The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, February 21, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly
Published by
Managing Editor.
Entered at the postofficc at Albany,
Oregon, as second-class matter.
Published every evening except Sun
day. Semi-weekly published Tues
days and Fridays.
Address nil communications and make
all remittances payable to the Dem
ocrat Publishing Co.
In ordering changes of address, sub
scribers should always give old as
well as new address.
Delivered by carrier, per month....$ .40
Delivered by carrier, per year 4.00
by mail, at end of year 3.50
By mail in advance, per year 3.00
At end of year $1.50
When paid in advance, one year.... 1.25
lc per word for first publication; Jc
per word thereafter, payable in ad
vance. Minimum charge of 25c.
Established in 1865.
Old in phrase, but distinctly mod
ern in force is the keynote of the
inaugural address of Governor Sul
zer of New York: Salus populi su
prema lex. His appeal was espe
cially strong to employers to recog
nize the economic wisdom of keep
ing their employees as free as pos
sible from infection, adequately re
munerated, well housed and not
overworked. Conditions, still too
frequently found, in which the work
of women and children is unnatu
ral and beyond their strength, must
produce a race of workers lacking
in both stamina and resourcefulness,
lint, if a healthy, individual means a
healthy business, not less must that
healthy individual mean a healthy
government. Hence the natural,
conclusion, according to Governor
Sulzer, is that ". . . any industry
that robs the vitality and destroys
the initiative of workers is detri
mental to the best interests of the
state and menaces the general wel
fare of the government." Gover
nor Sulzer's remarks are timely.
They also serve to recall the many
instances in wihch factory, mining
and other great business organiza
tions have already applied to the
conditions of their operatives such
betterment ideals as mention
ed, and not only these but also many
others whose fitness shows special
study of particular conditions. A
list of "features of factory admin
istration designed for the benefit of
operatives" in but one stale in
cludes, among many other items of
"welfare work, factory ventilation
and .sanitation, family supplies at
cost, gymnasiums, hospitals and
emergency and medical treatment,
lavatories and lockers, lunch and
dining-rooms and annual outings.
This is, indeed, "the hopeful side
of the labor problem." Such con
sideration results in mutual loyalty
between employer and employed, in
work ot both higher grade and
greater value. An adequate sum
mary of the situation is given by
the report of one linn employing
over '0,(XK) men and spending
thousands of dollars on welfare fea
tures that "it pays."
I'restdciit-eleet Wilson has said
a ureal many wise things since the
Silt of November. Here is an
article from the pen of the next
president as reprinted from the
World's Work:
"I sometimes think that the
men who are now governing us
are unconscious of the claims in
which they are held. I do not be
lieve that men such as we know,
among our public men at least
most of them deliberately put us
into leading strings to the special
interests. The special interests
have grown up. They have
grown up by processes which at
last, happily, we are beginning to
understand. And, having grown
tip, having occupied the seats of
greatest advantage nearest the
ear of those who are conducting
government, having contributed
the money which was necessary
to the elections, and therefore hav
ing been kindly thought of after
elections, there has closed aroiriid
the government of the I'nited
States a veiv interesting, a very
able, a very aggressive coterie of
gentlemen who are most definite
and explicit in their ideas as to
what they want. They don't have
to consult us as to what they
want. They don't have to resort
to anybody. They k'now their
plans, and therefore they know
what will be convenient for them.
It may be that they really thought
what they said they thought ; it
may be that they knew so little
of the history of economic devel
opment and of the interests of the
United States as to believe that
their leadership is indispensable
for our prosperity and develop
ment. I don't have to prove that
they believe that, because they
themselves admit it. I have heard
them admit it on many occasions.
The parcel post is a cog in the
wheel of modern industrial prog
ress which no sensible merchant
can afford to ignore. It bids fair
to revolutionize business methods
and has increased the value of ad
vertising space in the country
press over 100 per cent. To reap
the benefits of the new innovation
in the postal service, a liberal use
of printer's ink is absolutely es
sential. The more we read of the mili
tant suffragettes in England the
more we congratulate ourselves
that we are living jn peaceful Ore
gon. Notwithstanding the apparent
efforts of some of the members of
the Oregon legislature to discredit
Governor West, the executive
branch of the state government
will emerge from the present ses
sion with less criticism from the
fair-minded people of the state,
than the majority of the members
of the legislature.
