EVERY HOUSEKEEPER ADMIRES PRETTY BED SPREADS In our stock you will find all .tylc. Plain, Hemmed, Scolloped and Cut-corners in Crocheted and Mar&ailles patterns. You will not be able to buy these same qualities, at pres ent prices, very long because new stocks will cost us much more. Present Prices Range fro $100 to $3.75 FLOOD'S STORE Sit W. Is) Street CASES ARE SET FOR NEXT WEEK Arguments were made today be fire Circuit Judge Bingham in the case of the Albany Km It Juice com pany against J. A. Howard. The court asked (or briefs on the rase. Sase of A. L. Adams against J. S. Warwick was set for Tuesday morn ing, March 3, and case of Seymour Washburn against J. E. Jenki was set for Friday, March 6. ALBANY COLLEGE RECEIVES PRAISE CHRISTIAN LIVING IS TAKEN AS. TEXT FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By Mrs. William R. Deming "Peter writes about Christian Liv !.. I g.t9'1Ji 11 19 1Q.9&1 ' only dwarfs. I In the 11th and 12th verses is a abideth in Him ought himself also to "" 'ou " n '"'" w sustain i iuiii ucsuijr iuau, wiik.ii The Israelites were forbidden to enter into the life llr n H. n.lksJ " 1 Jnhn 9- fi Peter wrote the words of this lesson w" "f "if, the ul .t on .., h. .v.nt. of , wer forbidden to ei last Sunday's lesson, and during the or custom, of the .urround.ng nations, time of the persecution of the Christ- ?nd Prospered unt.l they diso ians by the Roman government under tha Christians are sojourn jj , ers through this earth, on their way . . . ' to the everlasting kingdom. It is otice tM tint two verse. 01 we their work to keep hoIy nd undefiled the name of God and His church. How can they do this if they are to adopt text: "Putting away therefore all wickedness, and all guile, and hypocri- , and envies, and all evil speakings, th, , ,H thn,,ot, ,A f as new-born bares, desire the sincere world Talk about the "ammuse milk of the word, that ye may grow ment question. It would soon be thereby unto salvation. setUed for every christian if each Peter is talking to Christians here, ! one would look at it in the light of and be reminds us that in "putting on this truth. Christ, we are to "put off" some, things, and he mention, some of the( ' things. Paul gives us much the same ( j thought in the words, "If any man be I 4) in Christ, he is a new creature. Old, Head of Auxiliary of The American Legion Com pliments School Mrs. E. L. Poenekn, of Portland secretary of the American Legion Auxiliary writes that Albany College is the "only school so far that has given the service men an opportunity to express themselves publicly" after their return to College. She refers in this to the opening assembly of the College's second semester in which Geo. H. Crowell was the speaker and the roll of the SO service men was called giving a chance for each man to respond or his whereabouts told. GASOLINE PUMP Pointers Given to Motorists by National Automobile Cham ber of Commerce. CONSERVE FUEL AND MONEY SOCIETY All thing. I K- 0F p's COMPLIMENT STATE OFFICERS things are passed away. are become new." John A. Hutton says, "The New Tuesday evening the Knights of Testament does not propose Pythias entertained with a banquet to make men a little happier, followed by a dancing party in com a little gentler a little better." j p!imem' to Senator Hawiey, Grand No, the first great demand of Jesus , Chancellor of the state of Oregon, was for regeneration. "Ye must be;nd w. E Gleason. Grand Keeper of horn again..' And after this second Record, ...a 0,-1. Th, hsnnaot birth, "of water and of the spirit," Peter says we're new bom-babes, and room was very attractively decorated I with spring flowers and ferns. Mrs. t j : .1. i : 1 1- .1 . 1 wexe so ura.re wie spiritual mils, urn .. p K,1Iv jji,,i th. ,:,.. ww rim . ' " ; we may grow thereby. he mean by this ? The messages of pure Christianity must be constantly taught, and its ideal, must govern our lives. Other vise well have only a dwarfed and misshapen spiritual body, as we grow up to Spiritual manhood and woman hood. Or, rather, well never become spiritual men and women at all, but with two vocal solos followed by; ad dresses by Mr. Hawiey and Mr. Glea son. A large crowd was present. FORMER ALBANY GIRL IS GUEST OF MRS. BANKS Miss Cassie Thompson, of Portland a former Albany girl, is spending the week with her sister Mrs. Banks. GLOBE THEATRE TOD AT H. B. WARNER in A Fugitive from Matrimony ROLINS COMEDY BLACK SECRET PATHE NEWS SUNDAY VIRGINIA PEARSON IN- " ' THE BISHOPS EMERALDS TOO MANY WIVES TOPICS OF THE DAY 4 WILLIAM DESMOND in THE PRETENDER SHERIFF NELL'S TUSSELL Twelve Excellent Rules Formulated for Benefit of Owners Short De livery Is Likely If Details Are Overlooked. Points for motorists to remember when purchasing gasoline have been formulated by the Nat limn I Automo bile Chamber of Commerce, with n view to conserving gas and savins money for the car owners. He Is ad vised ns follows : L Urge your dealer to make a dully test of the accuracy of his gasoline measuring pump with a standard five gallon measure. 