The Serai-Weekly Democrat Published by DEMOCRAT PUBLISHING CO. WM. H. HORNIBROOK, Managing Editor. '.iiicred at the postofficc at Albany, Oregon, as second-class matter. Published every evening except Sun day. Semi-weekly publishca Tuea days and Fridays. BUSINESS MATTER. Address all communications and make all remittances payable to the Dem ocrat Publishing Co. in ordering changes of address, sub scribers should always give old as well as new address. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily Delivered by carrier, per month....$ .40 Delivered by carrier, per year 4.00 l.y mail, at end of year 3.50 liy mail in advance, per year 3.00 Semi-Weekly t end of year $1.50 When paid in advance, one year.... 1.25 CLASSIFIED RATES Ic per word for first publication; Jc per word thereafter, payable in ad vance. Minimum charge of 25c. Established in 1865. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1913. Committee Sustains West. Governor Oswald West has won anoticr victory at Salem, The majority report, signed by three of the five members of the legislative committee appointed for the purpose of investigating conditions at the stale peniten tiary, completely exonerates the governor and prison officials from the charges made during the pres ent session of the legislature. Whether the report will be adopted by the senate and house remains to be seen, but the gov ernor has undoubtedly won the first round and it was won before a republican referee, after the mat ter had been made the subject of a thorough and far-reaching in vestigation; The report filed by the major ity members of the committee is in part as follows: "Your committee as a whole made one visit to the institution and spent a part of one day. A part of the committee made a sec ond visit and spent a part of an other day, An opportunity was given the prisoners to appear be fore the committee and make known any complaints against their treatment knd.lhe conduct " of the warden and the other of ficers connected therewith. A ' number of the mappeared before us and made statements in regard to their treatment, both. from the wardens ans as to the amount of clothing furnished them and also in regard to the conditions m the prison. The only complaint made to us worthy of notice was from those who worked on what is known as the rookpilc that they were not supplied with socks and underclothes. All, with one ex ception, staled that they were well tivated. Several who had been in other state prisons staled frankly that their treatment in this pris on was better than that of any other wherein they had been con fined. All who appeared express ed the wannest personal feeling fur the treatment accorded Ihem by Ihe governor anil expressed (heir confidence in him and in his disposition to give them a square deal. "Your committee wishes to earnestly commend Colonel son. the present warden, for the splendid work done in the short time lie has been there in bringing about excellent and satisfactory and sanitary conditions, and for the commendable manner in which he has handled both the prison and the men, and your committee doubt if there is an other prison on the Pacific Coast where such sanitary conditions are found and where the men con fined therein hae better treat ment and more kindly feeling to wards their warden. "Signed by Representative Sam I.ankliliu, of Yamhill: Senators . II. Kagsdale, of tolliam, ami V. II. Mollis, of Washington, ma jority of committee." Wilson's Trust Record. The band of Governor Wilson may be seen on every progressive law which has been placed on the statute books of N'ew Jersey. lie leaves behind him in his native state a record of things ac complished and brings to the new office to which he has been called, the experience which only conies from dealing first hand with prob lems of state. The anti-trust measures which have been enacted under the lead- ership of Governor Wilson are a model. They have redeemed the state of New Jersey, which prior to his election enjoyed the unen viable reputation of being the home of the corporations and law breaking trusts. In speaking of the new laws on this subject Governor Wilson sums up the situation as follows: "Those who would engage in the heartless practice of ruining rivals and filching from the pock ets of the people more than they ought reasonably to demand," said the Governor, "are the only ones who will have cause to re gret the enactment of these meas ures. I predict that under them the people of New Jersey will en ter upon a new era of prosperity. I' congratulate the legislature and the people on their passage. These laws mark a