Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 29, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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    I .
34 Autographic Kodak
Price $29
It makes a picture tarter thin any of the other Kodaks postcard
aise and yet the camera Itself is compact enough to fit the over
coat pocket Equipped with carefully tested lena and shutter as well
a all the practical conveniences that make good picture making all
the easier. . '
A Kodak that you will be proud to give and that any one on your
gift list will be glad to get.
Other Kodaks all autographic, front $9.t up.
Browaie Cameras, tlM up.
v ' s ' ' "
Fred Dawson
1 1 : i n
United Factions for Blow at
Government Aim of Villa
and Others
EL PASO, Dec. 29 By A. P.
Mexican revolutionists are working
on a plan for united military com
mands and aims with the first step
the setting up of a de facto govern
ment. according to well defined re-
norta reaching here today.
Friends of Villa said that he has
been agreed upon as the leader by the
revolutionists on the east coast of
Mexico and by the southern rebels. It
la said that the first military move
ment will be to obtain control of the
Mexican oil district. .
through this part of the state
Here Frees La Grande
Mr. and Mrs. C 1. Johns Jr. left
for their home at La Grande this
morning after visiting Mr. John's par
enta here Mr. and-Mrs. C. J. Johns.
Here Frees Teliae '
F. C. Senders of Toledo is in the
city fisiUng friend and relatives. Mr.
Senders was aa employ of the Al
bany Iron foundry for many years
and is a worthy and competant man.
He now holds a position aa superin
tendent of the machinery in the Fish'
er Stover Mills at Toledo.
Pwwaal Kaatie ef Fee i a4 Activate Abort the Ctty.
Ketaras Fraaa BrOwsa-illo
Mrs. G. W. Wright ami daughter
returned from Brownsville this morning-
wher they had been to visit Mrs.
Wright's mother Mrs. Cooley.
Here From Astotja
If n. J. A. Evan and daughter Dor
othy of Astoria were Albany visitors ' after visiting their parents here dur
last night on there return home from ing Christmas. .
visiting Mrs. Byan's mother Mrs. 1 Betaraed Home
M. E. Hamilton at Holley. f Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Montague and
citrm Visitor . ' daughters, Ruth and Martha, return'
Mrs. A. Richard to ii of Goltra Sta- d to Portland today after attending
Hetaraed Frm Portlaad .
' Dr. Smith on of Albany's promi
nent dentists returned this morning
from visiting friend in Portland.
Visits Parents Here '
Mr. and Mrs. B. L Donaldson el
Portland returned home this morning
lion came down on the early train a amily reonion and Christmas activ
to spend the day here with friends, ities at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.
Retaras to Sales M. Hammer of the city.
Ex-co-jnty assessor Earl Fisher and ' Left a Businee
Mrs. Fred Fisher returned to Salem E. M. Pugh, one of the well known
this morning after spending Sandpy i commercial traveling men of Albany
here visiting Mr. Fishers mother. left this morning for. Portland and
Here FromCorvalK - - " way points.
Prof. Tarter of the faculty of the Went T Portland
Visita Belati
John Harnes of Portland returned
horn today after. spending several
dava her visiting his parents and
other relative and friends
Rorway In Portland
R. Rogoway went to Portland Sat
urday to look after property in that
city snd to purchase goods for his
store in this city.
rand Prairie Grange
The annual meeting of the members
t the Grand Prairi Grange was held
jday with a good attendance and the
election of officer and th discussion
of manv public questions. A fine
banquet was also served and well pat
Ratams to Lebanon
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sunford were
in the city today on their return
Lebanon after visiting friends in Port
Visitor From McMinnriUe
Mrs. W. F. Hannah of McMinnville
returned 'bom today after visiting
old friend President and Mrs. A. M.
Williams of the College. , -'
Visiting Hi Sister '
G. L. Sutherland one of the lead
ing pioneers of the Scip country is In
the city this week visiting his sister
and family Mv..M. B. Craft. -
O. A. C. was an Albany business vis
itor today.
