FACTS OF SUNDAY IL Local Missionary Gives Some Interesting Data About the Splendid Association. 17,281 SUNDAY SCHOOLS ORGANIZED IN SIX YEARS Much Commendable Work Is ; Being Done by This Union Says Writer. Continued from S.ilnnlay, April 5. Many residents of I.inn county have been watching with increasing interest the operations of the Ameri can Sunday School Union in these iliiw.i. nf the Pacific Northwest. ' The net gain in the number of Sunday schools in continental United States for the six years ending l'Jll w9 17.2X1 Ten thousand nine hundred and twptitv nine or 6() ikt cent of that number was the result of work of the American Sunday School union (besides reorganizing and reviving (i,325 other schools.) leaving to all the other Sunday school forces of the country the organization of the other 4(1 ncr cent of (i.912 schools. Durinir the nasi X') years the society has organized 125,01X1 Sunday schools and gathered into them S,5IK),(HK) scholars anil teachers; au average of nearly four schools lor every day of the eighty nine years. During the .year eliding March 1 the twelve missionaries o'f the Atneri' can Sunday School Union in Oregon, Washington and Idaho worliing in places not reaclieil liy (tiler christian agencies, accomplished a great work which is briefly and partly indicated ill the loltowmg summary ot t lie year's report: Sunday Schools organized Sunday Schools rc-orgaliized . Teachers Scholars Number brought into existing ....147 13 .. 557 4547 schools 728 Total brought into Sunday Schools 5,832 Visits to Need Schools 513 I'astoral Visits to Homes 91114 lliblcs and Testaments Hist IrtKO Value of (iood Reading I )ist....$8H475 Sermons and Addresses del 12(11 I'rofesscd conversions 274 Preaching Stations Opened for Pastors 32 J otat Miles 'raveled (largely in rural districts.) 61,731 Work among the children pays the best, but more than 35t),KX) ellildren of sclloo'l age in these three states are not in any Sunday school About 3,000 young people of school age or more than 40 per cent of the school census of l.imt county are not reached by any Sunday school. Judge l.iudsey of the juvenile court of Denver said "Take care of the child and the state will take care of itself." Very truly, G. V ROIlUHOUr.lt, Missionary of the American Sunday School Union. CHARLES SOUTH TO BE HEARD HERE IN VIOLIN RECITAL Former Linn County Young Man Is Rare Artist With Great Instrument. Local music lovers are looking for ward with much interest to the com ing violin and piano recital to be giv en under the auspices of the Ladies Aid Society of the hirst 1'resbyterian church in the auditorium of the church Friday evening April IS. It will be a joint recital of the vio lin and piano by C harles South, vio linist and Pavid Campbell, pianist, both of Kugenc. These young men are musical artists ot raic talent ami have been the recipients of many flatter ing press accounts. It v the fact that Mr. South is a native of Lii n county where he spent his early boyhood a large attendance is anticipated. Mr. South has been a violin student for the past o years. Three years ot" this lime he spent at the Boston Conservatory of Music and the remainder in I'.urope where he studied under noted violinists of the continent. He has but recently returned from Kurope. CELEBRATED THEIR TENTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Palmer were the reecipu tits of a tin show er List nieju at their home, comer Sith and Vine stieels on the occasion of their tenth wedding annivei sat y when about twenty ulaiixes and 1m nds cnscmhlrd at the home. The part y was a sin pi te to Mr. and Mis. rainier but they proved io be gracious entertainers during the evening. Game were pliyid and the hosier sVi ved a splendid lunch. Mr. and Mt. C. M. Snider, uvint hew comet s In mi the ea-t. ate the guests ol Mi and Mis ,u' llani'iul It i probable that tlu may conclude to locale here. MISS RUTH GREEN WINS ORATORICAL CONTEST Was Awarded First Place For Oration on "Mans True Greatness" at Halsey. Miss Ruth Green, a sophomore in first place in the local Iuk" school the Ilalscv Hitfh school, was awarded oratorical contest at Halsey last nipht. Iter oratory on the subject ot -Man s True Greatness" was a uroduct of deep thought and preparation, and