CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY CLAHHIFIKM HATKHi Count f iur word and remit on tb following On word thr tlniu, 2 cent. On word on week, I cant. On word tim ! than 26 cent. No ad for thra tlina less than 60 eent. No ad FOB HAI.K FAKMH FOR SALE WO acre of timber land within a mile of road and tiiluwalur, less than 5 mile from Toli'du. May tuku aulo a part, Here is a Imr iraln If aold quickly. Owner P. W. Holte, St. Charles Hotel, Albany. Oregon. B0 FOR HAI.K Aliout 4(1 acres; 26 acres under cultivation remainder panturo. Good buildings. Located H miles All....... .... IT ...... II..,.. gum Ul iiihii uii nnuA ituviv iwaii. a quurtcr of a mile off the Hantlam road. I'liona lil F-13. (i. K. Wan-1 on, Alhuny, Orison, Kout 0. 70 FOR SAI.K IIY OWNER-Hlghly Im proved funn, 115 acres, 8 miles from Albany. Will to here for three daya. Edwin I.. Wilson, Ut Natl, tlank. 11m 18. FOR SAI.K 240 acres of bottom land seven milva from Albany. Land la covered with timber and atumpa. Trie 110.000. 13,000 down, balanc in 10 annual payments, lleam Land Co., 133 Lyon Street KOK SAI.K Iaric and mall farm Albjny and lot". Liberal trnn See or I'hon Attorney Geo W. Wright. Office over Hears Ilakcry. m4 a4 KOK HALK CITY PROPERTY IIKRE IS YOUR CHANCE fl-room Ilungalow, elegant corner, walking distance, rxcluniv neighborhood. Trice la right. Sea owner. Kdwln L. Wilson, lnt Natl. Bank. llmlH C KOK SAI.K nill'hKNS A KGGS ft I'winicK RAISE YOUR KRIKRS Owing to J crowded conditions, I will aell a few hundred leghorn cockerels one month old at $2.60 per doxen Phone' 77-P11. W. W. Stuart, Albany. Koutv I. 82 I KOK SAI.K MISCKI.LAN'KOt'S CAR BARGAINS Kord Sedan $r,00; Kord Touring car $326; Kord Tour ing car $200; Kord roadster $376; Maxwell 1918. $A7&; Maxwell 1017, f26; Oakland Six $076; Buick four, 1017, $(160. and bug. Waldo Ander aon A Son. 72tf KOR SALE A large spring wagon. Call at 730 East 0th St., after 6 p. m. 70 THREE KRKSII One Pound loaves of bread for 26 centa at the Albany Bakery, 821 Lyon St., Phon 409 J. FOR SALE Good baled cheat hay, Call S. J. Burch, Phon 44KU. F14 M14 FOR SALE I hav several new and ' good second band pianoa for sale at wonderful bargains. Call at 226 W. 3rd St Albany, Ore. and be con vinced of the truth. Phon 394-R , A. Linback. flltf FOR SALE Kord truck, 1920 model, 1 ton, license, cab, windshield, good body and chains for only $776. New Oakland, only run 1200 miles, at a snap. Other used cars at Tight prices. Come in and see them Albany Garage. 77 FOR SALE Rabbits, Flemish Giant and Now Zealand Reds. A bargain. j Owner leaving town. Address 1026 Kant 9th Street, Albany, Oregon. TV FOR SALE Two Belgium marcs. Coming six years old. Call Kd Stickley, Albany, Oregon, Routo 6, Phone 27-F-32. 77 FOR SALE 1918 Chevrolet touring $150.00, Good as new, tires and chassis in excellent shnpo, ' Paci fic Garage. Phone 1C8-R. 77 FOR SALE 191(1 Chevrolet touring $400.00. In (hi condition and bargain. Call at onco. Pacific Gar nge.. Phone 1C8-R. 77 Clancy ofeS- -Kids Some Day Timmie W ill be An Expert Accountant By PERCY' L. CROSBY Urfiilil,r itvt MfOlarg NitiiiM' Iftl.Mti 1w FOR HALE Heifer calf, flfleen-alx-tuenths Shorthorn. K. J. Knapp 1,'I.IQ Kant Front tit., All.any. 70 I'Oll HAI.K KurdHon tractor, plouR and dink. Good condition. Call r,.1-K :i, Albany. Oregon. 