The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, February 21, 1913, Page 1, Image 1

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    0r. Wiwrfc"! 5o,Ky
No. 33.
The Willamette Valley District
Press Association Convened
in Albany Saturday.
Association Goes on Record As
Opposed to Campaign of
Mail-Order Houses.
Pledging the support of the press in
a war against the eastern mail order
houses, members of the Willamette
Valley District Press Association pas
sed strong resolutions on this subject
at the meeting which convened in this
city at 2:30 Saturday afternoon.
The afternoon session was held at
the New Hammel Hotel and was call
ed to order by Frank Jenkins of the
Eugene Register. President Van Win
kle of the Albany Commercial club
was present and on behalf of the local
organization extended to the delegates
the freedom of the club rooms. He
explained that he would not be able
to be present at the evening session
but that Fred P. Nutting, vice-president
of the local commercial club
would .act as representative of the
business men at the evening session.
At the business session the parcel
post was taken up and discussed by
the delegates, all of whom agreed that
the new postal innovation would re
sult in increased advertising space
for the country publishers.
Eric W. Allen, dean of the depart
ment of journalism of the University
of Oregon, Phil Bates, of the Paciuc
Northwest, Mrs. Edith Tozier Wea
thcrred and Colonel Hofer of Salem
were the principal speakers at the
afternoon session but all of the twenty-two
delegates present were called
upon for brief remarks on subjects of
particular interest to the newspaper
! fraternity.
- In the evening an open session was
held at the Commercial Club rooms
which was attended by a number of
the leading business men of Albany.
Mayor Gilbert bid the delegates wel
come to the city. He assured the
publishers that Albany is the conven
tion city of Oregon anil requested
them to make this point the perma
nent meeting place- of the district as
sociation. T
He was followed by F. J. Fletcher,
president of the Albany Retail Mer
chants' Association, L. E. Hamilton,
G. A. Flood, W. H. Holman, Sam
Worrell and H. A. Stearns.
After the speeches had been con
cluded an excellent cafeteria lunch
was served by R. C. Churchill of the
New Elite and the convention ad
journed to meet in Albany during the
month of April.
Was to Have Spoken Here on
Wednesday Night Under
Auspices of College.
Albany College Lecture Course
committee announce the postpone
ment of the lecture by Ex-Go.v. Glenn,
of North Carolina." which was to have
been given on Wednesday night of
this week. It is probable that a sub
stitution will be necessary. The Britt
Lyceum Bureau write, "There has
been a mix-up between two of the
for-castern bureaus regarding their
dates on him, both claiming the same
block of time. The telegram we re
ceived today indicates that we will
lose about ten dates on him. This
news came as an entire surprise to us,
and the difficulty is something over
which we had no control whatever,
and for which we consequently are
in no way responsible, but arc simply
the victime of a blunder made by
some eastern bureau." The commit
tee are taking steps to secure a verv
prominent man, whose name is known
to almost every person in the United
States, to take the place of Gov. Glenn
at twenty-iive per cent greater cost.
Jess Whiteakcr of this city went to
Portland this morning to purchase one
of the handsome 1913 model Picrce
Arrow automobiles which he will
bring to' Albany for the pleasure of
himselt ana family.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Pickens and
baby of Portland spent Sunday in Al
bany visiting with Mrs. Emma Crosno.
. t
. New on Thit Page is
From Daily Issue of ft
Willamette Valley Cities and
Seacoast Towns Were All
Represented Here.
Newspapermen from all parts of the
Willamette' valley and from the sea
coast as well, were in attendance at
the sessions of the Willamette valley
Press association which were held in
Albany Saturday.
Following are those who were here:
Phil Bates, Portland, editor "Pacific
Northwest"; Colonel E. Hofer, Port
land, "Oregon Manufacturer"; Frank
Jenkins, Eugene, "Morning Register";
Elbert Bede, Cottage Grove, "Senti
nel"; Eric W. Allen, of the department
of journalism at the U. of O.; H. Y.
Rirkpatrick, Lebanon, "Express"; W.
