The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, February 14, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly
Published by
Managing Editor.
Entered at the poslofficc at Albany,
Oregon, as second-class mailer.
Published every evening except Sun
day. Semi -weekly publishe'l T'le.l
days and Fridays.
Address all communications and hiake
all remittances payable to the Dem
ocrat Publishing Co.
In ordering changes of address, sub
scribers should always give old as
well as new address.
Delivered by carrier, per month....$ .40
Delivered by carrier, per year 4.00
by mail, at end of year 3.50
lly mail in advance, per year 3.00
At cud of year $1.50
When paid in advance, one year.... 1.25
lc per word for first publication;
per word thereafter, payable in ad
vance. Minimum charge of 25c.
Established in 1865.
New Conception of Statesmanship.
"The tax payers should not be com
pelled to pa)' $J5,I )'H) for a monument
to any citizen, dead or alive. But if
they miisl be taxed for monuments, let
it be for ( licgoiiians who are worthy
of it.
"George 11. Williams came to Ore
gon a cabin passenger in a steam
ship, after a. government had been es
tablished by the pioneers, and all dan
gcr was past, with a commission as
U. S. district judge in his pocket; and
if he had not got that office he never
woidd have come at all.
, "'f 'c people must be
taxed to' erect monuments at Wash
ington City where but few can ever
see them, let such monuments rise to
the honor ami memory of the true
and loyal heroes of the stale; such
men as Jason, Marcus Whitman,
John McLoughlin, James W. Ncsinith,
Matthew IV Ueady, Jesse Applegale,
Col. Joe Meek and their like; all of
whom pioneered, it across the plains
with ox teams fo'r two thousand miles,
fought Indians, stood oil the British
and saved Oregon to the United
The ahovc is in put t a conuiiiini
cation received hy the Democrat
from an anonymous writer who
uses the non tie plume "Old Pio
neers." Now there may he some excel
lent reasons why a statue should
not he erected to the memory of
I ico. II. Williams. We are not
sufficiently familiar with the early
history of the slate to njve an in
telligent opinion on this (iteslion.
I'or no men in the state has the
writer a greater admiration than
for those who hraved the hardships
of a desert to make for themselves
a home on the Pacific eoast. We
glory in their courage and respect
them for the privations and hard
ships endured in their battle with
the primitive. The entire stale of
Oregon owes them a debt of grati
tude. Hut on the other hand statesman
ship can hardly he measured hy the
particular means of locomotion used
in reaching ( )regon.
l'lont our point of view it is
wholly immaterial whether Kx-Seu-ator
Williams crossed the plains in
a Pullman, came hy way of the
Horn or behind the proverbial ox
team. What we are interested in
is the record he made while serving
as a member of the United States
senate and whetjier or not his priv
ate life was clean.
Any man who came to Oregon
via the Oregon trail may well he
proud of the fact. It "is a distinc
tion of which few of us can hoast.
Hut the Democrat is not ready to
concede that all of those who fol
lowed the oxen across the desert are
statesmen. Wither are we willing
to concede that Pullman and steam
ship passengers are barred from
claims of statesmanship because of
the means of transportation by them
chosen in reaching the Pacific
The historian will record the
privations of the early settlers in
Oregon. Their hardships and their
work in reclaiming a new country
will always he a bright page in the
history of the American nation.
Hut in this exceedingly practical
twentieth century we care not how
a man reaches a given point. What
we do observe is the manner in
which he conducts himself after he
arrives at his detination. If he
demonstrates his fitness for a great
office and is afterwards elected and
make:: good, he has earned a place
among the first citiens of the state.
Whether Ceorge II. Williams did
these things, we are not prepared
to say, hut if he did, his failure to
follow an ox team across the desert
should not he a sufficient reason for
opiHising the erection of his statue
at the national capital.
The world does honor to Abra
ham Lincoln on the anniversary of
his birth.
No character in American his
tory so fires the imagination or so
appeals to the sober judgment of
posterity as that of the plain, honest
and fearless war-time president.
