Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, February 05, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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0 Member of THE AHJWM.'IATF.U 0 '
0 PKKHH. Th only HP" In Linn 0
0 county tarrying A. P. dispatch 0
o O '
O Tonight and Friday Cloudy O
0 Occasionally Threatening O
No. 234
PARIS. Feb. ft lly th A.m.
elated I'reaa Kelatlona between
the Allied power and Germany
seem to be at a criaia due to the
rrfunan of llaron von I meaner to
forward to lierlln th namea of
German wanted for extradition.
The Incident apparently flnda echo
In tha attitude of the lierlln cabinet
which ia reported to have expressed
seeming deAanra to tha power.
It I understood that measure In
tended to compel Germany to carry
out the extradition clauaea of the
treaty will be adopted. No intimation
of their nature have been given out.
I.ondari advices said that Kir Auck
land r.edde declared that Holland
might le required to put furmer Km
peror Wilhelm on some Island out of
lierlln Receive Mokig
PARIS, Feb. 4 (Havas) A dla
patch received from Berlin announce
the receipt of th list of persona whose
surrender haa been demanded By the
allies. Premier Millerand declared to.
day to the foreign affairs commission
of the chamber of deputies that the'
Versailles treaty gave the authority
to compel the Germans to fulfill the.wjth cruelties to priaonera at the
treaty requirement and that all ef
fori would lie made to inaur the ex
ecution of the demands.
Mesaageta Kecelved
Th council of ambaasadors after it
meeting tonight, laaued a statement
saying that th declaion of th alllea,
with regard to th German whose
extradition i demnded for war
crime, would be communicated direct
to Berlin. The text of the tatement
"The list of war criminal having
been presented to llaron von Lrrsncr
for transmission by him to hi gov-
About 3S member of the Republi
can party met last evening in the
City council chamber and laid out
temporary plana to save the country
from th Democratic administration,
under which th greatest war in hbv
tory waa ureefully fought and
brought to a close rn shorter time than
anyone thought possible, and which
haa reigned under the moat prosperous
time in the history of the nation.
The group assembled elected Sena
tor K. D. Cusick, president; P. 1. Gil
bert, A. W. Bowersox and F. M.
French vice-presidents; K. M. Reagan,
who waa aponsor for th meeting, aee-
New Classified
FRUIT TRF.KS I have a few hun
dred prune trees left over from my
own plimting which 1 will aell reas
onably. Choice stock. Phone F2
Jefferson, D. W. Porter, Albany, Rt
2. MU
FOR 8AK.K fl-room plastered house
at 324 Jefferson Street, 3 bedroom,
living room, dining rom, kitchen,
modern bath, electric lights, lot 6Bx
xllO. Price $2500, 500 down, $25
per month. Beam Land Company,
133 Lyon St. 6f
FOR SALE A Full Blooded Holatein
heifer calf. 6 week old, can be reg
istered and 1 from a It-gal. cow.
Write Wm Schudder, P. 0. Box No,
107 Albany, or Phone 1). H. Patter
on. WANTED To buy act heavy single
harnca for wagon. Phone 63-F-22.
Special Sale on Boiler
All Copper 14-ox ixo No. 8 $V00
All Copper 14-ox alxe No. $0.75.
Galv. J1.75, Copper bottom $2.50
to $4.00. Como Early Albany Furn
iture Exchange. West First St. M
NOTICE Lot owner In Rivlrslde
Cemetery wishing to have their lots
Improved and cared for thin spring,
please toe C. M. Hurd, the aexton,
or B. Bartcher, Supt. nt the Albany
Furniture Exchange. Mtf
FOR RENT Five room house t
$6 00 per month. Phone, 295-R.
eminent, the president of th German
delegation returned the liat with an
intimation to the president of th con
ferenc that ha had submitted hia re.
Ignation to hia government and was
Iraving I'arla. Th decision of th al
lies will ba communicated direct to the
government at Berlin."
