, ft l.ttl'' oooeooeooooooooo 0 Member of TIIK ASSOCIATED 0 0 HKK.HS. Th. only paper In Linn 0 1 0 eounty tarrying A. I'. dlapalrhra O 0000000000000400 ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT ooooooooooooooo o O Tonight and Friday Probably O O Rain O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO VOL XXXII. ALBANY. I. INN COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 20, 1920 No. 228 r VISITING NURSE IS NOW EMPLOYED BY RED CROSS IN COUNTY OF LINN Minn Charlotte Walker Form er New York City Social Worker, to Take Chance of Work in County. S K It V E I) OVERSEAS I'uhlic Health to be (iuardcl; Schools to he Visited and Affected Children Will In? Reported. Itealiilng the value of guarding the pub'lr health thr Linn County Rrr froii Chaptrr now haa a rounty health nurae of practical Srrirnr who ia In serve the puhllr under thr auapirrl of the lird Croaa Chapter Mla Walker wilt probably ilividr thr ftrrvire worker of New York City and an oversea nur.r ia to vtit the rj r.il school of thr rounty md attend mother' meeting and other simil ar meeting where un opportunity will lie tii vrn to present the value of guarding thr public he ,1th by re gulating cpnlrniiri and the spread of all roniageou di-avt. Mill Walker wil probuhy ilividr the co inly into .rvrral division and vil li school and consult with piretit In rjch irrtion by omr yirmatie pUn. Alt defective rhildrrii will be ' reported to thr pnrenta and alo to the Iikt.I phy.irun in many'instanrea Th rounty nur l to cooperate with the teacher of the rur.il school and follow up tho work of assisting in having .ill chililicti treated when necessary. The nure l alio to act a. advisory nuro in any case of ill ness and enn I"' rc irred by making proper application. The prne of the nurse U bring p.iid o:t of the fund of the Red Cro of thr pn'inty I'mutlHa, Clutanp Dc chute and I. inn rountie. are the o'dy rountie of thn seeir that p.iy the etp-n-.- bv r'iblif jhscription. 1 he counties of Jackson, Coo ljinr. Washington and Cnion are paying the ixpris. of the r imty nurse out of th public fund, of thr rounty. The Slate Tib.reulo.i Society ia paying the rXK-ne. of a eountv nurse In Multnomah nnd Clarknmas rountie. W. A K.i-tburn i the chairman, C. H Cuslck treasurer and Mr. E. B. Dunn secret'. ry of thr rn inly orgnn in.itinn with office on the fifth floor of the Firl N-itlonnl h-uik. Tlie roun ty nurse run be rrnched by cullinif or writing the arrrrtnry. New Classified WANTKD-CI'nn cotton rags at the Democrat office. FL'UNITURK WANTKD We wnnt all kinds of furniture. stov, n.ng es, etc. Will buy any quantity and pay highest cmsIi price. Roe u. if you have anything to sell. Albany Furniture Kxclinng, 41B-417 Went First St., Phone 7!i-J. j27lf "OR SALK The two bourses at Nds. 20fi and 210 West f.th Street. Price $.'111(10, with street pavement all paid Do not disturb tenant. For in spection inquiro of Benin Land Co., 1:13 Lyon Street. 2UJH0 LOST Pocket book, tho ovcnlng of the 27th, on 2nd Street, between Montgomery nnd rail road. Finder report to Townsend Store and rc ceivo ruward. 27j31 FOR RKNT Two light houso keep ing rooms to pnrties without child ren. 33 Jefferson St. Phone 68-S-L WANTED Man with a few hundred dollars to finance himself In a pros perous, legitimate business. See Mr. C. W. Walton, at Hotel Albany. Friday and Saturtlay. WW FOR SALE I have on the Santlam fBrm, near Jefferson, good milk cowa to sell. Also work horses, a car, steam engine and lumber to trade for cattle. J. A. Zysett, Al bany, Ore. W FOR SALE Five passenger Over land. New batteries and good tirea. Car all In good shape. ' Inquire at Highway Garago. JJUM THEY MADE ME DO IT SAYS MANACBK Chicago Theatre Forced to Put in Smoking Room for Women CHICAGO, Jan., 2t Hy A. I'. A Chicago tin-Hire announced today thai h had opened up a smoking room for women. "They drove mu to It", the manager alil. "I found girl ainok ing In ih wjh room, liouiloir and lobby. Thry will .moke am thry mun be provided with auitabk- quarters." Hun par y To lie Monarchy, Sayn 'Premier Huszar HL'DAI'KST, Jan, 29-A. P. Hungary will Iw monarchy and a new king will be chorit inimriliatrly afti r Premier lluaiar. inc naiionai aasenioij -v,i.,iri-t peaKtng ai j ' niin'i gathering. BURLESON OUSTS FRANKiMYERS Portland Postmaster and As sistant arc .Retired From Office Conaid. rahle interest i mnnifotrd by local democrat over thr removal of Potmater Kronk S. Myi-r from the Portland office. Myers and hit