The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, April 15, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly
Published by
Managing Kditor.
Entered at the postoffice at Albany,
Oregon, as second-class matter.
I'ublisbed every evening except Sun
day. Semi-weekly published Tue.1
days and f''ridays.
Address all coimnunicatiuns and make
all remittances payable to the Dem
ocrat 1'ublishing Co.
In ordering changes of address, sub
scribers should always give old as
well as new address.
Delivered by carrier, per montli....$ .40
Delivered by carrier, per year 4.00
by mail, at end of year 3.50
Uy mail in advance, per year 3.00
At end of year $1.50
When paid in advance, one year.... 1.25
lc per word for first publication; J4c
per word thereafter, payable in ad
vance. Minimum charge of 25c.
Established in 1865.
TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1913.
The Panama Canal
Why has America succeeded
in building the Panama Canal,
where France failed? Was it be
cause we had more money, better
men or better tools? No, it was
because the French died so fast
that they could not make any
progress. The French, with an
average force of 10,000 employ
ees, lost from death during their
construction period 22,000 men.
We, with an average force of 33,
000 men during about the same
length of time, have lost from
death about 4,000. The French,
with an average of 1,600 white
employees, lost during their con
struction period from yellow fe
ver 2,000 men. We, with an
average of 5,000 white employees
during the same length of time,
have lost from yellow fever only
eighteen. The important ques
tion, however, is the health of the
American employee. During the
year 191 1 we had 10,489 American
whites connected with the com
mission. Their death-rate from
disease was 4.48 per thousand. Of
these 10.4S') Americans, 6,025
were men and 4,4o4 women and
children. The death-rale from
disease among the mui was 2.82
per thousand. That among the
women and children from the
same cause was 6.72 per thousand.
These facts are taken from a re
cent address, at Johns Hopkins
University by Col. Win. Ciorgas,
Chief Sanitary Officer of the
Isthmian Canal Commission. Ilis
address appears in a recent issue
of The Journal of the American
Medic;:' Association. Speaking
of the conditions of the Americ
ans now in the Canal Zone, Col.
tJorgas says: "1 think a still
belter way of satisfying oneself
with reg.-.rd to health, conditions
is direct observation of the Amer
ican employees. They as a class
ate rugged and healthy-looking,
of good color, and energetic and
active in movement. They look
more like the fanner ami his
family of the Northwest than like
people w ho have lived in the trop
ics lor four or five years."
A Human President
When the IViuocrats ami Pro
gressive Republicans were mak
ing a bitter light for a change in
the arbitrary rules of the lower
house of congress. Caution ;nul
his political advisors pointed to
the precedent established under
the regime of Ueed.
When Ahlrich was unable to
meet the arguments of the Dem
ocratic senators in the debates
upon the floor of the I'nited
States senate, he invariably found
some ancient and moth-eaten pre
cedent which was oftentimes suc
cessfully used in whipping the
more indepundent Republicans
into line for his reactionary pol
icies. The inaugeration of President
Wilson marks a new era at the
iiatiitial capital. A precedent is
a fence which is easily jumped
by the horse of common sense
and he has already jumped a num
ber of these fences.
Times and' conditions change.
What was highly proper under
the administration of Grant may
be highly improper under the ad
ministration of Wilson. Mccause
Thomas Jefferson rode his own
mount to the capitol building and
there assumed the oath of office
as chief executive, is no reason
why Woodrow Wilson should not
ride in the more modern automo
bile. Precedents mean nothing to a
broad minded statesman but they
mean much to the designing pol
itician. President Wilson has
turned his back upon prece
dent and his face toward the open
path of common sense. He takes
a short cut to reach a given point
and by so doing proves himself
to be a man of independence. We
have an intensely human presi
dent and a man who may be de
pended upon to produce some
practical results.
Miss Elizabeth Harris, Daugh
ter Congressman, Will
Go Into Insurance.
Boston, April 12. When Miss Eliza
beth Harris, daughter, of Congress
man Robert O. Harris of East Bridge
water, resigned her position as her
father's secretary at $1,500 a year
last September she announced that
she was going into business for her
self and now she has just begun to
send cards to her thousands of ac
quaintances asking that she be grant
ed an opportunity to show them why
insurance against theft and burglary
of their residences is a good thing.
If given half a chance, she has no
doubt as to the efficiencies of her
arguments. He friends say that she
will make an admirable insurance
agent one who, as a solicitor, simply
can't be beat.
