A Treaty of Peaqe . with a Cold Bed is easily accomplished with a hot Water bottle from Dawson's Drug Store, The Rexall Store "The Store of Service" r LOCAL BRIEFS Psoaal Meatiea it Pel aad Activities Abowt the CltyT Her From Lebenoh . . . '. , plact. John Burkhart, one of Lebanon 'Moves la DeTer , v yioneer business man, tu an Albany I Mr. and Sin. J. Q. JItutoc and fam visitor yesterday. Mr. Burkii-rt, in j ily, are moving' from Albany to days tone pat. drove too t il back farm near Dever to make their home. irom Lebno.i..to. Albany. Went Ta Pttland Innith T. Cotter, of the Day Mot r. company, left for Portland this morning in the interest of hi com- Ben Frm Verdure Mrs. L. C. Shearer, of Verdure, ar med in this city on the early train this morning. to visit friend and feapsact business.. . rectlaad Visiter Here , . Kiss Ma'de Griffin, of Portland, is in this city visiting- her friend Mis Urjory Fircheau. Attends Trial - Ed. S. Hawker, deputy game war den, vent to Salem this, morning to . attend, the .trial of the game violators, ' who were recently arrested at Idinah Jot killing deer oat, of season. Went To Independence Mrs. Walter Kelson and little dadgh tar, vent to -Independence this moru la; to visit Mrs. Nelsoa's sister. Went to Salens -.- ., .. - Mrs. J. C. DeWalt and daughter Amu, left -on the morning train to- , hotel -day for Salens to visit friends. ' Os Baasnees Trip- ' . Fred Smith, "formerly of Browns ville, was an Albany visitor this morn big on his way to Salem, on a bos iness mission. Tisita at Weodbern Mr. and Mrs. W. A. frckner and children, left on the eai train to day for Woodborn o visit relatives. Rettraer Home r Mr. and Mrs. W. Tu Irwin, left "yesterday forLos AnglesCalifornia Here Freea But burg R. W. Marsters, of Roseburg, was ln(th city last night on a busfaess trip, registering at the Albany hotel. Scie Visiter Jerome Smith, of Seio, was in the city today on his return from a busi ness trip to Brownsville and Lebanon Mrs. Mry Powell. Mrs. Ira Powell , Bese VUit-r Here ana two cnuaren, Mrs. urnt vrstser Corvaltls spent the evening In Al bany yesterday. Mr. Woodcock hold ing business conference with Will Green and Mrs. Woodcock calling at the home of Mrs. John Simpson. To GoTo Seattle-. . Misses Jaunita and Gwenlth Davis will leave Saturday for 8eattle where they will make their home with thetr aunt while attending business college. Miss Jaunita has been em ployed as bookkeeper for the Neber gall meat market Her work will be taken over by Will Green, : whose place will be filled by John Dunning ton, who was bro-jght In from the packing plant. ' -Lebanon Merchant Here A. M. Reeves, one of the promin ent, merchants of Lebanon was In the city this afternoon. Mca Wanted ' V. W. Mason of 615 wost.lth street who is superintending the rebuilding of the Oregon eletric through Albany announces that he wants more men. Ex-service men are given first chance $4.50 per day is being paid for the work which Is mostly cleaning brick and removing the material in the way of repairing the track. Lebanon Visitors . Dr. Kimmell and W. H. Klum, of Lebanon were in the city today. Mr. Klum is one of the oldest pioneers in Lebanon, his people coming to Ore gon In the forties. Marriage fJcee.se leaned . A marriage license was issued this mornink by county clerk Russell to William Spieler, andDaisey Hostetled of Harrisburg. Both of the parties being entirely deaf. The marriage Is to take place the 25 at Harrisburg. Dog License Again Coanty Clerk Russell is again sell ing dog licenses at one and two dol lars each. In the case appealed to the court in Multinomah county the law was sustained and on this deci sion the clerk of this 'county will a- gain issue the lie Chas Compton, of Scto and 3. TU and Mr. .and Mr. Lu Walker 0f , Gri( of. near Crabtree, were Albany Brownsville, transacted business here j visitors today. Mr. Griggs today j 0ne ,nc oldest pioneers of his Hm. r-lf.i W I c,ion ind ntly oW his farm , '.TT,,.. U I..k a new location. m ui. v .vi : .i MeT Jerferssn Mrs. Edward Jones, of Jefferson, spent the diy .here, visiting relative left, for his home this morning after visiting at the home of Mr. and; Mrs. E. R. Widmer of North Albany. SileU Visittars . .... .... . Mr. and Mrs..R. Anderson, of the Silets country were Albany business visitors here .last night Woodbuni Visiters and friends and transacting basiness. In Italy Sundays are usually pre ferred for mavgiages where the prin eipal have never been married be fore. Widersss. hcrwrver mtiei-r en . -VBichards and ty mar.ying on Srturdlrys. J,. W. Milled of.Woodburn, were in t ' " '. the city last night at the Van Dran I . , .CertMed Public Accoaatant Albany Colteg offers a very at- Weat To Pertland u ' tractive opportunity tor young men . . Mr, and Mr Wv T, McLaughlin and women to prepare for a profitable axd Mrs. J. W. Sellers went to Port- profession which is not over-crowd- laad today to attend the Shriner eon- d. Phone the College 81-R, or write vejtion.. . ..... ' J. J. McKnight Car of College. From BfownsvUIe Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Lima and N. Jewell of Brownsville, were Albany visitors today. ... Retaras T Csmp Lewis-1 Mrs. May Pugh, of Camp Lewis passed through today on her return to Camp Lewis after attending the .after a two weeks visit with their f medal of her sister at Brownsville. daughter. Mi js Ruth of this place Leaves Hospital . .. . , Miss Helen Moore of the .county . . .school superintendent's office, who has been in St. Mary's hospital to under go an operation has returned to her - borne. ... Plrtle Writes Hsse . . "Grant Pirtle. proprietor of the St .Francis hotel, writes that he has been from Modesto to San Francisco. FrSi Salem. . , A. J. Bhan, a traveling salesman out of Salem, and al former wel hnown citizen of Albany, was an Al bany visitor last night From Sheridan . Geo. T. Shipley, of Sheridan, who is reported to be one av the purchasers ef the Albany Juice plant, is here on a business trip. Went To Centralis ' - Fred Witchey, gather of W. E. Wit- ehey of this city, left this morning - for Centralis to visit his son and . daughter whe are-esjtidenu of that Mr. Pk I. . I, 1 lady of Albany. Leaves for Chicago C H. McOure wil leave in a few days 'for Chicago where he will at tend to business matters. Birkey Buys Place- Jos. Birkey recently bought the 10 acre tract from the Martha Gregg estate three miles southeast of this cty. 'Mr. Birkey has 'retired from .active farming on a large scale, but will maintain the present place as his home and carry on small fanning a Derations. Returns from Marshfield Louis K. Ceil, who went to Marsh field on business early in the week returned home today. Tangent Grange To Meet Tangent Grange No. 7 will hold an interesting meeting at their hall Sat urday at 10 o'clock. All members are. requested to be present j Corvallis People Here , Mr. end Mrs.. Roy., Woodcock, of 21J23 Evening School of Accountancy Classes for employed men in Ac countancey and Basiness Administra tion, offering very thorough coarse, under direction of Certified Public Ac countant Two evenings each week J. J. McKnight, Albany College, Phone JU-B. . 21123 T.-V-i-r."' TT Fldur has Takn Another Jiiitip SkyivTird 20c per Sack. Making' the wholesale price of Olympic "Hard Whjiaj FJour'SiSgO per bgrrel, delivered In Al bany. 0ur Price for Friday and "Saturday will be $120 per Barrel. You will have to Hurry If you want to take advantage of this saving Golden Bod Boras. Washing Powder. None Better for Friday and Saturday only .. . Large Package St, 11 Ounce Package Free ,. , , r. Real Value 45c . Crystal White Soap. U Bars for .--....$1.00 ' . Fancy Mixed Cookies, Per pound 21c . Fresh Soda Crackers In 20 lb. Boxes, Per pound ....18c Good Creamery Butter, Per pound (0c Good Bacon, Any Weight, Per pound 4St ' Crisco. iyt lb. Can. . .0e; 3 lb. ..$1.15; lb ..$125 Good Naval Orsnges, Per Box ..