There will be none of the usual
pomp and ceremony when Wood
row Wilson is inaugurated presi
dent of the United States. Jef
fersonian simplicity will be in
evidence on all sides when the
democratic democrat from New
Jersey assumes control of the
White House. '
If the Willamette Valley must
have a nickname let it be one
which is more pleasing to the ear
than the word "webfoot."
If we were to suggest a nick
name it would be one which is
typical of this section of the state;
one which would suggest prosper
ity and give the eastern home
seeker some hint of the great nat
ural resources of western Oregon.
It was a good day's work per
formed by the members of the Ne
vada state senate when they pass
ed the house bill requiring one
year's residence as a primary re
quisite to an application for di
vorce. Reno will lose nothing but
notoriety as a result of the new
law and the entire state will be
The official life of a mcxican
president is always clothed in un
certainty. Presidential styles in
the nation to the south of us arc
like women's hats, they change
every spring and fall.
A uniform system of street
lighting is being outlined by the
progressive citizens of Corvallis.
t 'an Albany afford to permit the
I'cnton county metropolis to take
the lead in matters of municipal
Carlisle Graduate Locked Up;
White Girl Taken Home by
Irate Father.
Bradford. Pa.. Fob. 1 Nick IW
en. a hi? copper colored l.ochinvar, a
Carlisle Indian school graduate, and
Fsther Weaver, a pretty white girl,
15, attempted to elope from Oroville,
X. V., List night, coming to this city
in a bugcy behind a fast trotter.
Reaching here, ltowen took Ins team
to a livery stable and with his fi
ll. nice hurried to the. depot to take
the midnight train (o'r Johnsonburg.
where they could he married.
ltowen, however, failed to take into
oiisidcr.ition that there are ather fast
horses in Oroville as well as tele
phones. It was failure to attend to
these little details that proved his un-
' doing. The mother of the girl, in
some manner learning of the elope
ment, telephoned to tile Bradford po
lice ami her husband.
Mr. Weaver with a fast horse was
soon close to the heels of the couple
.ml when he reached this citv soon
;;t'trr ttieir arrvial the police had done
their, duly and the elopers were in
cusio'dy. The Indian on the advice of
.dr. Weaver was locked up. w hile Miss
Weaver was paroled in her father's
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, administrator of the estate
of Jefferson D. Creel, deceased, has
filed with the county clerk of Linn
county, Oregon, his final account in
the matter of said estate, and the
county court has appointed Monday,
the 24th day of February, 1913, at the
hour of one o'clock in the afternoon
of said day, at the county court room
in the coutr house in the city of Al
bany, Oregon, as the time and place
for hearing objections to said final
account, if any there be, and for the
final settlement of said estate.
Dated this 20th day of January,
L. M. CURL, Administrator.
Ally, for Admr. J24-F2I
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may concern that the undersigned,
the duly appointed, qualified and act
ing administratrix of the estate, of
James Sanderson, deceased, has filed
in the office of the County Clerk of
Linn County, Oregon, her Final Ac
count in said estate, and the Judge of
the County Court has fixed the 3rd
day of March, 1913, at 1 o'clock p. m
for the hearing of objections to said
accouirt, if any, and for the settlement
of said estate.
Dated this 25th day of January, 1913.
Administratrix of the Estate of James
Sanderson, deceased.
FORD, Attorneys for Admrx.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Linn.
Department No. 2.
Andrew Shearer, Plaintiff,
Dora Pugh, Ida Pugh, P. P. Van
Fleet and Mary Elva Van Fleet, his
wife, Emma Junkin and David Junkin,
her husband, Mary A. Wright, James
A. Pugh and Charlotte E. Pugh, his
wife, Annie E. Kendall and A. M.
Kendall, her husband, Ada Jackson
and Henry Jackson, her husband,
Omcr Tetherow and C. D. Tetherow,
his wife, Miles Tetherow and A. B.
Tetherow, his wife, Clyde Tetherow,
Annie Wier and John Wier, her hus
band, and Effic Pierce and E. F.
