Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 16, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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Thratrea, Muting I'lrturea, Kntertainmenta
ti uti m w mi Ufi hh uh Hi w mi w hh
The Democrat announces
thitt it will ruiului't a quory
ruluinii in connection with lt
film page. Anawers to all
tiueatiniia fnrwaulcd to the
motion picture editor of thin
pMr will be published in
thin column. Thoao dcairlng
anawers by mull ahnuld ecnd
stamped mul addrcaacd en
velope. 1! HH i ttl 1' Hfl 11 Il ft, !: IK V.
Ill leading eupport of William 8. Hurt
in "Thai I'oppy (Jirl 'a Husband," which
will lx shown at the (ilobe tomorrow.
liiatlnrt novelty cliarerteriica Lew
Cody's luteal Itobcitanii-Cnle releaae,
"The llt'lnvril Chester" which apncara
at the (ilolw tonight. All of th time
honored cuatoma of thv stage ami
erven are ahattereil, for here, inati'Ul
.f the ilnrk lady with the amuoua
form proving mi uttcowiuerahle attrar
tion to all thv muli' mi'inU'ra of thv
cuat, wi have a man who ia unulile to
prevent aliitatiun of tha varioua
fcniiuino hearts.
In "Tha Beloved Cheater" there ia
moat bcauleoua maul with vary kias
able 1 1 1 a who haa been converted to
thiae railical lileaa. Ami aha becomes
engaged. Ami tha man fooliahly prem
ises never to kiaa her.
Ilu begs hia friaml to teach hia dan
ce how to kiaa.
Mow tha girl ia converted ami falla
In love ami out attain- how tha Kama
u f hrarta ia tangled ami snarled, pro-1
viilra amusing ami elijoyablu enter-1
lulnmnnl I
In William 8. Ilurt'a newest Art
iriifi picture, "The Moni'y Cornil,"
which ia on view at tha Itolfe theatre
loniKht there ia una of tha moat thrill
ing Hittit ijjcr staged for tha screen.
It takes plat'a III an underworld cafe
in Chicago's t l-rltiin district anil
Mr. Hurt beats a lot of atroiiKarm
nu n with eaar. Tha light ia a thrilli-r
and ia only una of a number of salient
fcuturaa that go to maka thia ona of
tha beat pictures ill which tha atur haa
been seen.
Juanita llanacn, one of the moat
Ix-autiful and accompliahail leading
woman of tha screen, will lie seen in
"SJooO-Jclty br,
trwry farm
Country Homes
A complete modern bath-room,
electric vacuum cleaner, electric
Iron, briitht liichu in every
room of te house and in all
parta of the barn, in fact all
city comforta and convenience
may be youra whan you inatall
Write for Catalne;
Hoflich Electric
118 West 2nd St.
"Are You An Klk" which haa made
a decided hit in every nation of the
worhl, will b the offering- of the
"Alcazar Stock Company" at the
Clolie theutre, Thuraday, March 1H.
"Are You An Klk" la ona of tha few
farce comedica worthy of beinif call
ed farce. The entanglejiient in which
Mr. Good, the hero in hia endeavor to
prove that he ia Worahipful Grand
Kxalted l(uli-r of the lodge when, in
reality, ha ia not, and hia lurid de
cripiion of the lodge room tactics are
wonderful examples of imaginations
and ingenuity. He convinrea hia wife
f-ir a time, hut he ia finally trapiied by
attending a bilge aociul, where hia
deception ia diacloaed. To propitiate
hia wife'a wrath, he eventually doea
Join the lodge and the complications
end. A pretty love atory deftly wov
en into tha plot.
Tod ay 'a Amuaemcnta
Lew Coily in "The Beloved K
Cheater" at the Globe. W
VY. S. Hart In "Tho Money W
Corral" at the Rolfc. ffi
W. 8 Hart in "The Poppy
Girl'a Huaband" at the Globe.
Lew Cody in "The Beloved
Cheater" at tho Rolfc.
m a' ill hn m Mi m ij m fj m nr ,
f& sX W 9i m Wi m
Keep Sloan's, the World' Llnl
mnt handy to allay achat
THOUSANDS of men and women,
when the lent little rheumatic
"crick" ataatla them, have Sloan '
Liniment handy to knock it out.
Popular a third of a century ago far
more popular today.
That's because it it so wonderfully
helpful in relieving all external achea
anil pains sciatica, lumbago, neural
gia, overstrained muscle, stiff joints,
weather eiposura results. A little is
ail that is necessary, for it soon fVs.
trattt without rukbtKf to the sure spot.
Leaves no muss, stained skin, clogged
pores. A bottle today is a wise pre
caution. Keep it handy.
