The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, February 14, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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Sheriff Bodine Arrests Jack
Miller, Frank Albrecht and
Van Riley This Morning.
Defendants Were Arraigned in
Judge Swan's Court Shortly
Before Noon Today.
Continued from Tuesday, February 11.
The draff-net which has been
thrown out in this city during the past
few months, closed about three more
alleged illicit liquor dealers this morn
ing and shortly before noon today.
Sheriff Bodine arrested Jack .Miller.
Frank Albrecht and Van Riley, all of
this city, on warrants charging them
with selling liquor here in violation
of the local option laws.
The prisoners were brought into
Judge Swan's court at 11:30 o'clock
this mornine where they were arraign
ed. Jack Miller is charged in the ,
complaint which is signed ny onerm
Rodin e as private prosecutor, with
selling intoxicating liquor on Satur
day.. February 1, to R. Ik Leabo in
violation of the local option law. Mil
ler plead not guilty and his case was
S't for trial by Judge Swan for 9
o'clock tomorrow morning. Miller's
bonus were lived at $5oO.
Frank Albrecht, who was a!.-o ar
rested nn a complaint sinned by Sher
iff Rodine. is charged with s.-liing in
toxicating bqii' r in vi latioii of the
local option law to R. Ik Leabo. Ac
cording to the complaint this sale also
occurred on Saturday, Feb'." .iry 1.
Albrecht requested lime to plead
and Judge Swan allowed hun until
torn i irrow morning at 9 o'clock in
which to enter h!s plea ar.d his bonds
were fixed al $51X1.
Van Riley, t he third man arrested
this morning for alleged violation of
the local option law, is charged in the
complaint signed by Sheriff Rodin c,
with selling intoxicating liquor on
Saturday, Feb. L to W. R. Leabo.
Riley plead not guilty and his case
was set for trial on tomorrow after
noon at 1 o'clock. His bonds were
fixed at $500 by Judge Swan. .
Sheriff Bodine has been quietly
gathering evidence against these men
for several weeks and their arrest fol
lowed this morning. Deputy District
Attorney Johnston was in attendance
at Judge Swan's court when the de
fendants were arraigned this morning
and will appear with District Attorney
Gale S. Hill in the prosecution of the
offenders when the casjs are placed
on trial.
Bootleggers and blind piggers are
meeting with grief in Albany at the
"present lime, four of thefn having
been found guilty of violating the local,
option laws, by juries in Judge Kelly's
court last week. These four men were
J. Den Kennedy and Walter A. Marks
of Albany. Kd. Ackennan of Shedds
and E. D. Henry, alt of whom are
now confined in the county jail with
the exception of Henry, who left the
country, forfeiting his bail.
Frank Herdmau, of Alcorn" & Herd
man, returned to Lebanon this after
noon, i'e ha-! hcen down to help
make arrangements for the removal
of the store into new quarters in the
Revere block, which will soon be es
pecially arranged for the business.
Carl Huston, the barber, went to
Portland this afternoon. He expects
to leave next mouth for his Montana
I. It Is operated with about half the power of older models.
MntZeTihTL'S? ,Ulckert WMhed b' tt " eontrifugal force which
! It iklms cleanest. For clean skimming the U. S. holds the World's BeeocsV
We do not ask yon to accept the above statements as final.
All we ask is that yon give us the opportunity to prove them.
Bellows Falls, VL
321 West Second Street
Plead Guilty to Selling Liquor
to R. B. Leabo on Sat
urday Feb. 1,1 91 3.
Willie Riley was the fourth man to
be arrested today upon a complaint
signed by Sheriff Bodine, charging
him with selling intoxicating liquor
on Saturday, Feb.! 1. to R. B. Leabo,
in violation of the local ootion law.
The defendant was arraigned in
Judge Swan's court this afternoon
where he plead guilty. Judge Swan
fined him $150 and gave him an ad
ditional jail sentence of ten days.
Riley was taken to the county jail
this afternoon. He will have to serve
at least ten days, and if he fails to pay
his fine will be compelled to serve 75
days more. William Eagles and P.
Riley signed the $500 bend for Van
Riley who was arrested this morning
for selling liquor in violation of the
local option law, Mr. Miliar also
furnished a $500 bend signed by Henry
Suesens and Curtis Chance. Frank Al
brecht, at press time, had not furnish
ed bends.
Find Crowfoot Organization in
a Flourishing Condition; Has
Membershio of 110.
On Saturday. February Slh, 1 made
an official visit to Crowfoot Grange,
which is located about three rules
:outh of Lebanon.
