Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, January 05, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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0 Minbfr of TIIK AHKOUATKD 0
0 I'KKHH. The only paper In Llun 0
0 county carrying A. I. dlapalrhea 0
o o
O Tonight and Tuesday Fair O
O , o
No. 207
IWdcnt to Send Important .f"hr u,"kr ta t",", of 'mo-
r j t r i!. lt. 'rratle or th republican parties, fcm-
Word of Greeting to Demo-; , , ... .
, . lubatie announcement to thla effect la
cratic Dinner on Jacwwn JonlBinrd in-, uu-gram received in
Day, January 8. ' Portland yesterday by Elton Waiklm,
I president of th Jackson club.
1 ''it In the umi telegram Mr. Hoover
rirsKT'ircC3 IV Cl?CilfiM declined an Invitation sent to him to
GONiiIthhS IN brsmrt fMk nl (U nnjjil Jm;kfon cltib
(banquet, scheduled to be held at the
i Ucnaon hotel on January 8.
Members Re-awemble After n,r i,Kram received by Mr. wt-
"f wo Weeka Recewi; Treaty
,. ... , !
Still Principal Question
Before Senate.
Aaaurlatrd I'rew I'realdrot Wl.
eon ll aend "an Important word
of freelaig" to the Democratic
dinner no Jackson lay. January .'
eltihth. It waa announced at th
White llouw today.
There wa wldu conjecture whether
the pre.ld.elt would dlacu.e the third
term question. It la regarded a prok
ablo that ho will make clear hi po
aition on thla In the banquet mesaage
Congrna Meeta Again
WASIIINCTON, Jan. 6 Omgreaa
met promptly at noon after a two
.weeks receaa over the holiduye. with!
he trunly of Vcmaillce atill foremoat j
of the great array of eubjecte the law-1
maker are expected to deal with be- ;
fore adjournment, which will proliahly
not occur until Just before the presi
dential election next November.
Reds Driven
Hack on Dvina.
Front, 1 8 Report
Uign dispatches toly dclare that Let
tish troopa lutve broken the HoUhe
vikl front along "the Dvina. Numer
ous prisoner have been taken, alao
n,,i, K Ihv.iv. H waa aaaerteiL The
advance coniinuea reporta aay and the
Bolshevik! .re retreating rapidly.
WANTED Clean cotton rag at the '
Drmocrat office.
FOR SALE Late 1918 Chivmlet
Touring Car. driven only StlK) .
mllias. Price right, terma if deaired. .rryret by the congregation and Dr.
Phone i'M R. 5J7. Yeung is greatly pleasol with the at-
NOTICK 4V'e ore now booking orri-iitude of the people of his church and
em for day-old chirks, white leg- of the people of Albany,
horns und barred rock. O. C. ' - appreciate the regret expreised
and Tancred atralna. Have about n mf leaving here", he said thia morn
TOO hen In fonr different mating 'nK. "J have found Albany cirflens
pena. For partlrulara and price delightfjl pPle "'I hv '
write or phone for our 1H20 mai'tifc ,'way found it a real plaaaure to lire
pamplrlet, ulao havo a few O. A. C. t hvrc. 'While I am greatly pleased
barred rock cockorena for u!o, w,n tj,r wor), wj have to do. I
price $3.00 tf taken al onco. raciCo ,hB always feel a very keen inter-
Hatchery, Phone, fc. U. Ncwpoil,
E. O.
Tangent. ' J1
FOR SALE 6-room plastorcd houe
and good barn, lot ftfixllO, at 1025
E. Oth St., Price $1250.00, small
payment down, I -COO" per month.
Immediate possession. Roam Lund
Co, 133 Lyon Street, , jB-6
, 'OR SALE 3 sows t farrow in 50 '
day, v. v.. uuvriNcii. i iiiiiist
10K-3 Dj6- Swj6
, LOST OR STOLEN A package of
laundry, containing one ault of nn-
' derwear, two shirts, 3 pair of aocke
and 4 handkerchiefs,
Finder please
return to 332 Lyon St. 6j0,
O l V 1
" , .. .Al n?AA .iAA'
Koon ioiiun. Vv
caiih. balance $20 per month. wounded and Scrjreant J. Harry
tianicn anu nunimcr.. ,
mt a TT 1 1. IF A Ft
FOR SALE-10 acre Improved tract
North Albany, Price J2800 on terms
' See Hnfllch & Homback. 6j7
WANTED Modem house, close In
we have a buyer. Hoflich A Horn-
back. 6j7
WORK WANTED Man with family ,
want work on farm. Call O. E. .