$4.65 The Genuine Original Butternut Bread We Are Sole Agents . . . ,10c and 15c Per Loaf EASTBURN BROTHERS THE CASH GROCERS AtBEa4ftt)lL for HAIR AM BsoiAiri saxarr ."TT. -" em. 'J.llnWliDiis, r. hew York. H 1. V. G. WILL j , JEWELER ! High class Jewelry, Silver, Cat Glass and Hand Painted China . Jeffersoa Items Jefferson Ore, Jsn. 22 C H. Hoyt had the misfortune to break his an kle Tuesday afternoon while working with some farm machinery. Dr. B. R. Wallace from Albany came down and repaired the broken bone in fin shape. The Cooper family from Fossil have recently rented property In town with view of muying later. Mr, Coop er Is very much pleased with the Wil lamette valley this section in partic ular. i Mr. Pauline Moore Riley. State Commander of the Woman's Benefit Association of the Maccabees, Is in town for a fews days. Mrs. A. A. Miller spent Tuesray and Wednesday in Albany visiting with her daughter. Mrs. Olin Neb ergall. . J. G. Fontaine mad k business trip to Portland the first, of the week. Mh. and Mrs. Wm. Bachmaii were In Albany on business Saturday. Frits Katthoff was in Portland last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mr. Roy Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Backman and Miss Rose Green motored to Salem Sunday. Mrs. J. L Blackwsn was In Albany shopping Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Meyers from Talbot was In town Wednesday. . A. C. Libby and son of the City Garage hav purchased a new Ford truck. James Jonnson went to Portland Wednesday to attend the masonic convention. ' Mrs. W. H. Blair went to Portland Wednesday for a few day visit . Mrs. W. W. Warner went to Salem Wednesday for a short visit with her da-jghter Mrs. E. J. Maragis. Mr. and Mrs. C. a Miller from Salem were in town Tuesday, i A. B Hint is in Portland this -week laaking after business interests. J. T. Jones was a business visitor la-Albany Tuesday... . . . the Kltchrn Coblnot (hat oavt mil of (p M Four and One-Half Million Meals Are Prepared on Hoosler Kitchen Cabinet Each Day Your own meal-time work can be reduced to a pleasurable minimum by the Hoosler method a meth od that has been developed by science. It enables you to sit at ease with everything needed before you. You reach instead of walk. A small payment puts any Hoosler model at work in your kitchen. Small amounts each week soon pay the balance. This ease of purchase leave you no ex cuse for continued drudgery. Come and select your Hoosler soon. Fortmiller Furniture Co. 'Masonic Teniple Teleplwre 78 Tou Can Slvdays 7e a Chalmers By Its tytimtemipfcd Ease of Action 4hvr WR rTAVR opneAL! BANCROFT .OPTjCALXO. IT'S TO YOUR INTEREST To Bring 'Tour ! CREAM, POULTRY and EGGS to , . ' HAZELWCOD CREAM STATION H. L. Btenberg. Mgr. 128 West 2nd 8t. Highest Cask Prices Paid ttETHER VoU have 'cvev &nveh a present day Chalmers or not there is one thing about it yon cannot help but observe: 'its Uninterrupted ease of action. Drive alongside of one in traffic or follow one in a country 'road and you will note a silence, a smoothness, an ease, an effortless action that "will command your attention. This high efficiency in a' Clialrhers i3 due to a " lack of vibration. The crank - Bhaft,' piston, and connecting . rods are balanced, both in motion and static, to " the fraction of an ounce. To make doubly sure Qmtifr tint Hot Spot vaporizes 'the raw gasoline into a"cloud" and RamVhorn furnishes each cylinder With an equal and even 'char." The result is there are ho uneven explosions. This evenness makes for high efficiency in the Chalmers engine and pro vides an action that gives a new comfort, a new satisfaction, a new sense of security in a motorcar. Also' it means not only better performance but more, regular perform' . since, as vibration is the . source of most trouble, Borrow . a , friend's Chalmers for a1 few miles, and you, too, will say it is one of the few great cars of the world. Albany Anderson & Son DISTRIBUTORS Oregon t 5 n -4