The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, March 07, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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The Semi-Weekly
Published by
Managing Editor.
Entered at the postoffice at Albany,
Oregon, as second-class matter.
Published every evening except Sun
day. Semi-weekly published Tue3
days and Fridays.
Address all communications and make
all remittances payable to the Dem
ocrat Publishing Co.
In ordering changes of address, sub
scribers should always give old as
well as new address.
Delivered by carrier, per month....$ .40
Delivered by carrier, per year 4.00
by mail, at end of year 3.50
By mail in advance, per year 3.00
At end of year $1.50
When paid in advance, one year.... 1.25
Ic per word for first publication; ',c
per woril thereafter, payable in ad
vance. Minimum charge of 25c.
Established in 1865.
FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1913.
A iiiimiiIjct of one of the large
Chicago advertising agencies re
cently said: "Honest advertising
is Deing given a severe blow by
the mail order houses." When
asked for an explanation he de
clared that advertising, to remain
on a high level, must assure the
customer an article which is ex
actly as expected.
" That is something the mail or
der houses are not doing," lie ad
ded. "So many customers are be
ing deceived by mail order adver
tising and buying of so much stuff
that does not come up to represen
tation that they are losing faith."
Now, what the Chicago adver
tising man says meets exactly the
Chicago or large center situation,
says an exchange, lie is telling
of a situation that the honest man
ufacturer or jobber in the large
cities is facing, due to fraudulent
methods on the part of the mail
oiiici nouses, lint these same
fraudulent practices in an adver
tising way only strengthen the
position of the local merchant.
The local merchant advertises
his bargains, and the customers
can step into the store and see if
(he advertised representations are
true. No fraud can be practised
y I le I ic retailer. What lie
offers for sale must he exactly
what he says through the columns
of the local newspaper.
The oftener the people of our
conimunily who patrunifce the
mail order houses get "slung" in
their purchases, the sooner they
will come back to the old basis of
heing strictly home buyers. What
Atirahain Lincoln said about
"fooling the people" is true in the
merchandising fields as well as in
others, and the mail order institu
tions are the ones who are going
to find out the truth of it. They
can't c at nine to conduct fraudu
lent advertising nnyhods and re
tain the confidence of their cus
tiiuers. However, the very thing
they are doing is affording the
home merchants the very best in
strument of warfare in" fighting
the mail order evil.
language is clear and susceptible
of but one interpretation. A re
vision of the tariff downward was
made the paramount issue of the
campaign and Woodrow Wilson
may be depended . upon to see
that this pledge is faithfully and
honestly kept, but in a nian-ner
which will not disturb legitimate
business or work a hardship upon
those who toil.
Seldom has it been the good
fortune of a party to nominate a
man of the high attainments pos
sessed by Woodrow Wilson and
seldom have the common people
shown better judgment in their
choice of a president. Me brings
integrity, ability and statesman
ship to the White House, and
stands upon a platform which is
in itself a guarantee of his future
public acts. I lis administration
will be one of the brightest pages
ot History and will long be a mat
ter of pride to the party which
tendered him the nomination.
R. C; Archibald, wife and little
daughter who were formerly residents
this p;.rl of the county but now of
.Moscow, ,'daho. arc vir-iimg relal:.'.-s
around 'tangent
John Slate of Portland is visitim.
at the home of bis father, N. P. Slate
near here.
Mrs. Cora Ellirigsworth of Shedd
is visiting .-it the home of her father
Mr. G. C. Stclhnaclier. She will soon
leave for I.ovett, Ncv., to join her
husband where they expect to make
their future home.
The S. P, agent, Carl llalverson,
and his wife, are now keeping house.
They were recently married.
The scarlet fever scare has stopped
llie school and other .public meetings,
fearing olhcrs might contract the dis
ease. The little daughter of Charles
Grllnh who was supposed to be af
flicled with scalet fever is iT,.oin.-
along nicely and is now appaieiuiv
out ot danger.