There was a of three who
were to be instructed in the my-.te.;es
'.f the third and fourth degrees, v 'iieh
i bey proceeded to do with a v: j .denul
degree of success.
Tli is is one of the best regulated
and up-to'-date granges in Linn countv
and they do business with neatness
and dispatch.
'J he officers are nearly all young
people who take hold of their work
readily, and they thoroughly under
stand '.hat tlu'y have to do.
A. H. Brown is servmg his second
term as master, and has had only a
short experience in grange work, but
he is well versed in the performance
of his duties.
They have 110 members and arc
( ontinually adding to their numbers.
One reason of their success is that
they are striving to be as near per
fect as possible, and this has much to
do 'with their future prosperity.
They now have undertaken a
scheme of co-operation which if fol
lowed up as it should be, will be, of
la. ting benefit to them.
I must say that Crowfoot Grange
has a bright future before it and they
will be heard from later.
County Deputy.
Dr. Billings, the gravel man, weiii
to Corvallis this afternoon.
Mrs. L. E. Tracy, wife of Dr. Tracy,
sustained a serious fall at her home
last evening while coming down stairs.
Fortunately no bones were broken.
But for the fact o'f a few bruises the
lady is resting comfortably.
Ben Clelen this noon returned from
a snipe hunt up the river, getting
eighteen of the tender little birds, fine
eaters and game dodgers. . -
Pete McKinney, of Oakland, after
an Albany visit, went to' Saginaw to
dav f,r visit with his son. Mr. Mc
Kinney formerly resided in Benton
county, across the river, where he
owned 200 acres. About 20 years ago
he sold out for $4000, the buyer after
wards sold for S9.000. and the present
owner is said to have been offered
$18,000 for the property. The case is
a goo'd illustration of the increase in
values in the valley. '
with older models.
The U. S. Interlocking: Cream Sep
arator represents the highest attainment in
cream separator construction and possesses
every essential separator requirement in the
highest known degree.
I Here art tome ofilt special advantaget.
1. It has about half the bowl diameter of older models.
2. It intensifies the centrifugal force and prolongs the
. path the milk must travel. .
8. It gives practically doable the skimml
surface and does about twice the work of
older models.
4. It keeps the milk and cream entirely
apart and affords a protected path for the
Handsome New Home of Albany
Young Men's Christian Assn.
Will Open on Feb. 21.
Secretary Foster Now Ready
to Receive Applications for
New Members.
The handsome new home of the
Albany Voting Men's Christian Asso
ciation will be formally opened to the
public on riiday evening, February
21, according to a statement made to
the Democrat representative this
morning by C E. Sox, president of
tho local association.
'1 his date was decided upon at a
I'liceting of the. board which was held
last evening -in the new moms of the
building reccn'.lv occupied bv the Alco
The occasion of the formal opening
of I he new home of the Albany Y.
M. C. A. will be one of the most im
portant events of the winter in this
uty and will be attended by a large
crowd of people from Albany and
I'M her cities o'f the Willamette Val
On the evening of the formal open
ing, I. li. Rhodes, stale secretary of
the Oregon Young Glen's Christian
Association will be in attendance and
efforts arc being made to secure a
number of prominent speakers from
otlur parts of the stale. An elaborate
program will also be prepared for the
opening night, including music and
speeches and other enjoyable features.
The pec ple of Albany and I. inn
county are especially invited to attend
the opening of the new home of the
association where every courtesy will
he shown them by thosu in ch:irge. in
conducting tluni about the premises.
The Albany association is a public
enterprise and for the promotion of
the moral and physical welfare of the
young men of t his city and parents
arc invited to call at any time and in
spect the institution and have the
work explained.
The local association has very at
tractive and comfortable quarters in
the building formerly occupied by the
Alco club, the rooms of which have
been completely remodeled for use of
the members.
The building now has a spacious
parlor and lounging room with a huge
brick fireplace and nice furnishings, a
reception hall, a music room, library,
business office, billiard room, and a
splendidly equipped gymnasium which
is provided with all standard para
phernalia for athletic work.
Secretary I'Vster announced today
that the towels which have been ex
pected for a week have now arrived
and that members can take shower
baths, they having been connected up
for several days. The bowling alleys
which have been repaired are now
ready for use and the billiard .tables
Secretary Foster also announces
that he is now ready to recieve appli
cations for membership and that they
can be made at any time from now
on by calling at the home of the asso
ciation on Broadalbin street.