"Too puny!" was Miss Harris' first
reply when her father asked why
she was leaving a $15(10 a year job.
"Being a lawyer and once having
been a judge," the 'congressman ex
plained to' a newspaper man, "I
thought after our argument had end
ed, that she had made out a case
against me, so I submitted,
"She argued that if she were a
yonug man of 21 or more years 1
would be asking why she wasn't
working harder for a living.
"She ins sihetattdemfwyp ypyppp
"She insisted that just because she
was a daughter instead of a son I
ought not to try to' deny her an op
portunity to try for independence."
Congressman 1 1 arris praised his
daughtrr as :m cnicient. faithful sec
retary, doing her work for him in the
same manner she would do it for an
emph yer not inclined thn mgh hloo'd
relationship to leniency toward any
sins of omission or commission, lie
considered her ability especially
marked in regard to dealing with all
sorts of persons which, in her posi
tion at the capital, he found verv use
ful. Many friends were made in Wash
ington by Miss Harris in her secre
tarial position. Among those who
took a liking to the Massachusetts
i;hi were the wife and daughter ot a
prominent banker, whose son-in-law
was in the insurance business.
When Miss Harris spo'ke of her de
sire to find and opening in n larger
field she was informed that the. par
ticular field of insurance alluded to
was one which had not been greatly
worked because of "the difficult y in
finding girls vi her type willing to
take it up. It was the insurance
avriinst theft and the burglary of resi
dence. M iss Harris fairly jumped at the
chance and made ready to enter the
insurance field just as soon as she had
won her father's consent to' the step.
The extraordinary growth of this
branch of the insurance luiiness in
her own state may have had s. une
thiug to do with influencing Miss
Harris in her decision.
Claim Made That It Will Restore
Hardened Arteries of Old
London, April t. That radium can
restore the hardened arteries of middle
aged persons to a healthy comlitino
and so prolong life was the claim
made by 1 r. S.iubernianu of Berlin
in a lecture here before the Roentgen
The apparatus which will manufac
ture this "elixir ot youth" conists of
an earthenware receptacle containing
I a minute amount of radium, which is
.placed at the bottom of a glass bottle,
lite bottle is tilled with water. In
time the water becomes charged with
radium emanations.
The radium remains active for httu-
ilreils ot years, so it is onlv necessary
to renew the w ater in order to' get
,uy number of doses.
,ft i i $ vf) 1
New Beginning With This Head Is
Krom Daily Issue of V
F ?
9 TO 3
Local team Put Up Splendid
Fight Considering Circum
stances; Senders Pleased.
Ryals, Colbert and
Played Star Game for Albany;
Salisbury Did Twirling Act.
On a rather soggy baseball diamond
the Albany Athletics met defeat yes
terday afternoon at the hands of the
fast aggregation which will represent
Portland in the Northwestern base
ball league. The score was 9 to 3.
and tells an expected story.
Crawling out of their winter quar
ters, like young bears, for a spring
rollicking, the Albany bunch rollicked
a few innings but became distressed
before the end of the third. They
discovered the ill of their way. It
was simply this, that they were stiff
and untrained, and worst than that
they were far beyond any condition
to play baseball. Manager Senders
mustered all of the courage he could
sum up to encourage the boys but
he didn't expect the boys to do any
better and expressed himself as thor
oughly satisfied with the result. In
fact he is of the opinion that his team
did remarkably well, when consider
ing the fact that the Portlanders have
been .training all of the spring and
that they defeated the University of
Oregon Wednesday by a score of 9
to 0.
Portland will undoubtedly have a
fast representation in the Northwest
ern league in this team and one which
is reputed to be a pennant winner.
The team is managed by the celebrat
ed ball expert. Nick Williams.
The condition of the field yester
day afternoon greatly enhanced the
playing proclivities of the players and
it was slop, slop, slop, over the dia
mond until the game became very
droll. The ball looked like a hunk
of mud flying through space when it
was batted out in the field and if it
perchance dropped .to' the ground,
which in many cases it did, it would
become buried deep in the mud.
Nevertheless, both teams struggled
bravely through the contest, but it
was a story of better players with
more experience and practice arrayed
against players of the amcteur class
who hadn't seen much of baseball
during the present season.
It was the first time the Albany
players had been together. Albany's
team is composed of players from Cor
vallis and several students of the Uni
versity of Oregon, former Alhnny
boys, as well as boys of this city and
the only practice they have had this
season was the individual practice
which they had gotten at home. In
view of this it is considered a re
markable incident that Albany man
aged to sco're the three runs.