C'rimra Are Stated
The accusation againat Crown
Prince Rupprrcht of Bavaria ia the
di'portatlon from the Lille diatrict;
the Duke of Wirttcmburg ia charged
with maaaarrea at Namur; Kield Mar
shal von Klurk with the aaaaaaina-
tion of hoatagea at Senile and the
maaaacre of civilians at Ai-rrhot;
Field Marahal-General Havkonarn.
with thefla and pillage In Koumanin;
llaron von der I.ancken with the mur
der of Captain Charlra Fryatt, the
Hritiah capuin executed by the
German, and Miss Edith Cavrl!. the
English nura who waa executed on
the charge of aiding prisoner to e
cae; Admiral von Capelle, with the
auhmarina outrage; Kield Marshal
Liman von Samlers, with maaaacrra
(,f Armenians and Syrians; General
ptengcr with iaauing orders to take
nu. priaonvra; the Nlemyer brother
lliiliminden caotp; Major von Ooeru
with crueltie at the Magdeburg ramp;
Lieutenant Rodger with crueltiea at
the Kuhleben camp; General von
Caasel with crueltiea at the Doberitz
ramp; General von Manteuffl with
the sack of Louvain; Lieutenant Wer
n,r. Captain Valenttner and Captain
Foratner with submarine outrages;
General von Team with tha execution
of 112 civilian at Alton; General von
Ostrowsky with the pillage of Dcynze
and the execution of 1011 civilians, and
(Continued on Pag Six)
retary and P. A. Young, treasurer
An executive committee was named
composed of Hon. F. J. Miller. W. L
Marks, Judge L. G. Lewelling. George
E. Sanders, Lee Bennett, W. G. Wal
lack and J. M. Hawkins.
W. A. Eaalburn was appointed
chairman of a committee on member
ship. J. M. Hawkins, E. C. Fisher.
C. H. Murphy, Mrs. J. S. Van Winkle.
Mr. J. V. Pipe and Miss I.ieln Mitch
ell were nnmed a committee to iret the
attitude of the women of the Repub
lican party relative to their joining
the regular orgn nidation or forming
an anxilinry of their own.
1.8. Van Winkle was assigned the
chairmanship of a eomrfiittee to inter
view leading republicans of other Linn
county towns with the end in view of
organizing Republican Cluha through
out the county and forming a count;'
The meeting was marked by Inform
al speeches in which tho genernl trend
was the necessity of downing the
Democratic regime and substituting
at Washington the sterling qualities
of the Republican party. The organ
ization waa formed for the purpose of
cooperating with the atute and nation
al bodies with the end In view of de
livering Linn county full force at the
coming election.
No candidate were discussed and
none probably will be until after the
primaries. In the meantime, speak
er representing various republican
cundidule for president will be ad
mi ted at the meetings and a discus
sion of the various men mentioned will
be heard.
The Democrats of the county have
made no move towards resuming their
organixatlon, but will be heard from
in due time.
Law Forbids Sweet
Cider to Turn Hard
Rules Bureau
No more hard cider la the order
from Washington under date of Feb
ruary the fourth.
NEW YORK, Feb. i (Special to the Democrat by Telegraph)
Mia Emily Knowlea, pretty English girl who is shown in this tele
graphed picture just 'after land ng with her -baby Is to marry Guy 8.
Bpiker, brotber of Perley Splker th married man who became th fath
er of the child while he was In England aa a lieutenant in the army.
Mr. Cora M. Bpiker, .wife of th former lieutenant took the baby in
her arm at the. pier and warmly welcomed the woman with whom her
husband had an affair while overseas.. "People ar amazed at the stand
I hav taken," said Mrs. Spiker, "But I have always believed in the
Golde Kut and plain justice." This unique eaa has been given wide
discussion here by prominent people of the church, in bar and the prets.
y: -
High School Enrollment Ex-
reeded Only by Four
Other Cities
Outside of Portland, Albany ranks
fifth in point of high school enroll
ment, according to figures just given
out by State Superintendent J. A.
Churchill. The district of the first
class in the state are as follows:
Portland. !fl; Sulem, 62f; Eu
gene. B.r; Corvallis, 44IS; Oregon City,
.tor,; Albany 344; Mcdford. 331;
Astoria. McMinnville, 321; Rose
burg, 309; Kaker, 302; Pendleton, 295;
The Dalle. 2R8; LnGrande, 27G; Ash
land, 205; Grants Pass, 20.1; Klamath
Falls, 197; Newberg, 193; Marshfleld,
17,r.; item). l.V,; North Bend, 111;
DuIIuh. 108.