All dreirit .IV . 7iv.. tl 4fi.
Of your eyes for glances deienda on tho experience and skill of the
operator to uae scientific Instruments correctly.
By the use of the Ojithalmoscnpc, one of tho latest and most scientific
Instruments known to Optical science, I can detect tho smallest de
fect in the eyes, which assures my putrons of ahsoluto comfort and
cycglnss sntisfuction. Don't full to have me examine your eyes with
this wonderful instrument next Friday, March 19, St. Francis Hotel
all day. .All examinations made by mo personally.
Friday, March 19, St. Francis Hotel
Will J. Thompson
Portland Eyesight Specialist
Home Cookery
Aids For IJusy
Wholrsume Mestlest fishes
Though cliirte, egg, dried bean
and peua, nuta and fish are all equi
valent in food value to meal, ihi-y
will nut tuka ils place in tha meiri
unlcM tin y are combined with oth r
food which contain the equivalent
of nn ui in the bulk. An ounce of
chcate in equal to two ounces of mi ll
ill food value, but lhr family ito-msc-hr
mu.i h.ivu bulk to feel well
Whi n a nut ruai or loaf i ivrved
in place of a ron-t of barf, lhr Vrge
lubles acromp.inynig i nhoulil be bul
ky, k Rpin.ich, cabbage, corn or b'-et.
r ur the iM'ginning of the nn ul a
imple soup will be appropriale, tha
then the nut rout, a naiad or relUh
like celery or radishei and finish with
a ubtanlial dexcrt like baked apple
duiiiplingii or a rice cutiard.
Creamed Potatoes With Peanuts.
Piepara a white auuee by mailing two
labli KonfuU of butter, add two fine
ly minced omon, and a amall minced
pepper; when noflened add two table
pooiifu! of flour and cook until
smooth, fteaoii with alt and pepper
and nild nlowly a pint of milk; when
the auce i boiling hot tir in diced
iniatora cooked and hot; add a cupful
of coarnely chopjwd rfekhly roasted
peanut, and lerve. Garnish wilh a
few of the peanuts over the top.
, Scalloped ( htatnuta Wilh Samp
Take two cupful of cheitnuta roast
ed and hclled, remove the brown
Ions. Iluiter a baking dish, aprinkle
wilh one finely chopped green pepper.
Put a layer of amp or hominy in the
dih, uprinkle wilh chelmuts, then
with gratid cheee and pour over a
cupful of brow nut gravy. Bake in
a moderate oven a half hour.
Brown Nut Gravy. Melt two table
aponiifuU of butter in a taucepan, add
two tahletpoonful of Tour and when
well blended add a tablrspoonful of
peanut butter; add one and one half
rupfula of boiling water, nalt and pep
per to taifc . Add a trapoonful of
kitchen bouquet color. If the pea
nut butter ia not liked, two tablc
poonfuls of finely ground peanuU or
peanut flour will take its place.
A handful of any kind of nuts added
to almot any kind of a salad, adds
both to Its flavor and food value.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallis, Mar., 16. Final examinations
for the winter term at the college
will be given this week. Then will
come a one-week vacation. College
will re-open for the spring term
March 2
Miss Albany Let Us Introduce You
To Miss Manhattan
She's a distinctly smart
young lady youthful and
.spirited with an air of
good taste about her whole
Sometimes she calls on
you in a trim suit, modishly
displaying the season's
newest silhouette, some
times she makes her debut
i-- i. Mi's i
- A "V
. -fr t.
r P '
j p
. t
1 m y ;ii
in a smart, useful-looking
top coat distinctly swag
ger. Whichever it may be,
it's always new, and well
tailored from excellent ma
terials. Let us introduce you to
Miss Manhattan the next
time you come to our
M. Sternberg & Co.
Ladies Shop
Visiting Klmsey Home Lawrence Ringer, of Salem, left for at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mn. William Kimey and Mrs, their homc this noon after visiting A. Kinney of this city.
YOU needn't worry any longer about
the scarcity and exorbitant price of
maple ayrup. The tried and tested Kara
Maple Flavor in the Green Can ia now
at your grocer with the flavoring of
finest maple sugar to be had.
Karo Maple Flavor has all the delightful
tang of natural maple syrup, and it also
has the good, rich body most people prefer
in a table ayrup.
Whether for pancakes or waffles, every
body thoroughly enjoys this delicious
syrup. And remember, Karo Maple Flavor
is always reasonably priced.
fie sore to ask yonr grocer for Karo Ma pirn
Flavor in tho Croon Cam, It it goarantmmd to
pUato yom or four (racer reran your money.
17 Battery Place Naw York
Sotting Rmpruamntutimo
Johnson, Leber Company