2. On pumps ranking one-gallon de livery, see that the pump operator makes a full stroke and that the piston travels Its full length. Watch Indicating Device. 5. Watch the counter or Indicating devlre on all pumps provided there with. 4. See that the operator drains the delivery hose. 8. On pumps provided with gradu ated glnss-cyllmlers, see that the gnso llne reaches the proper graduation. 6. Ken-are of the filling stations where the delivery Is outside and the pump Inside the building. 7. Operators should willingly tes. pumps In the presence of the autolst with the five-gallon standard measure sealed by the local Inspector of weights and measures. 8. Short delivery gasoline Is some times routed by leaks In the supply line to the pump. This condition causes the pump to deliver nlr Instead of gasoline and ran be detected by the sputtering sound. 9. If the gasoline Is low In the sup ply tnnk. short delivery Is likely to re sult. This ran be detected by the Ir regular flow of gnsollne and the sput tering sound. Such a condition Is fre quently encountered where portable filling tnnks arc ued. First Oellvery Short. 10. The first delivery made by a pump after It has been standing Idle for some time Is inrnrlubly short. This Is cnused by the gnsollne already In the measuring chamber leaking bnck Into the dcnler's supply tank through a leaky check valve. 11. View with suspicion a gnsollm delivery hose attached to a well In thi curb. It Is Impossible to properly drain a hose so Installed, and adequate mens ure cannot be obtained unless this Is done. 12. In rare cases pumps may be de llberately manipulated to deliver short amounts through the changing of meas uring adjustments. , GOVERNMENT JOBS OPEN TO SOLDIERS Opportunities Offer to Those Willing to Work at Washington Government join fur honorably dis charged soldiers and sailor as steno graphers and typists are ready for all those who are willing tu work in Washington, 1). C, according to an annuncement made today by Lieuten ant Colonel Muthew C. Smith, of the Olllee of the Assistant tu the Secre tary of War. This is the United States Civil Ser vice Commission's answer to the ' complaint so often heard during the i demobilisation of the Army, that civilians and women filled the clerical j places in Washington which should , be given to returned fighting men. i Ex-service men now havo preference i on all the lists, under the law. The official bulletin reads: "The Government needs large num bers of stenographers and typists in ' Washington, 1). C. "Usual entrance salaries are $1,000 j to $1,200 a year, plus the bonus off $-0 a month authorised by Congress. Higher-salaried positions are usually , filled through promotion. I "The Homes Registration Bureau " - , - - of the Community Service constantly ""d slated that it Wat based on a self j TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY maintains a list of available rooming correcting plan. , 7 and tuurdi... n.. ; u . I -Am. rir. .1-,. n,,i ...n,t i. In ' rOUMJ A small purse. Owner call ivinir conditions are enn,i.l..r.l.l, I...Janv errs, bu.ines. .nlornrl.. nrlth.r ''""ocrat ofilce and Identify. Men's Overcoats $14.75 Your Choice of 65 Overcoats BUYING IN LARGE QUANTITIES IS THE REA SON WE CAN SELL OVERCOATS OF THIS VALUE AT $1475 OUR NEW. YORK BUYERS REALIZED THE VALUE OF THE COATS AND MADE THIS ENORMOUS PURCHASE. KNOWING THE BEN EFIT OUR CUSTOMERS WOULD REAP ' SIZES 31 TO 44 CALL AND SEE THE BIG SAVING YOU CAN MAKE BY BUYING AT THIS TIME OUR BUYING POWER 25)7 BUSY STORES rV Incoracratetct S J ny great buiuea enterprise, nrithrr does she stand alone in government f.'8m2. retary of the Local Board of Civil i States as to pull ihe United Sutr service examiners at the post office or customhouse in any city." LECTURE WELL ATTENDED (Continued From Page 1) foreign nations attending the great council. George Oemmc.au, chiiir man and premier of K ranee. he des cribed as a strong, rugged character, business like in every movement Lloyd George was mentioned as a man of real merit and always on the alert. The speeches were all trans lated Into two languages, English and French, Each nation represented had large delegations of experts to con sider every phase