82 K KU HKNT r'OU KENT Hlrrplnii rwimi cloe in. Coiivrnlrnt liuth. Ilol and cold walvr in the hull. It y the work or month. Inquire at 212 1-2 Kat Kirt Ht. or Albany (iun Store. ml&. KOK HKNT A 6-room house, corner of nth and Calapooia. Si W. K. Pfelffer. mlOtf ; IIKLP WAN'TKI) WANTED Hoy with wheel to carry Oregonian, Inquire of Hen Clcland. mbtf WANTKD A girl or woman to do general houa work. I'hon 673-L. fl9tf WANTKD Male Stenographer. Steady Job. Inquire Albany Hound Houm. Albany, Oregon. 77 J WANTKD M IKCKLI. A N KOl'K WANT A USED KORD W want to Kxckange a piano for a good lined Kurd. Woodworth Drug Co. 77 WANTKD Will trade a aingle roller for double roller. Pay difference. Inquire of J. W. Motley, I'hone 2-K-4S, Albany, Oregon. 76 nAiiibi. iv iui, i.a.G twv aaffaatBraraffsffsffsffsffsffBffBSSBfjBBfasssffsffsffsffstBTSBfaBsf hens from good stock. Phone 2-K-24. J. W. Motley, Albany, Oregon. 76 pssssssssiasssssssssssssssssssssssssss. WANTED Two second hand lamp- AlTO TOI'S brooders. Kach large enough for -We make and repair Auto Tops, 150 chicks. Phon 4 K 11., Mrs. Geo. Curtains and Cushions. Ilayne. Shedd, Ore. 78 HORSKY'S TIRE STATION WANTED A hot water Incubator. Lssssasssssssssfsssssssssssssssssasssssss On that will hold 200 or more eggs. Will trad chickens or pay cash, aasfssssssssasssssssssssssstssssssssssssssssss Call Paclfle Hatchery, Tangent, Wt M.k, Spwl,ty of Oregon. Phon 601 J-2. Friend.hlp. Engagement and WANTED TO BUY Fur, mink. Wedding Ring coons, rauskrat, otter, bear or any- F- '"RECH A SONS thing In th fur Una. Samuel Hil- Jewelers and Engraver Hard, Albany, Ore. J31tf. WANTED Have cash buyers for fm Farma, 40 to 240 acres. If you want to aell your place, call and p fl VTI I list It with Barney Hecker, 108 W 2nd. Albany. ml2-Jl JEWELER High class Jewelery, Silver, Cut WANTED To hear from owner of Glasa and Hand Painted China good ranch for aale. Stat cash IttasiiassBssBBssssssssssBssBBBBBBiasssssBiaiisBa prlc. full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minea polls, Minn. J3ml9' sasasBssssaaassssssssssasasaaasBsssssssaasaaaaw K MISCELLANEOUS CLASSIKIKD VI E RICK'S DR. THOMPSON COMING Dr. Will . J. Thompson, Portland Ey Special- IlA 1 HS 1st, is now making regular visit to Albany. Very latest methods of eye Expert Workmanship examination used in the fitting of Three Chain Quality Glasses. St. Francis Hotel L. VIERECK all day Friday, March 19. 9ml8 BERT CRAWFORD, B. F. KIRK TAXI For quick .rvicc and core- Your Patrons Solicited ful driver. Call 72 or 316 at St. F,t ,,, UUimotiil su. Francis Hotel. Richardson A Mnl- ' lott Taxi Co. 9m lfi " TREE GRAFTING Now la the time ITC TA VTVI1 n to hav your fruit tree grafted, 10 llolUlUUR year experience. Phone 197-R, W. R. McCullough, 803 Washington St., TTTrnrrT nu-A INTEREST ,,"'"B To Bring Tour q j CREAM. POULTRY and EGGS Coffee House hazelwood cream Square Meal for 35c . ube??. m. 1 10 East ISt St. - 128 West 2ad St. Highmt Caah Prleea Paid 5aaSSSSBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSSSBBBBSBSBBBBBSSBBk Fortmiller Bro's I 6,NG.Gr Tnf ,NES Funeral Directors Repairing, Needles and Parts for OUR OWN AUTO HEARSE makes. Lady Attendant . . . . JM- B,AV.KRr i . a. t.u " o m it. i,j, With A. Howard, 825 W. lt St. Phone 78 Masonic Building