Marriotts, Tangent, R. F. D. 1.
LOST Lamp and liaense number
8881. Finder leave at Democrat of
fice and receive reward. Isaac
Campbell. Phone 781-J. . 8j
FOR SALE 1917 Ford $100 cash,
1918 Over-
land, good tires, new battery, vzuu
cash, balance easy term. 1916
Ford, now 1917 body and top. Kirk-'
McKern Motor Co. 6J7. j
Noted American Devoted to
Relief und Philanthropic
Work, Says MeKai?e
twaa '
PORTLAND, Jan. 6 Herbert lloov
r will nut be a candidate for th of
fice of president of the United Stale
from Mr. Hover i -a. follow.-.
"My engagements and connection
wjih Klndu,tri., nd
, with relief In Europe make ii Im-
possible for me to go to the northweat
.at present. Beyond thia, pleat ac
cent the aincenty of my statement
that I am not a candidate for the
( presidency and a campaign to that
;end from any party would De entirety
wrongly directed." .
I .
'wniV ITAIIlin W
fill Vf II I Nl. Ill
I UUllU 11
laocai i asior e
I 1 a
Accepts Pottr-
tion Educational Director
For Northwest
Congratulation and regrets were
mingled with the announcement Sua-
uty of the resignation of Dr. George
! II. Young as paUr of the Baptist
! Church. The matter was brought be
fore the congregation Sunday and the
resignation wa accepted.
' Dr. Young has accepted the appoint
ment of the Baptist ( lurch as direc
tor of religious aaid educational work
for Oregon, Washington, and Idaho,
under the American Baptist Publica
tie Society. He will make his head-
.quarter, in Albany for the preeent
s P'0" ,aKC UP n"
r In Portland.
T work will consist chieily in the
training of Sunday school teachers
nli VOUM pcopc (or ,fftive Chris-
... I. v.... : ii : . ...J
UJtn WUI H. l . ivjun is well 1 n
for the work he has been assigned and
the sucrc of his effort in the lo-
If" I field aurguc for his success In hia
new undertaking,
The rignation was accepted with
, t f Albany and the good people of
this city."
Tho appointment was made effec
tive January 1 and Dr. Young will
I 'gin hi duties at once. No succes
sor ha been named for the pulpit.
Heged AlltO
linn it it Tien ri
m w m J
at Denver Today
DENVER, Jan. 5 A. P sAdrian '
Thompson, alleged partner of James.
R. Green, alleged automobile bandit,
.....! l.t ik ..... 1.11. P..J
.-i i... n u u.ku,
i..u....... ...... r.., ....
I T-k 1.. Qnk.odlo niaM
nu ucicvnr -1
wounded today in battle between the
polica and Thompson whom the ofHc f
er were trying to arrest. -
Eugene Store Robbed
Chief Catlin was notified by tele-
phone this morning by the sheriff of
Line county tnat a cugene gun store
had been robbed last night of some
pistols and a supply of ammunition.
The officer have no clue as to Who
did the act.
Beginning tomorrow th Rolfe The-
atre will be open six nights each week.
Evenr- night except Monday night
with the usual Sunday matinee., ur -
foring th usual good programs.
Globe Theatre Co. J5 I
Associated Press. The Supreme
Court today declared constitutional
sections of the Volitrad prohibition
enforcement act prohibiting the man
ufacture and talk of "bear, wine and
other intoxicating malt liquers con
taining more than one and one-half
per cent of alcohol.".