of the treaty as It might apply to the nation represented. An amazing feature of the conference was the different type, of races rep. resented and the many appeals made to the conference, and the United States frfim the oppressed of all lands. All questions of importance were referred to committics appointed to consider certain lines of relationshio. and but few general sessions were held. Twenty nations have already adopted the treaty which was doij rated as the back bone of future pro gress. Miss Tabell was strong in her tx- pressions of the approval of the treaty out of the League of Nations", sht s lid. "Every thing that Is noble pleads fur the league, only greed and ignor ance are against it." INTEREST IN ALBANY proved. rull information and application you would just as well try to pull the ; FOR RENT House at 120 West 9th blanks may bo obtained from the Sec-1 state of Oregon out of the United j St., for rent March 1st. Inquire at NO E. Second St., Rent $20. f2 FOR SALE One thoroughbred Hul steln bull calf with register and transfer for $35, if taken at once. C. R. Widmer, Rt 4, Phone 6HF1 1. Sw mi Dr.'8m2 FOR SALE 7-room plastered house with porcelain bath at 20tl West 6th Street Price $2700. $13M cash,or Liberty llunds. balance three years 6 per cent. Ileain Laud Co., 1.13 Lyon Street f28 nit FOR SALE Two lota and a five-room bungalow, located on 13th afreet on Lebanon road, will lake auto on first payment. J. A. Miller. Rt. 4 Albany, Ore. f28-m2 Pneumonia often follows Neglected Cold KILL THE COLD! CASCARA Jrj? QUI N ! N I Id rtHMdy loc te rs' iw surs. I. rtsks up col4 In 1 1 litvts fip In J da- - hk If ll (silt. T. . rnulns fcoi has a Mad p wlik Mr. Hill's plclurs. At All rrw Jmm (Continued From Page 1) must not expect too much of these people. They are helping us to get ( our 'second wind', aa one man ex pressed it They, with us, are de-) mantling that we move conservatively,! but they demand that we move, ' Albany Oversulwerlba fund The two big facta of the month are j that Albany Citixena have subscribed our first year's $5 ,000 on the $16,000 a year fur three years, and that Mrs. Jacob Kamm of Portland took the millstone from the College's neck by ' giving us $12,100 on the debt of form er years." Suffrage la Ratified ' OKLAHOMA CITY, Feb. 28 By A. ! P. The federal suffrage amendment was ratified here today by the house ' of the Oklahoma legislature. It now ' goes to the governor for his signature. ' 4 Hahy Is Born An 8H pound baby boy was bom Friday to Mr. and Mrs. lulius John srud at their home one mile east of the city. I'm- sss UPNt sfclK epm PHONE USERS PLAN (Continued From Page 1) tain View, Granger and Corvallis, Chairman Wiley pres'ded. Delegates stated that the rural subscriber. In their districts were unanimous in fa vor of the organization. Word was received at the meeting that South Benton wished to join the organization and for this reason it was decided to hold another general meeting at the Lcwisburg grange hall at an early date. At the next meeting officers will be elected and committees to draw by-laws appointed. Every rural sub scriber interested In the movement is urged to attend the coming meet ing, date of which will be announced soon. Here is the Truck You Have Been Waiting For THE SAMSON Three quarters and One and a Quarter ton farm and delivery wagon. Shipment is Expected in a Few Days Every farmer wants a truck that will fill his hundred and one requirements, not too heavy but sturdy enough to handle the ordinary hauling problems and at a price which ever farmer can afford. The Samson Truck embodies several principles that are new in truck construction which add efficiency in operation. By placing the driver's seat well forward and locating the steering-wheel post and foot pedal at the left-hand side of the en gine the driver's cab is eliminated and 33 1-3 per cent more load ing space is privided. The even distribution of weight insures great economy in tires and fuel. The new Samson single-plate dry disc clutch allows the driv er to start under a full load on any gear, smoothly and without a quiver. The patented extension wheel base, attachable to any Sam son truck, prevents the truck from sinking into soft ground and furnishes traction to get out of soft places. Any kind of a body, from a city delivery to a hay rack can be supplied. THE ALBANY TRACTOR CO. With R. W. Tripp First and Lyon Sts. NOTE Come out and see the Model M. Samson tractor at work in the field near the AlbanyGun Club. Plowing every day. This new Samson is an entirely new product and should not be confused with the old sieve-grip tractor. I mil Ml