The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, April 15, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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State Fire Warden John Marrs
Gives Interesting Data About
Lookout Stations.
Mr. Earl McKinney and Miss
Anna PierceWill Make
Their Home Here.
Many Telephone Lines and
Trails Have Been Built
Since Last Fall.
Continued from Saturday, April 12.
That Linn county has a systematic
forust control to guard against forest
fires, and that the vast timber hold
intfs throughout the Hastem port inn
ot the county will he vigilantly pa
trolled during the dry season, was
learned yesterday afternoon from
State J;irc Warden John Marrs, of
Mr. Marrs, who has charge of all
of the timber in this section outside
of the forest reserves, was in this city
on his way to Portland to attend the
annual meeting of the Linn county
Timber association. Members of this
organization arc the owners of vast
tracts o'f timber in this county, and
the purpose of the organization is
to prepare means for the protection
of the timber against fires. Mr. Marrs
is the field representative of the asso
ciation and is now in I'ortland at
tending the meeting at which time
plans tor the coming season arc to he
At present, Mr. Marrs stated, that
he had twenty forest rangers work
ing under him, who were scattered at
lookout stations throughout the tim
ber belt. Recently, according to Mr.
Marrs, five telephone lines have been
built through the timbers, and since
last fall many trails have been con
structed. New lookout stations which have
just recently been built lo which have
been constructed telephone lines are
numerous and scattered in such a way
that they practically lake in every
section o'f timber in the belt. One line
has been built from Crawfordsvillc
to Horse Rock on the summit of the
divide between the Calapooia and the
Mohawk rivers, with K'.i er l;ox in
charge of the lookout station on
Horse Rock. A line has been built
from Sweet Home to' Hal! I'cter. An
other from l.acomb, in an indirect
route through the timber to Mill City.
This line runs over Cleveland rock,
the big bare space in the mountains
plainly visible direetly east of this
city. W. I.. Iturtou, of Lacomb,, is
the lookout stationed on the rock.
Another line has been built from Jor
dan to the headwaters of Thomas
creek where it intersects with the
Lacomb-Mill City line. There are two
other lines running through (he belt,
one from Crawfordsvillc up the mid
dle fork of the Santiain river to' Vel- '
lowstone, with John Roberts, of Craw- i
fordsville, in charge of the lookout !
station at (hat point, ami (he other j
from Whiteomes, on the middle fork
of the Santiain, to Rocky I'oiut with
Mr. Itrady in charge f the lookout
l;rom this it can be seen that the
telephone lines constructed under the
supervision of Mr. Marrs form a reg
ular net work through (his timber belt.
Of course Ibis telephone ami lookout
system does not include the limber in
the reserves because these forests are
patrolled by government rangers, but
it mainly provides for the protection
oi (lie timber holdings of large com
panies and individuals.
.Mr. Karl McKenney, of this' city,
and .MihS Anna I'ierce, o'f Portland,
were united in marriage Wednesday
aiiernoon in the Rose City at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
.Mrs. W. L. I'ierce.
The home was beautifully decorated
for the occasion with flowers of the
season and a color .scheme o'f yellow
and white with a green back ground
was carried out in the marriage cham
ber. The bride and bridegroom were
attended by Mr. and Mrs. Roy .Myers,
of I'ortland. The wedding march was
beautifully rendered by Miss Hazel
Cole, of Oregon City.
Rev. Jilear(i of the First Methodist
church performed the ceremony in
the presence of relatives and friends,
after which an elaborate supper was
served the guests. Splendid music
during the repast served to bring the
event to a joyous ending.
Miss Pierce was formerly an Al
bany young lady and has a host of
friends here. Mr. and Mrs. McKen
ney will make their home in the city
where the groom is engaged in busi
ness after a short honeymoon through
Western Washington.
E. W. Rail and C. J. Hulen, arc the
members of a new automobile firm
recently cstablislicd which is known
as the Albany Motor Co., located
at 421 West Second street.
The business of the new company
is to sell old cars on a commission
basis. The company will store and
do any kind of repair work on the au
tomobile. All the automobile acces
sories can be secured at this place
and automobiles arc kept for hire.
Both of the proprietors arc experi
enced mechanics and have done much
work of this nature. The work turned
out by the firm is fully guaranteed
at reasonable prices. Mr. Rau is a
graduated mechanic from a big east
ern school.
But No Voter Has To Register
For Coming Election
Says Russell.
