ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM OVER THE COl'NTRY KOR THE STOUT FAN. THE SPORT REALM IIOXING, WRESTLING. (iOI.F THAI AND FIKI.l) AlQl'lATIC STOUTS, ETC. Opening Baseball Practice at Senior High Brings Out Large Flock of Candidates rail for baseball candidate , PROMISING BOUTS I ON AT MILWAUKEE WEDNESDAY NIGHT First 1 the Senior high school brought at a swarm of younirsters who prom is a vigorous contest to the veter aas of last year' nine if the latter expect to occupy their same posi tioni again this year. With six of last seasons men back a the job for their old berths. Coach Brumbaugh has excellent prospects far developing a winning team this year. New material is abundant and no difficulty will be experienced in fitling the traps left In the high school Bine by graduations last June. Arthur Beamis. star twirler PENNSYLVANIA HAS 1919, is ready to take his place on the moand again and it is upon his arm that the atudents are banking for a championship team. Bramis pitched aaagnificent ball last year and can be depended upon to repeat this year. His team mate Roy Harris of last season will .be at the receiving end again and it is unlikely that any competitor will be able to equal his ability in this line. Others who will probably be seen hi their same old positions this year an Amandus Butcher and Cecil Cox. outfielders, and Merlin Wilkinron. these figures the kill of the 1919 sea Ernest Haller and Bruce Blevins, in- son the once over fielders. Each of these men have I won their laurels in the seasons past end can be relied upon safely to del iver the goods. i Among the host of other candidates j who have appeared at traininr. prac- tiee are: George Snyder, Jay Willard, Lawrence Moore, Lewis Sears, Hu- ben Rider. Albert Bayne. Arthur Sadford, John Crandall. Glen Jack- j son, Albert Harnisch, Virgil Bucknrr - Kussell Reeves, Wilbur Wolfe, Lotus j Conser. Homer Bloom, G. Wiiford, O. ; Lien, C. Layton, Bob Barton, Char- i ley Olvis. Vern Monosmith, and V. il- , game is estimated at 7,252,048 lbs., Iiam DeVaney. : or sliih'ly ever 3,600 tons, which at i 40 cents t pound would run a grand Baseball Notes , total of approximately $3,000 ,iH)0 Third Baseman Barbare of the worth of eatr ble flesh of the most de Pittsburgh Pirates has been putting sirable kind. in the off-season playing basketball , t Greenville, S. C. Zach Wheat having signed his con tract, Hy Myers, 'tis said, is the only the athletic field of the New, Mexico Military Institute. All of the colle giate institutions of Arisona, New Mexico and west Texas are expected to send coontestants. Irving to go to Antwerp MOSCOW, Idaho.. March 15. Neil Irving, winner of indivudual honors in the northwestern intercollegiate conference track meet last year prob ably will be entered in the Pacific games, according to an announcement of the University of Idaho athletic department. LINCOLN. Neb.. Mur..l5-The Un iversity of Nebraska is to seek re admission to the Missouri Valley Ath letic conference, the board of regents of the University decided recently. Ntbraske withdrew from the confer ence last year because of conflict with valley rules requiring that no conference team shall play on any but a conference gridiron. Nebraska desired to play on annual game at Omaha. ST PAUL. Minn, Mar. 15 Pre liminary arrangements are being made tiv St Paul nri.,lHr, fn, i,..iH QUANTITY OF GAME , printers national baseball tournament j to be held here this summer. A fund By Peter P. Carney j4 being arranged to defray general Pennsylvania is a gr.-at hunting "ntcr'.ainmcnt expences. Philadelphia state; possibly the greatest in the Cincinnati. Chicago, New York Cieve Union. li:id. and Washington, I). C, are a- If you doubt this statement give monir the cities to participate. 9 j ANN ARBOR, Mich.. Mar. 15 , Sixty aspirants to Michigan's track Hugh Walker of Kansas City vs. Willie Meehan of San Francisco, heavyweights, 10 rounds. Frankie Jones of San Francisco vs Scotty Williams of Chicago, welter weights, 8 rounds. Tommy Barone of St. Paul, vs. Bert Forbes of Seattle, 133 pounds, 6 rounds. Muff Bronson of Portland vs. for ' Frenchy Vaise of Seattle, 135 pounds ' 6 rounds. Jimmy Barry of Oregon City vs. Carl Martin of Portland, 135 pounds, 6 rounds. Today's Calendar of Sports Raring W, ter meeting of Cuba-American Jockey Club, at Havana. Winter meeting of Business Men's Racing Assn., at New Orleans. Hasrball Schedule meeting of Virginia State league, at Petersburg, Va. Golf Opening of Bi lleair championship tournament; Bellrair, Fla. Skating Eastern amateur indoor champion ships, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Boxing Southern A. A. U. championships at Birmingham. Ala. Ted Lewis vs. Johnny Baaham, 20 rounds, at Loudon. wtsm NAtUrV UMItf & SUNBEAM T&A BUNS ONLY IXtMI'ETITOK EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Western Electric Farm Light And Power OutUU OUTFITS INSTALLED AND IN OI'r.KATION, SATISFIED CUSTOMERS JOHN WINK LEY, LOPE- W. W. POLAND, O. li. KEEIILKR, I. II LAND, JOHN WILLS, J. S. LUCKEY. WIRING DONE BY LICENSED BONDED Wilt EM EN Phone 20 THE ELECTRIC STORE. INC 327 Went First St., Albany Baseball Prospects Bright PULLMAN. Wash.. Mar, 15 With about fifty candidates out for base ball practice at Washington State Col lege and ten veterans of teams of for mer seasons available for this year's nine, diamond prospects at the rollrgc are regarded by followers of the Cougar players as very bright. The candidates arr working out uml?r the tutelage of Fred Schrocdcr, a former state college backstop who was with the Spokane Indians in the Northwest ern league in 1917. Dread is your besi food EAT MORE OF IT ALCO BREAD Rolls and Dough nuta arc Delicious Get a box of Yellow Newton Apples, $2. to $2.50. A-l. 34.0- 2,71939 rabbits. 