new era in our busi ness life." ."Senate Bill No. 43, the act de fining trusts and designed to pro mote free competition and com merce in all classes of business," continued the Governor, "makes it criminal to make an agreement which, directly or indirectly, pre cludes a free and unrestricted competition.. "It was urged upon the legisla ture that the bill be amended by adding the word 'knowingly,' so that it would read that any person or persons who wilfully or know ingly make an agreement in re straint of trade should be pun ished. I understand that it is a general principle of law that there mhst be a guilty mind to consti tute a guilty act. It seems to me that this affords ample protection to any honest man. "It has been said in some quar ters that these laws will help big business and hurt the small deal ers. That, of course, is not the intention, and cannot be the ef fect. The salutary provision of the act defining trusts is that ' it makes it unlawful to make any agreement, directly or indirectly, which will preclude free and un restricted competition in business. Monopolies too often have ac complished by indirection what they could not do directly. The holding company is an example of this." "FOGHORN" WATTS. "In the Albany Democrat re cently F. P. Nutting has a para graph in which he states "An orig inal character of wide reputation was J. W. Watts of Lafayette, who spoke here in the winter or spring of '81. He was a large man with a peculiar voice and a gesture all bis own." That "peculiar voice" was well known and was by his political op ponents the cause of Dr. Walls being nicknamed "The Foghorn." The well known republican cam paigner of massive frame and sim ilar voice would roar like a bear and could be heard far. "Foghorn," he said to the writer once; "it is fitting that they should so name me. A foghorn blows blasts of warning and that's what I have been doing all over the country, going up and down warning my fellow man to beware the rocks and shoals of democracy. I willingly accept the appellation for it is full of 'meaning, and 1 hope to continue to be a foghorn to my fellow citizens until the end comes." It was a couple of days before the man of whom it is said he made i laves president . the Unit ed Stales died that (he writer called upon hint while he was gradually sinking, and alter con versing for a time received the re quest to "sing something." "Hut 1 cannot sing," sadi the writer. "Oh, yes, you can. There's a bond. Find something and sing a little to me. My days are num bered, and it will help." So there was nothing to be done but to take' the book pointed to and the writer sang the first and last solo he ever attempted. Two davs lat er Dr. . V. Watts passed away. Salem Statesman. Walter M. Parker returned last night from a business trip to Portland, lie says that business conditions are in good shape at (he metropolis and that many building improvements are being made. Mr. and Mrs Peters of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. l Dronlcwc of Ellsworth. Kansas, are visiting at the hutnc of E. E. W.trford of this city. Fred Westhrook will have consign ed to him tomorrow a carliod of flour (mm North Yakima. The shipment will come from Mason & Ehrm.m over the Oregon Electric and will be de livered to Scott Conn and C. D. Hudlong, local grocers. ADMINISTRATRIX" NOTICE. To all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that the undersigned has filed her final account in the mat ter of the estate of A. D. Horner, de ceased, in the county court of Linn county, Oregon, and that said court has fixed the 18th day of March, 1913, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day as the time for hearing and settling of all objections to said ac court; therefore all persons having any objection to said account are here by notified to appear and file the same on or before said last mention ed date. Dated this 7th day of February, 1913. R. M. HORNER, Administratrix of A. D. Horner, de- CcLSCC. W. R. BILYEU, Attoi.ivy for Administratrix. F7-Mar7 In the Circiut Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn. Department No. 2. Andrew Shearer, Plaintiff, Dora Pugh, Ida Pugh, P. P. Van Fleet and Mary Elva Van Fleet, his wife, Emma Jtmkin and David Junkin, her husband, Mary A. Wright, James A. Pugh and Charlotte E. Pugh, his wife, Annie E. Kendall and A. M. Kendall, her husband, Ada Jackson and Henry Jackson, her husband, Omer Tetherow and C. D. Tethcrow, his wife, Miles Tetherow and A. B. Tethcrow, his wife, Clyde Tetherow, Annie Wier and John Wier, her hus band, and Effie Pierce and E. F. Pierce, her husband. Defendants. To