Ivyals. right fielder. Colbert, third
base and Bigbee. short stop, all young
fellows hailing from this city, Cor
vallis and Eugene respectively, played
star games for .Albany and much
credit is due them for their material
help throughout the contest. Salis
bury and Patterson performed the
battery stunt for the local team and
Do'ty and Agnew, were the perform
ers for Portland. z
This afternoon the Portlanders will
play O. A. C. team at Corvallis.
J. U. Metzgar went ont on the C.
E. to Milk Creek this morning for
a struggle with the pring trout.
M rs. Guoch and Mrs. Taylor, of
Shelburii. returned home this fore
noon after a visit with M rs. Dorris
Prof. Parsons, traveling aptieiap,
left this noon after seeing Albany,
where lie resided a good many years
Miss Craft" and Mi-s Ada Ache-son
went to Shedd this afternoon to attend
the missionary meeting of the U. P.
church this afternoon.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an execution and or
der of sale to me directed issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn County in the case
wherein Ferdinand Preisim;er is
plaintiff and C. H. Corbin, Stella Cor
biu. Clara M. , Kauftmin, Tebault
Real Estate Co.. Joe Petzie and Alva
Smith are defendants, I will on Tues
day the Seventh day of May. 1U. at
the hour of one o'clock I. M., at the
front door of thy Court House in
Albany. Linn County. Oregon, sell
at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash in ham! the following de
scribed real property, to-wit: Begin
ning at a point which is 5.1 rods north
of the southwest corner of section
J5. in township 0. S. R. 1 east of the
Will. Mer. in Linn County. Oregon,
thence north to the northwest tonter
of section 35. in township P. S R. I
eat. thence east 40 rods; thence south
Jtv rods more or less to a water main
ditch running in a westerly course
through said land, thence following
said ditch in a westerly co'urse to the
phice of begtming. containing in all
fv acres, more or less, in Linn County,
Oregon, to satisfy a judgment ren
dered in favor of th plaintiff and
airainit the defendants in the sum of
$USHX and accruing interest thereon
at S per cent per annum from April
I, 1U, and the cot of this suit
taxed at $-X70. and the costs of this
execution and sale.
Sheriff of Linn County. Oregon.
C C. Brant. attorney for plaintiff
AS 15 22 M6
A Thrilling Dash Down Lyon
Street to Vandran Hotel
Scene of Action.
The Albany fire department, under
the direction of Assistant Chief E. H.
Horsky, held a very interesting fire
drill last night from the top of the
Hotel Van Dran, corner Ninth and
Lyon street.
The alarm was turned in promptly
at 7:30 o'clock over the phone and the
department made a thrilling run from
the fire house down Lyon street to
the scene of action.
The engine was stationed at Eighth
street where it pumped the water
out of the ditch to the top of the
hotel building. It was stated that a
full stream of water was pouring from
the nozzel of the hose in the hands
of the firemen on top of the building
within ten minutes after the alarm was
turned in. This is considered a re
markable record when considering
that the run covered a distance of
over eight blocks.
It is hoped that the next fire drill
will he held within the next week
at which time the firemen may receive
instruction in manipulation of the new
fire truck which is expected to arrive
before the fifteenth.
A Press Association May Be
Formed in Albany If Present
Plans Are Carried Out.
Meeting last night at the residence
of Editor Page, members of the local
press and their wives took the pre
liminary steps toward perfecting ar
rangements for the reception and en
tent.'iinincnt of delegates to the Wil
lamette Valley District Press Asso
ciation which will convene here on
April 19.
The organization of a local press
association was also discussed and a
committee was appointed for the pur
pose of submitting a report at a meet
ing to be called at some later date.
It is urged in favor of the plan of
organizing a press club that an or
ganization should be perfected in or
der to properly arrange for the enter
tainment of the visiting editors.
C. Clinton Page, of the Herald,
acted as temporary chairman of the
meeting and Willard Marks, of the
Oregonian, as temporary secretary.
A feature of the evening which was
greatly enjoyed and much appreciated
by those present was a splendid three
course dinner served by Mrs. Page.
A vote of thanks was tendered the
hostess at the close of the meeting
for her hospitality.
The owners and members of the
staff of the local papers and the
correspondents for the Oregonian Tel
egram anil Journal accepted the in
vitation of Mr. and Mrs. Page and at
tended the meeting.
