Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 27, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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(Written fur the United Htates School (iarden Army, l)rprtm-nt of
the Interior.)
Thi "Humbug" and tht Hee Aeroplane.
Part I.
" llr-ho-ho o o. hr ho ho! " Hig
Hoy's clear voire echord throuifh th
garden unci awoke response from
hundreds of drowsy imall Voiron thai
called back in mall pipings ami flul
inir notes. Little (ilrl heard the rail,
anil .he ram bourn) In if down ihr
gitrden path. Kvin the Little (irvrn
Klf Mun awoke to ihr magic and
leanrd down from hia Irafy neat.
ld you cvrr hear of Trlung u
lin who roils off on the bark of a
homy becT" ho ankvik ,
"On thr bark of a. bumble bw?"
Imiulrrd Big-Buy.
"No, not bumble, bumble," mill the
Klf Man almost crossly, "a honey,
h-o-n y bre. You re I can spell.
I owr my education to the Dictionary
"Oh, do you know our Dictionary
Man? Our dar, aouarc, chunky little
Dictionary Man with hi student's
rap?" aald both children at thr limn
"Indeed, I do. How else could I rrad
I ha Unilrd State School Garden
Manual? The Dictionary Man taught
nir the tclrncc of words"
"Hut you know errrts not In book
you said o?" announced Big Hoy.
"Indeed I do and thry are going
10 remain aecrrta. W e l l, perhapa
I ball till you a few For instance,
about Tri-ung-u lin. Thr creature i
ao tiny that on mum look through
the Magic Clan to we him. Hut of
what an assurance. Evan I am not of
auch presence that I could force my
clf iuto a giant' home without be
ing ealan up I niitfhl ride on b
froK'a bark ami jump off into the
buahei if he turnrd about, but I hav
not couraitt or Impuilenc of Trlung
u lin, who ridr off on the back of a
bra a neat aa you please "
"Listen! Thia Tri-ung-u lin ' a
hum-but. Ha! ha! a hum butt! He
rule and pay no fare. He room
and he pay no rent! He rata and h
pay no board! A humbug. It wa
thia way ihat I law him. I wa
watching a Vrry respectable and in
duxrioua lee gathering nevtar from
a flower when I aw a tiny liucct
crawling up tha flowrr stalk from
ihr Kround. And before you could ay
Tumble Bug' he had wramblit' to
the back of tha bee and waa holdinK
on with aix sprawling litlle leg."
"J urn hire a boy tealinir a ridr on
ihr bark of thr cart when thr drivrr
Isn't looking." aid Big-Boy.
"Kxactly," replied the Klf Man,
"Thr bee didn't know he Waa there
and tiflrr hr had ub-trart-rd from
thr fluwer all the nectar hr could
cairy, h flew away to her hive Thi
pro fi leer went with hi r aur ac
tually Inlrodurrd himaelf lino her
home without an invitation."
"Noi rrally?" Little Girl wan
standing on her lip-toe in ex-cite-mmt.
"Yra, rrally," nodled the Gnen Klf
Man, "'111, Til uiiK-u lin art himnrlf
to work to ire breukfunt, and he lik
ed hi food ao much thai he decided
to Hay. The bre didn't notice him be-
rlUM .he vji Ha buHV nmkinir bee
! I I ....... I u . ....I .h
from thr flowrra for hrr brr babien
lhat ah had no time for visitor. He
ho hum!" and the Klf Man yawned,
and inaidr of hia mouth looked like
thr liny roy brll of a baby morning
glory. "Are you tirrd. little- Klf .Man!"
akrd Utile Girl.
I "Indeed, no, it la only the impu-
i denre of lhl mi mlirr of ihr Brrtlr
! Family. I am yawning lo (fit more
' ox-y-gen Into my ytm."