her de livery was , excellent. Mr. Minor Boyd was awarded second place, and he deserves much credit for his ex cellent oration. The other contestants were Miss Calantha Doutfhtery, Mr. I.elland Bond, Mr. Glenn Stevenson, Miss Elizabeth Cuminins and Miss Goldic Wells. With an attendance of only twenty five, the Halsey hitfh school is to be complemented on such a contest as the one held last niht. Much credit is due to Prof. Ired Shepman, prin cipal of the hiyh school, and his able assistants. The judges of the contest were, Mr. Robertson of Halsey, Louis A. Jones and I'rof. O. V. White of Albany College. EX-SHERIFF 0. S. SMITH MAKES FINE SHOWING Handled a Large Volume of Money For Years and Expert Commends Record. Something has been said lately in relation to the splendid record of one of our county officers, and he was juslly entitled to the good words even if he did default in the amount of five cents. Now there are others who have just as good a record, and even belter, and one of them is Mr. 1). S. Smith, who has just retired from the sheriff's office, after holding it continuously since IW6. The expert who has been investigating the books of the co'tinty officers has finished up the work in the sheriff's office, and he makes the report that ought to he a source of much gratification to Mr. Smith and his host of friends in this county. The tax rolls turned over to him for collection have been as follows: ;1 906 $2.34, 1 65.35 ; I W $235,31)5. 46; 1)0H .130,590; 1 (WW $332,646.42; 010 $422,837.02; 1911 $512.884.)i2i The expert says that he has made a thorough and complete examination of the evidences of money received by the sheriff from all sources, and finds that he has accounted for it all and turned it in to the treasurer. The amount collected, totals $2,075,826.52, and the expert reports that this ex ceeds the amount due by $3.30, and the county court has drawn Mr, Smith a warrant for that amount to square the books. When you take into ac count the fact that this enormous amount of money was almost alto gether received from taxes, and gen erally in small amounts, it will have to be admitted that the achievement is almost unparalted. Still, this is no more than was expected by Mr. Smith's friends who are not confined to any o'uc party, and their confi dence in his ability to make good, ac counts for the fact that, being a Dem ocrat, he could hold the office so long in a county having a Republican ma jority of over one thousand. 1S.T.C. MITCHELL PASSES AWAY AT RIPE AGE OF 83 Funeral Services Will Be Held Tomorrow Afternoon at the Home of Her Daughter. Mrs. T. C Mitchell passed away at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. II. I). Uurkhart, last night at It o'clock, at the age ot 83 years, after a linger ing illness of over two years. The deceased is survived by seven children whit are: V. C. Mitchell and Mrs. II. D. liurkhart, of this city; Mrs. Milton Merger, o'f Nebraska; T. H. and C K. Mitchell, of Portland; K. C. Mitchell, of Ohio, and O. V. Mitchell, of Montana. The funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. D. lUtikhart. on the Santiam Koad. TWO CLUB DANCES WERE WELL ATTENDED LAST NIGHT One Was Held at Bussards Hall and Other at Armory; First Dance of E. D. C. Despite the fact that two welt known dancing clubs gave their reg ular Friday night dances last night, both of the panics were well attended. The regular dance o'f the Friday day night dances laM night, both of the parties were well attended. The fir it dance .titer the l.cnlon seai -n of the l-. D, Club, under the supervision of Mr I'. Clinton lii;e wis held la I ii i v; In in Uu -sards hall and a laige number of the omiger set were preen t. inclmlini; sex ei al I memhet s ot the older -et A tv o ! piece ore he ; ra lui uished the music tor the occasion. Pie tegular dance of th eKiid.iv I 'uht Dancing I bib was held .it the j.umoty last niclit 1 !;e v'hataumn j Oh lu -.ua tmm-duj (tie -plendid tini i ic and a late number of the iimi.i1 ' erow d ere pi cent There x ill be j no d.uue in the anuoi ttet iday night because the hat! i engaged. BOYS ESCAPE Officer King Located One of the Boys in This City This Morning. CONSTABLE CATLIN IS IN SEARCH OF THE OTHER Will Return With Both of the Youngsters If