Omcr Tetherow, C. D. Tethe row, Miles TeUicrow, A. B. Tethcrow, Clyde Tetherow, Anna Wier, John Wier, Effie Pierce and E. F. Pierce, nine of the above named defendants: In the name of the state of Oregon, You are hereby required to apnear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff on file with the clerk of the above entitled court on or before the 28th day of March, 1913, the same being the date of the last publication of this summons as prescribed by order- therefor duly made in the cause herein by the Hon orable Percy R. Kelly, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County, and you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as here in!? required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in his complaint on file herein. 'For a decree that the plaintiff, An drew Shearer, and the defendants, Dora . Pugh. Ida Pugh. P. P. Van Fleet and Mary Elva Van Fleet are the owners in fee simple of the fol lowing described real property, to wit: Beginning at the southwest cor ner of the Donation Land Claim of Jesse W. Pugh and wife. Notification No. 2040 and Claim No. 45, in Town ship 12 South. Range 4 West of the Willamette Meridian. Oregon, and running thence north along the west side of said Donation Land Claim 18.75 chains; thence east 26.59 chains; thence south 20.21 chains: thence west 15.65 chains; thence North 82 degrees 25 minutes West 11.39 chains, to the place of beginning, containing 52.83 acres, more or less, all lying and being situate in Linn County, and State of Oregon, free of incumbranc es, and that hone of the other defend ants herein have any right, title or estate of, in or to said real estate or any part thereof, and for a decree that said real property be partitioned among the plaintiff. Andrew Shearer, and the defendants, Dort Pugh. Ida Pugh and P. P. Van Fleet and Mary Elva Van Fleet, according to their respective rights, quanitty and quality relatively considered, and that the costs and expenses of this suit be paid by the several parties interest according to their several inteccsts and that the same he a lien unon the several interests of the parties plain tiff and defendants until the same arc paid and for such other and fur ther relief as shall seem meet I in equity. I ''lie date of Ihe first publication of this summons is February 14. 191.1. .imJ the date of the last publication is March 28. 101.1. This summons is published hy order of the Honorable Percy R. Kelly. Indue of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn Cotintv, made and dated Febru-' arv II, 1013. I.. M. CURT... Attorney for Plaintiff. F14-Mch2S SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution and order or sale to me directed issued out of the Circuit Courier" the State of Ore srn for l.iun Guinty. in t!,c case of .1. O. Ilrowti, plaintiff, vs. P. G. Mm, ray. lv, I". Morgan. A. K. Pieiffcr. ami W T. Cbristv ami Klmira Christy, his i wife, defendants. I will on Mo'ndav. jlhe -Mill day of February, 1 0 1 .1. at ihe hour ot one o'clock p. in., at the front door of Ihe Court House in Albauv. Oregon, sell at mil-lie auction to the I blithest bidder for ea-h in hand the Kdlowing described real propertv, to jwit: Blocks Numbered Two (-.' and ; Three in W.mdlc's .Riverside Ad jdilhm to the City of Albany. Linn I County. Oregon, as the same appears , and is designated upon the recorded ! plat of said addition to said citv. now 'on file and of reeoYd in the office of the I ouiity Recorder in and for said County and State. To satisfy l judgment rendered in favor of the plaintiff and air.iinst ihe ,.o'..nlrtni W. T. Chritsv ami Klmira Christy, for tnc sum ol SJ.t.'.s.s.'. together with ac cruiiig interest thereon at 8 per cent per annum from January JO. 1913: and the costs and disbursements of this suit taxed and allowed at $21 50. and the costs and disbursements of this execution and sale. I). H. BOniNF.. Sheriff o'f Linn Cotintv, Oregon. Dated this January 24. '. C. C. BRYANT, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication Jan. 24. 1913. last Feb. 21, 1913. J24-F2I T A CI,.... .1 : I i , . .. ..nun mm nur icu ior van fornix S.itnnl.iv ninht f. n ...-....-,t . , ".---.7 VIIVU visit in the Bear state. CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Linn County. In the matter of the estate of Mar tin Moss, deceased. To Edward W. Moss, Dora G. Moss, Gertrude Maas, Meta Mcislahn, Dora Meislahn, Emma Meislahn, Nicolaus Meislahn, Johannes H. Meislaho and George Meislahn, and to all others unknown, if any such there be, Gree ing. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn, at the court room thereof, at Albany, in said county, on Monday, the 7th day of April, 1913, at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why an order should no't be made by the above entitled court au thorizing and directing the adminis trator of said estate of Martin Moss, deceased, to sell the following de scribed real property of said estate at public sale for cash in hand, to wit: Beginning at a point which is East one chain and seventy-eight links dis tant from the Northwest corner of Notification No. 2435 and claim No. 50 in Township 12 South of Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian in Linn County. Oregon, and running from thence East twenty-one chains and twenty-eight and one-half links, thence South thirty-six chains and ten 'and one-half' links, thence West twenty-one chains and twenty-eight and one-half links, and thence North thirty-six chains and nine and one half links to the place of beginning containing 76.72 acres: Witness, the Hon. D. B. McKnight, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn, with the seal of said Court af fixed this 13th day of February, A. D. 1913. (Seal) W. L. MARKS. Clerk. By R. M. RUSSELL, F4-Mar21 Deputy. SUMMONS. in the Circuit Court of the -ta'c or Oregon for the County of Linn. Edna Bradcn, Plaintiff, vs. Carl R. Braden, defendant. To Carl R. Braden, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon. You arc hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff in the above entitled cause now on file with the Clerk of said Court within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and you are hereby noti fied that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as hereby re quired, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in her said complaint, to-wit, for a decree dissolving the marriage relation now existing between the plaintiff and de fendant, and awarding to the plaintiff the care and custody of Jack Braden, the minor child of the plaintiff and de fendant, and for a judgment against the defendant for her costs and dis bursements herein, and for such other and further decree as may be meet in equity. This summons is published once a week for six consecutive weeks in The Semi-Weekly Democrat, a week ly newspaper published in said county, by order of Hon. D. B McKnight. County Judge of Linn County. Oregon, made and entered herein on the 11th day of February, 1913. and the date of the first publi cation of this summons is the 14th day of February. 1913. HEWITT & SOX, Attorneys for the Plaintiff. F14-Mar2S SUMMONS. . In the Circuit Court ofthe State of Oregon, for the County of Linn. De partment No. 2. Mitchell, Plaintiff, vs. II. D. Mitchell, Defendant. , . , Mitchell, the above named dctendant: You are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint of the above named plaintiff in the above entitled Court, now on file with the Clerk of Said Court within six weeks from ihe date of Ihe first publication of this summons; and you are here by notified that if yon fail to appear and answer said complaint as hereby required, plaintiff will take a decree as prayed for in the said complaint herein .to-wit: A decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff ami defendant: that plaintiff have cus- todv ot the minor children of plain i to,' .....I ",l. ..,. I .1.... ..i..:...:r r have such other and further relief as to t!-e Court feem? equitable. This summons is pnblifbed in the Albany Weekly Democrat once a week for six weeks bv order of the i Hon. I). B. McKnight.' County ludge of Linn County, Oregon, made on January 13. 1913. and the date of the first publication hereof is lanuary 24. 1'I3. C. C. RRYANT. Attorney for Plaintiff. Jan 24 Mar 7 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of W. II. Clcavinger. deceased, has filed his final account as said adminis trator, in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County, and that Mondav. the .3rd day of March. A. D. JOJ, l1t the hour oi 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. has l.ccn fixed by said Court as the time and the County Court room in the Comt House of said County ot Linn in the City of Albany. Oregon, as the place for the hearing of any and all objec tions to said final account and the settlement thereof. WILLARD CLEAVINGER, Administrator. WM. S. RISLEY, Attorney for Administrator. Jan 31-Fcb 28 Miss Willctta Wright, of the Brownsville schools, returned to that place last evening after spending Sat urday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Wright. Registration of Land Title In the Circiut Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn. In the