Following are the officers of the
Albany Young Men's Christian Asso
ciation who .will preside over its af
fairs for the initial term: President,
C. E. Sox, vice-president, Dr. C. V.
Littler; secretary, Joseph H. Ralston;
treasurer, Hiram Torhet, and direc
tors, A. C. Schmitt. P. A. Young, J.
A. Howard. W. .A, Eastburn, J. C.
Holbrook, Herbert Ba'bb. Win. Fort
miller, J. L. Tomlinson, D. O. Wood
worth, C. C. Bryant and .Rrlph Knotts.
Mrs. J. T. Stewart left Wednesday
for Ohio to visit her daughter who
is ill.
Mrs. John G. Burkhart was able to
be taken to her home Thursday after
suffering a serious operation for ap
pendicitis. Mrs. E. L. McKecver is very ill
with la grippe.
The Miller home was the scene of
a pretty party Friday when Verl Mil
ler entertained about thirty of his
friends. The evening was spent in
games with a delightful lunch and
good music.
Chas. Williamson, living near Bus
sard, was operated on at the hospital
Friday for appendicitis and is reported
to be recovering.
Miss Jessie Reed, the competent
Knox Butte teacher, is planning a
Washington entertainment and pie so
cial for her school on February 21, to
which the public is invited.
Died, at the home o'f his daughter,
Mrs. R. B. Healy, of Coburg, Oregon
on Feb. 8. 1913, of pneumonia, Mr.
Louis Stimson, at the age of 85 years
and 7 months.
The deceased was a pioneer of 1852.
Me is survived by the following chil
dren: Mrs. R. B. Healy, Coburg;
Mrs. J. W. Morgan, Shedd; J. B. and
Geo. W. Stimson of Seattle.
Board Met Yesterday at Port
land and Decided Linn-Marion
Boundary Dispute.
Line Will Be Definetly Located
According to Claims Made
by This County.
Meeting :it Portland, the board of
arbitrators having jurisdiction over
the I. inn -Mar ion "boundary disc: to,
yesterday sustained the contention of
I. inn county.
Judge Harris of Kugeito represented
I. inn county on the board anil Judge
Webster of Portland represented Mar
ion. The claims of Linn county were
ably presented by Manager Stewart of
the Albany G unmereial Club, the
Marion county side o'f the controversy
being presented bv County Judge
iiushey. J. S. Van. "Winkle of Albany
was also present.
The board convened at the Library
rooms at 2:M) p. m. and the arguments
for the respective counties were then
presented. The board took the case
under advisement until 5 o'clock, when
: hey sustained the lines as agreed
upon by Kx-Coitnly Judge Stewart of
Linn and County Jmhge Scott of Mar
ion in the year l0o.
The following decision was render
ed by the board:
The southern boundary of Marion
county, and the northern boundary
of Linn county shall be as follows:
Commencing in the middle of the
m.T.n channel of the Willamette river
opposite the mouth of the Santiam
river: thence up said Santiam' river to
the North Fork of said river; thence
mi said North Fork to the mouih of
'A nit e water creek ; thence up said
cr -ek to a point where the creek cross
es the section line between sections
21 and 28. in township 10. S. R. 7 K.;
thence due east along said section line
projected to Uk: summit of the Cas
cade mountains.
Snappy Game of Indoor Ball
Results in Victory for the
Home Team Last Night.
The game of indoor baseball which
was played at the armory in this city
last evening was a warm one from
start to finish and finally resulted in
victory for Fiesel's Colts of this city
by the close score of 7 to 6.
The Capital City team was a splen
did one and under stoo'd the game in
every detail, but Fiesel's twirling fin
idly became too much for them and
they succumbed.
Fiesel's colts made 7 runs and 13
hits and Salem Y. M. C. A. 6 runs and
5 hits. Fiesel's Colts made two runs
in the fourth, three in the sixth, and
one each in the eighth and ninth. Sa
lem made one run in the fifth, four
in the sixth, and one in the ninth.
Fiescl, the Albany pitcher, struck
out 16 men during the game, while
Anderson, the Salem heaver, is cred
ited with 13. Bases on balls off An
derson, 1 ; Ficsel, 4. Umpires Stan
ley of Salem and Coe of Albany.
Arriving this morning from Port
land, Dr. Leo J. Frachtcnberg, one of
the leading Democrats of Lincoln
county called at the Democrat office
this morning and had his name en
rolled on the subscription books.