Beer containing 2.75 per cent al
cohol ii illegal 'jndrr the act, the court
Associate Justice Brandrln, who rrn
dcred the opinion of the court mid
Athletics to Have More
Prominent Place in Life
of Albany College
The announcement in chapel- this
morning at Albany College that the
. far jlty and trustees have decided to
recognize athletics and give it in pro
per place In college lite waa receiv
ed with great rnUieutiatm. While
atbletica have always been carried on
and encouraged to a more or lets ex
tent, and in times the college
haa had some of the greatest
ln '. ln
inini wit.- puuiti itaiuiv lias
been allowed to drag and the college
has not had its proper representation
among the colleges of the state.
The announcement of President
U'illin.a ik th t.-ntlu LurJ
' '
of tru.tees ha. decided to bol.lcr up
thst phase of college activity means
that the college wdl emerge i the
near future into a real contend for
championship honor, and will p jt ath
letic teams into the field that will
e a credit to the college and city.
An effort will be made to enroll high
srhool students of athletic ability and
to build Up this department.
This does not mean that the oc-
sl. spiritual and collegiate phase of
college life will' be sighted in the
i t. It is simply an effort to round
out the part that has been allowed
0 fill behind.
The basket ball team will go to Mc
Mhtnville Friday where they meet the
team from Mc.MiiuiviUc College in the
first conference game of the season.
Saturday evening they play Pacific
College at Newberg. The first game
will be opened on the home floor on
January 10.
The college his a strong quintette
of basket tossers and expects to make
a creditable showing daring the com
ing; year.
Mill City Man
Takes Bride In
Albany Sunday
A very pretty wedding occured at
j the homo of Couiify Commissioner T.
J. Butler, on E;ist Sixth Street, yes
.' tenlay morning, when Henry Hclinan
and Bertha Lewis, both of Mill Qity
were married in the presence of a
Ifew intimate friends.
Th, bride, who i.
an old friend of,
Mr. and Mrs.
"V ., .1 j .i.i . u.....
" " """" "
' ;
. j
the Rev. J. C. Spencer, of the Firjtt l
M)hft . Knl-pnn:i, rh imh. The
i" " " ' r , .
f" 'j - -. ..... ...... 1
)"""" lr",n .lu. ,,,r'
a : ti:n 014... 1 .1
,""r . "
The bride has bceri for several years
a resident of Linn County, ' and Is
greatly respected in the cummunity
where the has lived. Mr. Helman is
a trusted employe of the Hammond
Lumber Co. The happy couple have
tho best wishes of a host of friends.
Earthquake in
Mexico Shakes
MEXICO CITY, Jan. i-A. P. Ten
states were shaken by an earthquake
jon Saturday night, destroyed at least
. two village and caused the death of
mnny people at Vera Crui.
ts. ill's pirn irinn. i ne rinir rprcmnnvara . iniarntnrnn anil mvirm rA
" 1
that the right of congrcsa to suppres '
liquor traffic w not an implied pow
er but Wat a power expressly granted.
The court was divided five to four.
j Associated Judge Day, Nandevanter,
McKeynoldi, and Clarke dissenting.
McReynold' dissenting opinion aaid
that the eighteenth amendment to the
constitution had not yet come into
effect and that the federal govern
ment had no general power to prohi
bit the manufacture and tale of II-
jquor. He took the position that the
I the war emergency had patted.
Senator Porter Goes to Salem
For Conference on
Game Row
Hon. Frank Porter, of Haltey, pas
sed through the city thi morning on
his way to Salem where he had been
called by the governor for a confer
ence on the game commission contro
vcrsary. lir. Porter states that all the game
committeemen of the state are called
to hold a council Drior to the meetinir
I f fh awi .l nf tha
tire which conveines next Monday.
Some definite policy will probably be
settled on at this meeting.
The game commission haa attracted
general attention, through out the
state and all kinds of accuttitions and 1
1 . . . ...
plans nave neen Intimated and sug-
j with n0 definite results ao-
I COmplishcd except political row.
j Manv ,re of th( opinion ,hat ,he fo(I)
da,ion of th. troub,e auftd fcy
, the difference of lnterr.t between the
sports of the state and the commer
cial interests.
Hays Conferring
With OlemberS
Of Gt O. I, at Chi.