Women of this city, vested with the
prerogative o'f casting their votes at
the coming special city election, when
it will determine whether the new
city charter will Jc adopted, have
been fairly busy for the past week,
calling at the county clerk's office
in person and by phone, seeking in
formation with reference to register
ing. "The present city charter does not
require-that the voters should register
for this election" said Deputy County
Clerk Rufus Russell! this afternoon,
"but I understand that the new char
ter contains a clause which requires
that every voter shall register prior
to any election. If the new charter
passes then it will be necessary for
everyone to register before voting but
until then the ladies can rest assured
that they will be safe in voting at the
coming election whether they have
registered or no't."
In the opinion of Mr. Russell, the
women of the city have taken an act
ive interest in politics, and this
judgment is based upon the number of
inquiries coming in daily at the clerk's
Disposed of Lis Ka vs..Moullet
Case, Deciding In Favor
Of the Defendants.
Attorney Carl E. Sox addressed the
sixth, seventh and eighth grades of
the Central public school yesterday
afternoon on the occasion of arbor
day. Kxcrcises commerating the day
were held in the auditorium of the
school and were very auspicious.
During the afternoon there was a
baseball game between the teams of
the Central and Madison schools
which resulted in a score of 21 to 1
in favor of the Central school. The
batteries were: Central school, John
Cleland, pitcher and M. Tracy, catch
er; Madison school, Henry Barnes,
pitcher, and Hutell Chance, catcher.
Mr. and MVs. C. R. Fream were
here today from Monfoc.
Mrs. Lester Waugh, o'f Toledo, and
M iss Waugh, of Corvallis, were in Al
bany last night.
T. A. Farmer, a former Albany real
estate dealer, came down from his
farm this noon and is the guest of
his mother, Mrs. Rexford.
G. M. Payne left this morning for
Eastern Oregon to look after intcr-
ests there.
Fred Dawson this noon returned
from a Newport trip.
Mrs. W. B. Stevens and daughter,
Miss Mayme, went to Portland this
II. C. Atwell, Linnhaveu architect,
of Forest Grove, was in the city to
day. Lawyer B. S. Martin went to Sa
lem this forenoon.
Lawyer B. S. Martin, of Browns
ville, went to Satem this afternoon.
Glen Wallace, teacher at Sweet
Home, has been in the city today.
C. G. Scott, of Salem, has-been in
the city today.
The Williamson 10-Acre Tracts
I'ino soil for garden, fruit and berries; beautiful location,
only 2 1-2 miles from Albany, near 1'. K. & K. Kleetrie
survey; and schools. Only $200 Per Acre. Good Terms
Call on
Pacific Real Estate Company
106 East First Street
1 Albany Slate Bank Blclg. Home 303 Bell 457-R.
Divorce Case of Anna Brett
haner vs. George Bretthaner
Is Now On Trial.
Circuit Judge Galloway rendered a
decision in favor of the defendants
this afternoon in the case of Joseph
Liska ct al vs. J. Moulett, et al to set
aside a contract.
The case went to trial late yester
day aftei noon and consumed the en
tire morning session of the court. The
subject of the case arose out of the
terms of a contract, with reference to
the cutting of timber to supply a saw
mill owned by the plaintiffs which is
located above Lebanon.
It appears that the controversy
arose over the fact that the articles
of the contract had not been fully
carried out. Judge Galloway held
that the contract was good and dis
missed the complaint.
Attorney George W. Wright rep
resented the defendants and Attorneys
VVeathcrford and Weatherford ap
peared in behalf of the plaintiffs.
The case of V. Clarlek vs. fienrirp
W. Poole et al, to foreclose a mort
gage was- tried yesterday afternoon
before Judge Galloway. The testi
mony was all in shortly before court
adjourned and the attorneys will
probably make closing arguments
sometime this afternoon. Attorneys
vv camerrorti ana wcatliertord repre
sent the plaintiffs and Attorneys
iiirwiii anu oox are ior tne iietentt
The divorce case of Anna Rrett-
hauer against George Bretthaucr. will
probably come up before Judge Gallo
way late this afternoon for trial.
In the coinnlaint the nlnititiff nl
leges that the defendant is addicted
to the lrmk habit and frequently
came home intoxicated, when he pro
ceeded to mistreat her with personal
indignities and by calling her vile
names. She asserts that on one oc
casion the defendant attacked her,
inflicting bodily injuries upon her per
son from which she suffered con
siderably. She further alleges that
on several occasions the defendant
had left her, prior to permanently
deserting her in St. Johns, Ore., May
-50 tni 1 ' J
M), 1 -J 1 1 .