439,106 squirrels. 287,001 raffled grouse. 46,311 Virginia quail. racoons. 14 wild waterfowl. E7.707 woodcock. 15.CC8 ring neck pheasants. 5.181 wild turkeys. 2.913 deer. 575 Hungarian quail. 472 bear. The total weight of the kill of large Sporting- Notes j Brooklyn regular in the holdout di vision. - ! Akron, which is to make its debut : in the International league next j aaooth, has been without league base- i ball for seven years. Members of the Cincinnati Reds, are keen to have either Ping Bodie or Elmer Miller added to the world's champions' roster of outfielders. The new spitball regulation is said to have been th ecaose for Pitcher ' Bradley Hogg to quit the Phillies and retire from baseball Johnny Tobin of the Browns is a ' native of St Louis" and one of the comparatively small number of big leaguers who are members of their i home town teams. Catcher Bill Killefer believes he has discovered a real pitcher in Ruddy Weber, the Michigan youngster now training with the Cubs. I Manager Griffith has a host of. youngsters trying out for every po sition on the Washington team, with the exception of the outfield. The seasoned pastimers, Milan, Rice, Roth and Shanks, will take care of the Senators' garden. Charley Schmidt, formerly well known as a Detroit catcher, is one of the promoters of the new Western as soeiation. "Hack" has the Fort Smith franchise in the new league, ROSWELL, N. M.. Mar., 15. The southwestern intercollegiate track meet will be held here Mav 23 on t am are being tried out by Coach Farrell. With two exceptions these include all of the last year's regular Captian Scdwick and "Pat" Smith be ing the only member of last year's squad missing this season. Golf Course to be Opened SPOKANE Wash. March 15 The j Downriver municipal golf course here one of two greens maintained by the city park board for the benefit of local devotees of the game, will be officially opened for the season April 1, it was announced. While the course has been in use throughout the win ter months, the golfers have played over temporary greens provided for the purpose. It is expected that the permanent greens will be opened to play the first of next month. o Cleveland fans figure that Tris Speaker, having successfully passed through his initiation as a manager, will not only become a great pilot but will also come back in hitting. SAN FRANCISCO. Mar. 15An east vs. west women's tennis series, in which Mrs. Hazel Hotchki.s Wigh iman, national champion, and Mm Eleanor Goss, ranking second, is briny arranged for March 21 by the Call fornia Lawn Tennis Association. The two eastern players have been visiting here for several weeks past. SPECIALS FOR LENT p All kinds of canned sea foods, Mackerel, Finnan j Haddie, Trout, Smelt, Oysters, Shrimp and Clams. Yours for Quality and Sen ice Holman & Jackson Unquestioned Safety That is what you want for your bonds, your valuable papers and your money. This bank has one of the strongest and best equipped SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX VAULTS in the entire state. Let us show you our Safety Deposit Box department. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK "Old and Reliable" Affiliated with THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK "Where Savings are Safe" 4 Per cent Interest on Savings Jt Isn't Too Late ! to plant MARQUIS WHEAT. The seed we have is from a crop sown in April, It yielded 40 bushels to the acre. MARQUIS Wheat is small grains, hard as flint and brings a premium in any market Our MARQUIS SEED WHEAT l only a trifle higher than the commonest RUN-OUT stock. Phone us today and reserve your supply. The Stock is Limited. i Columbia Grafonola Special Combination Outfit With 10 Records This Beautiful Grafonola in Mahogany or Oak, with 20 selections (10 double faced Records), 300 need les, Record Cleaner, and One Year's Free Motor Service. Delivered to d f OOiO your home for vla&O (Sent out on free trial) Pay $18.50 as 1st payment, then $10.00 per month till paid for. Your old Phonograph will be taken in as part pay ment on a new one during this week. .FT ii i Steels that make a Maxwell Alert That quick, sym pathetic actum you pet when you call on a M: 11 Because a rare com bination of strength with lightness had to tralTi laxw i car anea'l, to flatten i 1 1 out a. mil, to escape from the crowd in has a story. It's a story of steels. You can analyze a Maxwell pound for pound with any car built and you will find it quite the equal in fine steels. A Maxwell had made of line steels. was no other way. Because it was built to deliver economic trans portation. That meant no superfluous weight. It meant light weight. But it also meant exces sive strength. Afar mit$ Hem be provu steels. led in its to be There Any metallurgist will tcllyou that theonly answer was the very finest of steels. They never burden the Maxwell engine, so when you cull for results you get them in a Maxwell. That's one of many rea sons why the friendly drift towards Maxwell continues to increase day by day. Now there are nearly 400,000 of them on the roads of the world. 'i he demand so far ex ceeds the supply that only 60 of those who have set their minds on a Maxwell can succeed in possessing one this year. Waldo Anderson &Son DISTRIBUTORS, Albany, Oregon m mmMm Mtm mm If you have a Phonograph that is not working as it should, see our Phonograph Doctor. Woodworth Drug Company Phonograph Headquarters Albany,Oregon.