Pierce, her husband, Defendants.-
To Onrer Tetherow, C. D. Tethe
row, Miles Tetherow, A. B. Tetherow,
Clyde Tetherow, Anna Wier, John
Wfier, Effic Pierce and E. F. Pierce,
nine of the above named defendants:
In the name of the state of Oregon,
You are hereby required to apnear
and answer the complaint of the
above named plaintiff on file with
the clerk of the above entitled court
on or before the 28th day of March,
1913, the same being the date of the
last publication of this summons as
prescribed by order therefor duly
made in the cause herein by the Hon
orable Percy R. Kelly, Judge of the
Circuit Court of the btate of Oregon
for Linn County, and you are hereby
notified that if you fall to appear
and answer said complaint as here
ing required, the plaintiff will annlv
to the court for the relief demanded
m his complaint on file herein.
For a decree that the plaintiff. An
drew Shearer, and the defendants,
Dora Pugh, Ida Pugh. P. P. Van
Fleet and Mary Elva Van Fleet are
the owners in fee simple of the fol
lowing described real property, to
wit: Beginning at the southwest cor
ner of the Donation Land Claim of
Jesse W. Pugh and wife. Notification
No. 2040 and Claim No. 45. in Town
shin 12 South. Range 4 West of the
Willamette Meridian. Oregon, and
running thence north nlong the west
side of said Donation Land Claim
1H.75 chains: thence east 26.59 chains:
thence south 20.21 chains: thence
west 15.65 chains: thence North 82
degrees 2a minutes West 11.39 chains
to the place of beginning, containing
.-i.:.f acres, more or less, all lying anil
being situate in Linn County, and
State of Oregon, free of incumbranc
es, and that none of the other defend
ants herein have any right, title or
estate of, in or to said real estate
or any part thereof, and for a decree
that said real property he partitioned
among the plaintiff, Andrew Shearer.
and the defendants. Dort Pugh. Ida
Pugh and P. V. Van Fleet and Mary
Klva Van Fleet, according to their
respective rights, qnanittv and qualitv
relatively considered, and that the
costs and expenses of this suit be
paid bv the several parties interest
according to their several interests
and that the same he a lien uiion the
several interests of the parties plain-
I tiff ami defendants until the same
i are paid and for such other and fur
ther rebel as shall seem meet in
The date of the first publication of
this summons is February 14. 1913,
and the date of the last publication is
M:m-i 2S. lOl.t. This summons is
published bv order of the Honorable
Percy R Kelly. Judge of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for
Linn Oountv, made and dated Febru
ary 11. 101.1.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Toall whom it may concern:
Notice is herebv given to nil whom
it mav eonee-ii that the undersigned
has filed her final account in the mat
ter of the estate of A. P. Horner, de
ceased, in 'the county court of Linn
county. Oregon, and that said court
has tied the ISth day of March. 1113.
at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of
I saiil day as the time for hearing and
settling ot all objections to said ac
court: therefore all persons having
any objection to said account are here
by notified to appear and file the
same on or before said last mention
ed date.
Dated this 7th day of February.
1 1 1
Administratrix of A. D. Horner, de
ceased W. R. ttll.YEU.
Attorney for Administratrix
By virtue of an execution and order
or sale to me directed issued out of
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for Linn County, in the case of
J. O. Brown, plaintiff, vs. D. G. Mur
ray, F. E. Morgan, A. E. Pfeiffer, and
W. T. Christy and Elmira Christy, his
wife, defendants, I will on Monday,
the 24th day of February, 1913, at the
hour of one o'clock p. m., at the front
door of the Court House in Albany,
Oregon, sell' at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash in hand the
following described real property, to
wit: Blocks Numbered Two (2) and
Three (3) in Woodle's Riverside Ad
dition to the City of Albany, Linn
County, Oregon, as the same appears
and is designated upon the recorded
plat of said addition to said city, now
on file and of record in the office o-'
the County Recorder in and for said
County and State. To satisfy til
judgment rendered in favor of the
plaintiff and against the defendants.
W. T. Chritsy and Elmira Christy, for
the sum of $2325.82, together with ac
cruing interest thereon at 8 per cent
per annum from January 20. 1913; and
the costs and disbursements of this
suit taxed and allowed at $21.50. and
the costs and disbursements of this
execution and sale.
Sheriff o'f Linn County, Oregon.
Dated this January 24, 1913.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication Jan. 24, 1913, last
Feb. 21, 1913.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for Linn County.
In the matter of the estate of Mar
tin Moss, deceased.
