The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, March 04, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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$30,000 Building Will Be Erec
ted by the Members of K. P.
Lodge on Lyon Street.
Step Contemplated by Lodge
for Sometime Has Been Defin
itely Agreed Upon.
It was learned today that plaits for
I lie erection of a $3(MKN) Knights of
I'ylhias li-iiiplc have, been definitely
Hreed upon, and work 'on the build
ing will he slatted in the near fu
ture. I.. M. Curl, a supreme representa
tive of the order iii this domain, when
interviewed this morning said: "The
members of the lodge have been con
sidering the erection of this building
lor some lime and from a decision
reached at a recent meeting it was
definitely decided that the imilditig is
10 be built before very long. Although
the plans and speciticatii n s are not
in the hands of the arc hi led, they
will be wilhin the -next few days.
I lowever, I will say t hat the plans
drafted are for a ninj.'.uil'iecul building
with all the modern conveniences,
com! Itiing the comforts and accessor
its ' a model club building. It is
our i! sire to' make this club the best
eiii ted and most hospitable in the
slate, firmly believing a lodge slioiild
he cm this order, as we have always
iiiait'tained, I am ftanl; in my belief
t ha I when I he building is completer!
11 will be the best equipped bulge
building, cNcepling none, in this part
of the valley."
The building will occupy a quarter
hhl: ;il tin- .imthwet corner of
l-V'rM Third streets. The entire
site will"" he excavated for a concrete
basement, over which the splendid
building will be constructed of white
in ess. d brick, two stories in height.
The lower floor will contain two
lar-je store r ns with dimensions of
5M.M feel. These mms have already
been rented, but the parties who have
leased them are not ready to announce
the fact at (his time. A broad stair
way will enter from the middle of the
building from I, you sheet, forming
the main enhance and a stairway will
also enter from the southwest corner
on Third sheet. The second floor
will contain a spacious and appropri
ately apportioned lodge room, a mag
nificent banquet room with all con
veniences and a model kitchen. An
attractive ladies' parlor and a com
plete library will lorui two other es
sential features of this floor. The sec
ond floor will also contain four or
five neat apartments, suites of from
to -I rooms each, which will be rent
ed lo anvone who desires them.
In the basement will be located the
lalest heating ami hot wtler apparatus
ami this will be maintained for use
over ilic entire building, together with
other modern" conveniences.
Ahhough !u' was not at liberty to
Mive the exact dale when the work
would .-tart. Mr. I'm 1 intimated that
it would be some time within the next
few weeks,
Urges Parents to Co-operate
with Instructors in Enforce
ment of Regulations.
In reference to an article which ap
peared in yesterday's iViuocrat, re
lating to the conduct of some school
clnldien at the comer of Sixth and
Madison stiecls. Professor Ho'etticher,
supei iutemlcnt of schools, requested a
representative of this paper to make
a few remarks in his behalf, to the
eflect that if school children are seen
diM tgarding the rules ot" their schools,
it is his earnest desire ".at the mat
ter be reported to lum. '.le s.ns that
school lets out he hire 4 o'clock and
that there i sno reason why the chil
li i en shouldn't be at home by that
The rules of the public sehols of
this citv are that the students should
go immediately home alter school and
report to their parents." said Sir.
Itoetticher, "and then they are at their
libei ty. Of course it is impossible to
see that all the children reach homo,
but neveithlcess, I have intercepted
a ood many loiiet ing on lite way
and have sent them on. 1 do not ap
prove of the boy eongrcK.itiuK on
the street comers and .icting, as tt was
reported at Sixth and M.uhson streets,
and 1 am determined to put a stop
in u. I arenis must realize the neces
sity of helping the teachers, who luve
been instructed fully in making the
children obey the rules, and report
anv case of disobedience. There are
a good many school children in this
city, and with the united efforts of the
patents and leaehcis, the childtcn
could be kept under closer surveil
lance. They can be kept out of mis
chief ami ftotn associating with the
w i ting environments."
I. A. t randall. n prominent Lebanon 1
man. went lo Portland this morning. !
