i DIVORCE TO BE Judge Galloway Declares That Both Plaintiff and Defendant Are Too Old: WERE SEPERATED OVER TWENTY YEARS AGO IN EAST Gives Judgement in Favor of Plaintiffs in Scio Case Last Evening. Plaintiff Claims He Gave His Wife Property When He Left North Dakota. Continued from February 19. Declaring that both the plaintiff and defendant in a divorce suit filed in Linn county had reached an age where a divorce is unnecessary, Judge Gal loway dismissed both the complaint of the plaintiff and the cross-complaint "of the defendant in the case of Isaac N. Watson vs. Mary E. Wat son. The plaintiff resides in the vicinity of Sodaville and separated from his wife in the state of North Dakota 'over twenly years ago. In his complaint he alleged that his wife had been unfaithful to the mar riage vow and asked for a decree of divorce on the showing made in af fidavits which were filed with the county clerk. The wife contested the case through local attorneys and filed a number or affidavits which were submitted to the court at the time the case was tried. The plaintiff is a man 83 years of age, a veteran of the Civil war and at the present time engaged in operating a twenty-five acre mountain farm which he alleges is unproductive. In his affidavit he claimed that he turned over all of his property to his wife at the time he left the east, with the exception of the $72.00 which he used to pay his transportation to Oregon. The 'vife asked for suit money anil in answer to' this request the plaintiff filed an affidavit in which he claimed that his farm will hardly produce for himself a bare living; that the only property he has in the world is forty chickens and that they have declined to lay any eggs; a cow 17 years old, a buggy 27 years old, and necessary household goods. NO VOTING PLACES WERE PROVIDED AT ELECTION County Clerk Restrained from Extending and Collecting Tax in New Territory. HURRY FIESELS BALL TEAM WINS GAME AT CAPITAL CITY Returned Home Last Evening After Defeating Y. M. C. A. Team by Score of 16 to 9. - LARGE CROWD ATTENDS MEETING OF LOCAL ARTISANS Supreme Master Artisan Pays Official Visit; Fifteen Initiated Into Order. A large attendance marked the reg ular meeting of Crystal Assembly, .United Artisans of this city which con vened last night in the hall in the Schmitt building. A class of fifteen candidates was initiated into the mysteries of the or der, followed by a line luncheon pre pared by the ladies and served in the dining hall adjoining the lodge room. Music and dancing completed a most enjoyable evening. During the course of the evening the members of the local lodge and a number of visiting members of the order were favored with an excellent address by II. S. Hudson of Portland, supreme master Artisan of the Oregon lodge, who accompanied by his son, paid the Albany lodge an official visit last evening. Kxeelleut talks were also made by Dr. tl. C. Kschcluinn of Portland, su preme medical adviser; and Kx Coun ty Judge .1. N. Duncan of Crystal As seinbly of this city. Il.nvcv Hudson,1 son of II, S. Hudson of Portland, ten dered several vocal solos that were greatly appreciated and excellent mu sic was furnished by the Willard Davis orchestra. Mr. adu Mrs I.. I). Walter who have been making this city their head ipi.irlets for several mouths while conducting a c.iinp:iie,n toi new inem bcis, will leave Albany soon, having. iieeu assigned to another Cltv tor work. Holding that the election held last summer in the city of Scio for the purpose of extending the citv limits is void, juiige ijaiioway last night gave out a decision in which lie grant ed to T. A. Richardson and others, : permanent injunction restraining the county cicrx irom extending and col lecting the scio city tax in the terri tory annexed by virtue of -such election. This case was filed several weeks ago by Mr. Richardson and other property owners affected bv the ordi nance and was one of the most hotlv contested cases which have come be fore the Linn coitntv courts during the past thirty days. The plaintiffs contend that as no separate voting places were provided for the electors residing in the new territory, the election was irregular. The defendants argued that inasmuch as the plaintiffs had taken advantage ui nie municipal improvements, they had waived their. rights to prosecute an injunction suit. There were other points of more or less interest in the suit but the point upon which the cane was decided by the trial judge was the failure of the municipal authorities to provide sep arate voting places in the territory which they proposed to annex to the city limits. II. I''. Mcllwaill, a prominent rcsi lcnt and merchant of Leaburg, is look ing after property interests in Albany, while here stopping at the Revere. Miss Vertie McCulloch of Dallas arrived in Albany this morning for a few days' visit with friends. She is a guest at the Revere. 