Catlin Makes Arrest Today. Hoarding a Corvallis & Eastern train by mistake, an attendant from the state reform school, this noon road as far as North Albany before he disco'vered his mistake and was compelled to walk back to this city. The attendant arrived this noon from Salem and expected to take two runaway boys from the reform school back to the state capital. The boy when intercepted this morning at the depot by Policeman King upon telephonic communication from the school. The other boy skinned before he could be caught but .the secret of his hiding place was divulged by the lad now in custody, as being in a barn 4 miles outside of the city limits. Constable John Cat lin has been dispatched to that place in pursuit of the wayward lad. The boy when mtersepted this morning gave his name as Joe Kamc na and his age is given as 17 years. He said that he has been an inmate of the reform school fur some time but didn't know how long. Kamena did not show a disposition to talk very much concerning himself. He was nearly starved and was immed iately taken to the Tcrril restaurant on Lyon street where he ate raven otisly. I f Constable Catlin is successful in taking the other lad into' custody and bringing him to this city this afternoon both boys will be taken back to Salem this evening. ALBANY HAS BLUE RIBBON WINNING BULL TERRIER Dog Belonging to E. H. McCune Takes Sveepstake at Kennel Show. That this city has at least one blood ed canine, and a blue ribbon winner was learned this morning from a tele gram from E. II. McCune, of Cham bers & McCune. who is now in Port land attending the kennel show. Mr. McCune went down to enter his little Huston bull terrier in the show, and the dog took every blue ribbon sweepstake and trophy in the Boston terrier class, in competition with entries from the leading cities of the Pacific coast. Following is the telegram received this morning from Mr. McCune. "F.ditor Albany Democrat: "It will no doubt interest you and the good people of Albany to know that Albany is in the blue ribbon class, when 1 tell you our Boston terrier doggie Patrick 1 ienry, took every blue ribbon sxveepstake and trophy in the Boston terrier class for male dogs in competition with Portland. Seattle. San Francisco, Butte, Tacoma and acxv 1 laven, Conn. "K. H. M'CUXE" S. M. Garland, wife and two of his ' children, went to Newport this af- 1 ternoon, to give Mr. Garland a needed rest from business for a few days. , G. V. Simpson, a prominent Port- ' land commission merchant, formerly of this city, arrived this'noon. " ( Mrs. Geo. J. Wilhelm, of Harris burg, arrived this noon on an Al- i bany trip, and is the guest of Mrs. i J. G. Crawford. o i For Sale. I SO acres land, all in cultivation. Lo- ' cated l'j miles northeast of Oakville station on the Oregon Electric. A; fine bargain. For particulars address, or phone. Mrs. Fva Vernor. care O. A Archibald. 540 Third street. Albauv, Oregon. t M-10-Apr 10-dly-wkly j FOR SALE Choice seed oats. J. R. Bureh. Home Phone 27t. R. F. D o. 1. Albany Semi MarJ.vXS : WHEN YOU HAVE i AILMENTS nf any sort ami that you have gained no results from other doctors, do not Hive up hope until you have seen The I lin( Wo Chineie Medical Co. Their roots are from the interior of , V hina ami used hv old famous special i it-. for eavs These wonderful roots will erne v'at.irth. Asthma, l.untf , Trouble, I'aucir. Rheumatism. lllood Poison. 'rrvtusues. Stomach, I.iver i and Kidney Troubles Also private : i disease ol mrn and women. No op- , eratinn. t'onsnltaiion free. Office 1 hottt l a m to S p m THE HING WO CHINESE MEDICAL COMPANY Thiul ami linu.hlhin St ' H.