Seventy-two and one-half per cent
of the boys and irl.s of Oregon who
completed the eighth grade last June
have entered the standard four-year
high schools of the state this school
year, according to a report complet
ed yesterday by J. A. Churchill, state
superintendent of public isntrurtion.
Mr. Churchill believes that Oregon
lends any state in the union with re
gard to the percentage of students
completing tho eighth grade who tn-
ter the high schol courses.
v Fifty-five per cent of al lthose en
tering the high schooj i will com
plete the full four-year course, as
there are now 3413 enrolled in the
senior classes. Those completing the
eighth grade course last year num-'
brred 8300. There are approximately '
6192 now enrolled in the ninth grade. ;
Including the number enrolled in
the ninth year of the non-standard
high schools, statistics show that 80
per cent of the boys and girls who ,
completed the eighth grade last June '
are no wattending high schol. The!
total enrolment for the current school
year in the standard high schools of ,
the state is 21,989. I
The five counties outside of Mult-;
nomah having the largest high
school enrollment are: Lane, 1267;
Marlon, 1224; Clackamas, 1098; Linn,
10118, and Yamhill, ?70.
Britisher go to Paris
LONDON, Feb. 5. Following
cabinet council discussing the Ger
man attitude toward extradition, Lord j
Birkenhead, Lord High Chancellor
and Sir Gordon Howart, attorney gen
eral, left for Paris.
" ' arri
Hungarian Assembly May
Declare for Monorchy
March 1
VIENNA. Feb. 5. by (A.P.) Ncwi
papers say the National Assembly on
March 1, will declare itself in favor of
a Monarchy in Hungary. Five pre
tenders to the throne include former
Emperor Charles, who never abdicat
ed as king of Hungary; Count And
rassy. Archduke Joseph, Prince Curil
of Bulgaria, and Prince Windisch
Gratx. Hood River A pples
Being Shipped in
Car Load Lots
Hood River is now shipping 12
to 20 carloads of appVs a day. More
would go forward if cars were avail
able The apple men havo had a profit
able tcason. And the returns last
year were good. But with the war
on and ocem transportation so nearly
clcsrd to them through scarcity of
ships, iheir war years were lean.
Whot :nmatre, if any the exiraor
dinary cold wave of Inst December
did to the orchards is not yet de
termined. There is fear in some cases
but in general there is an air of op
timism. ,
At Hood River, orch irding Is per
haps at the highest stage cf scien
tific production. It is doubtful if there
is another place' where apple growing
perfectly understood. Nowhere are
apples produced that are higher priced
or better known to the world
O. A. C. Chickens
Hate to Leave
U. S.; Break A way
Several coops of chickens from the
Oregon agricultural college express
ed to various points in Australia were
at the express office of the Southern
Pacific station this noon. One coop
of the thoroughbreds did not appear
to want to leave the United States and
broke jail, which gave the boys In
charge, something to do to round them
up and save their company some ex
pense. Thp chickens were of the
White Leghorn and Plymouth Rock
strain and are tent to that far away
island for breeding purposes.
Was Saving Up
For Rainy Day
At U.S. Mint
DENVER. Frb. 5.(by A P.) Or-
ville Harrington, 41, a nkllled worker
in the Denver mint, wai arrested to
day on a charge of robbing the mint
of gold bar worth $36,000. He wat
trapped a h wat carrying awuy-a
The police say h confetaed and
showed them where he had hidden
the bars In th yard of hit home. All
are reported recovered.
Harrington carried the bars from
the mint in the hollow of a false limb
which he wore. The entire $100,000
was recovered.
Failure of School Board to
Grant More Pay Said to
be Cause of Action
It was learned today th it four
teachers have handed their resigna
tions to City Superintendent Boettlch
er, following the refusal of the school
board to grant an increase in salaries
at this time at their last meeting
Tuesday evening.
A note that w it handed to the Dem
ocrat today by an ananymout writer
declared that other resignations will
follow in the near future.
This being the end of the first se
mester there was no school this after
noon and it wat impossible to locate
and of the school officials to learn
who the teachers were who hid tend
ered their resignation.