av.i.iam, ll.irry Dur.ind, who ha been in that office for the lat 20 yu.ra. have lieen rnnetrd to let go of their job on Jan , .11. Mryert ha not been amicable with the majority of Orruon Di-mocrat for aomr lime and many effort have been made to Ket him out of offire. The U tter reiiietiii hi re.itjnation c 1110 from Po.tm.ister Ci-nernl Hurlr a Myer h.i been cloe to Prcident Wilvoti rnd Itur'raon and lip to the .P'cnt all effort to dilmlr him have been fruitlcan. It ia nut known what iiiellioiU with u'd in rnu.inif In rmitfuation, bit inefficiency i one of the charirr. It i prrumed tint rhurifea of liloyolty pr ferrrd neiunst Durand by Myer a year at'O wire rrioniblr for hi diarh.irire. al thntiph nn inveti.'ntion at thnt time 1 1 ve a clean latc. The chnoinT of a turrror will l.e a mater of ronidrrnble intrret !o Democrats throiitthout thr Uitr. Land and Labor Party is Iteing Formed in Salem P.M. KM, Jan. 2! A. P. Fifty lab or union nnd stnt" grange representa tives attended a convention where it is expected later today to form n third politic-nl purty, a "land nnd labor party." Frank Coulter, of Portland, who helped to promote the non-pnrtisan league, Iji South Dnkotn said that the league hail made South Dakota the banner state in the union and urged n nimilur party here. 273 Dogs of Linn County Wear 5340 Feet of Leather In addition to the many financiul burdens of the denr people now comes ! on the dog license expense. More ! than a mile of leather is now being worn in the county hy 373 dogs who have tho authority under the luw to live as dogs. The county clerk is do ing a fine business in this line nnd hns sold up to dntc 6340 feet of leathei or a strip three fourths of an Inch wido and more thnn a mile long and still they co-me. A SPECIAL DINNER DANCE at Al bany Hotel Saturday evening from 6 o'clock to 8 p. m. $1.00 plate. Also special dinner every Sunday from B:30 o'clock to 8 p. m., $1.00 plate. B. R. WESTBROOK, Prop. 2!)j.H. WILLAMETTE GARAGE now open for business. Expert auto repair ing by job or hour. Give us a trial. J. A. Maybcrry, Prop., 218 East 1st St. 2!j31' WANTED Furnished or partly furn ished house by Monday. Will lease for one year or more, no objection to distance. Address X. Y. Care of Democrat. 29J31 JOSEPHINE COUNTY MAN IS CANDIDATE E. L. Coburn Announces In tention to run for Sec retary of State PORTLAND. Jan. 2.-liy A. P. K. L. Coburn. .county rlrrk of Jose phine County, today announced hit candidacy for the republican nomina tion for Secretary of State In thr May primaries. II; said that south ern Oregon U bark of him ond thai he will make an aggresiv campaign elsewhere in the state. Hi platform include i the prewr vution of. Oregon' natural rrwurcc forests, good roadt and Irrigation. Hrlirf Ian Reduced WASHINGTON, Jan. Si- A. P. Secretary CarUr (.la before the houe committee tod.iy reduced the f I r,0,(00 .mm loan j'rupo-rd for Polund Austria and Arrnonia to lJ.r..)0J,Utl. JACK JOHNSON WOULD RETURN Plans to Negotiate With U. S. Attorney to Return and Face Charges MKXirO CITY. Jan . 29 By A. P. Jack Juhnon. former heavyweight champion box r of the world, plan to '' return to the United State immediat- ely to f.ice chnrirrt pondine; airiinst j him at Chiraito acrordinn to a letter ! he thownl the Aori.ited Prr which ! he had written to Charle Cline L'n- , ited State Attorney at Chiratro. Johnton hope to afanirr hit leiral ' difficultica in time to f ieht Ja-.k ' Dempaey lieforc the latter meet Cr 1 . . . .. i pentli r. the champion ol r.uropr. I Johnson ay that t meet him In-fore he I world' championship Dempey must run claim the flllCAfiO, Jan. 21t Unconditional .urrendi r i the only basi on which loc. 1 federal officials will treat with Jac'.; John-on, ("line s'tited. Albro Dickinson Hurt in Accident at Ilaymnod, Wash.vn tanAv p- lights have been installed at yth and Madison Word was received here this morn- I and 8th and Jefferson and a fiOO c. p. irg thnt Albro Dic'kinon, n former lump placet! at 9th and Montgomery Albai.y man, win -vei!y injured Inst I Councilman Calavan requested that evining when- the automobile w;hich ja 100 c. p. light be placed the 5th and he wn driving w. nt off of a bridge Geary Sts. and a motion to that ef- Raymond. Wash. Dickenson in I pinned jnder the car and would have ilr.ivn' h.ul not timely Assistance been i I hand. II vn removed from under h;s car ntnl taken to a hopi'!il I whvre he it recovering. I D'cVutvon is well known in Albany, ' having lived hi re for