D. V. Green, city treasurer of l.eb
anon, was n business visitor at the
court house this morning
W. R. Burton, the Singing Evan
gelist Will Assist the Regular
Tiie lirt Christian church will begin
a serie:. of pt'cial meetings Sunday,
.March 2. The mtni.ier, the kev. I
V. KiniTflOii, will be a.;!i;.ted by .Mr. .
V. K. liurton, singing evangelist.
'I here will be services everv- evening!,,---, ...isf-A.
during the iceek except Saturday ev-I MAN MAKES HIS ESCAPE;
cumg. ' I he general tiieme of the week
will be "The Jericho Campaign. "The
evening subjects will be .Monday A
New Leader;" Tuesday, "A Peculiar
Plan;" Wednesday, "The Test of
Faith;" Thursday, "The Victory of
Obedience;" Friday, "A Modern Para
llel." Three services are announced
for Sunday, March 9; 10:30 a. m. and
7:M p. m. At the morning service the
sermon will be a continuation of the
series on "(iospel Triumphs," the sub
topic being "Infidelity." In the after
noon there will be a great meet
ing for boys. The subject of the ad
dress will be "Hell-Gate Rocks." In
the evening the address will be the
fifth in the special series- for men and
will he on the theme "What Christ
ianity Offers Men."
The dufation of the services is not
announced hut will very probably con
tinue over the following- week.
liurkhart St Lee today received a
shipment of three tons of mixed
itaints, colors and varnishes for the
spring trade.
Many Interesting Cases Will
Go to Higher Court on
The bar docket for the March term
of department No. 1 of the state cir
cuit court was received from the
printer by County Clerk .Marks today.
The court wil convene Monday.'
March 1(1, 1;I3, and its officers are
given as lion. Percy U, Kelly, judge;
Hon. (iale S. Hill, district attorney;
W. L. Marks, clerk, and D. II. Ho
ditie, sheriff. The docket includes 41'
Among the cases that will come up
the appealed cases Iroin the jus-
lice court ot Mate ol urcgou vs. I
James Hart and the Slate vs. lack j
Nhllcr. I'olh of these cases were tried
in the justice coin! and the defend
ants were convicted of boollegging.
Excellent Program .Presented
and Progress of Sabbath
School Reviewed.
A most entertaining mother's' meet
ing of the I 'nited Presbyterian Sab
bath school was held in the church
parlors on I'riday afternoon. About
fift v five mothers listened to an ex
cellent program led by Mrs. S. X. Bra
den, assisted by Mrs. K. l' Sox, Miss
Mabel Schultz, Mrs. I lamilton and
Dr. White. During the program Mrs.
C. K. Sox sang three beautiful solos.
The Sabbath school has recently
adopted the graded system, grading
the children into four departments
according to' age. the beginners, pri
mary, junior and intermediate. The
work is so arranged that a child grad
uating front the intermediate depart
ment has a comprehensive knowledge
of the Bible. This work is supple
mented by drawings and essays. A
most excellent exhibit of this work
was placed on the walls of the school
and received much favorable comment.
Dainty t refreshments celebrating
Washing ton's birthday w ere served,
which completed the afternoon's en
Several prominent members of the
M. K. church South, of Corvallis, were
in the city this morning on their way
to llarrisburg to attend the district
conference of the church at that city,
auioiiK them being Mrs. Judge Moses,
Mrs. Clapsidcl ami Mrs. D. M. John.
They were joined here by Rev. Jones,
of Tangent, a former pastor of the
church at Corvallis, and went south
on the 9:4(1 O. 1. local, liishop Wa
terhousc of I.os Angeles will preach
tomorrow, an event in the session of
the conference. The conference bc-
I ;an on Thursday and has been one of
much interest so far.
Rev. J. A. Abbott, district superin
tendent of the M. K. church, was in
the city today, goinc from here to
Jefferson, where he wil conduct serv
S V . .n .n si s .a a I
) '.s'S
Ntws on This Page is ? i
Saturday' mmwV , !
C? ,ji sf v 1
Doer Left Unlocked and Burglar
Enters Residence on East
First Street.
Was Seen Lurking Around the
Neighborhood Yesterday
A burglar entered the licme of S. H.
Singleton, 740 E. First street, at 12:30
last night, effecting his entrance liy
means (if the back clour, which was
left unlocked.