Phone 166-R IPOP.YouiMo vou'd Give me Trie DBlrr Af a rnni ff f eali On word on tim on eent. on month, 10 cent. No ad (or on for on wk laa than 75 cnta. WANTKD TO 1JUY Used Kurnlture No matter how big or how amall call Rogoway, I'hon 345-R. New and uaed furniture alwaya en hand. Kogoway's Iiurnltur Store, Sec ond and Baker Sta. J23tf. FURNITURE WANTKD W want all kind of furniture, atuvea, rang- i, etc. Will buy any quantity and pay highest cash price. See u if! you have anything to aell. Albany! Furaitur Kxcbange, 410-417 Westl Klntt St., I'hon 76-J. f 12tf THE FURNITURE HOSPITAL Renovates and makea feather mat-1 trvaaea, old furniture and mattreaaea made Ilk new. Bring them in or I'hon 201-R, 128-120 Kerry St. J23tf. HEMSTITCHING 12 Ve per yard, thread furnlahrd. Bell phon 462R. Sue Uiechenbridge, S33 W. 2d St. Dllf. WE PAY CASH Kor aaed furniture or trade you new gooda for your old onea. S ua before you acll. E. L. Stiff e Son, 216-217 Lyon Street. d29tf. HEALTH FLOUR Prof Mutch'a Health Klour, 10 lb. aack, 80c, at Murphy'a Seed Store. J20U. Fisher-Braden Co. Progressive Funeral Directors AUTO SERVICE Lady Assistant 1 YOU OOlv'r MARKET REPORT Hay and Orala Valley Wheat 12.00 Oata 81e. Hay HOTillB. Millfeed $45.00. Flour- $2 H6 to 13.46 Wool and Mohair Wool $404i Vi. Vchair toe. Ilulter. Itutlerfat and Efga i!lc. Creimery liuitrr. wholesale. 62c; Dairy Butter 66e trade; reUil 76c Kgg 27c. Retail 87c. Poultry 3iZ sdiiuda !j(h; oj 'HS u.)f Old rooster -12c. Cecar 20c Ducka 26c. Turkey 32c. Vegetable Cabbage, 7 l-2c; onioni 7 1-2 c; tur nipt, 3 l-2c; potatoes 6c intrad Live Stork Market Kurnlihrd by I). K. Nebergall Meat Co. Hogn 15c. owa 4futie. .' teem lie. 'ulvej 12'i 13c. Kw 6'" He. Yearling C' tic. Veal 18f 19c. Ijiml 12,. 15c. PLANS READY FOR BIG CONVENTION i With 77 deleiratrs from 23 coun ti"ft outside of Multnomah registered Saturday noon for thi: big Salvution Arm Home Service Program con vention .to be held in Portland March We are now fixed to Haul Sawed Wood Anderson Fuel Co. 106-J. Dry Old Growth Fir, Cord, and Slab Wood Hammond Lumber Co. WE HAVE Everything OPTICAL BANCROFT OPTICAL CO. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF CAR PAINTING Hcidbleaugh & Bucholz Paint Shop At Highway Garage, lat and Baker Albany State Bank "Always atYour Service HAtCTO pav ICC CWAM S" J IKNOWIOONTHAve TOPAVNOMORCTAKCJ NOW, pop J u Ill iff V Itea 7 17, and with a large part of the Stat Advl.ory board and the Multnomah board figured In, the convention will eat over 160arepreicntativ buiinei men of Oregon to rontider the exten sion of Sulvation Army work into the m;illrr town and communitirt of the iat. The convention, the firtt of iti kind rVrr held i-.nywher", will he on of th liv wire convention i to trrt off the new ilcciiV in Portland. The fol lowing delegation! from Linn county iidvitory bourdn have wired or writ ten that t hi y will IO o,i ii.