Matter of the Application of James Wigle and Bertha fc. Wigle, husband and wife. TO Register title to the following de scribed premises, to-wit: Beginning at the S. E. corner of the D. L. C. of Gamaliel Parrish, Not. 2060, and Claim No. 45, in Tp. 13 S. of R. 2 W. of the Will. Mer., Oregon, and running thence N. 70 degrees 45 minutes W. along the Southern bound-1 ary mie of said Claim 40.90 chs. thence N. 50 degrees 49 minutes E. 3S.3S chs. thence --S. 62 degrees 40 minutes E, 21.18 chs. to the Eastern boui.dary line of said Claim, thence S. 19 degrees 15 minutes W. 29.00 chs. to the place of beginning, containing 100.00 acres, more or less, also Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of Sect:on 7 in said Tp. and Range, containing 111.05 acres, more or less, also Beginning 12.00 chs. W. of the N. E. corner of the S. E.'$ of said Sec. 7, in said Tp. and Ranee, and running thence S. 26.66 chs., thence E. 15.00 chs., thence S. 13.33 chs., thence W. 23.00 chs., thence N. 40.00 chs., thence E. 8.00 chs. to the place of beginning, containing 52.00 acres, more or less, also The ii, Vi of the S. W. Vi of the S. E.4 of Section 7, the E.'A of the N. E.'i of the N. E. !4 of Section 18 and the N. W.4 of the N. W.'4 of Sec. 17, in said. Tp. and Range, containing 80.00 acres, more or less, also Beginning at the S. E. corner of the D. L. C. of said Gamaliel Parrish, Not. No. 2060, and Claim No. 45, in said Tp. and Range, and running thence N. 70 degrees 45 minutes W. to the N. line of the S. E.'A of Sec tion 7, in said Tp. and Range, thence W. 8.00 chs., thence S. 13.50 chs., thence E. 15.00 chs., thence S. 6.50 chs., thence E. 17.00 chs. to the S. W. corner of the N. E.'A of the S. W.J4 of Section 8, in said Tp. and Range, thence N. 20.00 chs., thence VV. to the E. line of said D. L. C, thence S. 19 degrees 30 minutes W. to the place of beginning, containing 53.08 acres, more or less, also Beginning at the S. W. corner of tlie L). L. C. of said Gamaliel Parrish Not. No. '2060 and Claim No. 58, in Tn. 13 S. of R. 3 W. of the Will. Merd. Oregon, and Claim No.' 45 in Tp. 13. S. of R. 2 W. of the Will. Merd., Oregon, and running thence S. 19.65 chs., more or less, to the N. boundary line of the D. L. C. of William Sperry, Not. No. 2106 and Claim No. 57, in Tp. 13 S. of R. 3 W. and Claim No. 4b, in ip. 13 S. of R. 2 W. of the Will. Merd., Ore gon, thence E. 6.95 chs. thence S. 9.88 chs., thence E. to the E. bound ary line of the D. L. C. of said Wil liam Sperry, thence N. 9.88 chs. to the N. E. corner of said D. L, C. of said William- Speery, thence W. 17.75 chs. to the VV. line of Section 7 in said Tp. 13, S. of R. 2 W. of the Will. Merd., Oregon, thence N. along said Section line of the S. boundary line ot said V. L.. t-. ot said Gamaliel Parrish, thence N. 70 degrees 45 min utes W. 14.42 chs. to the place of be ginning, containing 46.98 acres, more or less, and containing m the aggre gate 442.40 acres, more or less, all lying and being in the County of Linn and State of Orcgoin Against all whom it may concern, Delcndants. Take Notice That on the 3rd day of February, A. D. 1913, an application was filed bv said James E. Wigle and Bertha E. Wigle, husband and wife in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn for initial registration of the title of the laud above described-. Now unless' you appear on or be fore March 21, 1913. and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed and a decree will be entered according to the prayer of the ap plication and you vjll be forever bar red from disputing the same. Dated this 3rd day of February, 1913. W. L. MARKS, County Clerk of Linn County,, Ore gau, and Ex-Officio Clerk of the above entitled court. WEATHF.RFORD ,t WEATHER FORD, Attorneys for Applicant. F7-M7th NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Executor of the last will and testament of Martha A. Phillips, deceased, has filed his Final Account as said Executor, in the County Court of the State of Oreiton. for the Oountv of Linn, and that Monday the 10th day of March, A. D. 1913. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. has been fixed by said Court as the time, and the County Court room in the Court House of said County of Linn in the City of Albany, Oregon, as the place Jor the hearing of any and all objections to said Final Account and the settlement thereof. GEORGE W. rilll.LIPS. WM. S. RISLEY. Executor. Attorney for Executor. F7-M7 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executor of the last will and testament of S. D. Pratt, deceased, has filed in the county court for Linn county. Oregon, his final account as such executor, and that Monday, the 17th day of March, 1913, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, has been set as the time by said court for hearing of ob jections to said final account and the settlement of said estate. X. D. PRATT, C. C. BRYANT, Executor. Attorney for Executor. First publication to be February 14, 1913; Feb. 21, 1913: Feb. 21, 1913; Feb. 28. 