From Gaines NeighboAood
Bex and Roy Peery, of the Gaines
neighborhood on the upper Crabtree
'were Albany visitor today on their
return from Portland where they had
been visiting relatives during Christ-
From Lebanon
A. B. Hardey and ..daughter of
Astoria were Albany visitors today
On their return from Lebanon to visit
Mr. Hartley's parents. '
Betaraed From The Dalles '
Harry Kuck, of the Herald, returned
from The Dalles this morning where
he had been to visit his parents dur
ing Christmas.
County Sopt Ida M. Cummings left
for Portland this morning to attend
the State teachers convention which
convenes tomorrow.
Returns From Scio
Miss Lillian Schandler of the Al
bany hotel returned" from Scio this
j morning where she had been to vis
it her parents dunng Christmas.
Visit Parent -
Clay Nichols one of Albany's young
business men returned from Lebanon
this morning where he had been to
visit his parents Mr. and Mrs. E.' C.
From Fort Worth-
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Buckley and
children of Fort Worth Tex., were at
the Albany last night on an auto trip
Think Of It !
ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) placed in this
Bank at four per cent interest will in
time draw unto itself all the money in the
world. Magic is the increasing power of
interest. -
Why not have your surplus money
working for you all the year day and
night, at this strong, - modern Bank?
Call at yaur convenience and let us take
the matter up further"-with you. . ,
Albany State Bank
Always at Your Service
that it was Impossible to so far
head and before he knew It his macn
In was hit by another car. No ser
ious daman was done, but Dr. Pol
ing wa delayed in reaching Albany.
Retimed t I'oKUn
Mrw Ntta Dowtin and daughter,
Mabl lac, returned to Portland ye.
tcrday after visiting at th bom or
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. SchulU over th
Op Business Trip
' 'w .... i i ur w Umm
U. n. wneeier anu tt . w.
two prominent cattle buyers of the
eastern part of th county wer bus
iness visitors her today.
Visits Brother
Z. T. Trulovo on of th old tint
school mm of th county was vis
itor hare today on his way to Tollman
to visit his brother Larken Trulov
and family. Mr. Trulovo has been id ;
Portland and vicinity for th last tlx-
teen years.
Work Begins on
: MetfTer Garage
Work on- th ' foundation of the
Pfelffer garage on second street was
commenced this morning with good
fore of ma. Brick is being unload
ed In the met tnd If th weather
will permit another fin bluldlng wilt
b added eliy In abort time.
Th gang Ii being built for th Day
Motor company and will b among
th beet la the city. ..-
- Warranty Deeds
Ida, S. Gedde and husband to O. D.
Johnson lands in T 9. S. R. 4.E. .
J. M. Wllkerson to R. Wilson lands
in T 9 S. R. 2. E.
Quit Claim Deed
Walter Hecker to Emma Hecker
lands in T 15 S. R, 4 W.
Frank Hilton at ux to Ileta Huls
tsnds In block 2, Ideal Fruit Colony.
Sheep are 8vr -
Mr. Rodenberger, a gentleman from
Montana, who recently purchased a
farm in the Rock hill section, received
a shipment of 5T head of fine stock
from Montana at th beginning of
th cold snap. , Th stock cam before
be was prepared to tak car of thm,
but be found a good "Samaritan" In
th person of B. F. Benshoof, who
allowed him the us of bit farm build
ing and supplied him with all th
feed and fuel needed. Lebanon Express.
Weather Report-
Tonight and Tuesday rain. Warm
r tonight. Th river stands at S.7
feet. Yesterday the temperature
ranged from 29 to 36 degrees.
Clean Up Day-
Tuesday afternoon there will be a
general lcean up in the business dis
trict, from Water to Third and from
Washington to Baker, Other) dis
trict clean-ap will follow soon. Pleas
do not put out anything that will not
Suit Filed
J. W. and Edna Cox filed suit to
day m the circuit court department
number two against William B. Brook
shir and wife and Alice Innes and
husband proving the court for a -V-ere
to qu'et title inn a tract of Lind
consisting of 160 acres belorpinc to
the estate of th late Mrs. Arm In
Rocker. ,
John Bino File Suit-
John rJtno or BneiDurn iiiea suit in
the circuit court today through his
attorneys Hewitt and Sox against
Tindal) and wife and a number of
other members of the Oregon Build
ers Association witb head quarters in
Portland, praying for a decree to give
tittle and possession to 168 acres of
bnd near SheTburn.