Mrs. f.ucinda Smith is in Salem al
i he hi me of her daughter. Sin is
taking treatment from a Salem ph;. si-ciau.
l-'-inicrs have been iitii.tiu !u in..;.-
lime plowing f,,r (le i.lsl ( lirt-t- weeks;
nol-. .'hslanding the f:1,-t t;i,lt tu.
.vim.! lias in most instances been
oo wet for working. A few are
leaning III) and nrcnaritnr l.i .tnv
their orchards, something which they
are badly in need of.
few young trees are being .vet
out to replace the old orchards.
What little fall grain was sown looks
quite well, but the acreage is small.
Indications are now that the hay
...... ..oi i.e .-non oi me needed sup
ply, as only a little cheat was sow.i
last fall.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for Linn County.
In the matter of the estate of Mar
till Moss, deceased.
To Edward W. Moss, Dora G. Mo'ss,
Gertrude Maas, Meta' Meislahn, Dora
Meislahn, Emma Meislahn, Nicolaus
Meislahn, Johannes . H. Meislalvi and
George Meislahn, and to all others
unknown, if any such there be, Grec
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and required' to
appear in the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Linn, at the court room thereof, at
Albany, in said county, on Monday
the 7th day of April. 1913, at one
o'clock in the afternoon of that day,
then and there to show cause, if any
there be, why an order should no't be
made by the above entitled court au
thorizing and directing the adminis
trator of said estate of Martin Moss.
deceased, to sell the following de
scribed real property of said estate
at public sale for cash in hand, to
wn; Beginning at a point which is East
one chain and seventy-eight links dis
tant from the Northwest corner of
Notification No. 2435 and claim No.
M in Township 12 South of Range 3
West of the Willamotto 1r;,i;- :.,
Linn County. Oregon, and running
from thence East twenty-one chains
and twen;y-eight and one-half links,
thence South thirty-six chains and
ten and one-half links, thence West
twentv-one chains n,.,t f,..
and one-half links, and thence North
, , cnalns ant nine and one-
half links to the nlaei of b;.,;,.
containing 76.72 acres
Witness, the Hon. D. B. McKnight,
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Linn with the seal of said Court af
fixed this 13th day of February, A. D.
(Seal) W. L. MARKS. Clerk
oy k. m. RUSSELL,
7 .1... r-:-:... . .
- i xji tut June
; wicgon lor the County of Linn
iJepartincnt No. 2.
Andrew Shearer
Woodrow Wilson JStlt presi
dent of the United States. Th s
became a well established hislor
ical fact yesterday when the oa;h
of office was formally adniinis
leied to the new chief executive.
The president assumes his new
office wtl'.i a record of faithful
and efficient public service be
hind him and a vote of confidence
seldom received by a candidate
for a similar office.
The inauguration , of Wilson
marks It new era in American his
tory. It is the first chapter in
the book of progressive demo
cracy' and ' in the' humble judg
ment of the writer, the greatest
victory won by the common peo
ple in a ipiarter of a century.
His election by such a tremen
dous majority jn the electoral
college was not a tribute to the
man- it was a recognition by tin
majority ot American voters of
tne soundness "I the principles
for which the democratic party
has stood since the time of let',
fersi ;!.
W ilsou and his partv stand for
a coniilete and absolute divorce
of business from politics; for a
more eipiitable distribution of the
burdens of taxation ; for honestv,
capability and economy in the
iiian.ieeinent of the governmen
tal allairs. The democratic na
tional platform leaves no room
for doubt as to the position of the
party on these questions. The
The Sunshine Circle was enter
tained at the home of Mrs. W. A.
Martin Thursday. An interesting
program was given and a dainty
lunch served. The circle has grown
to be a splendid orir.-ini?:ili,ti n.i.l ;E
doing good work.
Mr. ami Mrs. Jake Chambers en-terl.-imcd
a few of their neighbors
Friday evening at a pretty party
where unique games and a delicious
supper were the main features.
One of the most interesting affairs
of the week was at the home of Mr.
and , Mrs. Harvey Mcliride when a
number of young people enjoyed a
social evening together with an elab- luucncon and music.
