The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, March 28, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Annual Malabon Ball Was Pre
sented inArmory by Spanish
War Veterans.
Frank Tracy, H. A. Leininger
and Grant Froman Are
Named as Incorporators.
Miss Bessie Hendershott Sings
"Star Spangled Banner,"
Impressive Opening.
Continued from Wednesday, Mar. 26.
One hundred couples tripped the
liultt fantastic to the accompaniment
of llcndershott's orchestra last giilit
at the armory at one of the most
magnificent balls tfiven in this city
during the past winter. There were
fully two hundred and fifty present,
including many out-of-town Ktu-sts.
The Mtf Kitllery of the hall was bur
dened with spectators.
It was the first annual ball of Camp
Phillips No. 4, United Spanish War
Veterans, of this city, in commemora
tion of the fourteenth anniversary of
the battle of Malabon. This battle
was one of the decisive victories of
the war in the Philippine Islands, in
which the Second Oregon Volunteers
too'k an active part. Several members
of the local camp of veterans were
members of this regiment.
Provinir themselves to be entertain
ers of a hih standard, members of
the order acnitled themselves with
laurels at the ball last nibtr for it is
the general belief that the quests en
joyed every moment of the hospital
iiy. The dance was not over until
the wee snia' hours of the morning
and the floor was full of dancers un
til I he last strains of "1 loinc Sweet
Home" died away.
Amidst grandeur in decorations and
eomnanionable society, the ijratirl
march was started promptly at 9
o eloek, led hv Misr, Mae lulmau and
Colonel M. 1 1. Kllis, both o'f this city.
It was the first big ball after the
l.enlen season and those who had
been observing the forty flays of fast
nave vent to their rest. The hall was
beautifully decorated with voting fir
trees, placed against tin walls around
the entire room. I 'lags adorned (lie
ceiling and were draped along the bal
cony in an art istie fashion. The
patronesses were made comfortable
n a splendidly apportioned corner
along the south wall. The patrones
ses were: Medamcs I. K. Weather
ford, William l-'ortiniller, I. K.
Ilaihl. W. H. Stevens, C. C. Page.
I. ('. Ilammel, William Pain and C.
W. Tebault.
The dance was impressively started.
Serjeant K. K. Knox, of the local
military company, an accomplished
bugler, called the at ten i ion o'f the
guests by blowing first call and rev
eille, denoting the commencement of
the ball Then as the orchestra
struck up the tune of the "Star Span
gled Manner. " every one arose to
their feet, as M iss Pessic I lentler
shott sang the song. The call of as
sembly was blown, followed by the
grand inarch. There were twenty
numbers on the pn I'gratn ami the
lat'-st dance music was played.
The vocal renditions during the
evening ol Miss liendershott were a
source of great pleasure and a rare
treat. She has a magnificent voice
and is well known in musical circles
ot l-'ugene. There is no doubt but
that her debut here as a singer has
brought to her additional laurels. She
sang to t be ace nil pan ymeiit o'f (lie
orchestra timing several numbers, and
o"(- ut particular note was that ol
"Take Me Hack to Hahylaml." This
number was repeatedly encored.
The committee in charge of the ball
deserves great credit lor the success
i f the function, Members of the
eommittee are: K, ('. SteMmacher,
W. V. Merrill and l-Yed II. West
It oo1;. The carriage heivice for the
convenience ,,t die gne-ts was an ap
preciative feature, attested bv the fact
of ils use.
The Albany Gun and Country Club
filed articles of incorporation today
in the county clerk's office. Prank
Tracy, Or. 11. A. Leininger and Grant
h'roman are named as the incorpora
tors and the association is capitalized
at $5,J0.
Its duration is to be perpetual and
its idea is to promote and encourage
field and athletic sports, to erect
buildings and inaugurate other diver
sions for the amusement and pleasure
of its members. The acquisition of
game preserves is also provided for in
the articles. The principal o'fficc will
be located in this city.
Embossed Invitations and Pro
grams for Ball Represent
High Art in Printery.
Meeting of Stockholders Called
at Commercial Club This ;
Much Success Attends Efforts
of Subscription Committee;
Proposition Favorable.
One of llic- best jobs ever turned
out by a local printing concern, was
that of the programs and invitations
for the Spanish War Veterans' ball,
which was held last night.
The job was done by C. G. Rawl
iugs, a well known printer, of this
city, and represented one of the
highest arts in printery. The coyer
of the invitations is identical with
that of the programs, and is in the
shape o'f a cross and is a gold cm
housed facsimile reproduction of the
button hole badge worn by members
of the order. In the design arc cross
guns, cannons, swords and an an
chor. The words "United Spanish
War Veterans 1898 1902" arc cm
bossed in a circle in which is a mer
maid kneeling before two soldiers, a
marine and a sailor. In the back
ground appears a battleship.
liesides the cover there were four
pages to the program, on which this
design is printed. The printing on
the programs was very neat and artis
tically arranged. Kdward Viereck,
foreman of the Democrat office, drew
the cover design from which the plate
was made.