C. De Pew, Lebanon, "Criterion";
Mrs. C. C. Chapman, Portland, "Ore
gon Almanac"; M. D. Morgan, Harris
burg, "Bulletin"; C. Clinton Page and
E. M. Reagan, Albany, "Herald"; W.
H. Hornibrook, Leland R. Gilbert and
Fred P. Nutting, Albany, "Democrat";
T. F. Kershaw and F. F. Frosham,
Newport, "Signal"; H. E. Hodges, Sil
verton, "Appeal"; F. M. Brown,
Brownsville, "Times"; William Mat
hews, Newport, "Yaquina Bay News";
O. L. Smallwood, Albany, "Rural Ore
gonian"; W. H. Tottcn, Dallas, "Polk
County Observer"; G. A. Hurley, In
dependence, "Monitor"; R. E. Collins,
Toledo. "Leader;" Willard L. Marks,
local correspondent Portland Oregon
ian; George E. Sanders, local corres
pondent "Evening Telegram"; and
Clyde Mason,. Albany correspondent
of the "Oregon Daily Journal."
Class of Seven Were Initiated
by Local Degree Team; Fine
Banquet Is Served.
The Albany Oddfellows who jour
neyed to Halscy on Saturday evening
to pay a fraternal visit to the lodge
of that city and to initiate a class of
six or seven delegates into the myster
ies of the order, for the lodge at that
place, returned home singing the
praises of Halsey people for the splen
did hospitality shown the visitors, and
all report a most enjoyable time.
Following the initiatory ceremony
which was conducted by the Albany
Oddfellows, a fine banquet was served
which was much appreciated by every
body. The following members of the Al
bany lodge were included in the dele
gation which went to Halsey Saturday
evening: A. C. Barker, George W.
Wright, John Du Bois, R. E. Erwin,
Wim. Portens, E. Glenn, F. C. Hlouser,
Edward Keep, John H. Goins, E. S.
Hawker. Bert Rogers. J. S. Kilby, H.
W. McElmurry, J. C. Way, Henry Al
bcrs, C. O. Anderson, C. O. R. Ander
son, G. F Luther, A A. Gordon, and
Ross McKechnie.
In the matters of the guardianship
estate of Ruth Ellen liutler et al,
minors. First annual account, ap-
""Tnthc matter of the guardianship
estate of Therisa L. Shearer, a minor.
Fifth annual account approved.
In the matter of the guardianship
estate of Otis Maxwell, a minor. Re
port of guardian approved.
In the matter of the estate of-John
Snoboda. deceased. Bond of admin
istrator with will annexed approved.
In the matter of the estate of Milton
Hale, deceased. New bond of admin
istrator approved.
In the matter of the estate of Wm.
R. Hand, deceased. Inventory and ap
praisement. Marriage License.
G. D. Altman, age 40. of Portland,
and Mrs. R. M. Pike, age 30. of Leb
anon. Warranty Deeds.
P. F. Sccck and wife to C. W. flo
gart. Feb. 14. 1913. Lands in Park
view Subdivision to Lebanon. $10.00.
P. E. Seeck and wife to C. W Bo
gart. Feb. 14. 1913. Lands in Park
vied division to Lebanon. $10.00.
Oscar Iingram and wife to Clar
ence Ingrain. Jan. 22, 1913. Lands in
Strawberry subdivision to Lebanon.
Marvin Martin to M. Newport.
Feb. 10. 1913. Lands in section 30,
Tp. 14. 2 west. $10.00.
S. Giis Collins and wife to H. A.
Bull. Sept.. 1912. Lot in Riverdale
Addition to Lebanon. $1000.
C. L. Beach and wife to Oregon
Electric Railway Co. Right of way.
John Beach et al to Oregon Elec
tric Railway. Right of way. $100.00.
P. T. Long and wife to S. A. Reeves.
Jan. 28. 1913. R acres in claim 38,
Tp. 12. 2 west. $10.00.
John Bender and wife to Joseph H.
Perewe. Feb. 13, 1913. Lands in
section 18. Tp. 10, 2 east. $1.00.
C. A. Engstrom to Nathan Talbert
and wife. Aug. 20, 1912. Lot in block
8 in Hackleman's 4th addition to Al
bany. $10.00.
Conferred Masters Degree Up
on Two Members of Lodge
of Potato City.
Fifty members of St. John's Lodge
No. 17, A. F. & A. M. of this city,
went to Harrisburg on Saturday even
ing where they conferred the master's
degree, on two members of the lodge
of that city.
The occasion of the visit of the Al
bany Masons to the Potato City was
made a gala occasion by the mem
bers of the order in that place who
greeted the delegates from this city
in royal style.
Following the conferring of the de
grees by the Albany team, the entire
crowd was served with a banquet of
several courses, which was a fitting
close to a most enjoyable evening.
G. Johnson Surprised at the
Great Building Activity
Manifested Here.