Contributed By F. P. Nutting. S
S .
Few people know how to bring up
children as well as those who have
. Hut, after all, 4 here is a good deal
m the child, as well as the b. it.
Some splendid people have conic
Horn homes whose influence was bad
and some had children from homes
whose inlluciicc was good.
Nevertheless, good iutlueuce counts
miincii.sely. and judgment in the gov
ernment of children is of stupendous
hat a useless thing money is that
is hid away and never brought out
into the great game of trade.
Dora Pngh, Id;, VVU, P. p Van
Fleet and .Mary Elva Van Fleet, his
w ife Emma Junkin and David Junkiu
her husband Mary A. Wright, James
ir 11 Charlotte E Pngh his
wtfc Annie E. Kendall and A. M
Kendall, her husband, Ada Jackson
and Henry Jackson, her husband,
Onier Utherow and C. D. Telherow,
Mis .wife. Miles Telherow and A. II
etherow, his wile, Clyde Telherow,
Annie Wier and John Wier, her hus
band, and Effie Pierce and E. F
1 icrce, her husband, Defendants
lo Omer Tetl-.erow, C. I). Telhe
row Miles Telherow. A. B. Tethcrow,
I lydc letherow, Anna Wier, John
Wier, F.llie Pierce and F. V Pi',,,-....
nine of the above named defendants
In the name of the state pi Oregon
.... ucieny required lo appear
ami answer the complaint of the
.o.oic named planum on file with
the clerk of the above entitled court
on or before the 2tll day of March,
''13, the same heing the date of the
last publication of this summons as
prescribed by order therefor duly
or.lhlc Percy R. Kelly. Judge of the
t ircuit Court of the State of Oregon
lor Linn County, and vou arc hereby
notified that if you 'fail to appear
and answer said complaint as here
nig required, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief demanded
m Ins complaint on file herein.
For a decree that the plaintiff, An
drew Shearer, and the defendants.
Dora Pngh, la pui,n. p p yan
Fleet and Mary Elva Van Fleet are
the owners m fee simple of the fol
lowing described real property, to
wn: Beginning at the southwest cor
ner of the Donation Land Claim of
v f-vwV l'"Kh Notification
V1'"1 Clai" Xo- - ' Town
ship 12 South. Range 4 West of the
Willamette Meridian. Oregon, and
running thence north along the west
" "onatlou Land Claim
ts5 chains; thence east 26.59 chains
thence south 20.21 chains- o,.i'
w-est 15.65 chains- fi,,,,-,. V .1. o-
ucgrees .s minutes West II to -1,..:..
to the place of beginning, containing
.V.83 acres, more or less, all lying and
being situate in I I,,,, r..-.. I
Mate ot Oregon, free of incumbranc
es, and that none of the other defend
ants herein have auv right, title or
estate ol, m or to said real esiate.
or any part thereof, and for a decree
that said real property be partitioned
among the plaintiff, Andrew Shearer
ami the defendants, Dort Pugh. Ida
1 ugh and V P. Van Fleet and Marv
I-.lva Van Fleet, according to their
respective rights, quanittv and qualitv
relatively considered, and that the
costs and expenses of this suit he
p. on ny i ii c several
.Kunming to Nieir
in the Circuit Court ot th; tae of
Oregon for the County of Linn.
Edna Ilraden, Plaintiff, vs. Carl R.
Braden, defendant.
To Carl R. Braden, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of the above
named plaintiff in the above entitled
cause now on file with the Clerk of
said Court within six weeks from the
date of the first publication of this
summons, and you are hereby noti
fied that if you fail to appear and
answer said complaint as hereby re
quired, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded in her
said complaint, to-wit, for a decree
dissolving the marriage relation now
existing between the plaintiff and de
fendant, and awarding to the plaintiff
the care and custody of Jack Braden,
the minor child of the plaintiff and de
fendant, and for a judgment against
the defendant for her costs and dis
bursements herein .-in,! !nr ...-I,
and further decree as may be meet ill
This summons is published once a
w-eek for six crai!i i. .
