail is similar to those of a success
ful areoplane, save that it is built upon
a smaller scale.
:p. of bcin; . e,;.l by a pro
1 Her (t-tached .. a in ' ihtj lo
.nift:on of the iiae:'ie . accom
plished by mounting a hill and when
placed in position it is released and
as it gains rapid momentum, being
mounted upon sturdy wheels, the el
evating plane is adjusted and the ma
chine is supposed to glide gently in
the air, slightly in the same fashion
as a gliding bi-planc. The driver
occupys a position between the two
planes in the center and manipulates
the glider by a lever in the same way
it is done upon the larger machines.
The workmanship on the machine
is complete to the minutest detail.
The best of material was used in the
construction of the wood work. The
wires and stays are o'f standard ma
terial. All of the wood work was
made and shaped by the deft hand of
Henry who has one of the most com
plete work shops in his back yard
and it all goes to show that he is an
artist in that particular line.
Henry has been an industrious man
ual training student at the local high
school and has been an attentive read
er of the Popular Mechanics and the
Hydro-Aero magazines, many num
bers of which he has filed in his shop
for reference.
Aside from the bi-plane now com
pleted, Henry is constructing another
machine of the monoplane type of
practically the same dimensions as
the aeroplane glider. This machine
will be similar lo the regular mono
plane and is manipulated and flown in
the same way as the former flyer.
It is the young inventor's intention
to try these machines out sometime
during the summer and it is very
probable that success will attain his
efforts, as both machines are very
substantially constructed.
To File Argument in Favor of
S. J. R. No. 6 with the
Secretary of State.
Hon. L. G. Levelling has been ap
pointed by Speaker McArthur of the
house as one of a committee of three
to file an argument with the secretary
o'f state in favor of Senate Joint Reso
lution No. 6, which was adopted by
the last legislature. The resolution
provides for a change in the consti
tution of the state, giving the right
of suffrage to all citizens of the
United Slates. i
Senator Day. of Multnomah, and
Representative Hughes of Marion,
arc the other two members of the
Mrs. Tillson left this afternoon for
Calloway, on the West Side, for a
visit with her daughter, who resides
Mrs. J. C. Hammcl went to Port
land this afternoon on the Oregon
Lawyer C. F.. Hawkins, of Toledo,
came over today on legal business.
He is a former Albany man.
Riley Lohaugh will be glad to de
liver a Ladies' Home Journal to you
tomorrow. It will be a fine number.
Rolla Ralston and Earl Blackman,
prominent I". O. students, went to
Corvallis this afternoon to attend an
(. A. C. dance tonight.
Oregon Electric Smith was in the
city yesterday.
Advertised Letters
Letters uncalled for and advertised
a Albany. Oregon. April 16. 19U.
. J. liechand. J. M Chainberlin,
Mrs. I-.d Davis, (ins Gamache 2.
M L. Hunsaker. Mrs. Marie L. Kaun.
Mrs. II. I'.. Miller. W. Mills. Mrs.
Low-em Pitcher Low Powall. Mrs
Jessi- R,,1,erts. George R"ba. F.d Reed
l boreign). Jacob A. Shearer. Hen
Warmscr. Miss Gertrude Wright