For the Out-of-Doors Days KODAK And not merely the alluring picture sfory, but on every negative at least a date; and a title, too, if you like. Titling is the work of but an instant with an Autographic Kodak; is as simple as making the picture itself and there is no extra charge for Autographic film. If it isn't an Eastman, it isn't a Kodak FRED DAWSON T e Rexall Store LOCAL BRIEFS Personal Mention of People and Activities About the City. Mill Run Feed Red Crown Mill run $42 a ton. Ton price given on 5 sacks or more. Other feeds in proportion. Red Crown Mills. mlOtt Nutro-Cigar Nicotine-Neutralized All the pleas ure of smoking without the harmful effects of the Nicotine. Try One V.'alter Jackson, Distributor. ' 91 From Pacific Hatchery O. E. Newport, the rustling pro prietor of the Pacific Hatchery at Tangent, was an Albany business vis itor early this morning. Left For British Columbia J. A. Lynch, left this morning for British Columbia, where he will as sist in news paper work. Returns to Kansas Forest Eaton, a resident of near Albany for the last several years, left for Coldwater Kansas yesterday tv engage in the farming, business with his brother. Went To Dever J. R. Penland, surveyor for JUie state highway through this county, made an official visit to Dever today. Courts in Salem : , Attorney Gale S. Hill, left for Sal em this morning where he is to look after legal business in the circuit court cf Marion county. Visiting at Harrisburg Mrs. Mary Powell, mother of Miss Lenore Powell, county treasurer, is spending the week at Harrisbura; vis iting with relatives. From Scio Mrs. C. S. Freeman, and LdSiie Getward, of Scio, were Albany busi rers sv-.'tors In;; nltrht and today re pisterine at the St. Francis. From Mill City E. Holstein and son and Ivan Gain er, of Mill City, were visitors here today. Here On Business , Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Weaver, well known citizens of Scio, were Albany business visitors last night and today. From Seattle Mr. and Mrs.'M. B. Swann, of Sea ttle, were Albany business visitors today. Called Home Mrs. Myrtle Owen, who is employed as bookkeeper at the Highway gar age, was called to her home near Lebanon last night on account of the serious illness of her little daughter. Visiting Relatives C. A. Walruff. of the state of Wash ington, arrived here this morning to spend a few days visiting relatives. Visiting Brother Mrs. Lynn Houston, left yesterday for Portland, where she is to remain for a few days visiting at the home of her brother. Went To Salem John Kirkland, of Sunrise, left for Salem this morning on a business trip. Mr. Kirkland is optomistic over the prospect of a successful Linn County Fair. Here From Corvallis .W. W. Asby, of Corvallis, arrived here on the early train this morning to look after business in this city. Buy In West Albany J. A. Dumond, who recently sold his place east of Albany, has purchased the J. P. Mattin residence aud sev eral lots in the west part of town be tween 6th and 7th street and will build a new house on the same. Went To Montana George Doolcy left yesterday, for Montana, where he will go into the MaasasaaaiaaaiaBaM From Oakville S. P. Williamson, a pioneer of Oak ville, was in this city today on bus iness. Mr. Williamson reports the sale of his potato crop at six cents a pound. Returns From California Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith, of Al berta, have returned from a visit to California where' they have been for the last two months. They are vis iting Mrs. Smith's mother here, Mrs. J. A. Bilyeu, and will leave for their home in Alberta in a few days. From Portland Mrs. Griff King, of Portland, and a well known former citizen of Al bany, was. a visitor here today on her way back to Peoria to visit relatives. Samson Tractors Arrive Three car loads of Samson tractors Model M, were unloaded yesterday and today for Vick Brothers sales of fice in this city. More model M's and Iron Horses are on the way, be sides a car of trucks and automobiles. Went To Boise A. J. Rousseau, - of the Highway garage, left for Boise Idaho yesterday on a business trip of several days. From Lebanon Prof. W. T. Nichols, of Lebanon, is again on the scene in this