The Semi-Weekly Democrat, a week
ly newspaper nuh s her ;.i
!'y orucr ot Hon. D. B
McKmcht. Conntw I,! r T
County, Oregon, made and entered
o i T ',"e ,um ot February,
191 3. and the date of the first publi-
i. , , thls summons is the 14th
"j wi i cuiuary. ivm.
Attorneys for the Plaintiff
Registration of Land Title
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Linn.
In the Matter of the Application of
James t. Wigle and licrtlia E. Wigle
uusuaud and wile.
Register title to the following de
scribed premises, to-wit-
Ileg.nning at the S. E. corner of the
"elm , r Gamaliel Parrish, Not.
2060, and Claim .No. 45, in To 13 S
of R. 2 W. of the Will. Mer.. Oregon
and running thence X. 70 degrees 45
minutes W. along the Southern bound-'
ary lie ol said Claim 40.90 chs
Vi7'c ,N- ;? dt'Srces 49 minutes E.
3X38 chs. thence S. 62 degrees 40
"""tes E 21.18 chs. to theSEaster
boundary hue of said Claim, thence
S. U degrees 15 minutes W. 29.00 chs
mm 1 " f bcmning, containing
100.00 acres, more or less, also
Lot?,2vi- 4- 5- 1 6 of Sect-'on 7
'" said rP. and Range, containing
11 .03 acres, more or less, also
beginning 12.00 chs. W. of the N
E corner of tIle s. K of s;ii(j
Met. 7, in said I p. and Rae. and
running ,,ecc g. 26.66 chs.. thence
thence W. 23 X) T , '. '""
chs ihence E. ROOchs. to the place
of beginning, containing 5200 acres
more or less, also '
I.-'.''0 i"J "f ""; S' W- '4 of the S.
vr?; ct,'" 7 E.'A of the
V E.4 ol the N. E. , of Section
18 and the N. W.'4 of the N. W.'X
of Sec 17. m said Tp. and Range
com.-umng S0.00 acres,' more or less,'
Mcgiuning at the S. E. corner of
Vo, V ' Sw,' S:"' G;!m''''! rarrish,
No . No. 2060, and Claim No. 45. in
fi! v -o' ,Ran"e- running
thence N. () degrees 45 minutes W
' oie .x. nne ot the S. E.W of Sec-
w" m" T"1 TP' '""' Ra"- lhece
U. MX) chs, thence S. 13.50 chs.,
thence E. la.00 chs., thence S. 6 SO
iiicuce i. 1 oi ,
In the. Circuit Court ofthe State of
uregon, tor the County of Linn. De
pariment Ao. c.
Arnettie Mitchell, Plaintiff,
H. D. Mitchell. Defendant.
To H. D. Mitchell, the above named
You are hereby required to appear
anu answer to tne complaint ot the
above named plaintiff in the above
entitled Court, now on file with the
Clerk of Said Court within six weeks
from the date of the first publication
of this summons; and you are here
by notified that if you fail to sppcar
ana answer said complaint as hereby
required, plaintiff will take a decree
as prayed for in the said complaint
herein , to-wit: A decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimony heretofore
ind now existing between plaintiff
and defendant: that plaintiff have cus
tody of the minor children of plain
tiff and defendant, and that plaintiff
nave such other and iurther relief as
to the Court seems equitable.
This summons is published in the
Amany Weekly Democrat once a
week for six weeks by order of the
Hon. D. R. McKnitrht. County Tudce
of Linn County, Oregon, made on
January 13, 1913, and the date of the
first publication hereof is January 24,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Jan 24-Mar 7
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned Executor of the last will
and testament nf Martha A. Phillips,
deceased, has filed his Final Account
as said Executor, in the County Court
of the State of Oregon. for the
County of Linn, and that Monday the
10th day of March, A. D. 1913, at the
hour of 10 o'clock in the fo'renoon of
said day, has been fixed by said Court
as the time, and the County Court
room in the Court House of said
County of Linn in the City of Albany.