Three Deaths
From Influenza
in Portland Today
..PORTLAND, Feb. 5. (by A. P.)
Three deaths from influenza were re
ported today, making tnetotal seven
in this city. Eight-six new cases
were reported, making a total of 520 1
to date.
LOS ANGELES. Feb. 5. (by A.P.)
Earl Burgess, a motion picture ac
tor, was instantly killed today when
he fell 700 feet from an airpalne
while performing in comedy. The ac
tor was to have cast a dummy from
Col. Hofer Files
Suit Against Dog
Tax License
E. Hofer. editor of the Manufac
turer, through his attorneys, filed
suit in the circuit court yesterday to
test the validity of the state dog li
cense I iw. exacted by the state leg
islature in 1919. District Attorney
Max Gehlar. Sheriff W. I. Necdham,
County Clerk U. G. Boyer, Chief of
Police Welsh and constable Waller
De Long arc named, as defendants.
By the allegations of the suit it
is charged that the defendants are
without authority of any kind in the
premises for the reason that the act
of the lefrislature und"r which they
assume to act is unconstitutional.
In conneclion with the filing of
the suit all issuing of dog licenses
ceased yesterday in the offices of the
county clerk.
Col. Hofer, who brought the suit,
owns a bull teVrier and in his com
plaint he asks that the defendants
be restrained, from collecting the li
cense fee required by the st:ite law.
A perpetual injunction is also sought
in the suit.
U.S. Troops On
Border Protect
U. S. Citizens
EL PASO, Tex. Feb. 6. (by A.P.)
Were It not for the protection afford
ed by United States troops, Mexican
raiders would make existance for resi
dents In the big bend district impos
sible, American customs officials told
tha Senate sub-committee investigat
ing Mexican affairs today.
Members of Linn County Fair t
Directors Invites Lane and !
Benton Counties to Join in i
Big Event.
Benton County Men Willing
to Join in Making one Big
Fair Here to Represent'
The prospects are bright for
the Linn County Fair to develop
into a Central Willamette Valley
Fair and Exposition with adjoin
ing counties and towns co-operation,
reports the fair committee.
F. H. Pfciffer, A. C. Schmitt, P. A.
Young and W. R. Scott, the fair board
committee, representing the thirty
directors of the Linn County fab as
sociation made a trip to Eugene and
Corvallis yesterday afternoon to con
fer with the citizens of the two towns,
for the purpose of securing the co-operation
of the counties ard to look
over the plans of the Eugiw fair
The committee met with the mem
bers of the Corvallis Chamber of
Commerce and the County court of
Benton county last night at Corvallis
and, were assured of the cooperation
it that county in joining force and
making the Linn county fair a Cen
tral Willamette Valley Exposition to
represent the interests of this part of
the state.
The committee is greatly encour
aged by the action of the rep-'
re.entativcs cf the r.ei;hberin
counties and win continue for a
few days to gather information along
Continued on Pag Six
the plane, but fell himself. The cam
era men thought the falling body was
the dummy and kept on photograph
ing. They did not discover their mis.
take until they went to remove the
supposed dummy from the telephone
wires where it had alighted.
Mrs. Hazel Shelton
j Files Suit
j For Divorce
Hazel Shelton of nearvScio
; filed suit today in the circuit court
praying for a decree of divorce from
her husband John Shelton and alimony
and the custody of their child.
I The plaintiff alleges that she has
i been the victim of cruel and inhuman
i treatment and that shortly after their
marriage she was forced to live at
the home of the parents of the defend
ant. And that while in a weakened
condition she was accused by the
mother of the defendant as being;
lazy and other unkind statements
made for the purpose of injuring, her.
U. S. to Demand that Mexico
Release Men Held
Since Monday
DOUGLAS, Ariz., Feb. 5. (by A.P.)
The release of Lieut G. L. Usher
and L. M. Wolf, held prisoners by
Mexican authorities at Sonora since
their forcer) landing in Mexico Mon
day failed to materialize yesterday.
Army officials are gringing pressure
to bear to obtain their immediate re
lease. The men are being treited
courteously and their imprisonment
is only technical.