nianv year. i He was formerly empfoyed in the Will Jcwctrv store. He is a brofVr in'lnw of Mrs. C. C. Cameron and ' Mrs llifrv Schlosser. II" is engf-- cd in the furnitvr? nnd ut-.dertal ini business nt Rnymond. A lhany Chamber of Commerce to Have Banquet Feb. -. . t c ......, The Albany Chamber of Commerce . , , . , . ,i, is preparing 10 eoio n oik net-nf-m-m- 1 ' . , , . . i. ,lai er meeting and banquet here the1 evening of February lith. The profes-1 al..nnl a1.l Kllutnf,K 1tin Htld WADIell ' of the city nre all expected to be in attendance. Speakers from Ashland, Eugone and Corvallis Chamber of Commerce arc to be in attendnnccand discuss business matters of mutual importance. The committee on ar rangements met at the clubs rooms Inst night and are preparing for the event. Parties Still Deadlocked on Peace Treaty WASHINGTON. Jan. 20 A. P. Negotiations between Democratic and republican leader who have apparent ly approached a deadlock on the ireatv compromise, will not be return ed until tomorrow, owing to the nb trnce of Senator Lcnroot, one of the Republican leaders. COUNCIL STRIKES AT INFLUENZA IN TIME TO CAUTION PEOPLE ON CARE Strict Rules of State Hoard of Health ;to be Enforced Five Cases are now Re ported. BUSINESS TRANSACTED Committee Given Power to Purchase Site for Dump Dump Ground; Street Commissioner gets Raise. , Thr City Council evidenred an interna in the threatened return of an influenza epidemic laxt ev eninx and gave Dr. Jim. Myera, rily health nflirrr, free reina in preventing the apread of the dia eaae. Dr. Myera reported that iero are five caaea of influenza in the city at preaent, five of acarlet fever and one of aniall-pox. The acarb.-t fever caaea are located at Victor BerKman'a, on eaat Kirxt Street; R. D. Snell's, Miaa F.mmett. eaat 8ond St.. J. Hall, 826 r . o i i i Plirar'. tiam Road. Influenza was reported at Ira Blodcet's, the Manchett home and two caaea at Charlea Gray's, 90 Eaat 8th St. The state board of health has ord ered a romplete report of the condi tion of the health of the c.ty every ! day. and in-ista on the proper isolation of the disease when it is first discov ered, Failure to obey the orders of the board subjects the guilty person to a fine of $100. Strict quarrantine must be informed, even if an armed i guard mutt lie placed belore every hnnie affected. The council met with Mayor L. M Curl absent. The meeting was" pre ; sided over hy Counrilman Ofven Beam. Tbe committee charged with secur j ing a new site for a dump ground re i ported that they had several in view and they were given power to act. The ' Jones place, three miles south of the j city on the Oukville mad was consid ! ered feasible. I The Mountain States Power Co., re- ! ft was carried. The report on the renaming of the precinct boundaries of the city was submitted hy the county court and the - . . ... matter wns referred to City Attorney ,, , . . vi.. j .. -i Dan Johnston to check up and work out the new ward lines of the city. A motion was pnssed authorizing the City Recorder to draw salary war rants for city employes for the next year. Councilman Holloway brought up the mutl'.'r of increasing the salary of t) street superintendent and it , was1 derided to grant an increase of $.100 a year, making the salary $1,500. It hns been the custom to employ special engineers to inspect paving ' work, which amounts to about $r00 a year, but this work will now be dune by the present street superintendent. The matter of the clogging of the 1 ditch leading to the Crown Mills was ,. ,, brought up by Councilman Holloway ..." ... . at the suggestion of Manager C. A (Continued on Page 6) Albany Mail ti OS Knit I in flnnttxtt The society of Oregon composers has offered prizes for the best Oregon songs, from which to select an offic ial song for the state. W. R. Kirk, an Albany mnn, hat written a song lajdlng the state and it submitting hi Vertrs to the association. The poem is printed in another column of today's paper. Ita'ian Strike Breaks LONDON, Jan., 29-A. P. A Rome dispatch tayt that an agreement on all principal points at issue has been reported between the It,il'nn Cabnet and leaders of the strik'ntr railw.iy mcn. It is expected tha 'striken will return to work Immcdtely. DEAD AIRMAN'S TO GRAVE IN SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. ZM. The First aerial funeral ever held was when the body of Charles Abrames of San Jose, California, aviat or was taken from the aviation field to cemetery in plane