Mel G. Johnson, manager of the
Howard Automobile company, distrib
utors of the Buick and National auto
mobiles for the Pacific northwest,
made a trip through the Willamette
Valley last week, visiting the cities
of Albany and Eugene, says the Port
and Journal.
He expressed himself as greatly
surprised at the wonderful building
improvements already completed and
now in progress in Albany.
Mr". Johnson states that there is a
movement on foot in Albany and it
has already gained considerable mo
mentum in whicl; the automobile own
ers of that city promise a sensation
throughout the state.
They propose to effect an organiza
tion, the purpose of which will be to
test the constitutionality of the state
licenses on automobiles, and to de
termine why bicycles, trucks, drays,
and other vehicles using the state
highway, should not be likewise taxed.
The method of procedure decided
upon is to submit some member of the
as'sociation to arrest for failufe to' se-'
cure proper state license for his car,
and test the validity of the tax in the
courts, the expense being borne pro
rata by the members of the associa
Over One Hundred from the
Capital City Will Come in
Special Train.
Answering an 'indictment for unso
ciability, issued out of the kangaroo
court of Albany lodge No. 359, B. P.
O. E., about 125 members of the local
lodge of Elks wil leave Salem at 6:30
p. m. next Thursday for the Linn
county capital, says the Capital Jour
nal. The occasion is a celebration of
the fourth anniversary of the dedica
tion of the "Home" of Albany lodge.
A special Southern Pacific train has
been secured, a committee of local
Elks is arranging a musical and liter
ary program to be pulled off at Al
bany. One of the fatures of the excursion
will be a brass band of 14 pieces, com
posed wholly of members of Salem
lodge. This is the first band ever tur-i-c-d
out by the local Elks since the
carnival in Portland in 1903, at which
t'me Salem lodge won -the first prize
S5(X) cash) ior the best turnout of
!nc carnival.
You may wager your last and only
nickel that next Thursday's excursion
will be a "bear."
Will Hear Evidence in Case of
T. A. Richardson Vs. City ef
Scio Now Pending.
To hear the evidence in the case .of
T. A. Richardson vs. the City of Scio,
Judge Wm. Galloway will hold an
adjourned term of department N'o. 2
of the state circuit court ;tt this city
tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock.
The suit was brought by Richard
son and others to enjoin the city of
Scio from including certain property
adjacent to the city, in the assess
ment roll for 1913.
Quitclaim Deed.
Raphael Cheadel to J. N. Scott et
al. Feb. 3, 1913. l-ands in Tp. 12
S. R. 3 west. $50.00.
Trust Deed.
Northern Idaho and Montana Pow
er Co., to The American Trust &
Savings Bank. Feb. 15, 1909.
Will Then Make Headquarters
at Eugene Where Campaign
of County Will Begin.
Mrs. Edith Tozier Weatherred, spe
ciel field representative of the Oregon
Manufacturers' Association, went to
Lebanon this afternoon where she will
deliver an address on "Madc-in-Ore-gon"
products this evening.
She will then go to Eugene where
she will make her headquarter while
conducting a month's campaign in
Lane county. Mrs. Weatherred re
cently had charge of a big "Made-in-Oregoirrbanquet
which was tendered
in Salem to the members of the leg
islature and attended by over one hun
dred and fifty people.
Large Crowd Attends Patriotic
Service at the Presbyterian
Church Last Night.
Declaring that the remarkable suc
cess of Abraham Lincoln was due to
the fact that he had faith in his cre
ator, faith in himself, confidence in
his fellow man and a saving sense of
humor for all occasions, Circuit Judge
Percy R. Kjelly last night delivered a
stirring address on the life of the mar
tyred president at the patriotic service
held at the First Presbyterian church.
Judge Kelly gave a brief history of
Lincoln from his boyhood days up
to the date of his assassination and
paid an eloquent tribute to the man
and his great work in saving the
Commenting upon his life, the
speaker stated that the history of Lin
coln proves that common honesty,
ability and self sacrifice are the sur
est ads to success. He claimed that
poverty in boyhood is no bar to suc
ces in the field of politics or in any
ot'heh field of -human endeavor.
The church was crowded and those
who were fortunate enough to hear
the address were unanimous in the
verdict that it was one of the best
ever delivered in Albany.
May Later Have a Uniform
System of Street Lighting
in Neighboring City.
The city of Corvallis is to sec a few
cluster lights at prominent points in
a very short time, unless all plan
fail in ths dry weather, says the Cor
vallis Times. Today a large cast iron
cluster post is being erected in front
of the Kline store, and if the city likes
it and satsfactory terms can be agreed
upon, Kline's will place another there.