-c w.n n the convention ojh i : J 'A. IIaw!.ii:, chairman; Dr i II. I:.:;at, K. J. Mill, r, all of A!b:,ny. UNIQUE HEALTH I MEASURE TAKEN Pendleton choc! children ar aik ed to report at t!io morning reces 1 but not to onw''r for mitchicf. Not i much Thi y top riarht up to teacher ! and grt a flasi ef freih milk. Kif- J ty-thne children in the Lincoln school I are iv.u a h-l.' pint each morning, and 44 in Washington. Parent and teachers cooperate with the home ! demonttrntion agent. Mis.)' Harmon, I who UKKoted t'.ii meant of Vjpply more of the great protective food, j 7r?r'm rs In he first r.:;d rird "radj tteii'h the children and record in- ' create in weight. Many m jrj c!:il- ( dr;n would lie -applied bvt thi-!: i not to bc had. ! Advertised Letttn Pi- lollowin? is a list of the ad vi"rti"d letter remainin" in the Al bany Pot Office March 15, 1920. Arnold, A. W.,, Mr. Chas., Brown, Mi. Foitcr Mrs. J. D., Gaine., Mr. F. W., Gil'. Mr. T. J., Green, Mr. Ed. H., Hauicc, lli5s A! lie M., Hcf'ich, Carl, Hodpcs, Sir. Chetr, Keerch. Kenneth, King Mr Vivian. (3). McDonald, Anna M., Mit chell, Mr. Ed.. Obom, Mr. Edward. Smith C W . Smith, Mr. S. u , Sniith Mrs. Albert. C. H. Stewart. P. M. Advertisement for Sewer Construction , Sealed bids will be received by the Council of th City of Albany, Oregon until 7 p. m. March 24, 1920 for the, constructio nof an 8" lateral sew-j er beginning at a manhole to be con structed in the Railroad Street ttunk sewer midway between Second and Third Streets and running there easterly through the center of Blocks , 104, 111 and 112 of Hackleman's Ad dition to the City of Albany, Oretron, a distance of 878.2 feet, or so much of the present lateral sewer in place as shall be found deteriorated to the ex tent that it needs replacement 1 Said aewer construction to be made in accordance with the charter and ths ordinances of the City of Albany and the plans, specifications and estimates of Engineer John R. Penland on file in( the office of the Recorder where plans may be seen and specifications ard. estimates obtained. Bids will be opened at 7:30 o'clock p. m. March 24, 1920. No proposal or bid will be consid ered unless accompanied by a certi fied check payable to the City of Al bany in an amount equal to five per cent of the aggregate bid, to be for feited as fixed and liquidated damages in case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter into a contract and provide n iMimmt lwtn.1 In I V. a n. nt (160.00 for the faithful performance of the contract. AH bids must be made with a view of completing the construction of said sewer prior to the 15th day of June, 1920 under a liquidated penalty of $2.50 for each day of delay beyond that period. All bids should be addressed to "Recorder of the City of Albany, Oregon," marked "Proposal for con struction of lateral sewer beginning at manhole in Railroad Street." By order of the Council. L. G. LEWELLING. Recorder of the City of Albany m. 15-25. Too Fat? A suarantecs' volost rrducttoa r?iotl: Sdf, ilauiit. limits lluujcr .rs, b It ? br.itth and ttptlni4. Gvt a lu ll tas II ef ksnls at tin dru-:lit's. F.l!w di rections. You ant alluMYd to cat swells, etc. ; no strvRtl.n or atrtn'toua nerris rn Tuur life tKoimcs wurth Uvui im cIm r.l Blind. InproToit rtm:r. huevirit ati-y. c.wr fulncua and f."t1n:1-t;i. Cat this sr.s tU.y Brm-tinre culled fr.-a. If tiu rl to Ivon ln t'o . t'lstlnn F. New York, N, "SC, SVntl KICKING ABrtllT I, T..- .,.,IVMuWa..J&9, uin e.TTcol I J ? jflC 4-uTor.a-rucv-ntrr-T All P.f OP II ' I " Oregon Electric Railway Company Thia company announce the re storation of it night freight train service to and from Portland Termin als effective Monday, March 15th. Both carload and leas than carload frel;;ht betwco.