His rugged honesty, his homely
wit and his excellent judgment were
the characteristics which endeared
him to the people, lie carried the
burden of the greatest war in his
tory upon his shoulders with a
smile. He never lost hope. His
courage never failed him. His aim
was to suppress the rebellion and
he did it. I'ew men could have met
the crisis as well and none could
have met it better.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for Linn County.
In the matter of the estate of Mar
lilt .Moss, deceasefl.
To Edward W. Moss, Dora G. Mo'ss.
Gerlrude Maas, Mela Meislahn, Dora
Meislalui, Emma Meislahn. Nicolaus
Meislahn. Johannes II. Meislahn and
George Meislahn, and to all others
unknown, if any such there be, Greef
In the name of the Stale of Oregon,
you are hereby cited anil required to
appear in the County Court of the
Slate of Oregon for the County of
I. inn. at Ihe court room thereof, at
Albany, in said county, on Monday.
the7lh day of April, 1913, at one
o'clock in the aflernoon of that day,
then and Ihere to show cause, if any
I here be, why an order should no't be
made by Ihe above entitled court au
thorizing anil directing Ihe adminis
Iralor of said estate of Martin Moss,
deceased, to sell Ihe following de
scribed leal property, of said eslale
al public sale fo'r cash in hand, to
wil: Beginning al a point which is East
one chain and seventy-eight links dis
tant front the Norlhwest comer of
Nullification No. 2-1.55 and claim No.
50 in Township 12 South of Kan ire 3
West of the Willamette Meridian in
Linn County. Oregon, anil running
from thence East twenly-one chains
and twenty-right and one-half links,
thence South Ihirly-six chains and
leu and one-half links. Ihenee West
twenty-one chains and twenty-eight
and one-half links, and thence North
thirty-six chains and nine ami one
half links to the place of beginning
coiilainiug 76.72 acres,
Witness, the Hon. D. li. McKnight,
Judge of Ihe County Court of the
Slate of Oregon for Ihe County of
Linn, with Ihe. seal of said Court af
fixed this I3lh day of February, A. D.
(Seal) W. L. MARKS. Clerk.
F4-Mar21 Deputy.
in the Circuit Court o'l the State o1"
Oregon for the Countv of Linn.
Edna Bladen, Plaintiff, vs. Carl R.
Ilraden, defendant.
To Carl R. Bradcn, Ihe above named
defendant ;
In Ihe name of Ihe Slate of Oregon.
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of the above
named plaintiff in the above entitled
cause now on file with Ihe Clerk of
said Court within six weeks fro'm Ihe
dale of the first publication of this
summons, anil you are hereby noli
lied Hut if you fail lo appear and
answer said complaint as hereby re
quired, the plaintiff will apply to the
court lor the relief demanded in her
said complaint, lo-wit. for a decree
dissolving ihe marriage relation now
existing bet wren Ihe plaintiff and de
fendant, and awarding to Ihe plaintiff
Ihe care ami custody of Jack Itraden.
the minor child of the plaintiff and de
fendant, ami for a judgment against
the defendant for her costs and dis
burscillcnls herein, and for such other,
and further decree as may be meet in
This summons is published once a
week for six consecutive weeks in
rlie Semi-Weekly Democrat, a week
ly newspaper published in said
county, by order of Hon. D B
McKnight, County Judge of Limi
t ouuty,, Oregon, made and ' entered
herein on the II III day of February,
I"I3. and the dale of ihe first publ'i
cation of this summons is the 14th
day of 1-ebruarv. 1913
Attorneys for the Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned was by order of the County
Court of Linn County, Oregon, on
the 3rd day of January, IQIJ. duly ap
pointed executor of the last will and
testament of Anna Schlosser, deceas
ed. All persons having claims against
the estate of said deceased are hereby
notified to present the same, with the
proper vouchers, to the undersigned
at his residence, in the Citv of Albany.
Oregon, within six months from the
date of this notice.