Already the Masons have arranged
for the erection of five concrete clus
ter posts about their Temple at Third
and Madison. These will be erected
by the Corvallis Concrete Co., and as
soon as the city grants a permit, which
will doubtless follow the adoption of
a generally acceptable plan at Monday
nights council meeting. This same
company is also erecting a post in
front of the post office. The Masons
have agreed upon a three-light clus
ter, each li;;ht to be a "sixty." i. L.
Strange, of the building committee,
says all things are in shape for the
work, and the property owners will
maintain them if the city cannot not
do so.
o '
Past Masters Will Be Guests
of David P. Mason, Past
Grand Master.
Tonight "ver twenty-five prist mas
ters of St. John's Lodge. Ancient Free
and Accepted Masons, will gather
about the festive board in the grill
room of the St. Francis .hotel where
they will be guests during the evening
of I). !'. Mrcon, past grand master of
the Masonic Lodge of Oregon.
Invitations to the banquet were is
sued last week and they included
many of Oregon's most prominent cit
and public offfcials who havo at
one time been worshipful master of
St. John's lodge.
The banquet tables will be artisti
cally decorated for the occasion with
beautiful floral pieces and the general
color scheme will be blue. The ban
quet promises to be one of the lead
ing events in fraternal circles in Al
bany this winter and many out-of-town
guests are expected to attend.
The banquet is scheduled to occur
at 6:30 p. m.
Surprises Owner by Returning
Chicken; She Didn't Know
it Was Missing.
The railroad boys in the employ
of the Southern Pacific company at
this city are telling a good story on
"Cy" Walch, one of the efficient
switchmen at this city.
According to the facts given the
Democrat representative this morn
ing, the crew was switching cars down
on Water street a few days ago. The
train approached a certain residence
near which a flock of chickens were
feeding in the street.
Some of the "biddies" were close to
the railroad track and as the train ap
proached them, Walch who was hang
ing to one of the cars, reached down
and was successful in nicking up a
nice fat hen while the train was in mo
tion. Unknown to Walch, another one of
the switchmen witnessed the capture
of the chicken and when the train ar
rived at the depot he told a number of
the boys in the freight house of the
incident with the result that a few
minutes later, Walch was summoned
to the office.
Here he was informed that the lady
who owned the poultry had witnessed
one pf her hens leave the street via
the "Shasta Route" and had phoned
to the office with instructions to have
the switchman return her property or
be arrested.
Shortly after, Walch was seen to
place the chicken under his coat and
start down the railroad track and it
is understood that he turned the chick
en over to its owner who didn't know
it had been taken. v
Rev. John Lewtas Preached to
Four Immense Crowds at
Methodist Church.
Splendid interest continues in the
Methodist church. Evangelist Lewtas
preached to four immense congrega
tions yesterday and over forty persons
publicly accepted Christ as their Sav
ior. The services will continue this week
when the following subjects will be
Tuesday, Feb. 18th, "The Scarlet
Line;" Wednesday, Feb. 19th, "Sol
diers ri the King;" Thursday, Feb.
20th, "ihc Star of Bethkhem;" Fri
day, Feb. 21st, "The Parting of the
Ways;" Sunday, Feb. 2ord, 10:30 a.
in., "Christ Before Pilate;" Sunday,
Feb. 23rd, 3:00 p. m., lecture, "The
Making of a Man."
Sunday, Feb. 23rd, 7:30 p. m., "Ships
We Arc Sailing In." This will close
the scries of evangelistic services but
the evangelist will give his two splen
did travel lectures on Europe and the
Holy Land, illustrated with over 400
magnificently colored slides, on Tues
day and Wednesday nights, Feb. 25th
and 26th. Announcements in full will
be given later.
Frank Whiteakcr of this city was a
passenger to' Independence this morn
ing where he will unload a car of oil
to be use in smudging his young
peach orchard in that vicinity. This
is the first orchard to be smudged in
the Willamette Valley this year.
Rev. Hicks of the Baptist church
went to Riddles today to conduct spe
cial meetings. Recently he was al
Myrtle Creek a couple of A'eeks tu Id
inn services.
Senator C. A. Barrett, wife and
daughter, of Umatilla county, spent
yesterday in the city visiting at the
home of E. D. Barrett.
Mr. ami Mrs. F. D. Stephenson of
Portland were visiting in Albany this
morning, stopping while here at the
St. Francis. Mr. Stephenson is mali
nger of the coffee department for
Wadhams & Company, wholesale gro
cers of Portland and owns a large
ranch in the vicinity of Junction (iity.