-ll l'h. me ,W I ' Albany. Oregon. THREE CALLS KEEP Policemen Griff King Was Busy Man Yesterday Afternoon Chasing Down Trouble. UNUSUAL HAPPENING FOR PEACEFUL ALBANY Slight Difficulties at the Depot, East Second Street and on Lyon Street. Policeman Griff King was kept on the jump yesterday afternoon answer ing three police calls from different parts of the city for varied offences. The first call came in from the Southern Pacific depot and the com plaint was that a hobo had been loiter ing around the station for sometime and it was feared that he had no visible means of support. Upon ar riving at the scene King accosted the man, inquiring as to where he was going. The man replied that he had been seeking work all morning, ar riving early in the city from Portland via first class passage. In response to the police officer's question as to whether he had any money, the man displayed a wallet fairly full, saying that he was waiting for a south bound train. He was left unmolested. The next call came in from a resi dence on East Second street and the complaint was that a man by the well known name of John Smith was suf fering from a state of intoxication. Chief Austin and Policeman King both rcspofided to this call, in view of the fact that we have no patrol wagon and it is surmised that they wished to save the city dray age expense. Smith was lifted before Police Judge Van Tassel who imuosed a sentence of five days in the city jail. However, alter spending the night m jail, smith xvas given a severe lecture by the re corder this morning and paroled. The next call came in from a farm er at Xebergalls meat market on Lyon street. The farmer complained that the delivery wagons were block ing the curb in front o'f the meat market and would not permit him to drive his wagon up in order to tin load some produce. However, when Policeman King arrived at the scene the delivery wagons had dispersed with their loads and the farmer was peacefully unloading his wares. Three police calls in rapid succes sion during aif afternoon is considered an unusual record in police circles. In fact it is very seldom that there are as many as this during a whole day and the episodes of yesterday afternoon establishing a record, in police annals is considered an un usual happening for peaceful and law abiding Albany. The river as recorded this morning is 10.6 feet. The-rainfall for the last 24 hours .63 inches. The range of temperature for the same period is 38-57 degrees. lumMMMisaaa HATS! HATS! HATS! HATS! HATS A full line The Made in Philadelphia, the home of the high-grade hats . We are the only agent on the coast that sells his hats for $3 You can find just the shape to fit your face in soft or stiff hats. All the new mixed browns, blues, greys and pearls. A $4 hat for $3 Tracy Clothing Company 330 U. G. Smith went to' McMinnville this afternoon to visit with a cousin, a missionary in China for several years, who with her husband is visit ing in this country. While there he will also have the pleasure of meet ing an aunt he has not seem for a long time. Dr. Foster, o'f Lebanon, today re turned from an Eastern Oregon trip, after an absence of several weeks. He liked Condon as well as any place visited, and may conclude to locate there. Mrs. Tom Wright, nee Agnes Craft, of Moscow, Idaho, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Craft for a few days visit. Fisher, Braden& Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND UNDERTAKERS Undertaking Parlors. 3rd and Broadalbin SS- LADY ATTENDANT Both Phones SURVEYING? . 5; PENLAND & EATON UOOM 1 Albany State Bank Bldg. Home 303 Bell 457-R. -ver If you are looking for the strictly new merchandise, try us. We have just re ceived the following new lines: Cadillac Brand children's dresses for Spring and Summer. Women's white waists, exquisitely made in voiles and French batistes. Wool challies in prettier patterns than ever Agents for -pj Agents for Standard A JLVyVfl O Kabo Reducing Patterns 334 West First Street Corscts OA of Men's and from $1 to $5 We show the best $3 Hat made Frank Schoble! Conic In and See This Line West First Street, Albany, Everett Cummings, of this city, is now doing the valley with Sara Bernhardt pictures, this , afternoon going to Eugene with them. They are a drawing card. Ex-County Clerk Frank Crabtree, E. G. Cox and O. B. Marshall, prom inent 'Bussard men, went to Oregon City this afternoon to see about a contract for balm and white fir wood, on their places, for pulp for the paper mill. They have several thousand cords of it, and are ready for the pa per market. - Dr. C. V. Littler went to Salem this afternoon to attend a banquet tonight at the Marion hotel of the M'arion County Dental Association. Come on and bring a friend to see Snyder draw out your plow-lay Don't fail to see our NEW POWER HAMMER 404 East Second St. Albany Boys' Hats Oregon ything New