"Oh, I know. You are taking your
deep-breathing rX-rr cUra. W learn.
i el them at achool In our Health
Cruade Watch ua!" Then l.iille
(iirl and Big-Boy opened their pink
' mouth, and yawned, "Hr-hohum."
and thrir teeth and ihroat reminded
the Klf Man of big beautiful lilies
drrnrhrd with dew. You re, they
had kept all the Imp of the PoUon
ou Gaar out of their boiliea by keep
ina; thrir mouth anil trvth per-frrtly
"Well, to lell you more about Tri
unit u lin," aid th Klf Man, "Soon
he had eaten o much lhat he became
oft and hclplcni juat a a child will
become if it eat too murli and takes
no ex er-ciar. He lost hi six let
and h juat lay there and ate and ate
until after a while he turnrd Into a
hard blister beetle like hi father waa
before him, and then hr rolled out
of the bee home. Mr. Bee didn't care
brcauar the hadn't noiiced him at all.
o h went away without o much
aa saying 'Thank yau.' " By Cecilia
Keynolda Robertaon.
(To be cominurd )
When irregular or auppreaaed u
Triumph Pill. Safe and nlwaya de
pendable. Not aold at drug stores.
Do not experiment with other; aavr
disappointment. Write for "Relief"
and partirulara, ita free. Address:
National Medical Institute, Mllwau
kee, Wl. 1-8 to 6
Five team of peskera, prepared to
infurm and aid in artting up local or
ganixations fur the united financial
campaign of the Intrrrhurrh World
Movement, will go from Portland to
each county in Oregon early in April,
acording to arrangemrnta made by
the local interchurrh organixation and
prenented to th ailviaory council ye
terduy. Team No. 1 will hold conferences at
Anturia April 7, St Helena, April 8,
Hillaboro, April 9, Tillamook, April
10, Carlton, April 12, McMinniville,
April 13, Dallas, April U, Albany
April 5 and Salem April 10.
In the big convention of the lum
ber industry held during the pait
few rnontht women have had a prom
inent part for thr first time. Their
participation in the proceedings has
rrvrd to drect atcmion to the fuct
that hey have become an imporant
factor in thr salea and oihrr brnnrhe
of ihe industry.
Advance April Records 1
6139 My lair or Golden Dreama . .Columbia Orchestra
The Naughty Walti Columbia OrchcHtra.$1.25
78fiS&rcr Little Boy of Mine Stncciarl 1.00
2862 When You're a Million Milea from Nowhere Hughe
Once Upon Time Hughes .85
2867 You Can't Get Lovln' Where There Ain't Any Love
Medley Fox Trot . .Louisiana Five Jaxx Orch .85
Was There Ever a Pal Liko You t .... Henry Burr .85
2861 Chloe Al Johnson
Wondering, Fox Trot Ted Lewis Jazx Band .85
2864 Just Like the Rose Fox Trot Paul Biese Trio
When You're Alone, Fox Trot . . . .Paul Biese Trio .85
JH63 All That I Want Is You Henry Burr
When thro Harvest Moon la Shining Lewis James .85
6141 Elder Eatmore's Sermon on Throwing Stonea,
Elder Eatmore's Sermon in Generosity . .Williams
We Will Gladly Play These for You
Woodworth Drug Co. I
Albany, Oregon
W. P. Morri. Son 0.23
D. A. Wade 7.W)
I. . L. Lawrence 21.0U
Van Coat 81 .00
W. L. Kf hen Z4.00
Paul Kean lil.00
Jamea Knuli-y 02 00
J. H Rankii 67.50
K. Carr 12.HU
J. A. Jnnea 10.00
Lou i. Shrinrr 20.00
L. Soderstroin lti.00
CleoCall 10 00
J. B. Gedney 800
H. R. Hayes HVM
George M. Knox 14 (M)
Walter Daggett 4 60
Z. T. Stiencipher HD.f.O
W. K. Githena 60 Wl
Account Ferries
Hill A Co 82 10
Kenton Co 687.78
Robert L. Ingram X000
