HZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH3 HAMILTONS lIHyHIHXHTHXHIHXHIHgHgHIHBHgHB 1 J ILAPTS SFMMG GARMEMTS Never before have we been in a position to offer such real genuine values in Ready-to-Wear, and remember, it's PRINTZESS quality. Compare price and quality and you will readily see why women from all over the district buy here. A Distinguished Display of Women's and Misses' New Spring Suits Indi vidualized New Modes. ; Presenting a collection of the new suit fashions for Spring "different" models embodying the refined and high-grade style touches desired by the fastidious women. t Prices from $35.00, $39.00,50.00. $65.00 and up. COATS FOR WOMEN AND MISSES. Presenting a collection of wonderfully attractive and unusual modes whose beauty owes much to the elegant fabrics from which they have been developed; soft fabrics that fall gracefully into the new wrap lines. The new coats are of silvertones, tricotine, serge, suede velour and Spring's exquisite shaaes. The variety is very wide. Priced at $19.95, $37.50, $50.00, and upwards. Women's Gowns and Frocks in ultra-fashicnable types. Presenting a wealth of new gown and frock fashions quite different from commonplace types. .Repro ductions and adaptations from the newest and most successful modes are featur ed in a wide variety. SPRING MILLINERY AN IMPORTANT SHOWING New Spring Hats in the newest Spring modes Our hats haVe always held the attention of dis criminating buyers. We are living up to our repu tation for style and quality in presenting tomor row a wonderfully varied showing of spring hats, which for beauty and style cannot be equalled at the prices. New tailored and street models, in all the popu lar styles in straws and rough braids. Handsome trimming of flowers, pompoms, quills and ostrich novelties. All the newest color ings are shown in a most attractive gathering of the latest spring styles. i Hi V Tlh Ousftwardl Sign of the up-to-date woman is a trim smart appearance TIjoDIRT ORSBTS & Front Laced are of first importance in giving correct lines to the figures. Their design is artis tic, producing a symmetrical, graceful figure, having artistic proportions and good to look upon. There is a "Modart" model for each type of figiire. A trial fitting will show you the perfect results we can give you, so corset comfort, health, and style may be yours. Modart Corsets are Priced From $6.50 to $17.00 That Button shoes are one of the latest styles in early spring foot wear. We are showing two very beautiful models in long narrow lasts, Louis XIV heel, light welt soles, perfect fitting over the instep and around the ankle. Patent, Mat Kid Top $12.50 Black Kid, Beaver Top $11.55 We have a good line of lo-cuts, moderately pric ed in high, low and Jr. French Heels, both 'Pumps and Oxfords. Come in and see them. The Hamiltons' Store Shoe Dept. Where ycu get a Correct Fit. .MEMXHXHXHZHXHXHSHZHXHZHZHZHLj HAMILTONS' H s H jXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHZHXHXHXf H S H S H B H S H S H B H B H B H S H B H B H B H B H B H 3 H Z H B H S H B H B H THE BOOK OF THE REVELATIONS HAS PERMANENT MESSAGE FOR ALL AGES ,By Rev. J. C. Spencor) The Heavenly Hope The book of Revelation had an im mediate message for the people of Ita own day, and a permanent message for all ages. Tho former Is was nec essary to Rive under veiled Imagery, lent the keen eye of Roman spies should see In It some further attempt to overthrow the government, thing which always lay near to tho fears of ita officials, hence we havo tho visions of the beast and the scarlet woman, and the aymbolic numlicrs. The mes sage to the people of his own day Is made by the writer to be one of com fort. It was the time of the "trlbu , latlon," not simply, ' but a, time of special persecution, auch as was visit ed upon the church periodically dur ing the first three ccnturleea of its history. John wanta the church to know that they who endured persecu tion for Christ's saks, were undergo ing the first three centuries of its would result In perfect purity of soul. Ho would lead them to regnrd their own Integrity and Christian fellow ship as of far greater value than the wealth of which they wero despoiled, or than their bodies which wero rack ed and tortured, or even thoir lives which Rome was crushing out by the thousand.- He would have them to be courageous In the face of the emper or and his savage officers, by revealing to them the peace and plenty of the life that awaited them after death.' And indeed, to the amazement of the j self-indulgent Romans, they wcleom-1 ed persecution, and rejected in death as the gateway into the eternal bliss where they should never hunger, norj thirst, nor faint with the heat, norj die, nor sorrow any more.' What a, life of beauty and joy and peace Is. spread out before the eyes of the' stricken Christians of John's day. All the rich and varied imagery of langu age, siczed upon by a vivid Oriental imagination, is exhausted in the ef fort to picture the condition of spir itual happiness which awaits the faithful after death. How often must they have prayed for release, that they might be, with Christ. Heaven on Earth But they gradually came to realize, what tho Christian church since then has been realizing with increasing clearness, that the heavenly condition need not be delayed until after death, but that in the verymidst of the suf ferings of this life we may have the joy and peace of perfect fellowship with Christ, which is the essence of tho heavenly existence. This is the message of the second part of our lesson, the permanent meaning and value of the entire book. "The taber nacle (dwelling-place) of God la with men." The very lives of the saints of old, aa they watched for the conjing of their Lord, and longed for release and the enternal life, has helped to make this vision real, for just because their eyes were fixed on the life beyond the grave, they were untouched by the strifes of their day, unstained by its sins, and developed a character un spotted by the world. "Hea-en came down, their souls to greet." The kingdom of God was coming on the earth through them. This is a long historic process, not to be accomplish ed by a sudden cataclysm, as the early church believed, nor to be wrought out by arbitrary power of God, by which ne snouut reorganize society irrespec tive of the efforts of mert. For that reason it is as vital today as ever. Truly shall the tabernacle of God be with men, but only as men by God's grace become fit to be the temples of his Spirit "All things are new," not in the future life, nor as the result of ait almighty faith but because men toil with God, giving and sacrificing in a divine-human fellowship of service.' And because the ideal has not by any ; means been realized yet, it is still be fore us, pregnant with appeal to the entire church. There la much to be made new. While there are thousands of undernourished children In our schools, other thousands pf child slaves In our mills, other thousands of girls disappearing from their homes each year, we have ample cause to pray and ; work that the vision of Seer of Patmos may be realized. Ladies' hdirdressing establishments are more numerous in Japan than in any other lad. ooooooooooooooo o o O Give Them a Chance O O To Work for You, Too. O O Oren Anderson, of Waldo O O Anderson & Son, sells a lot of O O Maxwell and Chalmers .auto- O O mobiles during the year. In O O the course of business a great O O many used cars are taken in on O O payment. Anderson does not O O worry about disposing of these. O O He simply puts an ad In the O O classified columns of the local O O papers and lets them do the O O work. The other day a Demo- O O crat reader, in answer to an ad, O O called to look a a certain car. O O "I could have sold six more like O O it since putting in that ad," O O Anderson told him. You can O O buy or sell anything through O O the classified columns of the O O Democrat. ' O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sheep Reported Diseased. SALEM, Or., March 19 Consider able scabies has made its appearance among the flocks in parts of Benton Linn and Marion counties and a gen eral dipping of all sheep affected will be undertaken early in the spring according to an announcbent made here today by Dr. W. H. Lytle, state veterinarian. Dr. Lytle passed Wed nesday at Corvallis and while there discovered a number of scabby sheep. S 4 U.J, vypiomeirisi? ALBANY.