A Package Emitting Odor Was
Not Sent Through Local
Office as Supposed.
roNtuu-ter I. S. Van Winkle staled
th .'.tier noon ihat a complaint h;ul
('ecu resi-tercii at tile local potothce.
Mom the ilcp.u lineut of railway pos
tal service, that a package h.ul been
icnt from this office by parcels pot,
cumins a vile odor.
1 1 was alleged in te complaint
0 at the package cn 'tii'e. iole cat
. As it is aijair-t the rules ami
elation ol the ro-tal -ervice to
n ir.-els of this nature, local pot-
' ai'll'orities were warned to be
o c o-i the alert with reference to
shipments of this nature.
However, upon investigation, it was
found that the package was not sent
from the local of lice but from an
other office in the valley and an apol
o'jv from the complaining department
Krtd.iv and to noon Saturday. April
11 and 12. Or. I .owe, the well known
optician and optometrist, will b e in
Albany. Lebanon 13.
All Farmers of This Community
Are Urged to Attend by
There will be a meeting of all the
farmers of (his section in the circuit
court room at the I. inn county court
house, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock
for the purpose of organizing a Farm
ers' Union.
Kvery fanner of Unit and Itento'n
enmities ami those who are interested
are urged to attend this meeting. It
is purely a commercial organ izalh ut
and such unions have been organized
iver the entire country. 1 be pur
pose ot the association is to deal
strictly in commercial propositions.
It is unlike the grange, in that it boih
u'S not with the law-making elements,
unless its influence is t imperative.
) ;? & ;) $ d d d
Archie !'o;ul and 1 1 cur y Kampli
arc in Montana looking at the pros
pects of the country.
J. A. Caldwell went to Staytoti for
a few days.
The Kuo Unite Telephone com
pany held its annual meeting Satur
day and elected new officers with
biank Lines as president, K. A.
Works secretary, L. ti. t'ox treas
urer, and the repairing committee are
I. Nichols. Archie Cox and Veil Mil
ler. Among tho'se leaving for Montana
this weekfto live on their homesteads
ate I'. L. MeKeever, Clias. Works,
and Clarence Co. They arc taking
a car of implements and stock with
them. A farewell party was given
them last week at the Works home,
and a very enjoyable evening was
spent with their many friends.
The t lerbig Carbcr wedding was
celebrated in the usual country man
ner. The peppermint planting on the
Marshall estate is progressing rapid
ly. Lett acres of the twenty-live are
now set out. Mr. Todd has six men
assisting him in the work.
The snow has been heavy near the
Unite tins week and found some of
the fruit trees in bloom.
Miss Ksther Copelaud was hostess
Saturday to the 5Ut club. Twelve
guests enjoyed the prettily planned
affair and a dainty lunch.
For the purpose of perfecting an
organization and to elect officers, a
meeting of the stockholders of the
Albany Gun & Country Club will be
held ut the Commercial Club this
evening at 7:30 o'clock.
While nothing nas Dcen given uui
officially it is intimated by those in
close touch with the proposition, that
wonderful success and encouragement
has attended the efforts of the solicit
ing committee composed of Frank P.
Tracy, Dr. H. A. Leininger and A. B.
Wcatherford. According to an au
thoritative statement one hundred
local enthusiasts have subscribed $50
each towards the enterprise. The
above named committee solicited the
city the latter part of last week and
accomplished this subscription and it
has been a source of much elation
that the matter has met with favor
among local sportsmen.
The purpose of the meeting tonight
is to form the permanent organiza
tion, submit plans of action and to
ascertain the proper course to pur
sue towards the rapid development of
a strong country club. Many land
propositions have been submitted to
the committee as proposed sites for
the location of the club and these
matters will be brought up at the
At present the enterprise is capi
talized at $5000 and it is probable that
this capitalization will be increased
in view of the fact that there are
many who have expressed their de
sire to' become members in the
concern. It is expected that definite
plans will be adopted relative to the
permanent organization of the asso
ciation on a larger scale. Several
flattering propositions have been of
fered in the way of sites and it is
understood that definite action will
be taken in this matter as well as to
the esaet time that the club will be
established. The organization has
progressed to such an extent that
these matters can be readily disposed
of at this time, according to an offi
cial statement.
The club is to be located on the
electric line with a good automohile
road leading to it. According to the
present plan the building will be a
splendid structure with all the acces
sories of a modern country club.
There will be a buffet, dining room,
kitchen, reading room and many cozy
silting rooms and parlors. A care
taker will be employed to look after
the place the year around, with quar
ters in the building.
The idea of the association is to
promote all of the outdoor sports,
such as rifle ranges, golf, tennis, and
other like diversions. It is the plan
that necessary land for a site approx
imating 25 acres, be purchased and to
this will be added more acreage by
It was given out that after the or
ganization has been perfected an ac
tive campaign will be inaugurated for
the increasing of the membership. It
is thought that by midsummer the
construction ot the club and grounds
will lu- well under way.