CHICAGO. Jan. 6 A. P. Nearly
1000 men and women from 14 Central
Western States are here for the first quct that is always to follow. Pey, heavyweight champion, innoun-
of a series of three two-day meetings W. W. Poland, who was selected to ! lat night he had accepted an of
arranged by National Chairman Will make the report of the hunt this year, J 'cr of a $400,000 purse from James
H. Hays. The, second will be held at
Denver January 8 and 9 and the third
at San Francisco, January 12 and 13.
Three Unknown Men
Repeat Offense of
Offending Woman
Three young men (?) if they may
he an eld. from out nf town made
their third attempt last night to entice
west Oth street to tckc a joy ride
with them into the country. A lew
days before the big snow two young
ladies of Hazelwood were on their way
home from church when they wert
stopped and invited to take a ride.
The young ladies escaped and notified
the police who made a dilligent search
for the Impudent youngsters who had
ninile tlieir escape.; Again last night
.. V 7 " " : " T 7
ou"K . " rV , . "7 " '
. '
.... ... ...
will probably make a low grade of
mitifa m..flt out of mich cur if thov
. , ,
JOe Rogers and
Dnnn S CnmnheU
Uana S.VampoeU
Arrested Yesterday
Sheriff Kendall arrested Joe Rog
ers' at Shedd yesterday on a warrant
issued at Couer De Alcine Idaho on
charge of grand larceny. Rogers
was at Shedd attending th funeral
of his brother and waa arrested after
retiming from the funeral. He was
placed In the county jail pending the
arrival of officers to take him back
to Coeur De Aleinc. Dana S. Camp-
bell who has besen working in a saw nesday of this week are hereby noti- j cording to a report of Acting Presi
mill at Brownsville wa also arrested fjed to report to Mrs. Aumella Hors- ' dent John L. Lewi and Secretary-
on a charge of non support of his
family at St. Helens. ,
Conservatory of Music Pup
ils to Be Heard in
Wedneaday, January 7th, the recit
al by pupila of Albany College Con-
""wii? wSI
I thia program which will begin prompt
I ly at eight o'clock. The following
Dunila wil lanoear:
Piano Josenhine Ralaton, Helen
Pugh, Robert Fleming, Roberta Tor
bet, Bertha Hopper, Elizabeth Beam,
Robert Barker, Ellia Soa, Elliott Irv
ine, Mragaret Cathey, May Phillips,
William Blair, Junia Markell.
VMin Inei Wood.
Voice Kenneth Diven, Mr. Hiram
Torbet, Misse Anna Nilaon, Stella
Dorga, Mary Bender.
Yoong People' t'nloa Tonight
The Young People' Union I to
meen at the eMthodist church tonight
at 8 o'clock for a buainea meeting,
eocial and a general program. All the
young people of the city are cordially
invited to attend.
Winning Team Enjoys Sup
per at Losers Expense;
Fine Program
The gallant nimrods of the Ash
, Swale Hunt- Club, celebrated their
13th annual meeting at the Ash Swale
school house Saturday night with a
big oyster feed. Local speakers and
a literary program by the chool were
leading features of the occasion.
The house wis packed to the guards
with men, women, and children of
Ash Swale and invited friends. The
program and banquet which was great
ly enjoyed by all in attendance clos- today that Major Gcner-
ed Sunday morning at 2 o'clock, nev- Bu,!ar(Ji eommuniiat! lht dep,rt
er to be forgotten.. For real sport ; ment f (he had imcU.
and generoja hospitallity, the nim- 1 ta .urn t-. ,,, ,
rods of Ash Swale are not to be sur
passed. C. C. Carlson was master of
ceremonies, seconded by W. W. Pol-
'this section of the eomty have chosen
I ,ide selecting a captain on each side
and taking from a three to six day
hunt, the team having he lowest
number of points paying for the ban-
reported killed, rats, 151: digger
squirrels 42; hawks 1; mice 1859;
moles 13; jack rabbits 35; crows 14;
jay birds, 6; and musk rat 3. The hunt
er killed only such animals as are re
garded as pests each animal scoring
certain n jmber of points.