Dated this 3rd d.iv of January. 1913
HEWITT & SOX. Executor.
Attorneys for Executor. J10-F7
Mr. R G. Eplon left for Corvallis
this morning where he will continue
demonstrating the famous Evimudc
row boat motor.
Mr. Grant Butcher has purchased
one of the Evinrude detachable row
boat motors from ihe Albany Gun
Store. Mr. butcher seems very much
pleased with Ins new motor
Mrs Mvrtle Earl Cadv ami lillle
Jon Earl left Sunday on the Oregon
lectin- for Eugene to visit her aunt,
Mrs. S. H. Strauss.
Mr. ami Mrs. II. M Ilen.lershott of
I ortlaml who have been visiting in
Albany for several days at the home
ol Dr. and Mrs C. V. Littler, returned
home this morning.
Mrs. A. I.. Ryder relumed this
'toon from a visit with friends at Jefferson.
Continued from Monday. Feb. 10.
M. I' Wood passed through Tan
fent on a business trip to Corvallis
one day last week.
Lewis Parker and wife of Wash
ington were visitors at the home of
his mother on Saturday.
Mrs. Emily Pentecost of Dayton.
Wash., who has been on an extended
visit to the home of her daughter
near Tracy, California, and a son in
Ashland, Or., stopped off to visit with
relatives near Tangent lor a while.
Rev. P. A. Moses and wife of Cor
vallis -eer - o'er-Sunday visitors with
their daughter, Mrs. W. D. Jenks.
The ri:'l mail carrier on route No.
2 came near having a serious acci
dent last Saturday at a bridge. His
horse became frightened at a bridge
and refused to cross, when he got out
of his rig and 'attempted to iead it,
whereupon it plunged ami jerked away
fro'm him and ran off. The driver
was not much hurt and little other
damage was done.
Mr. C. N. Pentecost of Walla Walla
after visiting with relatives a few days
last week left Saturday for his home.
The Rev. Elliot of Salem preached
a very interesting sermon at the South
Methodist church Sunday. He is a
fine speaker and held the attention of
his large audience for more than an
Charles Ohling, a prominent stu
dent at Willamette University, return
ed toSalem this morning after spend
ing Sunday in Albany with his par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Ohling.
Representative F. II. Porler of Hal
sey passed through Albany this morn
ing enroule back to Salem, aftcr
speudiug Sunday with his family. He
reports, that there are yet nearly 800
bills to' be introduced before the leg
islature adjourns.
Delos C. Foster, general secretary
of the Albany V. M. C. A., returned
this morning from Brownsville where
he spent Sunday visiting friends and
t .. II. Russell, one of Linn county's
eflicient commissioners, returned to
Albany this morning from Eugene
where he has been looking after busi
ness matters.
Fd. Dorgan went lo Salem this afternoon.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the Coutilv oi Linn.
Department No. 2.
Andrew Shearer. Plaintiff,
Dora Pugh, Ida Pugh. P. P. Van
Fleet and Mary Elva Van Fleet., his
wile, Emma Jitukin and David lunRiu,
her husband. Mary A. Wright,' James
A. Pugh and Charlotte E. Pugh, his
wife, Annie E. Kendall and A. M.
Kendall, her husband, Ada Jackson
and Henry Jack-M. her husband,
Onicr Telherow and C. D. Tctherow,
his wife. Miles Telherow and A. II.
Telherow, his wife. Clvde Telherow,
Annie Wier and John Wier, her hus
band, and Et'fie Pierce and E. F.
Pierce, her husband, Defendants.
To Omer Tctherow, C. D. Tcthe
row. Miles Telherow. A. B. Telherow,
Clyde Tctherow, Anna Wier. John
Wier. Effie Pierce and E. F. Pierce,
nine of the above named defendants:
In Ihe name of the slate of Oregon.