city today giving instruction in instrumental tg MIGHT l Toinorraw Airigiit rTR Tahiti slop sick hesdsehos, I relieve bills,, attacks, tcr.a end reguUt t.i Umnaiiv organs. I nuke you leal I 'tsttsr Than t:.i Far Uvar ICa" SAGE TEA DANDY- "TO music. From Sc'o Mrs. Fred Ittlycu. a well known lady of Scio, was an Albany business visitor today. NEW LAW BEFORE DAKOTA COURTS FARGO. N. P.. Mar. 15 The first case under Noth Dakota's law enact ed to establish the ligitimary of child ren born out of wedlock has been com pleted in Cass county courts and a child so bom has received its father's name and been declared his legitimate heir. The law was passed by the leg islature in March lsM7. I'nder povisions of this act, which is said to be the first of its kind in the country, a child born out of wed lock is declared to be the child of its natural parents, as such is entitled to support, shelter and education equally with other children born in legal mar riage and is entitled to share in any estate jointly with all other legal heirs. EXTRAORDINARY OFFERINGS FOR TOMORROWS SELLING Bleached Muslin, 19c Yd. 3.'i0 Yards of this Muslin. Fell bleached and Sll inches wide. In order that everyone may huve an eaul chance to sh.iro in this bargain, not more than 10 yards will be sold to a custo mer and no telephone or I', t). I), orders will be ac- j Q ceptod. On sale Wednesday only liC Men's Shirts "UNCI.K 8AM" Work Shlrta for Men. in plain lilua and Dark Grey, Sues US to IU, limit two to a customer, Special tf 1 .20 lomiirroy only at each 500 YARDS WHITE OUTING FLANNEL Standard Quality. 27 Inches Wide OCc Limit 10 Yards to A Customer, So as to (iive Every one un OCc, ,J Yd. Equal Chance to Share in this Harxttin Yd. . - . GINGHAMS Of. THE YARD 0i,c New Ginghams, full standard quality, Smart Plaids, Checks and stripes in the wanted colors. oc,Yi. ooc Fresh, new Percales on Llht, Medium and Dark Grounds, floral, striped and checked. Choose Wednesday. Warranty Deeds J. D. Wood jnd wife, to Sludtiek Ratliff and wife land in Tremont Tracts Linn County. C. K. Jones and wife, to Kdward A Chambers and wife, lands in Tp 10, S. R. 2 West. Roy Fritzwater. and wife, to Orvllle Bates and wife, l.ind in Tp. 12, S. K. 2 West. Anna I. et ux. to Q E. Propst, lands in Tp. 11, S. R. 2 West. J. J. Johnson and wife, to Isadora E. Newell, lands in Tp 12. S. R. t West. WORTH'S DEFT STORE Phone 80 Wallace Building Ocean F. Caper, to Alice B. DelVw lands in Park View Subdivision, Leb anon. M.ithina Herman, to Miles II. Clin ton rt al lands in block 1 in Perry Hyde's Add Harrisburg. Going into the Wholesale Market today with a Thousand Dollars nUCHAU-lTlkX J.J VAUi-rniT ." cionus To buy men's all wool suits is almost like sending a boy to the Grocery store for a yeast cake. Even the poorest men's clothing is asking a King's ransom so it behooves you to know what you are buying how much pro fit you are paying and what you are getting. If you come here, you'll get the truth first you'll get your money's worth next you'll pay only a fair profit and you will get Clothes that you will be proud of. In short we are still doing busi ness on old time, honest prin ciples even though we can't bring back the good old fashion ed prices. Tha Blain Clothing Co. "Value First" , ()uite-('lira Deed P. M Scroggiu and wife, to Cny of RHEUMATISM ANTI-URIC The mention of the one brings the thought of the other to all who have used this great remedy for rheumatism. And there are always pleasant thoughts, for Anti-Uric never disappoints in cases of rheumatism. Communicate with Mr. Valentine Pink 1.125 Stockton Street, San Francisco, and ask him his experience with Anti-Uric. Anti-Uric is for sale by Fred Dawson. Lebanon, Oregon, lands in Tp. 12, S It 2 We.t. Returns to St. Helens Ward Cvru. who Is wurking in a creosote lumber plant at St Helens rvtumrd to his home tod.iy after vi. iling relatives in Albany and vicinity. Visits Family Lee Giddings, who is rondueiing a saw mill near Newbvig, returned to day after visiting hit family who re side in this city Returned From Trip It. K Mnsnn returned this noon a business trip to l.rlaiion and other points. From Slcdd Mrs ( lurlrs Arnold, resident of Shedd arrived here this noon on a