Dr. Frachtenberg was one of the
Lincoln county democrats who work
ed early and late in support of Wil
son during the recent campaign and
says that a meeting will be called
within the next thirty days for the
purpose of reorganizing the party ma
chinery. "The young men are as
suming control of things in Lincoln
county," says the doctor, "and may be
depended upon to bring about a com
plete change in the political situation
during the next two years."
The new seats for the waiting room
of the handsome Oregon Electric pas
senger station at this city have arrived
and have been installed. They are at
tractive and very comfortable and add
greatly to the appearance of the room.
Attached to the northbound limited
on the Oregon Electric railway this
mornine was a new observation car
which just arrived from the East this
week to replace the one recently
burned at Eugene. The car is a beau
tiful one and If ears the same name
as the old one, "Sacajawca."
By proclamation of Governor Os
wald West, Wednesday, February
12th, is declared a legal holiday. All
banks in the city will therefore be
closed tomorrow,
Preparations Made for Enter
tainment of Delegates of the
State Grange.
Making preparations for the recep
tion of the delegates who will attend
the meeting of the State Grange which
convenes in this city durin the month
of M:iv, the Albany CoinmereialClub
last night referred the matter o'f the
entertainment of the visitors to the
committ.'e on entertainment and con
ventions and instructed this commit
tee to co-operate with the committee
which will hereafter be anpointed by
the local grange.
J. S. Van Winkle who acted as
chairman of the county boundary
committee filed his report with the
club and gaVe an interesting account
of the proceedings held before the
board of arbitrators at Portland yes
terday afternoon. 1 ! asserted "that
the arbitrators were absolutely fair in
disposing of the case and congratulat
ed Linn county on the successful ter
mination of the controversy. A con
siderable portion of the evening was
spent by the club in discussing the
boundary question.
Dr. Williamson of Los Angeles
Will Tell of Scenic Spots
at U. P. Church Soon.
A lecture will be given on the even
ing of Tuesday, February 25, al the
United Presbyterian church by Dr. C.
IX Williamson of Los Angeles on the
Vosemite Valley and the Garden of
the (iods. two of America's greatest
scenic spots which are visited by thou
sands every year.
The lecture will be given under the
auspices of the Albany Young Men's
Christian Association and will be illus
trated by beautifully colored slides
made from photos taken by Dr. Wil
liamson. The lecture will be of in
terest to everybody. Admission 25
Contributed By F. P. Nutting.
(Reminiscence No. 3.)
Deaper, a boy orator, was mention,
ed among the sneakers in the presi
dential campaign of 1880. lie was
under 21, but made one of the best
snccchcs of the campaign, attracting
a good deal of attention. Like too
many precocious people he failed to
make good later and was soon lost
sight of. As a rule the successful
men rf the world are those who plod
for what thoy ger.
The price of weekly newspapers
gives an illustration of the times. The
Democrat and most other weeklies
were $3 a year. This price has since
gradually decreased and the eastern
price of $1 to $1.50 now prevails
thioughout the slate.
Wheat was then the almost ex
clusive product of the county, the
farmer depending upon it for his in
come. The product of the county was
estimated al 1,500,000 bushels, prob
ably twice what it is now. Farmers
have done well in diversifying their
business, branching out into dairying,
stock, clover, fruit, etc. The value of
land has increased several fold.
At that time Albany's opera house
was at the present site of the hard
ware store of Stewart & Sox Co. It
was an old barn of an affair owned
by David FYoman, but served the pur
pose. It was also the scene of many
a dance, and the Misfit man remem
be, s tripping his clumsy toes over the
waxen floor, with music by the Mc-Knight-Crawford
orchestra, the pres
ent county judge and W. W. Craw
ford, the Ford auto man, being star
performers, having a wide reputation
as musicians.
The first sermon the Misfit man
heard in the valley was by Rev. R. L.
Stevens, in the Episcopal church at
Corvallis. It was a very plain affair
in which the minister told his people
how he had worked for nothing and
even built his own fires and did all
the janitor work. Rew Stevens was
also "astor of the church at this city,
and afterwards devoted his exclusive
time here. He was an original genius.
Besides preaching he was active in
athletics, a member of the Linns,
champions of Oregon, and occasion
ally invented in threshing machines,
A name omitted from those here in
Sept.., 1880. was Mary Golden Bib
ycu, then a dressmaker, now residing
at 225 West Third street. Mrs. Bilyeu
had the distinction of making the big
Hancock & English flag, used in cam
paigns until worn out. She was as
sisted by Flora Rumbaugh, now a res
ident ot corvallis.