You are hereby required to apnear
and answer the complaint of Ihe
above named plaintiff on file with
the clerk of the above entitled court
on or before Ihe 28th 'day of March,
1913, the same being the datc of the
last publication of this summons as
prescribed by order therefor dltlv
made in Ihe cause herein by the Hon
orable Percy R. Kellv, Judge of the
Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon
for 1. inn County, and you arc hereby
notified that if you fail to appear
and answer said complaint as here
mg required, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief demanded
in his complaint on file herein.
For a decree that the plaintiff. An
drew Shearer, and Ihe defendants,
Dora Pugh, Ida Pugh. P. P. Van
Fleet and Mary Elva Van Fleet are
Ihe owners in fee simple of the fol
lowing described real property, to
wit: Berrinning at' the southwest cor
ner of the Donation Land Claim of
lesse W Pugh and wife, Notification
No. 2040 and Claim No. 45. in Town
shin 12 South. Range 4 West of the
Willamette Meridian, Oregon, and
running thence north along the west
side of said Donation Land Claim
1875 chains; thence cast 26.59 chains;
thence south 20 81 chains: thence
west 1565 chains; thence North 82
degrees 25 minutes West 11.39 chains,
to the place of beginning, containing acres, more or less, all lying and
being situate in Linn County, and
State of Oregon, free of incumbranc
es, and that none of the other defend
ants herein have any right, title or
estate of. in or to said real estate
or any part thereof, and for a decree
that said real property be partitioned
among the plaintiff, Andrew Shearer,
and the defendants, Dort Pugh. Ida
Pugh and P. P. Van Fleet and Mary
Elvo Van Fleet, according to their
respective rights, quantity and quality
relatively considered, and that the
costs and expenses of this suit he
paid by the several parties interest
according to their several interests
and that the same he a lien unon the
several interests of the parties plain
tiff and defendants until the same
are paid and for such other and fur
ther relief as shall seem meet in
The date of the first publication of
this summons is February 14. 101.1.
and the date of the ht publication is
March 2S. 101.1. This summons is
published hv order of the Honorable
Per.-v R Kelly. Indue of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for
Linn Countv. made and dated Febru
ary II. 1913.
I.. M. CTRL.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Members of St. Peters Church
Will Improve Church Property
This Evening.
Outlining a campaign for the im
provement of the church property on
I-yon street, members of the vestry
and guild of St. Peter's Hpis opal
church held a joint meeting at 7:V
last night which was well atu-nde?
by loeai churchmen.
Included in the plan as agreed upon
last night is the planting of kennel
worth ivy which in several months
will completely cover the church
building. Flower beds will als-t be
planted and it is planned to mal e the
"roperty one of the most sightly spots
in the city.
Members of the vestry and other
members of the church will turn out
this evening at 4:30 and lend a hand
in the work of leveling the lawn and
making other improvements.
Carl Gray, Jr., of the O. E., was
looking after railroad matters in Al
bany today.
N. Rose, of the S. P., a former res
ident of Albany, was in the city to
day. Rev. W. P. White went to Shedd
this afternoon to attend the annual
meeting of the U. P. Church there.
Mr. and Mrs. James Graham of
Mill City passed through Albany this
morning enroute to' Independence
where they will make their future
home. They were accompanied by
Mr. Graham's father.
Notice. is hereby given that the un
dersigned Executor of the last will
and testament of Manila A. Phillips,
deceased, has filed his Final Account
as said Executor, in ihe County Court
of the State of Oregon, for tile
Countv of I. inn, and that Monday the
10th day of March. A. U. 1013. at hc
hour of 111 o'clock in the foVenoon of
said day. has been fixed by said Court
as the time, and the County Court
room in the Court House of said
County of Linn in the City of Albany.
Oregon, as the plan' for the hearing
of any and all objections to said Final
Account and the settlement thereof.
WM. S. RIS1.EY. Executor.
Attorney for Executor. E7-M
MENT. N'otice is hereby given th"t the un
dersigued aibuinistrator of the estate
of W. A. Anderson, deceased, has filed
in Ihe Counly Court of Linn County.