Medford People Here "
Ten peaple from Medofrd were at
th Albany Hotel last night on their
way to Corvallis to attend the an
nual Farmer's week, people are go
ing to Corvallis from all over the state
to take the short course. "
Mattress Bargain
New Goods .
Regular $17.00 felt . mattress,
Good grade, sfc 1 QA9
Our Price !-
Silk Flos Mattress, other places
up to $24.00 f1 Q.00
Our Price.... tIO
Combination Mattress, . other
ell at $11.00 . CO-0
Our price, only P7
21J-217 Lyon St.
- Th lower price Furniture Store
Bring In Your Used Good
Flour ha taken another lump
of SO per barrel. The present
coat of Olympic la 3I2J0 per
barrel. Crowa $12,75 and Fish
era Blend $13.15. -We wiU con
tinue to sell this week at th
following price:
Olympic Hard Wheat,
Per Sack $3.10
. .Per bbl, 4. 49-Ib sacks, $12.30
Crown Hard Wheat,
per sack $3.10
Per barrel $12.26
Fishers Blend, made from Da
kota hard wheat and Eastern
Oregon Blue Stem, Beat on
th Coast, per sack $3.35. and
-8 can HoUy, Rice, Milk A
' Raisin Free, (Actual value,
Snow Flake, Soft Wheat,
Per sack $2 85
Per barrel ....$11 JO
Slam Rice. Per lb 10c
11 pounds for $1.00
Pearls of Ric (Broken)
Per lb 10c
Blue Rose Head Rice, .
8 pounds for 60c
Fancy Head Rice, Per lb. ..19c
White Navy Beans, 3 lbs for 26c
Lima Beans, Per lb. 16c
Macaroni Bulk Broken, per lb 9c
. In packages, 3 for 26c
Citrus Washing Powder, ,'
Per package 33c
Gold Dust, Per Pkg 83c
Old Dutch Cleanser, per can 10c
Pearline, 12-s Pkg 10c
Ivory Soap Chips, Per Pkg 10c
Swift's White Soap.
16 Bars for $1-00
White Wonder Soao.
14 Bars for ,-. .....$1.00
Lenox Soap (Brown)
20 Bars for .
Elk Eavon Soao.
' 20 Bar for $1.00
: Fancv Packed Baldwin Annies.
While they last, per box $1.76
A Few Jonathan and Local
Baldwin ....... $15
100 Six Fancy Oranges.
Per dozen 60c
Brooms . .95c, $1.06, $1.20 $U0
Van Camn k Campbell
Soup 13c
Palace Car Peaches.
. No. 1 Cans 16c
Glass Wash Board 86e
Brass Wash Boards 86c
Zinc Wash Board ........60c
Good Lanterns. While they
last ....$1.00
, Heavy 6 Gal. Oil can, filled $2.26
On Gallon can. filled , ...65c
'The Original Butternat
Bread 10c & 16c
Copyright lilt, Hart achaasMtaMara
the Seam in the coat
We've found that the waist-seam .is a popular feautre
of the fall and winter overcoats. We know you'll
like the snug, form fitting effect and the "flare" that
it gives to the coat.
This two-button - double-breasted waist
sssn I mad for us by Hart SchaftW
A Marx. It'a guaranteed by them too;
- money back if you aay so.
The horn of Hart Schaffaer A Marx cloth
Anticeptic Gargle
To Prevent Toncillitis and Sore Throat
Make Use ot Electric
Service for Washing
We'd like to help you do your weekly washing.'
We promise not to disappoint you.
We will be ready promptly and on time.
We will do the work carefully and with practical
ly no wear or tear on even the finest things.
We'll not take all day for the work and we won't
kick on the wages. , - '
If you'll come in and arrange to have us send an
Electric Washing Machine to your home,
we'll be right on the job in the morning to
. show you the road to easy, economical wash
i days.
i . .
Mountain States Power
3rd & Lyon St
Phone 15