Newt Beginning With This Head Is
From Daily Issue of W
The regular S"Sion of the city
council will be held at 7:30 o'clock
this evening. Several imnortant mat
ters will be acted upon. This is the
first-meeting of the council for three
Sheriff Bodine Charges Him
with Setting Liquor on Feb.
2 to R. B. Leabo.
Millers Trial Postponed; Van
Riley and Frank Albrecht
Both Plead Guilty.
After several weeks of patient wait
ing, Jim 1 1 art, former proprietor of
the notorious Franklin I louse which
was destroyed by fire here last sum
mer, was arrested this morning at his
rooms by Policeman King, upon a
warrant signed by Sheriff D. II. llo
diue, private prosecutor.
The complaint charges Hart with
selling intoxicating liquor in violation
of the local option law to K. It. Leabo
on Sunday, February 2.
When arraigned in Judge Swan's
court this morning, 1 1 art requested
time to plead and was given until to
morro'w morning al 9 o clock. Judge
Swan fixed his bonds at $51 10. The
warrant for Hart's arrest has been in
the hands of the officers for several
days but lite defendant could iml be
located and it was therefore impossi
ble to arrest him until this morning
when Policeman King learned that
1 1 art had returned to Albany last
evening from Salem.
After the Democrat had gone to
press last evening, Frank Albrecht
who was arrested yesterday morning
by Sheriff ltodiuc, charged with vio
lation of the local option law, decided
to plead guilty am! Judge Swan titled
th;- defendant $150 and gave him a
jaM sentence of ten days. The ten
days Albrecht will be required to
scive at least, and it the fine of $1511
is not paid, 75 more days will be added
to the ten.
Van Kiley also concluded to plead
guilty, after thinking the mailer over,
and Judge Swan assessed him $150,
which Kiley paid, thus securing his
liberty. Kiley was arrested yesterday
nioruin - by Sheriff Hotline, charged
with selling intoxicating liquor to R.
II. Leabo on Saturday, Feb. 1.
Willie Kiley plead guilty yesterday
afternoon to the complaint which
charged him with selling intoxicating
liquor to R. H. Leabo on Saturday,
Feb. 1. Judge Swan i;nposed a fine
of $150 and a jail sentence of 10 tlays.
The defendant is now confined in the
county jail.
Owing to the fact that loday is Lin
coln's birthday and a legal holiday in
this state, the case against Jack Mil
ler, who was arrested yesterday .morn
ing by Sheriff Hotline, charged with
selling liquor to K. H. Leabo in vio
la I ion of the local option taw, and
which case was to have been tried (his
morning, was t postponed by Judge
Swan until tomorrow morning at 9
Miller was released from custody
'eslerday when he gave bonds for
$500, signed by Curtis Chance and
I lenry Suesens.
Jim 1 larl, who was arrestetl this
mornine for selling liquor in violation
of the local option law, furnished
bonds for $500 (his afternoon, signed
by George Rolfe and I'eter l'aulus.
Artillerymen Make Splendid
Showing in Drill at the
Armory Last Night.
Tlic annual inspection and ninstcr
of ihe 'iith company, Coast Artillery
Corps, of this city, which was held at
the armory last evening was witnessed
I)' a larc crowd of Albany residents
who occupied seats in the halconv,
overlooking the big drill hall.
l'tilly 9o per cent of the full strcnKth
of the militia company attended the
insncction which was made by Capt.
R. W. Collins of the United States
army. Major L. H. Knaiio of the
Oregon National Guard who was to
have assisted in the inspection of the
Albany troops, was suddenly called to
Portland yesterday afternoon and was
unable to be in attendance.
The artillerymen who were attired
in the olive-drab field service uniform,
made an excellent showing both in
infantry and artillery drill and the
commanding officers of the organiza
tion, Capt. M. Powell and Lieuten
ants H. O. Stalnakcr and L. R. Gil
best, were warmly complimented by
Cant. Collins.
Capt. Collins was an honored guest
at a splendid 8-coursc dinner given by
local military men at 6:30 o'clock last
evening at the New Elite,
Editor Will Eat Catfish.
G. M. Vcetcrf, residing at 1529 San
tiam road, this city, presented the ed
itor of the Democrat this morning
with a fine mess of catfish which were
eniif ht by him last evening in the lake
mst of this city. The fish nr; greatly
appreciated and their receipt is ac
knowledged with thanks.
H. N. Bain, a member of the con
tracting firm of Fuller & Hain of
Portland, arrived in Albany this after
noon on a business trip.