Oregon, his final account as such ad
ministrator and that said court has
fixed Monday, the 10th day of Febru
ary, 1913, at the hour of one o'clock
in the afternoon, as the time for the
hearing of objections to said final ac
count and the settlement thereof.
II F.WITT &- SOX. Administrator.
Attorneys for Administrator. J10F7
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executors of the last will
and testament of Charlotte Wagner,
deceased, have filed in the Coun
ty Court of Linn County. Oregon,
their final account as such executors
and that said court has fixed .Monday,
the 10th day of February. 1913. at the
hour of one o'clock in tile afternoon
as the time for the hearing of objec
tions to said final account and the set
tlement thereof.
HEWITT & SOX. Executors.
Attorneys for Executors. J 10-1-7
' summons! ' '
In the Circuit Court ofthe State of
Oregon, for the County of Linn. De
parlment No. 2.
Arncttie Mitchell, Plaintiff.
II. D. Mitchell, Defendant.
To II. D. Mitchell, the above named
You are hereby required to appear
and answer to the complaint of the
above named plaintiff in the above
entitled Court, now on file with the
Clerk of Said Court within six weeks
from the date of the first publication
of this summons; and you are here
by notified that if you fail to appear
and answer said complaint as hereby
required, plaintiff will take a decree
as prayed for in the said complaint
herein ,to-wit: A decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimony heretofore
and now existing between plaintiff
and defendant: that plaintiff have cus
tody of the minor children of plain
tiff and defendant, and that plaintiff
have such other and further relief as
to the Court seems equitable.
This summons is published in the
Albany Weekly Democrat once a
week for six weeks by order of the
Hon. D. B. McKnight, County Judge
of Linn County, Oregon, made on
January 13, 1913, and the date of the
first publication hereof is January 24,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Jan 24-Mar 7
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executor of the last will and
testament of S. D. Pratt, deceased,
has filed in the county court for Linn
county, Oregon, his final account as
such executor, and that Monday, the
17th day of March. 1913. at ten o'clock
in the forenoon, has heen set as the
time by said court for hearing of ob
jections to said final account and the
settlement of said estate.
C. C. BRYANT. Executor.
Attorney for Executor.
First publication to be February 14.
1913: Feb. 21. 191J: Feb. 21. 191J; "Feb
2S. 1913: March 7. 1913; March u.
Funeral of Peter R. Hundley Is
Attended by Large Crowd
of Intimate Friends.
The funeral services o'f the late
! etc k. Hundley, a well known Al
bany young man who died in this city
at St. .iary's hospital early yesterday
morning following an operation for
appendicitis, were held at the First
Christian church this afternoon at 2
l he services were attended by a
lurge crowd of friends and relatives
oi the deceased, whose friendship was
apprec-aled by his many friends in
this city w here he had been employed
for many months.
Among those attending the services
ih's aile:-noon yas a large delegation
of members of Willamette Lodge,
Loyal Order of Moose, of this city, of
which the deceased was a member.
The lodge members contributed a
beautiful wreath in which the official
color o'f Ihe order, red, was the prom
inent feature.
Many other beautiful floral pieces
were contributed by friends of the de
ceased and the grave was banked high
with flowers, following interment at
the City cemetery.
The funeral sermon which was de
livered by Rev. F. W. Emerson of the
First Christian church was a most
impressive one and a splendid tribute
to the deceased. .
News on This Page is
From Daily Issue of
Notice is hereby given to all wlioni
it may concern that the undersigned,
the duly appointed, qualified and act
ing administratrix of the estate of
James Sanderson, deceased, has filed
in the office of the County .Clerk of
Linn County, Oregon, her l-'inal Ac
count in said estate, and the judge of
the Comity Coiirl has fixeil the 3rd
day of March. 1913. at 1 o'clock p. in.,
for the hearing of objections to said
account, if any, and for the settlemert
of said estate.
Dated this 25th day of January, !9!3.
Administratrix of the Estate of James
Sanderson, deceased.
FORD, Attorneys for Admrx.