Oregon, as the place for the hearintr
ot any and all objections to said Final
Account and the settlement thereof.
WM. S. R J SLEW Executor.
Attorney for Executor. F7-M7
Former Governor of NewJersey
Makes Triumphal Entry and
Takes Oath of Office.
Inaugural Address Was Deliv
ered This Afternoon on
Capitol Steps.
MENT. Xotice is herebv iriven that the un
dersigned executor of the last will and
testament of S. D. Pratt, deceased.
has filed in the county court for Linn
county. Oreuon. his final account as
such executor, and that Monday, the
1tll day of .March. 19 13. at ten o'clock
in the forenoon; has been set as the
time by said court for hearintr of ob
jections to said final account and the
settlement ot said estate.
C. C. BRYAN'T. Executor.
Attorney for Executor.
First publication to be February 14.
1913: Feb. 21. 1913; Feb. 21, 1913; Feb
28. 1913; March 7, 1913; March 14,
:hU .
SomethniK the matter with the
chords in a person's makeup if thev
do nut respond to K,iid music.
The fact that Mi
seventh democratic
. Yilon is the
president is ev.
, ciiiiik some iuier. sl. said to be an
.uimny l,,r Kood llliuns. I'he others
weie Jackson. elected in 1S.S and
.in liiuen. 1,-vio; IVIk, 1S44
I'leicc. IS.-J; IS.-0; and
I lc eland. US-14 and 1S-JJ.
parties interest
te same be a lien unon the
several interests of the parties plain
till . and defendants until the same
'ire paid and for such other and fur
ther rebel as shall seem meet in
ic (Lite of the first niihliVnli
uminons i Kehm in. u ton
and the date of the la-t publication is
March 2S 1913. This summons is
-nhhshed by order of the Honorable
I erev K, Kelly, mine of the Circuit
oun ol the State of Oregon for
I.. M. rt-RT
Attoruev for Plaintiff
uC0Tc. f-theN- ot' '"'e Si
.;-4 ot Section 8. in said Tp. and
Kanire. thence K Tiion ,.i, .i .
11, , ,. - ' uieiicc
vv. to the F. hue of said D L C
thence S. 19 decrees 30 minutes V to
the place of bcKinninK. containinK
.U.IIS acres, more or less, also
Mecmmus at the S. W. corner of
v. v ' Sjl1 snid Gamaliel Parrish
Not. No 2060 and Claim Xo. 5R. in
T". 13 S. of R. 3 V. of the Will.
Merd Oresoii, and Claim o. 45 in
1. 1.1, S. of R. 2 W. of the Will,
c e7n ",7KO"' and running thence
' chs" ",ore or less, to the
;N:.,,onn,lary ,i,lc of tlle D- I- C. of
illiani bpeny. Not. No. 2106 and
Claim No. 57, m Tp. 13 S. of R. 3
. and Claim No. 4rt. in Tp II S
of R. 2 W. of the Will. Merd'., Ore
con, thence E. 6 95 chs. thence S.
9.88 chs.. thence E. to the E. bound
ary line of the D. I.. C. of said W il-
....... uieiiee .. y.,s,s chs. to
mi- i-.. corner ot said 1). I. C
Notice is hereby Riven that the l
dersiRiied has this day been unpointed
executor of the estate of Frederick
Iloefer, deceased. Any and all per
sons having claims against said estate
are hereby notified to present the
same to the undersigned at Jefferson,
urcRon, or to ivcatliertord & Wcath
erford. attorneys, Albany, Oregon,
within six months from this date duly
verified as by Ian- required.
Dated this 15th day of February,
1913. "
Executor. "
FORD, Attys. for Executor.
said William Spcery. thence W. 17 75
chs to the W. line of Section 7 in
V!"1 iTpU S- of R 2 W- of "'c Will.