Subscribers to the Daily and
Semi-Weekly Democrat who' re
ceive the paper by mail, will this
week receive a statement of their
account if their subscription is
not paid up to the year 1913.
Kach subscriber is requested to
remit the amount due by return
mail, or at least pny the office
the courtesy of acknowledging
receipt of a statement. Under
the new ruling (if the post o'f
fice department, the publisher
must place a one-cent stamp on
each paper which goes to a sub
scriber who is more than one
year behind on his subscription.
If there is any subscriber who
does not dciire the Democrat,
notify the o'ffice and your name
will be eliminated from the list.
The management respectfully
asks each subscriber to give this
matter his prompt attention.
Famous Symphony Club toGive
Concert at the Armory at
Eight o'clock.
Program for the Entertainment
Tonight Will Include Many
Interesting Selections.
Albany music lovers have been
awaiting eagerly the coming of the
Schubert Symphony Club of Chicago
which will appear at 8 o'clock this
evening at the armory, under the aus
pices of the Albany Military Club, and
if the advance seat sale is any indica
tion, these famous artists will be
greeted by a large audience this even
in g.
The Schuberts were secured to ap
pear in Albany at considerable ex
pense by the Military Club whose
members expect the hearty support
of the music loving people of this city
and would much like to see the armo
ry filled this evening when the con
cert begins. The prices are within
the reach of everybody and none can
afford t miss this concert.
The proceeds derived from the con
cert will be divided between the Schu
berts and the Albany Mililary Club,
the share of tire local organization to
be added to the fund for furnishing the
club rooms at the armory.
The Schubert Symphony Club is
composed of Thomas V. Purcell, vio
linist; Miss Frances Rhinohart, harp
ist; and a ladies' quartet composed
of Miss Leeta Corder, the popular
American soprano; Miss Frances
Rhinchart, second soprano; Kathryn
Roberts, first alto; and Mrs. Lovie
Z. Purcell, contralto.
The program to be rendered by the
Schuberts this evening will be com
posed of violin and piano solos, vocal
solos, selections by the ladies' quar
tet, and other interesting features.
The prices of admission to the con
cert are 75c. 50c and 35c.
Veteran of Cival War Dies at
Age of 83; Father of George
C. Richards of Albany.
George C. Richards, a well known
building contractor of this city, has
returned home from Laramie, Wyom
ing, where he was called by the seri
ous illness of his father, KM M. Rich
ards, who passed away last Sunday
and was buried on Tuesday.
The deceased, Kli M. Richards, was
83 vears o'f aire nt llw lin... ,,f liia
death and left to mourn his death
seven children as follows: Mrs. Jen
nie Landrum of Lagrande, Or.; Mrs.
Addic Shively, of Central City, Neb.;
Mrs. Allan Ward, of Portland, Or.;
William B. Richards, of Portland,
Or.; Albert G. Richards, of Albany.
Wyo.; George C. Richards, of Albany,
Ore.; and Mrs. Olive Lindsay of Lar
amie. The deceased was a volunteer in
(he One Hundred and Fifty third In
dian regiment during the Civil War,
having enlisted in W(A and serving as
corporal until mustered out of the
service ill 1H65. He was a member of
Custer Post, Grand Army of the Re
public of Laramie and was at one
lime a member of McPhcrson Post of
this city.
The deceased resided for several
years with his son George C. Rich
ards of this city and will be remem
bered by many. He was a devoted
Christian and left many friends to
mourn his death.
Clifford 'Harold, a well known ma
chinery salesman of Port!. in. I, passed
through Albany today cnr uite h.ic to
the metropolis after a viiit with rel
atives in Lebanon and Brownsville.
l:ss Leeta Co'rder, the charming
soprano, and Kathryn Roberts, bo'h
me'iiNrs of the Schubert Symphony
'.Tub, arc stopping at the St. Francis.
Mrs. H. Wayne Stanard of llrowns
ville and her mother, Mrs. Ilodson
of McMinuville, were in Alb.iny this
ok tiling on a short shopping trip.
Dr. ) L. Hill went to S.iicui this
ifternooti, while there paying lh,- icg
Mlatiirc a v.sit. His nephew, I.' .r.
W. Lair Thompson, of Lakeview, is a
prominent member of the senate. Dr.
Hill's recent production. "Who Was
Cain's Wife." has been attracting con
siderable attention, an original idea
the Dr. reports has met with a good
deal of favor.