Mr. Singleton, who was in bod at
tile time, was awakened by the no'ise
made by the opening of-a screen, r.t
tached to the kitchen door, where
upon he made an immediate investiga
tion, lie reached the kitchen just in
time to meet the would-be rammer
face lo face, who turned and dashvd
out of the 'door by which he had en
tered, before he could be intercepted.
The burglar is described as a man
of short build, wearing a slouch hat
and apparently a dark suit of clothes.
It is reported that a suspicious fellow
had been seen lurking in the neigh
borhood earlier in the day.
-Mr. I.affertv. of Corvallis. a i-ii sin
of Congressman Latterly, of Portland.
went to rortland this morning.
Mrs. Al. Senders and daughter, went
lo Portland this morning, on a visit
willi Mrs. Senders folks before they
SO lo YVcnatchce lo look alter their
orchard during the summer.
l'icause her father. Al. Savior, flie
night watchman, forgot his sweater,
when he came do'w n town last 11 i lt!i i
to go un dutv. .Mi.-s Lena Savior
caused a in .lice alarm to he turned in
air. nayior, wno nas tor years
guarded the business district against
.night marauders, forgot to fully pro
vide himself for the night's vigil, and
Miss Lena fearful that her father
would suffer from the cold, scut in
the alarm that she might locate him
and bring the sweater.
;? s a s ii
. a
C. X. I.nshy of llarrisburg was at
tending lo business matters in Albany
Mr. Clyde Roberts and Mr. Gordon
Barrett went . to Portland today to at
lenil the theatres.
A large crowd attended the first
dance ol the I'riday livening Dancinrr
club last night at the armory. .Mem
bers of the club pronounced it a very
pleasant social success.
Miss Mamie llccson went to Gates
tins morning, where she will teach
school tins spring. She was accom
panied bv her brother, A. L. lleeson,
the Imotypcr.
Rev. llauu, of the Episcopal church.
Corvallis. was in the citv today on his
way lo 1'ortl.ind where it is reported
he expects to reside.
Miss Roberta Morton of Slavton is
'',S,,1"K her mu.ical instructor,
Mrs lahlcr. tor the purpose of at
tending the monthly concert of the
I'.nsenible club.
Ii. 11. Craven, the real estate man,
went to Portland this mnmm.,
a short business trip.
i- M:M'or ,Ur; r?,',k'- u' '- U ril" "'
b. Memlenhail, leading llarrisburg
men, were in the city last evening.
John Weseljv a prominent business
man of Scio. was in Albany last eve
ning on a short business trip.
Miss Anna Johnson, one of the O.
A. (,'s. best students, came over this
morning to spend Sunday at home.
Lawyer E. E. Wilson, of Corval
lis, arrived this morning.
Wayne Stanard. of Brownsville, was
in the city last evening. He is in
favor of Brownsville paving three or
four blocks this year, in the business
section, enough for a starter, not at
tempting too much at first, until the
big advantages of pavement are fully
appreciated by a practical demonstra
tion. Mrs. Adna Smith, vocalist, and Miss
aggoner, pianist. returned this
morning from Shedd. where they gave
a concert last night to a larije au
dience, presenting a program that was
greatly appreciated.
Prof. Nicholls, the band and orches
tra instructor, of Lebanon, returned
home this morning after a trip south.
Harry Shea left this ,u,irni., ,
Portland trip.
Dr. A. G. Prill, one oi Scio's livc.t
wires, returned last evening from
Portland, and went home this nmm.
u'B He continues to have hours th.n
- io some dav will hae a r.iitrrti.l
IH'ri'J:" electric lire.
l5,"h K,i"- ' h-u- s.v, Ret.
.,,! , prjv.ite secretary. Ray Taylor
,...i.i ...o i.. r.u...... "
short wheat trip. """"""" "
Factional Fight at Gates Is
Said to Be the Cause.
of Action.
Investigation Will Be Made of
Recent Attempt to Burn
School Buildings.
Claiming that they could not work
in harmony with other members of
the school board of District 21, Gates,
Mrs. Pearl K. Smith, clerk, and Rob
ert Bowers, director, sent in their res
ignation to- County School Superin
tendent Jackson yesterday which were
The other members of the school
hoard are V. i. Clark and V. B. Rol-
This action followed an al-
ciiit)l 'iiiaiI:iv niirlit nf ii
leged attempt Tuesday night of di
sails i ieu members ot the school dis
trict to burn down two school houses
at Gate.-. So far no action has been
taken in the matter, but it is expected
that a full investigation of the trouble
will be iiwde some time soon.