Come on and bring a
friend to see Snyder
draw out your plow-lay
Don't fail to tee our
404 East Second St.
You reaaeimLer the eld t&yingi "la Time cf Pes.ce Preyare for Wax." WLy st.ct
it to tlse pireeemt seaeoE? '
Prepare fir Sprinug Nw
anadl lb ready wlaeiia ftSu mice days comniOo lift wall not b
hung umftnl the sraislhinifii amid warm Spriirag days
will inraak you fiowget albMit jowt
Smid dnifti
You will be pleased with the many garments now on display in our Ladies'
Ready-to-Wear Section. Suits, Coats and Dresses, that are first class in every
particular, and moderately priced.
Many new materials are now ready in . Curtain materials in the newest and
the Dry Goods section. Men's Suit- best effects are no where. The kit
ing Cloth excellent weight, in good est shades in Scrims in plain an(d
shades of blue, tan, brown, grev. 56- , ,
, . t, . fancy edges, at
inch at j &
$1.50 to $2 per yard 15c to 65c per yard
Brocaded Messalines, in the new Swiss in ecru alld white dotted,
shades of blue, brown, grey and black, barred and striped designs. Special
at values at
$1 per yard ' 12 l-2c to 35c per yard
The Ladies' Shoes are es
pecially good this Spring.
The newest styles, in com
fortable lasts, are now be
ing shown.
Nubuck in brown, white
ancl grey. Black Suede,
Patent Leather and Gun
Metal are most popular in
Oxfords, High Shoes, and
Pumps. They are all con
scientiously priced.
Henry Struckmicr went out to his
Thomas farm this morning.
KOR SALE Over a carload of good
Cannon No. 3 potatoes, good for
seed, at 25c per bushel, at my barn,
corner Hill and Sixth streets. Now
is your chance. A. J. Carothers.
Dr. Lowe April' 11 ami 12.
Tor Sale.
m .u-ri'H l.uij, all in cultivation. I.o-'.in-il
1 1 j miles northeast of Oakvillc
lalion on tho Oregon KUvtrio. A
inr natii.iin. l"or particulars aiUress
- phone Mrs. x Vernor, care O.
V Arcliilal.l. 5) W. Third jtrecl.
Alhanv. OreKon.
M-10-Apr lixaiy-wkly
Seed wheat (or sale. Inquire of the
Albany Mill & Elevator Co.
Vll to M 27 dJtw
FOR SALE Choice ieel oat$. J. B.
llurch; Home Phone 2761. R. !".
D. No. 1, Alhanv. Semi-MaAS
Oon't take chances with baby's
health or life by nenleetin; to give
proper treatment whenever any ail
ment occurs, no matter how simple it
nuv appear.
We earnestly recommend to the
consideration of every parent the fa
mous Mother Kroh's Baby Remedies,
of which there are ten. one for each
of baby's ordinary ailments. While
we believe that a Rood physician
should be consulted whenever baby is
ill. yet we want to call the attention
of those parents who do not want to
cotiMilt a physician, and to physi
cians themselves, to Mother Kroh's
Baby Remedies. Each is made from
a simple, safe formula, entirely free
from any harmful ingredient, and
each is guaranteed to relieve, or tnon
ey back. Trice of each, 25 cents.
Sold in this community only at our
store The Rexall Store.
Albany, Oregon.
See Our Windows Today
Authentic Styles in Opera Garments
You Should See the Beautiful New K
Styles in Spring Attire
Without question the new styles this year are better than ever. The tailors have
put real strength into their work and fro'm the finest fabrics. They have fashioned
garments that bespeak elegance and true refinement.
Each clay adds to this fashionable exhibit of styles and you see the very newest here
within 7 days after their acceptance in the best New York arid Chicago stores.
The Great Style Review Continues Until
Next Saturday
This gives many an opportunity to select garments as shown on forms the drapes of
the dresses, etc. The sweep of the matchless tailoring of the Suits is thus seen to
best advantage. .
You Must Come and See This Exposition and Style Review
Spring Oxfords
and Pumps
All shades of leather and
fabrics to match
Spring Gowns
Shoes and Oxfords play an im
portant part in the assembling
of your Spring wardrobe.
Styles change and this year
there are great improvements.
You may select from all of
Fashion's approved styles at
this store.
Oxfords $3.00
Shoes . . 4.00
Your Spring Millinery in Its
Most Becoming Shape Awaits
You Here
You want your hat to show the very best style in a classic
shape and the trimmings must be in keeping with the
.limitations of proper ornaments. The styles here are not
decorated with the purpose of stretching the price to its
farthermost strength, but on the contrary are trimmed so
that the price remains at a modest figure and you get the
true tones artistically carried to beautifull completeness,
suited to your individual needs.
Spring Millinery
$3 to $10
In the Elks' Temple, First and
Lyoo Streets : : Albany, Oregon