To Edward W. Moss, Dora G. Moss,
Gertrude Maas, Meta Mcislahn, Dora
Mcislahn, Emma Meislahn, Nicotaus
Mcislahn, Johannes H. Meislahn and
George Meislahn, and to all others
unknown, if any such there be, Gree
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Linn, at the court room thereof, at
Albany, in said county, on Monday,
the 7th day of April, 1913, at . one
o'clock in the afternoon of that day,
then and there to show cause, if(any
there be, why an order should no't be
made by the above entitled court, au
thorizing and directing the adminis
trator of said estate of Martin Moss,
deceased, to sell the following de
scribed real property of said estate
at public sale for cash in hand, to
wit: Beginning at a point which is East
one chain and seventy-eight links dis
tant from the Northwest corner of
Notification No. 2435 and claim No.
50 in Township 12 South of Range 3
West of the Willamette Meridian in
Linn County. Oregon, and running
from thence East twenty-one chains
and twetiiv-eight and one-half links,
thence South thirty-six chains and
ten and one-half links, thence West
twenty-one chains and twenty-eight
and one-half links, and thence North
thirty-six chains and nine and one
half links to the place of beginning
containing 76.72 acres.
Witness, the Hon. D. B. McKnight,
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Linn, with the seal of said Court af
fixed this 13th day of February, A. D.
(Seal) W. L. MARKS. Clerk.
F4-Mar21 . Deputy.
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of W. H. Cleavinger, deceased, has
filed his final account as said adminis
trator, in the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Linn County, and
that Monday, the 3rd dav of March,
A. D. 1913. at the hour o; 10 o'clock in
the fo'renoon of said day. has been
fixed by said Court as the time and the
County Court room in the Court
House of said County of Linn in the
City of Albany. Oregon, as the place
for the hearing of any and all objec
tions to said final account and the
settlement thereof.
Atto'rtley for Administrator.
Jan 3I-Fcb 28
hi the Circuit Court o'f the State of
Oregon for the County of Linn.
Edna Hraden, Plaintiff, vs. Carl R.
Braden, defendant.
To Carl R. Braden. the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon.
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of the above
named plaintiff in the above entitled
cause now on file with the Clerk of
said Court within six weeks from the
date of the fi;st publication of this
summons, and you are hereby noti
fied that if you fail to appear and
answer said complaint as hereby re
quired, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded in her
saiil complaint, to-wit, for a decree
dissolving the marriage relation now
existing between the plaintiff and de
fendant, and awarding to the plaintiff
the care and custody of Jack Braden,
the minor child of the plaintiff and de
fendant, and for a judgment against
the defendant for her costs and dis
bursements herein, and for such other
and further decree as may be meet in
' This summons is published once a
w-eek for six consecutive weeks in
The Semi-Weekly Democrat, a week
ly newspaper published in said
county, by order of Hon. D. B.
McKnight. County Judge of Linn
County, Oregon, made and entered
herein o'n the 11th dav of February.
191.1. and the date of the first publi
cation of this summons is the 14th
day of February. 1913
Attorneys for the Plaintiff.
Mrs. R A. McCulley of Halsey ar
rived on the noon train today and will
visit for a few days at the home of
Mri. C. C. Bryant.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned was by order of the County
Court of Linn County, Oregon, on
the 3rd day of January, 1913, duly ap
pointed executor of the last will and
testament of Anna Schlosser, deceas
ed. All persons having claims against
theestate of said deceased are hereby
notified to present the same, with the
proper vouchers, to the undersigned
at his residence, in the City of Albany,
Oregon, within six months from the
date of this no'tice.
Dated this 3rd day of January, 1913.
HEWITT & SOX, Executor.
Attorneys for Executor. J10-F7
Registration of Land Title
In the Circiut Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Linn.
In the Matter of the Application of
James E. Wigle and Bertha E. Wigle,
husband and wife.
Register title to the following de
scribed premises, to-wit:
Beginning at the S. E. corner of the
D. L. C. of. Gamaliel Parrish, Not.
2060, and Claim No. 45, in Tp. 13 S.
of R. 2 W. of the Will. Mer., Oregon,
and running thence N. 70 degrees 45
minutes W. along the Southern bound-"
ary line of said Claim 40.90 chs.
thence N. 50 degrees 49 minutes E.
38.38 chs. thence S. 62 degrees 40
minutes E. 21.18 chs. to the Eastern
boundary line of said Claim, thence
S. 19 degrees 15 minutes W. 29.00 chs.
to the place of beginning, containing
100.00 acres, more or less, also
Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of Secf'on 7
in said Tp. and Range, containing
111.05 acres, more or less, also
Beginning 12.00 chs. W. of the N.