Parents Are Cordially Invited
to Inspect Splendid Exhibits,
Announces Librarian.
There is an interesting exhibit of
art work done by the school children
of the local public schools at the Al
bany Public library and the parents
of the citv have a cordial invitation to
j visit the library and inspect the draw-
The pictures embody a variety of
subjects, includir.;; the different
spring blossoms and flowers and
many birds. All of the work is done
in watercolors by the students of the
graded schools, under the supervision
of Miss Rice, and much remarkable
talent is displayed.
A gang of Chinese laborers, came up
from Portland early this morning and
left for Corvallis, where they will he
scut out tor work on the Corvallis
& Eastern. They presented an old
time appearance, with their peculiar
packages of utensils and furnishings.
Gradually the Greeks have been
crowding them out; hut this looks as
if they were coming back. They were
a weather-beaten, hardened crowd of
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Linn.
In the matter of the Application of
Mike Gcmbeske to change his name
to Mike Rice.
Any and all persons are hereby no
tified anil required to appear before
the above entitled court on or before
May 2, 191 J, at the hour of ten o'clock
in the forenoon, and then and there
offer and show cause, if any they
have, why the application of the un
dersigned Mike Gcmbeske for a de
cree changing his name to Mike Rice
should not be granted and a certifi
cate issued to the undersigned as re
quired by law of the said change of
his name.
This notice is pubtished pursuant
to an order of the Honorable D. It.
McKnight. Judge of the above en
titled Court, made and entered on the
.Nth dav of March. 1LV
Apr 1-29 (.Tucs)
Mrs. F. G. Franklin Librarian
Furnishes Interesting Notes
About Institution.
Mr. Phil Goodwin has presented
to the Albany library 28 volumes of
Encyclopaedia Britaunica. Forty-two
card holders were added during the
month of March.
An Underwood typewriter with the
latest appliances for writing library
cards has been added to the equip
ment. Mr. Earl Cowles and Mr. Charles
Barmene have made some beautiful
decorated posters for library use.
The Craftsman is a useful magazine
for any one contemplating building
cottages or bungalows.
Music lovers are enjoying Lavig
nac's critical study of Wagner's
Parcifa'l, preparing to enjoy the re
cital. The sixth publication of the Car
negie Hero Fund Commission is on
file in the lihrary.
The following books are of especial
interest these days: Spraying Pla-nts
by Lpdcman ; The Principles of
Vegetable Gardening by Bailey;
The Principles of Fruit Growing by
Bailey; Wild Flower Families by
Weed; The Landscape Beautiful By
Waugh; Birds of Oregon and Wash
ington by Lord.
All Arrangements Have Been
Completed for Big Function;
Beautiful Decorations.
Determined to establish a precedent
in the local social realm by commenc
ing "their dance at the time specified,
the young ladies of the Alpha Omega
sorority, have completed all arrange
ments for the big ball.
The dance will take place tomorrow
evening in the armory and the grand
march will start promptly at 8:15
o'clock. The . primary reason for
starting the dance at this hour is be
cause of the fact that the program
vill have to be completed by 12 o'clock
to avoid running into Sunday. Furth
er the girls are pronounced in their
determination to carry out all of the
plans set forth.
This dance promises to far eclipse
any previous event ever given by the
members of this sorority, who have
an enviable reputation as charming
hostesses. The decoration designs are
the most artistic and unique that have
ever graced the interior of a local
ball room. The main scheme con
sists of a network of ribbon strung
below the ceiling, from which flutter
1500 paper butterflys. Xeatly appor
tioned cozy corners are numerous.
A beautifully decorated platform has
been erected in the middle of the floor
from which Heudershott's orchestra
will furnish the music for the occa
sion. Provision has been made for spec
tators and it is helieved that the gal
lery will be packed to its capacity.
Tickets for scats can be secured at tlie
Elder Williams, of Tallman. wen;
to Portland this inorninr for a visit
with his son. Ed. Williams, a promi
nent lawyer, of the firm of Wheelock
& .Williams.
Dr. Fred Keplinger. of Salem, was
n the city this morning on his way
home from Mill City, where he hnil
been on a visit with his son Henry,
a resident of that place for a good
many years, leaving here eleven year?
ago. He was once both a sailor ami
a doctor, but is now taking things
easy, at the age of S2 years, as active
as a man of sixty-five.
Distinguished arrivals today were
Bruce Gordon Kingslev and Anna
Harper Mattson. who "will present
"larcifal" tonight at the opera house.