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of W. II. Cleavinger, deceased, has
filed his final account as s:tid adminis
trator, in the County Court of tin
State of Oregon for Linn County, and
that Monday, the 3rd day of March.
A. D. 1913. at the hour o: 10 o'clock in
the forenoon of said day. has been
fixed by said Court as the time and the
County Court room in the Court
House of said County of Linn in the
City of Albany, Oregon, as the place
for the hearing of any and all objec
tions to said filial account and the
settlement thereof.
Atto'mey for Administrator.
' Jan 31-Fcb 2S
By virtue of an execution and order
or sale to mc directed issued Out of
the Circuit Court, of the State, of Ore
gon for Limv Co'unty, in fhe case of
J. O. Rrown, plaintiff, vs! D! G. Mur
ray, F. E. Morgan, A. E. Pfeiffer. and
W. T. Christy and Elmira Christy, his
wife, defendants. I will on Monday,
the 24th day of February, 1913, at tlic
hour of one o'clock p. m.. at the front
door of the Court Hous; in Albany.
Oregon, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder fo'r cash in hand the
following described real property, to
wit: Blocks Numbered Two (2) and
Three (3) in Woodle's Riverside Ad
dition to the City of Albany, Linn
County, Oregon, as the same appears
and is designated upon the recorded
plat of said addition to said city, now
on file and of record in the office of
the County Recorder in and for said
County and State. To satisfy th
judgment rendered in favor of the
plaintiff and against the defendants.
W. T. Chritsy and Elmira Christy, for
the sum of $2325.82, together with ac
cruing interest thereon at 8 per cent
per annum from January 20, 1913; and
the costs and disbursements of this
suit taxed and allowed at $21.50, and
the costs and disbursements of this
execution and sale.
Sheriff o'f Linn County, Oregon.
Dated this January 24, 1913.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication Jan. 24, 1913, last
Feb. 21, 1913.
To all whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may concern that the undersigned
has filed her final account in the mat
ter of the estate of A. D. Horner, de
ceased, in the county court of Linn
county. Oregon, and that said court
has fixed the 18th day of March, 1913,
at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of
said day as the time for hearing and
settling of all objections to said ac
court: therefore all persons having
any objection to said account are here
by notified to appear and file the
same on or before said last mention
ed date.
Dated this 7th day of February,
Administratrix of A. D. Horner, de
ceased. W. R. BILYEU.
Attorney for Administratrix.
Services on Sunday and Again
Last Evening Were Attended
by Many People.
The e angelistic meetings now be
ing held at the First Methodist church
are increasing in interest. Large
crowd- of people attended the se -v-i-;ts
on Sunday and again last evening
when a must excellent service was
The afternoon meetings at 2:30
o'clock are so helpful and interesting
that the church parlors are crowded
with people eager to hear Rev. Lcw
tas in his Bible readings.
The meetings will continue through
out ihe week and probably until East
er Sunday which occurs on March 23.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, administrator ot" the estate
of Jeiferson D. Creel, deceased, has
filer! wilh tlir. ,o,. lrL- f T
county, Oregon, his final account in
o.e mallei oi sam estate, anu me
county court has appointed Monday,
the 24th day of February, 1913, at the
hour of one o'clock in the afternoon
of said day, at the county court room
in the coutr house in the city of Al
bany, Oregon, as the time and place
for hearing objections to said final
account, if any there be, and for the
final settlement of said estate.
Dated this 2llth day of January,
L. M. CURL. Administrator.
Atty. for Admr. J24-F21
Registration of Land Title
In the Circim Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Linn.
In the Matter of the Application of
James E. Wigle and Bertha E. Wigle,
husband and wife.