Superintendent Jackson has author
ized the people of the district lo hold
a meeting and elect two new directors
to fill the places vacated.
Miss J
,.l ,1,1s ,-ilv r,.,r,,..,l 1
today alter a visit here the guest of
Miss Maggie Shea and oilier Albany
Fred Dawson, i he Retail man, went
lo Newport this afternoon to looli
alter his ..tore there.
mm mm meeting
sonic meeting last night were several
, 'II I I II I 1 -3IMI. II ,3 ,11 IMC lOllll,
i hcv are:
fit 1.1. V. I).
Thomas U
Morgan, editor Harris-
burg j'lullctin; II. I.. Ried, cashier of
the banners and Merchants' bank. X.
V. Davis, manager -fay & Senders
feed store. Dr. W. II. Dale, ex-mayor,
R. W. and VV. 1 Wright. C. 1.. Mor
ris, postmaster, all of llarrisburg.
II. Wayne Staunard of lirowusville
and James Johnston, o't Jefferson, arc
included among the visiting guests.
Returning yesterday from the an
nual meeting of Rexall druggists of
Oregon Fred Dawson reports one of
the most interesting meetings in the
history of the organization, thirty-one
of the fifty Rexall druggists being in
attendance. While in the metropolis
Mr. Dawson heard the world famous
violinist, .Mishit Lima.
Mrs. Van Dorn and daughter, of
Illinois, arrived this afternoon from
Corvallis on a visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Judge Stewart, Toledo, was in
the city today on i ay home from
Portland. He is .w also in the
newspaper Wtsiness, running one of
the papers at Toledo.
i ne .Ainany iruit growers associa-
turn will convene an open session at
the Commercial club room this after
noon at i o'clock. The subject o'f re
organization yill be taken up and a
campaign for new members will be
Harry Rogoway. second-hand deal
er, went to Portland this afternoon to
interview the jobbers.
Seed wheat for sale. Impure of the
Albany Mill & Elevator Co.
F27 to M 27 Akw
F'OR SALE Half dozen tine, pul'ict
bred barred cockerels. High class
stock from crossing three best laving
strains in state. Price ?2.50 if taken
soon. May be seen at comer .Id and
Cal. streets. Barred Rock. Puff Or
pington and Indian Runner dock eggs
for sale. Archibald & Son; 5J W..ird.
d w F??-MS
1 '"d that yon have gained
o n .tthrr doctors, do not
i.-ne tin t ii you have ren
The Hing Wo Chinese Medical Co.
oi frotn the interior of
-a .md nsid hy old famous special
.'- tor years These wonderful roots
II fin e Catarrh. Asthma. I. urn?
I rouble. Caiu'cr. Rheumatism. Blood
I'oison. Nervousness. Stomach. I.tver
md Kidney Troubles Also private
diseases of men and women. No op
rn lions Consultation free. Office
-Mrs 9 a m to 8 p m
Third and Hroadalhin Sts
Hell Phnne Albany. Oregon.
Chief of Police Austin Says
He Will Arrest Any Citizen
Violating Ordinance.
A young hopgrower residing in the
vicinity of Albany was arrested yester
day afternoon on West First street
by Chief of Police Austin for speed
ing. It i charged that the man had
exceeded the speed limit several times
before he was arrested.
He was taken before Police Judge
Van Tassel immediately following his
arrest and put up bail of $15 for his
appearance in the police court this
morning. Upon his appearance a fine
of $10 and costs was imposed upon
him, which was paid.
Chief Austin says that there must'
be a stop put to the excessive speed
ing of automobiles in this city and
that all the policemen have been in
structed to arrest any automobilist
disregarding the speed limit. The
chief points out the increased traffic
on the thoroughfares of the city and
claims that speeding automobiles in
the narrow street - continually hazards
the lives of pedestrians.