Mrs. F. K. Churchill went to Port
land this morning.
In the Circuit Court of the State
ot Oregon for Linn County. Depart
ment Xo. 2.
Registration of Land Title.
In the matter of the application of
Horace H. Hunt to register the title
to the tllowing described tract of
land, to-wit: Beginning at a point on
the south boundary line of Block 78
equi-distant from the south east and
the south west corners of said Block
thence northerly parallel with the east
boundary line of said Block to the
center of said Block: thence easterly
parallel with the south boundary line
of said block sixty-six feet; thence
southerly parallcll with the east boun
dary line of said Block to the south
boundary line of said Block; thence
on the south boundary line of said
Block to the place of beginning, all
in Monteith's Southern Addition to
the City of Albany, in Linn County,
Whom It May Cone em.
Take Notice, tha on the 10 dav of
April. 1913. an application was filed
by said Horace H. Hunt in the Cir
cuit Court of Linn County, for in
itial registration of the title of the
land above described. Now. unless
you appear on or before the 17th day
of May. 1913. and show eause why
such application shall not he granted,
the same will be taken as confessed
and a decree will be entered accord
ing to the prayed of the applicant.
! and you will be torever barred from
i disputing the same.
T. 1. STITF.S. County CUrk.
Attorney for Applicant.
tScal) A19-2S-M29-16
Ernest and Carl Wiberg, of
Oakville Are Victims of
Sad Tragedy.
Parents Are Prostrated with
Grief; Are Newcomers in
This Section.
Earnest and Carl Wiberg, age of 12
and '. ,- pectivc! , were drowned
early this morning in Muddy Creek
near Oakville, according 1o' meager
details received over the telephone
this morning from that place.
From the' information at hand it
appears that the lads were attempt
ing to cross the creek on a raft and
when about mid stream the swift
current wrested the control of the
float and the boys who' were plunged
overboard. Their screams for help
were heard by members of the family
at the house, hardly two hundred
yards away but assistance arrived too
It seems that the boys had set out
several traps on the opposite side of
the creek the night before and were
endeavoring to cross the river to. look
after them when the sad event hap
pened. There was no eye witness to the
tragedy and it could not be learned
whether the bodies have been recover
ed, but searching parties have been
dragging the creek all morning hop
ing for results every minute. Coroner
Fortmiller left this noon for the
scene of the drowning
The unfortunate lads resided with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. B.
Wiberg. on the farm, which is located
just north of Oakville school house.
They are two of a family of 12 child
ren and have only recently taken up
(heir residence in that section. The
family came here from Newport late
last December and purchased the
farm from J. W. Kelly, and have since
made their home there. Mr. Wiberg
was formerly a hotel proprietor of
Newport. Members of the family
are prostrated with grief over the sad
Tangent Man First Filed De
claration in Missouri; Be
came Citizen Today.
Filmg his first petition for
citizenship more than fifteen
years ago. Christian Fredrick
1-1 ink. of Tangent, today became
a fuM fledged American citizen.
Hinck. of Tangent, today became
and located in Canada in the
year 1PS7. There he' took out
f.) p.r;.;L-i. ,. !....
- ........... mil in me year
lew moved to tile United Stales
.urn incarcn in .Missouri. lie
tiiere declared his intention of
becoming an American citizen.
Several years later he made ap-
plication for final papers but
owing to some irregularity, the
clerk informed him that it would
i again he necessary for him to
declare his intention of becom-
,""r. a" American citizen. In
J""-,.'."" i;xm made application
for final papers but prior to this
S had made all arrangements
to leave for the coast. Court
failed to convene before he left
and he again missed the oppor
J Utility of becoming an American
He located in Oregon in 1911
and filed his petition with Coun-
ty Clerk Marks last December.
He then learned that he must
i surrender his British papers be
i fore the necessary order could
be made but upon making an in
i vestigation- found that he had
B mislaid them. Affida vits were
secured from British officers and
the necessary papers were today
issued by the county clerk.
The Hall Has Been Engaged for
Tonight; There Will Be a
Dance Next Week.
The regular Friday night dance will
not be held tonight at the armory
because the hall has been engaged
by the Alpha Omega girls to com
plete the decorations for the big ball
which will be given tomorrow night.
However, the president of the Fri
day night Dancing club announces
that the regular dance will be given
next Friday night and a cordial in
vitation is extended to all of those
holding membership cards.
Judge Galloway, who has been hold
ing court here, went to Salem last