1he Just fright SHOE (UNION MADE) The McDowell Shoe Co. "Quality for Less" 338 W. First St. - Albany Harry Ficsel's Colts were too' much for the Salem Y. M. C. A. team again last evening and the Albany boys re turned home last evening with the long end of a 16 to 9 score. Tile game was played in the Y. M. C. A. gym at Salem and was witnessed by a large crowd of enthusiastic fans. The game started off nicely and at the end of the second inning the score was 8 to 7 in favor of Albany. The Capital City boys made but two more runs in the remaining seven innings of the game. The hall was smaller than the Al bany team was used to playing in and it took two innings for the locals to become accustomed to the floor, oth erwise it is considered doubtful if Salem would have secured half the runs which were credited to them at theclo'se of the game. Fiesel pitched a fine pame for AI bany and was caught in splendid jtvle by Frank Stellmachcr. The remainder of the lineup was: dene Dooley, lb.; George Dooley, 2b.; Jack lierry, 31.; Gene Shea, r. s.; Wm. Salisbury, 1. s.; Harry Trcgilgas, If.; and Reed Dowlin, rf. The forme--game with the Salem team which was played at the armory in this city re cently, resulted in victory for Ficsel's Colts by a score of 7 to 6. NEW "ARCEZ" LUNCHEON AND CONFECTIONERY OPENED PORTLAND SYMPHONY . ORCHESTRA AT SALEM An event of more than usual inter est in musical circles will be the en gagement of the Portland Symphony Orchestra which will appear at the Grand Opera House at Sab-m nn March second. A large number of local musicians expect to go to the Capital City on that date to hear this well known or chestra. There are 5 Snmsicians in the orchestra Establishment Completed for Dick Churchill Modern and ' Attractive. The handsome new Arccz confec tionery and luncheon establishment recently completed for R. C. Chur chill was opened to the public at noon today and a large number of local residents ate their noon lunch at the new place which is strictly modern and up-to-date. The rooms have been repapered and calcnnmed and present a most attrac tive appearance, the woodwork being wooniu iii wiiue, auumg a clear ana sanitary touch to the interior. The kitchen is a model one, everything be ing conveniently arranged, and will be kept so that it will stand inspection at an omes. New lighting fixtures of pleasing de sign have been installed and a new front has been placed in the building. The space on the east side of the mam entrance at the front will be used ior iruits. Lunches will be served daily and the usual line of confections carried by .Mr. Churchill will be found at the new store. The name of the store "Arcez" is a word comprising the first two initi als of Mr. Churchill's name, "R. C." KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS LODGE IS 49 YEARS OLD TODAY Today is the forty-ninth anniver sary of the founding of the order of Naughts of Pvthias and it hi. ,... ,;n be observed by many of the subordi nate louges throughout the United States. The order was founed on February 19, 1864 at Washington, D. C, by Justus H. Rathbone. From the very start the order has flourished and grown until today it is one' of the strongest fraternal or ganizations in this country, having over 8(X).0()0 members in the United Stales. Among the many lodges of the Willamette valley who will cele brate the annivcrsarv tonight is Dow dnll l.oikre No. 19 of Brownsville. There will he no lecture tonight in the Albany College lecture course. A very attractive substitute for Ex-Gov. Glenn has been secured and will ap pear on March 15th. Two eastern bureaus are in conflict over Gov. Glenn's time, and they have succeeded in preventing the Britt bureau from securing Gov. Glenn for as much time as it had contracted for. The Aller Trio appear in the lecture