E. corner of the S. E.'A of said
Sec. 7, in said Tp. and Ranee, and
running thence S. 26.66 chs., thence
E. 15.00 chs., thence S. 13.33 chs.,
thence W. 23.00 chs., thence N. 40.00
chs., thence E. 8.00 chs. to the place
of beginning, containing 52.00 acres,
more or less, also
The E. '2 of the S. W. 54 of the S.
E.J4 of Section 7, the E.'2 of the
N. E.J4 of the N. E. of Section
18 and the N. W.'i of the N. W."4
of Sec. 17, in said Tp. and Range,
containing 80.00 acres, more or less,
Beginning at the S. E. corner of
the D. L. C. of said Gamaliel Parrish,
Not. No. 2060, jud Claim No. 45, in
said Tp. and Range, and running
thence N. 70 degrees 45 minutes W.
to the N. line of the S. E.J4 of Sec
tion 7, in said Tp. and Range, thence
W. 8.00 chs., thence S. 13.50 chs.,
thence E. 15.00 chs., thence S. 6.50
chs., thence E. 17.00 chs. to the S.
W. corner of the N. E.'i of the S.
W.yi of Section 8, in said Tp. and
Range, thence N. 20.00 chs., thence
W. to the E. line of said D. L. C,
thence S. 19 degrees 30 minutes W. to
the place of beginning, containing
53.08 acres, more or less, also
Beginning at the S. W. corner of
the D. L. C. of said Gamaliel Parrish
Not. No. 2060 and Claim No. 58, in
Ti. 13 S. of R. 3 Wi of the Will.
Merd. Oregon, and Claim No. -5 in
Tp. 13, S. of R. 2 W. of the Will.
Merd., Oregon, aud running thence
S. 19.65 chs., more or less, to the
N. boundary line of the D. L. C. of
William Spcrry, Not. No.. 2106 and
Claim No. 57, in Tp. 13 S. of R. 3
W. and Claim No. 46, in Tp. 13 S.
of R. 2 W. of the Will. Merd., Ore
gon, thence E. 6.95 chs. thence S.
9.88 chs., thence E. to the E. bound
ary line of the D. L. C. of said Wil
liam Sperry, thence N. 9.88 chs. to
the N. E. corner of said D. L. C. of
said William Speery, thence W. 17.75
chs. to the W. line of Section 7 in
said Tp. 13, S. of R. 2 W. of the Will.
Merd., Oregon, thence N. along said
Section line of the S. boundary line
of said D. L. C. of said Gamaliel
Parrish, thence N. 70 degrees 45 min
utes W. 14.42 chs. to the place of be
ginning, containing 46.98 acres, more
or less, and containing in the aggre
gate 442.40 acres, more or less, all
lying and being in the County of
Linn and State of Oregon.
Against all whom it may concern,
Take Notice
That on the 3rd day of February,
A. D. 1913, an application was filed
by said James E. Wigle and Bertha
E. Wigle, husband and wife in the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Linn for initial
registration of the title of the land
above described.
Now unless you apnear on or be
fore March 21, 1913, and show cause
why such application shall not be
granted, the same will be taken as
contessed and a decree will be entered
according to the prayer of the ap
plication and you will be forever bar
red from disputing the same.
Dated this 3rd day of February.
County Clerk of Linn County.. Ore
gon, and Fx-Officio Clerk of the
above entitled court.
Attorneys for Applicant
Notice is herebv given tint the un
dersigncd administrator of the estate
ot W. A. Anderson, deceased, has filed
in the County Court of Linn County,
Oregon. Ins tmal account as such ad
ministrator and that said court has
tixed Monday, the 10th day of Febru
ary. 1913, at the hour of one o'clock
in the afternoon, as the time for the
hearing of objections to said final ac
count and the settlement thereof.
HEWITT & SOX. Administrator.
Attorneys for Administrator. J10F7
The insertion of a w ant ad in the
Democrat restored to Mrs. Ohling of
130 E. 3rd street a pocketbook . con
taining more than five dollars. The
purse was found by one of the em
ployees of the Chambers & McCune
department store.