30 Nimrods were chosen for the
hunt, 15 to act on each side with
Cecil Harrison and Charles Bowers
s Captains of the teams. The total
P'n" OI ,ne nunc wa5 rePrsea as
2.805,000 with a score of 557,000
points in favor of captain Harrison's
team. ine winning captain is award , cording to announcement yesterdiy
ed a medal by the club to be worn un- (by William Bryon, chief of the de
til his team is defeated. . . partment of justice of this district
The literary pragram rendered by Th, nn.k.M. - i,.irj...
th cr,0l nd members or the club
.ws of high and wa well ren-
nerea. ine reading or tne publica-
"on Known nr me ash swaie nara
.Times, edited by F. E. Harrison, was
7i. ""T"i... "Y 1' , I Z
"r ,
-' s. u. ,c "ssn-.v...
reached when toast master C. C. Carl-,
.nn fho. fh Knt.n,
" : , . 7 ",naa ocen living nere ana ior wnom
rcaoy ana tnat mis was leap year
."nd ladiM choice lor Prtners in
.y,ter ,uPPr ". To say that
oyter ,nd other ea,s and fire
looking I&dies were in abundance arc
but very mild terms. The fead was a
icat fVTii "Nur ser i
. n. t.'itelson, stato biologist of I
Oregon, of the U. S.sTeprrtrrirnt of I
agriculture, county ageV, S. V. Smith
and W. L. Jackso i of the .Mluiny
Democrat, were invicej guests and
speaker ior the ev-ming.
Notice to Lady Maccabees I
All lady Maccabees of the Albany
tent who wish to go to Corvallis Wed J
key, Mrs. Austin or Mrs. Victor How-
ard. 5j8. '
Gregory Weinstein, Aide to
C. A. K. Martens, "Ambas
gedor from Soviet Russia",
Influential Radical.
Radicals Taken in Recent
Raids Plan to Fight Depor
tation; Camp Upton to be
Concentration Camp.
'EW YORK. Jan, J. By Aa
sociated Prei Gregory Wein- ,
tein, chief of taff of for Lod
wig C. A. K. Martens, elf-styled
ambassador to the United State
of the Ruaaian Soviet republic,
was arrested, on a deportation
warrant today.
According to department of justice
officials Weinstein was the most in
fluentian Russian communitt, next to
Martens, in America.
Radical o Fight
WASHINGTON, Jaa, 5. Radical
taken In government raids and com
munist labor parties have all machin
erv aet for fitrhtin? desperately a-
Rainst deportation, it wa announced
by the department of justice today.
Lawyers have been engaged in practi
cally every city where raids weoe
made. .
Camp I'ptOn for Reds - -WASHINGTON,
Jan. 5. Many of
the radicals taken in r-.ids of the last
three days will be concentrated at
CamD Union. N. Y. Secret ft rv Baker
tion authorities.
Carpenter and
Dempsey Billed
For Tia Juana
Ja Kerns, manager of Jack Dcm-
w- Lofforth for a 45tround fiht be-
! tween Dempsey and Georges Carpen-
tier at Tia Juana, Lower California.
Portland Cleans
up on Aliens
And Radicals
PORTLAND, Jan. 5. Practically
' ,11 of th, .,!. radicals airainst whom
, p0Vcrnment authorities directed their
raiding activities Friday night and
' Saturday are now under arrest, ac-
'Bien 'reds" who are still in hiding or
'have left for other points of the coun-
try jjr Bryon expects them all to
i be in custody before th end of the
'week -
' n "ton mat the radicals who
fled the city recently are certain to
be apprehended, the arrest of Albert
Hikler. announced tato RnliirAn from
g,n Frnr.W .itMi h;l-W
T V 7
. warrant for deoortation is held. wa.
, taken in San Francisco on Informa-
tion furnished by federal authorities
'of Portland.
. '
iti iners iueeung
At Columbus
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Jan. 5 By A.
P. International officers of the Unit
ed Mine Workers of America in agree
ing to declare the recent strike at an
end "decided to submit to the inevit-
able, though protesting in our hearts
against what we believed to be the un-
just attitude of our government." ac-
treasurer William Green at a special
miners convention here today.