-i i'ortLnd and your city will La linuIeU ,n these night trains. L-ss than carload shipment received at Portland Terminals op to 4 o'clock p. m. v. !:i bo r.-ady for de livery at dcs'.iiiatii.n ct J o'clock A. 11. t!i following i.wrnlnif. Similar' service obU.n.i.g ..: ti.u upposita di rection. The service will be operated daily except Sunday southbound and daily except Saturday northbound, the lat ter to provide expedited movement for livestock shipments on train leav ing Eugene, Sunday morning. Your patronage ia respectfully so licited. R. W. PICKARD, Asst. General Freight Agent. . BERT COHEN, Traveling Kreight A Pasa. Agent. H. C. REEVES, Ljwal Agent. Adv. 1 Notice of Bor.d Redemptioa City c" Albany, Orccon Improve ment Bonds. Notise is hereby given that the un dersigned Treasurer of Albany, Ore gon, has funds on hand with the Fisc al Agent of ths State of Oregon, in New York City, N. Y. cr.4 will on th 1st day of April, 1DZ0. pay off, re deem and cancel bonds Not. 87 to 115, Inc., of the Improvement Bonds of the City of Albany, Oregon, dated October 1, 1913. Interest on said bonds shall cease on April 1, 1920. H. B. CUSICK, ' City Treasurer. M9-16-23. NOTICE OF SALE OF , GOVERNMENT TIMBER General Land Office, Washington, D. C, February Jl, 1920. Notice is hereby given that aubject to the conditions and limitations of the Act of June 9, 1916 (39 Stat. 218), and the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of September 15, 1917, the timber on the following lands will be sold April 2, 1920, at 10 o'clock A. M., at public auction at the United States land office at Roscburg, Oregon, to the highest bidder tt n-t less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the ap proval of the Secretary of the Inter- . ior. The purchase price, with an ad ditional aum of one-fifth of on per cent thereof, being commissions allow ed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is aot .. approved, otherwise patent will issa for the timber which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be receiv ed from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and cor porations organised under the laws of . the United States or any state, terri tory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before be ing included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 16 S., R. 2 W See. 1, Lot 1. fir 865 M., cedar 10 M., Lot 2, fir 102S M., cedar 50 M., none of which timber is to be sold for less than $1.76 per M. T. 17 S., R. 6 W., Sec. 13, Lot 2, fir 190 M., Lot 3, fir 360 M., See. 35, , NEM SW14, fir 625 M., SEH SW14. fir 415 M , NWVi SEK, fir 480 at, SW!4 SEU, fir 620 M SE'i SEK, fir 336 M., none of which timber ia to be sold for less than $1.25 per M. T. 18 S., R. 8 W., Sec. 1, SWK SW14, fir 450 M., Sec. 11, NEl NE14, fir 450 M., NWli NE14, fir 500 M., SWX NEH, fir 1200 M. SE'i NEK, fir 1200 M., NE4 NWtf, fir 700 NWV4 NWi4, fir 400 M., SWK NW, fir 750 M., SE NW, fir 1500 ML, none of which timber is to be sold for less than $2.00 per M., Sec. 11, NWH Ei, fir 850 M..SEK SE,fir625M, NEW SW, fir 815 M., UVfhi SW,, fir 920' M., SV SWVi. fir 415 M, none of which timber is to be sold for t less than $1.75 per M. (Signed) CLAY TALLMAN, ' Commissioner General and i Office. Feb 26 Mar. 31