1913; March 7, 1913; March 14. 1913. Newi Beginning With This Head Is . From Daily Issue of TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25. IRA NEWTCN GUSTER !5 CALLED BY DEATH Passed Away in This City To day After an Illness of Three Years. After a lingering illness, Ira New ton Custer, a well known young farm er who formerly resided six miles east of Albany, died this noon at the home of Mrs. Smead at 240 East Second street. The deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Custer and was well and favorably known in Linn county. He was taken ill some three years ago with tuberculosis and has been slowly failing in health since that time. . The funeral service will be held at the Fortmiller chapel at 2 p. m. to morrow, a short service being con ducted at the cemetery at 3:30. DR. COX WILL OPEN . BRANCH OFFICES MARCH 1 Will Conduct Business at Both Brownsville and Lebanon; Will Retain Office Here. Because a large number of his pa tients come from Lebanon and Brownsville and the rural sections sur rounding these places, Dr. W. A. Cox, the dentist, who has been located in this city for the past year, will open a branch office in each of the above named towns. However, Dr. Cox will retain his main office in this city, placing com petent dentists in charge of the branch houses, over which he will have full supervision. The Brownsville office will be opened March 1, while the. office in Lebanon will be located in a building now under course of construction. GOOD BASEBALL TEAM IS PLAN FOR SUMMER Mass Meeting Called for March 1st; Same Lineup as Last 1 Year Predicted. That this city will be represented the coming season by a fast aggrega tion of baseball players is indicated by the activity of local officials and baseball enthusiasts in arranging a mass meeting to be held Mtirch 1. The meeting will be held to organ ize a strong club, electing officers and drafting plans for the maintenance 'of the organization. The eligible players will be considered and it is hinted that an endeavor will be made to secure the same lineup for the team, as last year. The players who will probably con stitute part of the team, according to last season's lineup, arc: Dave and Hill Patterson. Lyle and Carson Big bee, A. A. Mickle, Carter and Lharhc Monson. If is understood that Claude Swan and J. C. Birtchett will take the places of George and Gene Dooley. who will leave for Mon tana the middle of March. The first game is scheduled for March 6 and is to be played with Salem. A. A. Tussmg, of Brownsville, this morning returned home after a trip to Salem to consult the state library. On his way home he received a telephone message from Mrs. Tussing that their youngest child, a little girl of three, months, had died. The child had not been strong, but was not considered in a dangerous condition when he left home. . r-JhS lw" sample rooms of Chas. I feiltcr. used by the Hotel Revere for a good many years, situated on Second street, near Ellsworth, just vacated bv the Revere House, have alreadv been rented, one to a cleaning and dve es tablishment, the other to a renter whose name is not yet public. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.- Notice is-herchy given that the un dersigned has this day been appointed executor of the estate of Frederick Hoefer. deceased. Any and all per sons having claims against said estate arc hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned at Icfferson. Oregon, or to Wcatherford & Weath ertord. attorneys. Albany. Oregon within six months from this date duly verified as by law. required 1913 'ed th'S 15lh dW o February, GEO. COWER, t URU, Attys. W Executor. F25-MarKiwkly ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. i. m,'iCC U hcrebiv Biven to 1,11 whm t may concern that the undersigned, the duly appointed, qualified and act ing administratrix of the estate of lames Sinrlcrsnn A I I. . ,.. . "inn'V" A!h-e-Co?" Clerk of. ciiini -a icKU"' ncr final Ac- "i.oc. ana me judge of f ' .u ",J. at I oclock p. m., for the hear nr n( k:--.: . F . ! account, f anv fi .u. ...... of said estate. Dated this 25th day of January, 1913. Administratrix of the Estate of James Sanderson, deceased. WSnJr1ERFORD & WEATHER- Attorneys for Admrx. J31-F2S