Merd., Oregon, thence N". along said
Section hue of the S. boundary line
ol said D. .. C. of said Gamaliel
l'arri-h. thence X. 70 il.-..r,.,. a; ,;.,
lltes W. 14.42 chs. to the nlace of
gmniiijr, comaiuing 46.98 acres, more
of less, and -containing -in the aggre
gate -t44ii acre, more or less, all
lying and -'being jn the Couutv of
I.inu and State of Oregon.
Against all whom it may concern,
Take Notice
That on the 3rd dav of February.
A. V). 1913, an application was fjc',j
riV.1',-' E. Wigle and Bertha
h. igle. husband and wife in the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of I. inn for initial
registration of the title of the land
above described.
Now unless von annear on or 1,
i fore March 21, 113. ami show cause
win- su,-h application shall not be
granted, the same will be taken as
confessed ai.,l a decree will Ii ..!-.,
Ic!--ie:icd Ixccntor ot .1... 1...,... ..f 1 ..l.. i .mi". ' 11 -M-,
u-.-p;,,,, . , . I-'" IH lorcver l-ar-
......... lir.-c.i-c.i, nas nieii
in. .ii i.-cMint null tb
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned Administrator of the Estate
of Ed Zeyss has this day filed his
I'inal Account in said estate matter
with the County Clerk of Linn Coun
ty, and the Judge of the County Court
has fixed Monday. April 7th at the
hour of one o'clock P. M. as the time
for hearing obiections if n.,.r ii,A,fl
be, to said account and the settlement
of said estate.
Daied this 2Sth day of February,
Administrator of the Estate
Ot l-.fl . A PVE.
Attys. for Admr.
Notice of Final Settlement.
.-oiu-e is ii,
To all whom it may concern:
. Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may concern that the undersigned
has tiled her final account in the mat
ter of the estate of A. D. Homer, de
ceased, in the county court of Linn
county. Oregon, and that said court
has fixed the 18th day of March, 1913
at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of
said day as the time for hearing and
settling of all objections to said ac
court; therefore all persons having
any objection to said account arc here
by notified to appear and file the
same on or before said last mention
ed date.
ion"01' "'iS d:ly of Fcl'nl'i"'-
, , . . R, M. HORNER,
Administratrix of A. D. Horner, de
ceased. W. R. H1LYFU.
Attorney for Administratrix.
Some moving pictures -bowing sev
eial scenes of the I'niversitv of Vir
ginia, shown locally, were of partic
ular interest to fi lends of Albany
college, as the new campus has been
i-i.iiiinu ancr tne ol the I i
-uy oi irginia.
. uiver-
l erk- of
"' ,";",' v, l,,r Conntv
a"d the Ju.lge oi court has fitcd
MiMi.i.iv too , day ot April. 10)3,
the hour of one o'clock I". M.
' i .i.hil; onicctions to ;i
,ne -elMemept m v
iccotint and
-Vth day of Feb
It some one will itnent an insi.iu"
tancous hot water it will be possible
to get in ;, j1Mv. w,,,
rcadv cooked breakfast foods and in
stantaneous coffee and postum. This
n certainly a quick age.
I'M 3.
I- ccutor oi the l-'-tate of William
l.regorv. lVcd
Attornrvs for Executor
Men. 4 to April 1st. Wkly.
County.. Ore- I
Clerk of the
:i disiMitinc the
Hated this 3rd dav
W. I.
County Clerk of l.inn
gon. and Fx-tlfficio
above c.. titled court.
FORH. Attorncvs for Applicant
Capt. Kuhii. the Lebanon moving
picture man. was in the city today
C. M. Bryant, of Jefferson, came
up this noon on a visit with his
daughter, Mrs. Crosnc
February. f News Tto-mnm ti.:- tt , P
. ...... i ...a iicaa is
Prom n3;i.
if- 1S1 (5- S-
Charles O. Margrave, the Portland
pianist, was at the Hotel Hammel on
l uesday. his regular dav here. Mr
Margrave came from Chicago to Ore
gon several years ago. He has had
the advantage of. both European and
American instruction
R. M. Jennings, of the Oregon
I ower Co.. Eugene, arrived this
Washington, D. C, March 4. Es
corted by two trainloads of Princeton
students, Woodrow Wilson yesterday
made a triumphal entry to the na
tional capital and this afternoon was
formally inaugurated as president of
the I'nited States.