J. R. Fradv 2 00
Milton A. FoU-r 80.00
Account MiHCrllaneoua
C. H. Stewart 16.00
K. A. Bond 24.89
F. M. Redfield 360.00
Hushhon A Co 23.70
Albany Democrat ' 33.00
The Lebanon Kxprraa 33.30
Stat Foreatry Di-pt 337 62
Albany Democrat 32.40
F. W. 841
Account General Road Fund
Hulnlon Klec. Supply Co. ... 14.00
Albany Iron Works 775.00
D. Kllison 13.76
Ralston Mutor Co 1.25
Sears Gro. at Bakery 3.r7
Gale 8. Hill 0 60
Albany Iron Worka 7.70
A. M. Sturtevant 180 00
Floyd Fittwater 133.80
Frank Barker 10.60
C. DeWall 4.25
R. O. Wade 29.13
R. A. Pyburn 22.88
George B. Crawford 2.88
II. K. Bulk in 6.25
Coast Ind A Timber Co. . . . 90.00
Irvins Garage 3.60
Croaa A White 2.56
Albany Iron Worka 125
H. H. Hern 2.22
Gross Bros. Iron Works ... 49.80
Star Trannfer Co 150
Allixon A Tway 2326.09
I. B. Hixson 12.75
Th Brvbe Co 349.40
I). A B Auto Service 11.20
F. L. Snyder 16.25
Mt. Sutea Power Co 71.60
Arthur Kierc 158.41 1
C. K. McRulwrta 119.00
Clarence Fitxwater 12 00
J. H. Stone 18.00
C. B. Springer .50
Jack Cady 16.00
Orria Bowman 10.00
S. E. Archibald 6.38
Southern Pacific Co 12.53
Th Electric Store 3.40
Kirk-McKern Motor Co. ... 440 66
Fred Lcnz . . 3.00
F. W. Horskey 3.00
Day Motor Co 136.00
Albany Planning Mill 65
W. P. Morris A Son 1.90
M. B. Miller 9 75
liarirxhurg Water System .. 7.45
Orey Boserman 23.00
Harry Leeper 12.00
K. K. Galluway 8.00
Albany Iron Works 687.67
Ralston Klec. Supply Co 33.60
Hodson-Feenaughety Co .... 4.52
Foahay A Mason .60
Charles Cladek 6 00
Z. T. Stein Cipher 20.00
E. Warnke 1 4 00
C. G. Odenburg 11.60
Paul Kean 36.00
Ralph Crawford 01 32
Stanley Adarns 00.86
S. R. Ilaya 34.0L
R. Hanson 28.00
Union Oil Co 1048.06
HiMlson-Feenaughty Co 60 00
Standard Oil Co 08.62
H'xluon-Feenaughty Co 290.00
Howard Cooper Corporation 62.70
The He. be. Cm 172.90
R M Cain 83 .00
Stanley Adama 0.60
C. M. Goodlin 133.00
Hill A Co 68.18
Jak Marguth 30.00
Charlea Marguth 21.00
R. C. Pepperling 84.011
Froman A Barton 11.6
Frank Gooch 14.3.',
H. W. Sharp Co 233.60
Starr Transfer Co .60
H W. Sharp Co 196.76
F. L. Post 20.00
(Marine Fitxwater 0.00
C. Kruger 13.00
W. C. Milea 1161
M. J. Milea HUM
Isaac Butler 108.M
Barker Hardware Co 47.88
Douglas Kllison 21.00
Hammond Lumber Co. 7. '.'4
J. K. Lillard -. 12.36
Hulhert-Hallark Hdw. Co. .. 90.09
Standard Oil Co 10.62
C. G. Rawlings 6.06
Pacific Tel A Tel. Co. ...... 7.40
Elmer Wadsworth 14.U0
Meese A Gottfried Co. ." 181.20
Account Road District No. 1
R. 0. Wade $2.38
R. A. Pyburn 1.12
Orria Bowman ;.- 60
S. E. Archibald 1.12
C. B. Springer 26
Jack Cady J&y
H. E. Bohlken 25
W. E. Witchey 5.00
Account Road District No. 2
R. A. Cale $19.50
M. S. Coon 12.00
Account Road District No. 3
Robert Arnold $22 00
R. A. Cale 13.50
J. W. Springer 7.00
Ed. Nitxel 63.60
M. S. Coon 16.50
Account Road District No. 4
H. C. Davis $8 00
N. II. Cummlngs 4.00
Account Ruad District No. 5
Ed Nixon $17.26
Arrount Road District No. 6
Jak Marguth $13.80
Harry leeper 1 1 HO
Will Gillemwater 9.110
Orey Boserman 12.00
Charlea Marguth 12 00
Frank Trueiov 7.50
Arrount Road District No.' 7
Cooley A Co 13 32
Henry Blakely 30.00
E. J. Pearl 30.98
H. W. Sharp Co 168 00
Account Road District No. I
A. L. Kirk $32.60
Wm. Weger 27.00
Clair Kirk 12 00
N. J. Kirk 1.60
A Touch of
New Paint
will make your house, floor, bam
or fence almost as good as new.