The aouple were married in Port
land December 23, 1906, and there is
one child as the result of the union.
Editor and Mrs. Tip Humphrey,
of Jetferson, arc in the city this afternoon.
Was Operated Upon Late Yes
terday Afternoon by Dr.
Russell Wallace.
Mrs. George Dorr was operated
upon late yesterday afternoon at St.
Marys hospital for appendicitis. The
operation was performed by Dr. Rus
sell Wallace, who pronounced it a
success this morning.
Mrs. Dorr is reported as resting
comfortable at the hospital this morn
ing and an early recovery is expected
of the patient.
The operation came as a complete
surprise to Mrs. Dorr's friends as she
has apparently been in splendid health
prior to the operation. She became
suddenly ill yesterday morning and
when examined by the doctors she
was found to be suffering scverly
with an attack of appendicitis. She
was taken immediately to the hospital
where the operation was performed.
Fifty Out-Of-Town People Are
Expected to Attend Armory
In Gala Attire.
Tonight is the night ot tile big Al
pha Omega ball, which is to be held
at the armory. The Krand march will
start promptly at 8:15 and the big
crowd is expected to assemble long
before this time.
There are nearly 50 out of town
people in the city this afternoon who
arc here to attend the function. The
big hall is in gala attire for the oc
casion and presents a rare sight.
Spoctators are cordially invited to
attend the event and they will be made
comfortable in the spacious gallery,
which will be heated. Those who de
sire seats in the gallery can secure
tickets at the door for 25 cents.
Mrs. A. M. Reeves, of Halsey, this
afternoon went to Halsey to attend
a missionary convention of the M. E.
Jesse Galbraith, of Turner, arrived
this noon.
Ventilated porous summer underwear with
two exclusive features that eliminate the
faults of the ordinary porous undergarments.
J They are the patented worked eyelet and the elastic
lib fabric
The patented eyelet prevents tho openings or "pores"
from tearing.
J The elastic rib fabric keeps tha garment in shape and
permits free bodily movement without straining or
stretching at any point.
I Eyelet-Rib is cool durable elastic.
Men's Single Garments . 50c
Men's Union Suits . , $1.00
Boya' Single Garments
Boys' Union Suits . . .
8 fr
Manager Stewart Received
Word To This Effect. May
13-16 Date of Meeting.
According to woid received yester
day afternoon by Manager l II.
Stewart of the Commercial club. Hon.
Oliver Wilson, of Peoria, 111., will at
tend the State Grange convention
which is to he held in this citv Mav
1.1, 14. IS, and 10.
Ilo'n. Wilson is one of (he most
active personages of the National
(irauge of which he is the master. He
is a man of renown and of widespread
reputable reputation anil it will no
doubt be a soiuce of much elation to
members of the local mannc that such
a well known and highly esteemed
person will attend the convention. He
will be in attendance during the enure
four days ot the meeting and will be
scheduled for an address.
Or. Krtchum, of Salem, went to
-ehauou this afternoon to consult with
Dr. Jones in reference to a cancer
that is making headway, after X Kay
nud other experiments.
I.. K. Wood and ld Sears went lo
Corvallis this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Rialto Weatherford
and son, of llarrishuig, are visiting
lit Hon J. K. Wc.Hhei iotd's.
Miss lil.inchr l.eigh. a prominrut
home missionary of the M V. church,
arrived this afternoon from Kugenc.
and is the guest of Mts. J. A. Mc
Checney. I
The New
in jabots and the new shapes in
collars for waists and coats.
Jabots at 35c to 75c each
Collars at 35c to 75c each
Bulgarian minings for waist and
dress trimmings at 35c to 45c vd.
AkoiUs for yj i"VVTC Agents for
Standard 1 IKJKJ LJ O Kabo Rcducin
Pattern 334 Wc!lt 1,ir!lt Strect Corsets
A full line of Men's and Boys' Hats
from $1 to $5
We show the best $3 Hat made
The Frank SchobleZZZ
Made in Philadelphia, the home of the
high-grade hats
We are the only agent on the coast that sells
his hats for $3
You can find just the shape to fit your face in soft
or stiff hats. All the new mixed browns, blues,
greys and pearls. A $4 hat for $3
Come In and See This Line
Tracy Clothing Company
330 West First Street, Albany, Oregon