"I am determined to be vigilant on
this phase of law-breaking." said Chief
Austin this morning. '"There isn't
hardly a day but what someone gets
run over and killed by an autmnnhilc
in some place. Whv look what hap
inent lawyer being killed. bv an auto-
,w ,KJ t If : : "
pened in i on lanu yesterday, a prom
mobile. If it is within mv nower 1
will -certainly see that such a thing
does not happen in Albany."
i Prnminpni Snoakore Haun C-son
- f - ""- "KN
Secured and Excellent
Program Prepared.
KdiloV of Democrat:
The Oak l lain Grange, of Shedil.
has ju.t received advices from the
Oregon Agricultural College, that the
j college has scheduled a farmers' in
stitute to be held in connection with
the grange at Shedd on Saturday,
March Kth. 1
In tile afternoon Prof. Lovett will
I speak on "Some of the more serious
Li jnlk
irni crops, and Prof,
n Parni Poultrv "
IV., f k-.., .:n :... .... . ,
i ....... 'V . ", mw.aic,
, ..: '!. r '.A " -OTCS Ol
Dairy Caltl
Both the college and the grange
wish to have as large an attendance
as possible on the part of the public.
A very enjoyable and instruclive time
is assured. C. C. DICKSON',
Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Weatherford
went to Newport this afternoon for a
Sunday visit.
G. H. Ballard, of Benton countv, re
turned last evening from Portland.
! Tw" "V"hs "'. darted for Wash
; "igtoii. nut wiute getting olt
n strnut
car in Portland had an' accident and
was laid up in a hospital for nearly
Fisher, Braden& Co.
IJnderiaki.ig Parlors. Srd and
Roth Phones
February Sale of
Hair Goods
Extra good quality human
hair switches in the great
est variety of shades, in
cluding grey and grey
All lengths 24 to 34 inches
We can match your hair with an extra good
switch and save you money besides
Agents for
334 West Ferry Street
Past Masters Confer Master
Degree on a 'Candidate
Last Night.
D. P. Mason Acts as Toast
master at Banquet Which
Followed Ceremony.
After the work was completed the
members retirvd to the banquet rooms
where an eve-client feast had been
prepared by Francis PfcitVcr.
P. P. Mason acted ;:s toastniaster
and in a few well chosen words intro
duced the various speake-s.
Dr. Dale of Harrisburg was
called upon and responded to the
toast, "Masonic Spirit." He was fol
lowed by Mayor Gilbert who was as
signed the subject. "Masonic Frater
nity and its relation to citizenship."
Rev. D. H. I. each spoke on the sub
ject, "'i !:e relation cjf the Masonic
Lodge to ihe Church." Dr. Davis
and I. s. Van Win'-Ie were also called
upon by the toastmaster.
Fifteen members of the Masonic
lodge of llarrisburg arrived on the
evening train and attended the ban
quet and a strong delegation from
both Jefferson ami Shedd were pres
ent. There were over KM Masons in
It is seldom that a candidate for
membership in a Masonic lodge has
the djsliuclion of receiving his final
degree in .Masonry at the hands of the
past masters of the order, but this
distinction may be claimed In- Mr.
Hiukle of Hoover, who' last night re
ceived bis degree as a master Mason
at the Masonic Temple.
The lodge was called to order by
C. II. Wieder who. after the prelim
inary ceremony had been performed
called Past Master David P. Mason
to the chair. Mr. Mason selected for
the various posts of-honor in the
lodge room, only those who have
heretofore, held the honorable posi
tion of master of the order, and desig
nated the following to assume charge
ol the work: C. 11. Winn, senior war
den; F.rl. Cusiek, Jr.. warden: L. C.
Marshall, senior deacon; W. A. Bal
laek. Jr.. deacon; Al Senders, senior
Sleward. and D. II. Bodinc Jr., stew
ard. L:uvyer W. S. Risley went up the
C. & E. this morning on a legal trip
Kenworthy players have been play
ing to a packed house everv night at
the Dreamland theatre, and the na
ture of their productions merit a
hearty support by local theatre-goers.
Rhode Island Reds. 1st pen $2 00,
2nd pen SI.50. II. G. Rumbaugh. R
4. Home Phnne .'ny F5-to Mara
Come on and bring a
friendto see Snyder
draw out your plow-lay
Don't fail to see our
404 East Second St. '
Agents for
Kabo Reducing