shopping trip in this city. Revenue Offircr Here . A. M. lHlrympl, of the Portland internal revenue office was an Albany visitor this noon on his return from Kugcne where he had been on official business. a I GLOBE THEATER THURSDAY, MARCH 18 ALCAZAR STOCK COMPANY ' IN THK FARCF.8 CO.MKDY THAT HAS MA UK TIIF. WOULD LAUGH "ARE YOU AN ELK!" UPROARIOUS H JMOR KEEN SATIRE ; EXCRUCIATINGLY FUNNY PLOT LAUGH AM) THK WOKI.Il LAUGHS WITH YOU WF.F.P AND YOU WF.F.P ALONK WHY BE LONELY SEE THIS COMEDY No Farm Can Get Along Without An IRON HORSE TRACTOR n MANY GASES OF Says We Mu Keep Feet Dry, Avoid Exposure and Eat Less Meat DARKEN HAIR It's Grandmother's Recipe to Bring Back Color and Lustre to Hair. . Tou can turn cay, faded hair beau tlfullr dark and lustrous almost over nlKht If you'll get a bottle of "Wrath's Bag and Sulphur Compound" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Bate Tea Keclpe, Improved by the addition of other Ingredients, are sold annually, says a well-known druggist here, because It darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that 00 one can tell it has been applied. Those whose hair Is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise await ing them, because after one or two applications the gray hair vanishes and your locks become luxuriantly dark and beautiful. This is the age of youth. Oray halred, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, ao get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound to-night and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful appearance within a few days Thla preparation Is a toilet requisite and la not Intended for the euro, miti gation or prevention of disease. Stay off the damp ground, avoid ex posure, keep feet dry, eat less meat, drink lots of water and above all take a spoonful of salts occasionally to keep down uric acid. Rheumatism is caused by poisonous toxin, called uric acid, which is gene rated in the bowels and absorbed into the blood. It is the function of the kidneys to filter this acid from the blood and cast it out in the urine. The pores of the skin are also a means of freeing the blood of this impurity. In a - 1 v. :n.. mij ,ua -t,; Utfll.f, liu S..1.M, sum naw.v, pores are closed, thus forcing the kid neyi to do double work, they become weak and sluggish and fail to eliminate this uric acid which keeps accumulating and circulating through the - system, eventually settling in the joints and muscles causing stiffness soreness and pain called rheumatism, At the first twinge of rheumatism get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts ; put a tablespoonful in a glass of water and drink before ' breaklast each morning for a week. This is said to eliminate uric acid by stimu lating the kidneys to normal action, 1 thus ridding the blood of these impur ities. 1 Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with Ihhia and is used with excellent results by thou sands of folks who are subject to rheu matism. Here you have a pleasant, 1 effervescent lithia-water drink which overcomes uric acid and is beneficial to your kidneys as welt ,v-rr . "J vjf a 1 u a I I I ! 2aV- ' -3' . 3 v S3 in line Iron Horse is Indcspensible on the small farm. It docs everything that the horse can do and absolutely takes the place of two or three animals. And it is handled so simply that one can change from team to tractor without a particle o.F inconvenience. IT IS DRIVEN WITH LINES, JUST LIKE A HORSE .And the cost is but little more than a team of horses, while the upkeep is decidedly less. It sells, delivered on your farm, for $775.00 Samson Cultivators and farm machinery are available. . FOR LARGER FARMS AND HEAVIER WORK THE SAMSON MODEL M TRACTOR is the machine you want. It is essential on the large farm and will eliminate a whole barnful of horses. Built like a fine automobile, lubricated by the latest methods, the Samson Model M is a machine that you are bound to come to. Come in and see the working parts of the Samson. Three car loads received this week, but they are going fast. Get one before they are gone. VICKS BROTHERS , , SA MSON PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTORS CLIFFORD HAROLD, Manager FIRST & LYON STREETS iiniiii