Sheriff Geer of Lincoln county
passed through Albany this noon on
his way to Portland where he will
purchase some new cells for the Lin
coln county jail.
Kansas Woman Changes Her
Name Before Getting Final
Possession of Land.
Dodge City, Kan., Feb. 18. Nothing
aggravates a woman like having to
change her wedding day when she
wants to get married. But refusing
to make a change may cost a western
Kansas woman a good 16U-acre farm.
The woman is now -Mrs. R. C. Whin
ney of Hartland, in Kearney county.
She had bought the relinquishment of
a man who had not completed his res
idence ot three years on the land.
In giving the relinquishment the seller
gave Mrs. Whinney the wrong de
scription. When the relinquishment
and the purchaser's application to file
on the land arrived at the land office
at Dodge City it was rejected, as the
description covered land already own
ed by some one else.
A letter was sent, the purchaser ex
plaining the trouble; and a few days
later the seller arrived at the o'ffice
and relinquished on the right land.
But the wedding day of the buyer had
been set for the intervening time and
sne did not go to the trouble to post
pone it.
Thus when he application to file
with the proper description arrived at
the land office the officials were com
pelled to reject it. The applicant was
no longer tne Head ot the house and
had no right to file on any land.
As the seller had received his mon
ey from Mrs. Whinnev he is in the
clear. As he has relinquished the land
it nas reverted back to the govern
ment and is open to settlement.
The husband may save the situation.
If he has not previously exhausted hi
right to make settlement by taking a
claim he can file on the land. The
land ottice otticials hurried a letter to
Mrs. Whinney explaining the situation
to give her a chance at the quarter
section before some of her neighbors
find that an improved farm is in their
midst, open to settlement. But if the
husband files he will have to live on
the claim the full three years, the re
linquishment will be of no assistance
to him. The situation has never aris
en before, and the land office is much
interested in the outcome.
In the Circuit Court ofthe State of
Oregon, for the County of Linn. De
partment No. 2.
Arnettie Mitchell, Plaintiff,
H. D. Mitchell, Defendant.
To H. D. Mitchell, the above named
You are hereby required to appear
and answer to the complaint of the
above named plaintiff in the above
entitled Court, now on file with the
Clerk of Said Court within six weeks
from the date of the first publication
of this summons: and you are here
by notified that if you fail to aopear
and answer said complaint as hereby
required, plaintiff will take a decree
as prayed for in the said complaint
herein , to-wit: A decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimony heretofore
and now existing between plaintiff
and defendant; that plaintiff have cus
tody of the minor children of plain
tiff and defendant, and that plaintiff
have such other and further relief as
to the Court seems equitable:-
This summons is published in the
Albany Weekly Democrat once a
week for six weeks by order of the
Hon. D. B. McKnight, County Judge
of Linn County, Oregon, made on
January 13, 1913, and the date of the
first publication hereof is January 24,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Jan 24-Mar 7
MENT. Notice is hereby given. that the un
dersigned executors ,of the last will
and testament of Charlotte Wagner,
deceased, have filed in the Coun
ty Court of Linn County, Oregon,
their final account as such executors
and that said court has fixed Mondav.
the 10th day of February. 1913. at tlie
hour of one o'clock in the afternoon
as the time for the bearing of objec
tions to said final account and the set
tlement thereof.
HEWITT & SOX. Executors.
Attorneys for Executors. J10-F7
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned Executor of the last will
and testament of Martha A. Phillips,
deceased, has filed his Final Account
as said Executor, in the County Court
of the State of Oregon, for the
County of Linn, and that Monday the
10th day of March. A. D. 1913. at the
hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of
said day, has been fixed by said Court
as the time, and the County Court
room in the Court House of said
County of Linn in the City of Albany.
Oregon, as the place for the hearing
of any and all objections to said Final
Account and the settlement thereof.
WM. S. RISLEY. Executor.
Attorney for Executor. F7-M7
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executor of the last will and
testament of S. D. Pratt, deceased,
has filed in the county court for Linn
county, Oregon, his final account as
such executor, and that Monday, the
1th day of March, 1913. at ten o'clock
in the forenoon, has been set as the
time by said court for hearing of ob
jections to said final account and the
settlement of said estate.
C. C. BRYANT. ' Executor.
Attorney for Executor.
First publication to be February 14.
l'l-: Feb. 21. 1913; Feb. 21. 1913; Feb.
1913 19U; March H'