Within less than two hours after
his arrival, Mr. Wilson for the first
time in his life crossed the threshold
of the white house and grasped the
hand of William Howard Taft, presi-
lent of the United States for a few
hours longcil, With Mrs. Wilson,
the president-elect was escorted to
the home which is theirs today
by Colonel Spencer Crosby. The
President and Mrs. Taft extended
cordial greeting and the keys to the
home of presidents.
Before visiting the white house the
Wilsons received the Vice-Presidentelect
and Mrs. Marshall. Governor
Stilzer, of X civ York; Governor Poth
ier, of Rhode Island, and staff, and
a few personal friends. First, how
ever, immediately after their arrival
at the hotel, the President-elect, Mrs.
Wilson and their daughters, joined in
an informal reunion with other mem
bers of the family who have assem
bled from different parts of the coun
try. An entire floor of the hotel is occu
pied by the members of the family,
who dined as the guests of John Wil
son, of Franklin, Pa., cousin of the
future president. Last night, as an
alumnus of Princeton University. Mr.
Wilson was the honor guest of the
alumni of his alma mater at a smok
er. There he rubbed elbows with
other classmates and boys who had
grown up under his guidance. He
eft the last of his f,,,
ate citizen at a late hour to seek a
few hours' rest before the evcro tht
marked the climax of his career to
day. Nothing was left undone to make
the inauguration ceremonies the most
extensive in the history of the coun
try. The city was filled last night
with enthusiasm and thousands pa
raded the electric emblazoned streets
Constantly arriving throngs of visit
ors, military organizations and march
ing clubs served to keep excitement '
alive far into the night.
President-elect Wilson reserved a
few minutes today in which to greet
newspaper men of the country. t
9 o clock he received them at his ho
tel. At 9:30 he received the inaug
ural committee of congress. Senators
Crane. Overman and Bacon and Rep
resentatives McKinley. Rucker aiid
barren, escorted hint, with the
vice-president-elect to the white
house. President Taft awaited them
and soon thereafter the inaugural
party left the white house for the
Major-General Wood,' chief of staff
of the army, and staff, preceded them
in the ride through Pennsylvania av
enue to Capitol Hill, the president
elect beilltr .Itten.l.wl 1... !. T?
Troop of N'cw Jersey and Mr. Mar
shal bv the RlnV H.,.. i- r
Culver Academy, Indiana.
i-cremomes in the senate H, in
auguration of the vice-president and
"""" 111 or tne senators hegun
Promptly at 12 o'clock, witnessed
by the. congress, members of the new
cabinet, diplomats of all nations, jus
tices ot the supreme court and the
elect ot the land. Then followed on
the east trout of the capitol the in
duction into office of Woodrow Wil
son, ,
After the new president had made
his address the inaugural parade
wended its way through the streets
walled with cheering humanity to the
white house. Mr. Taft roVle w,"h
well11,?' pros,,lc",t- h''li"sr him fare
well as soon as they reached the end
of he journey. The parade halted
while the presidential party was a
"nchc-, and again proceeded
through the court of honor when the
president and vice-president reached
the reviewing stand about 2 o'clock
that tl. I- Military, formerly a prom
men resident of Brown He.' Ted
rL k '""."""St "' McMinnvillc
at t e home ot Ins wife's parents.
1 he deceased, his wife had
been living i ,m citv forK',
time, where he went 'short v aTer
se ling out his business i
lh. He was one ot that citvs lead
ing Pioneer citizens and is well known
throughout the county. Mr. HiMc-v
, "".mcrciai i. ub and a
member of the city council.
T H. C. Brasfield. of Shedd wis ,
b-iness. visitor in ,he city this"" e-