course on March 3rd. F. E. Looney, a prominent dairy man of Jefferson, was looking after business matters in Albany yesterday, while here stopping at the Revere. The many friends of Leo Cohen, who is now visiting in California, will be pleased to learn that he is' im proving in health. Mr. Cohen left on his California trip some three weeks ago and is missed by his friends EGGS FOR HATCHfNG S. C. Rhode fsland Reds, 1st pen $2.00, 2nd pen $1.50. H. G. Rumbaugh, R. 4. Home Phone 3803. F5-to-Mar5 LIMBER UP YOUR If you are lame if your muscles are overstrained if they do' not re spond as quickly as they ought to the demands made upon them use Rexall Rubbing Oil. You make no mistake when you use Rexall Rubbing Oil, because it has proved in the hundreds of cases in which we have recommended it, to give comnlete satisfaction: and lip. cause if it does not in your case do all that you expect of it. it will cost von nothing. 1 hat means that w e wrll refund vonr money immediately, without question, if you are not satisfied with Rexall Rltbbimr Oil. It hclos to limber nn the stiff muscles and joints and allays oain and inflammation. Useful in sprains, bruises, strains and cuts. a,nd for chapped hands and chillblains. Whether your lameness be from rheu matism, from overwork or strain, or from catching cold in the muscles, use Rexall Rubbing Oil. If it does not relieve, your money back. Prices 25 and 50 cents. Sold in this com munity only at our store The Rexall Store. FRED DAWSON Albany. Oregon. , eanSprayPumps We have just received our new stock of Bean and Spray Pumps, Spray Hose Nozzles Look This Line Over Both Hand and Power Pumps Barrett Bros. - Albany "VOU expect your dressmaker to secure beauty of line, proportion and a trim effect in your dress then assist her by wearing perfect-fitting Puritan Undermuslins There is an air about Puritan Undermuslins that is different. They show this difference not only in the fitly chosen laces and embroideries, the quality of the fabrics and the excellent workmanship, but there is indi viduality in the very cut and fit of the garments.! We have in Puritan Under muslins corset covers, princess slips, combination garments, gowns, skirts and drawers. Prices are no higher than you are accustomed to paying. W. 15. Stevens & Company Albany Agents All Goods Delivered FREE on Receipt of Price FOR SALE Six head fine work horses weighing from 1200 to 1500 pounds. Young and sound. Price reasonable and terms to suit buyer. Address A. D. Calkins, Albany, Or., or Home Phone 2455. K1-Mart-dlv-F7-14-21wk.lv Come on and bring a friendto see Snyder draw out your plow-lay Don't fail to se our NEW POWER HAMMER 404 East Second St. Albany WORK IS PROGRESSING FAST ON TWO THEATRES HERE ill 1 1 1 Rapid progress is being made ill the work of rcnifulchng the rooms in the Mcllwain block which are being trans formed inlo a modem motion picture theatre for Croige Rollc and AI Sternberg of this city and which whin completed will be one of the most attlactivc photopl.ivs in the Willam ette Valley. The wall which separated the build ing into' two eotnp.ii tinents is now be ing loin away and what was tormcily two rooms will be vonvetted into one laigc one. The trout oi the building will be most attlactivc and orn.imeiit.il and will be constructed partly f white gki 'cd Iniek. w hich is now being l.iiil. The new thc.itie will have a seating rapacity of MM ami nearly JlO.tkO will be spent by the ow uers on the con struction work of the theatre and the furnishings t'n the Meyers' comer, din is fly ing rapidly on the excavation for the $5.tXM building lo be erected by t on rad Mever of this city for T. li llbgh. the well known theatrical magnate of i Salem, who will install in this city a moving picture theatre and vaudeville house that will leuinare l.ivo'i.iblv with anything in th- metropolis. We wish to announce the arrival of our 1913 Studebaker 35. We invite you to call and sec this new model and have a demonstration. Studebaker Cars speak for themselves Here Is 1913 Equipment: 116 inch wheel base 34 x 4 Goodrich tire Full flouting rear axle Electric self starter Electric light Electric horn Demountable rims Extra rims Three-quarter Elliptic Springs Jift'y Contains: Speedometer Clear-vision wind shield Models: Studebaker 20 Studebaker 35 Studebaker Six j ( KS1Sasi BARRETT BROS. Albany.