The beat mixed paints, white
lesd, linseed oil, varnishes, put
ty, etc., kept constantly in
stock here.
Also brushes of all kinds.
Save money and be sure of the
right quality by buying your
paint supply here.
First and Ferry Sts.
Rheumatic Joints
Rub Pain Right Oat Try Thisl
Rheumatism is "pain only." Not
one case in fifty requires internal
treatment. Stop drugging! Rub sooth
ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" di
rectly into your sore, stiff joints and
muscles and relief comes instantly.
"St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheu
matism cure which never disappoints
and cannot burn or discolor the akin.
Limber up I Quit complaining 1 Get
a small trial bottle of old-time "St.
Jacobs Oil" at any drug store and in
just a moment you'll do free from
rheumatic pain, soreness and stiffness.
Don't suffer! Relief and a cure awaits
you. "St. Jacobs Oil" has cured mil
lions of rheumatism sufferers in the
last half century, and is just as good
for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, back
ache, sprains and swellings.
Two Minutes
Before Taking
Absolutely Harmless
Two Minutes
After Taking
Old Stomachs made new in two minutes
The quickness of ita action will convince those who are most in
doubt that JO-tO is the moat wonderful remedy for Indigestion they
have ever tried.
Sold by druggiata.
avvnuunm lamps
Western Electric
Farm Light
And Power
827 Went First St. Albany
uaul, iiunii niL,lai3, J. B. t,Ut;K.Y.
Phone 20
So Modern-
its so modern! Your kitchen will be your pride,
the envy of every housewife who sees it, when you
install the Electric Range.
Some of the more striking advantages of the
CONVENIENT Turn a button, instantly the cherry red heat
is available. No preliminaries. Nothing to wait for or fuss
COOL Practically all the heat goes directly into the cooking.
The temperature of the room is hardly affected. There is no
flame, therefor not fumes or noxious vapors.
CLEAN .No bringing in fuel or taking out ashes. The air
carries no greasy soot; wipe the bottom of your kettle with your
handkerchief, no trace of smudge. The walls remain clean.
ECONOMICAL Makes very sharp economies for instance in
all oven operation the moisture is retained so that bread and
cake are better and meats weigh appreciably more than when
roasted otherwise.
Come in our office and let us show you our ranges.
Mountain States Power Co.
To Produce
You men who handle perishable foods,
where the success of your whole business
is dependent upon quick service, use the
long-distance phone a lot, don't you?
Your calls are mostly RUSH calls a
. short delay may mean a sagging market,
or a shortage.
Do you know that operating out of Port
land to the principal cities and towns of
Oregon and Washington is an independ
ently owned and operated long-distance
telephone company?
That our operators are trained to render
a personal, human service?
Then let us prove that this service will be
helpful to you the next time you use long
distance. Just say, "Northwestern Long
Distance" to the operator.
Ask for free book for recotding long-distance calls.
We Reach Any Telephone
In These and Many Other Cities and Towns
Portland Albany Chehalis Seattle
Dallas Woodburn Centralia Tacoma
Oregon City Mount Angel Bellingham Aberdeen
Corvallis . Silverton Everett Hoquiam
Don't Ask For Long Distance Say