piloted by former companion of dead aviator. Picture telegraphed by Leiahman Telegraphed picture service. m. - Z J- JUDGE ORDERS ATTORNEYS WITH REVOLVERS TO DEPOSIT WEAPONS BEFOREENTERING COURT TODAY 500 Pound Weight On Court House Clock, Falls A five-hundred pound weight broke loose on the big clock at the court 1 hou l 11 'clock l nd came down with arrash a few feet below, musing more or lets confusion in the vnrjpus officrt and the displacement of tome plaster in the corridor of th; tptier rooms of the temple of jrstioe. Had it not been for the short distance .the weight had to fall be- I fore coming in contact with the joists serious damage might have been the: results. The foundation of the old tower, on which the clock and the city fire a larm r-sts, it ffiid to be shattered worse than the platforms of the lead- ,nK po,.uc..i parties oi me repuoi.c and should be fixed with something more modern. Dr. John Guthrie Dies at Corvallis CORVALL13, Or., Jan. 20 Dr.. John M. Guthrie died of heart troub:e Saturday evening on an Oregon elec tric triin between Gr?y and Corvallis He was en his wy home from east ern Oregon. So quietly d-d the end . . u ... . . . u . . "Tilt HVIIC VI Iftt' I ...... .C noticel that there was anything the matter with him. i The fumr;:l Mnd tile body -maiion. ..rvices t to Port! were held .rnd for cre- Enumeration is Hard Work, Says One Who Served Mrs. Laura J. Blume, who resides on route two oi; of Albany, is of the opinion that biking the census in no small job. Speaking of her exper iences she says: "I completed the enumeration of Syracuse precenct Saturday. Every body gave me the desired information with out any trouble. I put in aboil four weeks time. Some whom I in umerated worked in the day time and could not be seen until night. I had two logging camps on my list, one of which I had to reach by walking over the tresslc and steel bridge over the Santiam and then have a bout take me to the enmp. It was the hardest days work I ever did." Murder Not To Have Priest At His Death OSSEN1NG, N. Y.. Jan. 29 A. P. Gordon Fawcett Hamby, murderer. bankrobbeV and train bandit, arrest ed at Tacoma, Wash., for the murder of two bank employes in Brooklyn, will go to the death chair in Sing Sing tonight without the benefit of the clergy, if his request Is respected. He ia apparently indifferent to his fate.' BODY BORNE AEROPLANE - - tAk "-"Tin Six Jurrors Temporarily Passed in I. W.W. Trial; Flu. Takes Hold MOXTESANO, Wash., Jan 29 By A. P. Attorney George Vander- vcer, of the defense, was ordered by 'judge John Wilson to deposit his re volver in the office of the county clerk before entering the court room here ' after. Judge Wilson made the same i request of the attorneys of both, the prosecution and the defense, but Van- derveer was the only lawyer who ad mitted carrying a weapon. The bailiffs questioner each veni ernian and spectator today as to the possession of a weapon before allow ing them to enter the court room. Influenza in this county has begun t assume epidemic conditions. Ten members of the American Legion are confined to the temporary barracks as infiucn:a suspects. Six jjrrors have been temporarily passed and six are in the box for ex amination. W. E. Hall was arrested here last night on the charge of spreading I. W. W. propaganda among the venire men at Hoquiam. Hall is an alleged I. W. W. investigator. Harry New Must Go to Prison LOS AVGELES. Jan. 29 A. P. Harry New, convicted on the charge cf murdering his sweetheart, was de nied a now trial here today. He was sentenced to not less than 10-years in prison with a maximum of life sentence. Leaking Ship ! Is Not in Danger SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29 A. P. The transport Mount Vernon which is returning here in a leaky condi tion is in no danger and is proceed ing without assistance, a radiogram states. Naval vessels have been sent to meet the vessel, however. Army Aviators Not Being Held BRONXVILLE, Tex., Jan. 29 A. P. Lieut. E. F. Davis and G. E. Grimes American Army aviators who made a forced landing near Gurrero yesterday are not held prisoners by the Mexicans, and will probably fly back to the United States today, it was announced. Eugene Men Buy Besaurant Here P. A. Smith and Will Jonet, both of Eugene, hove purchased the restaur ant at First and Lyon Sts. from Van Coates and have named it the Ideal Cafe. They are remodeling the place and renovating it throughout and pro pose to conduct a first class business.