Register title to the following de-,
scribed premises, to-wit:
Beginning at the S. E. comer of Ihe
D. L. C. of Gamaliel Parrish, Not.
2060. and Claim No. 45, in Tp. 13 S.
of R. 2 W. of Ihe Will. Mer., Oregon,
and running thence N. 70 degrees 45
minutes W, along the Southern bomuP
ary line of said Claim 40.90 chs.
thence X. 50 degrees 4') minutes E.
chs. t.ience S. t,2 degrees 40
mmmci E. 21. IS chs. to the Eastern
boundary line of said Claim, thence
S. 19 degrees 15 minutes W. 29.00 chs.
to the place of beginning, containing
100.UJ acres, more or less, also
Lots 2. 3. 4. 5. and n of ;..:., 7
in said Tp. and Range, containing
iii.oj acres, more or less, also
Beginning 12.111 chs. W. of the N.
E. corner of tin- S ! ii .-M
Sec. 7, in said Tp. and Ran"e, and
running tnence . chs., thence
E. 15.00 chs., thence S. 13.33 chs..
Ihein-,. W "MOO t! V mm
chs., thence E. S.tX) chs. lo the place
oi ocgninnig, containing oz.utl acres,
more or less, also
The E. i of the S. W. 'i of the S.
E.H of Section 7, the E.yi of the
N. E.4 of the X. E. of Section
IS an.! Hie ' W i, f tl,.. v i
f Sec. 17, in said Tp. and Range,
Luui.omng ou.ou acres, more or less,
Beginning at the S. E. corner of
the D. L. C. of said Gamaliel Parrish,
Not. No. 2060. and Claim No. 45, in
said Tp. and Range, and running
thence N. 70 degrees 45 minutes W
to the N. line of the S. K.4 of Sec
tion 7. in said Tp. and Range, thence
W. 8.00 chs., thence S. 13.50 chs.,
thence E. 15.00 chs., thence S. 6.50
chs., thence E. 17.00 chs. lo the S.
W. corner of the X. E.kJ of Ihe S.
W.4 of Section 8. in said Tp. and
Range, thence X. 20.00 chs.. thence
W. to the E. line of said D. L. C,
thence S. 19 degrees 30 minutes W. to'
the place of beginning, containing
33.0S acres, more or less, also
Beginning at the S. W. corner of
the D. L. C. of said Gamaliel Parrish
Not. No. 2060 and Claim Xo. 5S, in
Tn. 13 S. of R. 3 V'i of the Will.
Mcrd. Oregon, and Claim No. 45 in
Tp. 13, S. of R. 2 W. of the Will,
c o ,rcKn. ad running thence
S. 19.65 chs., more or less, to the
N. boundary line of the D. L C. of
William Spcrry, Not. No. 2106 and
Claim Xo. 57. in Tp. 13 S. of R. 3
W. and Claim No. 46, in Tp. 13 S
of R. 2 W. of the Will. Merd., Ore
gon, thence E. 6.95 chs. thence S.
9.88 chs., thence E. to the E. bound
ary line of the D. L. C. of said Wil
liam Sperry. thence X. 9.88 chs. to
the N. E. corner of said D. L C of
said William Specry. thence W. 17.75
chs to the W. line of Section 7 in
said Tp. 13, S. of R. 2 W. of the Will.
Merd., Oregon, thence N. along said
Section line of the S. boundary line
of said D. L. C. of said Gamaliel
Parrish, thence N. 70 degrees 45 min
utes W. 14.42 chs. to the place of be
ginning, containing 46.98 acres, more
or less, and containing in the aggre
gate 442.40 acres, more or less, all
lying and being in the County of
Linn and State of Oregon.
Against all whom it may concern.
Take Notice
That on the 3rd day of February,
A. D. 1913, an application was filed
by said James E. Wigle and Bertha
E. Wigle, husband and wife in the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Linn for initial
registration of the title of the land
above described.-
Now unless you appear on or be
fore March 21, 1913. and show cause
why such application shall not be
granted, the same will be taken as
confessed and a decree will be entered
according to the prayer of the ap
plication and you will be forever bar
red from disputing the S3me.
Dated this 3rd day of February.
County Clerk of Linn County,, Ore
gon, and Ex-Officio Clerk of the
above entitled court.
FORD, Attorneys for Applicant.