Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 29, 1919, Page 1, Image 1

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0 PRK88. Th Mir MH' la Linn 0
O county carrying A. P. dUpatcb O
O Toalght and Tflenday rala O
O Warmer taalfht
NX 11.
It '
Lieut Boast Meets Death
From Bullet Fired by Mem
' ber of Guard Party, Says
I Coroner's Verdict
Attack on Vice-Regal Lodge
Sunday Night Thought to
be Another Attempt to
Murder Lord French.
DUNLIN. Dee. tt By the A-
aoclatvd I'm. Lieutenant Boast
Odcer of th guard wha art
death la Sunday algal' shooting
near lit vlee-regal lod. waa
; "accidenfly killed by a bullet
froai hla at palrol party." It
aa found bjr Ilia jury at tha la
quest today. '
Details of Sumlay'a shooting affray
rwar tha vice-regal lodge at Pheonls;
I'ark war glvvn May at the In-
quest over tha body or Lieutenant -uuna.up, of hoot-leggvra and mann
Boaat. who waa killed at tha aame in.c v.tunn of uitclt i(Uor ever made
a civilian wa found in th park .hot ln thU ,antry b mpnding aa a r-
ti , I
1 Th llring led to th belief in eomo
quarter last night that an attack ia
. being made against tha lodge. Ih .
' reaidene of Viscount French, Lord
Lieutenant of Ireland, whoa life wa
attempted last week. Tha testimony
Indicated that Lieut Boast wa kill
ed from ahot fired hy atx civilians. I
William Osier,
n; Sr. I'M.l,nJ
OXFORD, England, "Dec. 29 A. P.
Sir William Osier, noted physician,
- who ha been ill for several weeks,
died her tonight . -
State C.&.E. Con
vention to be Held
In Albany, Feb. 20-22
Dr W. P. Whit left for Portland
this morning to attend a meeting of
th executive committee of the Stat
Christian Endcavj: fur the pjtroie
out lining a program for tho State
Convention which is to be held In Al
bany Feb., 20-21 and 22. Some of
the leading speakers and worker of
the state ar tobe here and at lean
800 delegates ar expectrd. Th clt
liens of Albany will b eoliclled In
caring for tho delegates at that time
and on of th best conventions of the
stale is aniicipateu. a iuii program
will b published at a later dale.
) Returned to Portland
' Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Thompson re-
! turned this morning to their home in
j Portland after vUiting with their on-
In-law and daughter. Mr. .and Mr,
to o
, M O
. FOR SALE House and 2 lots in Has
elwood. 7-room house, 2-lorgo
p.irches, built-in-kitchi-n, good or
; chard including cherries, Tipples,
' rrare and berries. Price $1800,
' 5 '"'pay 350 dowrI7 $20.00 per. month.
Immediate Poiwesaiorr. Beam Land
J Co., 133 Lyon Street -' 29d30.,
FOR SALE A fine pen of Silver'
Laced Wyandotte. JO pullets now
laying. Pen headed by Silver Tip,
a cockeral from exhibition stock.
Price $25. Address W. H. Boll, AU
1 ' '.""
bany, Oregon. Rt. 4. 29d81
FOR RENT Two Unfurnlahcd rooma,
Call 432-J., 824 Calapooia St.
Work in th Rank of Esquire to
night, Dee. 20. All member ar urg
ed ta attend. ' J. M. Hawkins Chan.
celor Commander. . d29
The Knights of Pythla will hold few cro of m klnd of bcrri"
a New Year social party at th hall hi farm "nd ""P ancial re
on Now Years Ev. All Knight and wnrd ln addition to his reguhr line
friends are Invited. , I of work nd lhhy encourage a
' .' ' . COMMITTEE, d29 H1 Industry and at the same time
fAi tJAatt for used rumltur
or trade you new good for your i
old one. See u before you aell.
E. L. Stiff Son, 216-217 Lyon
.ora, OiVT,
Local Masons hear Fine Pro
gram and Enjoy Splen
. did Feast
Tho Masonic fraternity Saturday
evening held their annual St. Johns
Day xrcla In th Masonic Tempi.
Mor that 260 members of tha order
and their wivs wore pretcnt to en
Joy lha splendid program and ban
quet which followed. Tha affair wai
pronounced on of tha most success
ful event of ita kind in local Ma
ton ry.
Mr. H. B. Cusick and Mr. W. H.
Dvl delighted th audienr with voc
al eolot, ai did R. U. Steelqul.t, all
f whom wer liberally applauded.
Addressee wer mad by Rev. J. C
Rpenrer, of th Methodist Church and
(Continued on Par 8lx)
Arrests for Sale of
. Alcohol as Whiskey Made
- in Eastern Citiess
NEW YORK. Dee. 29 By th A
nrlatad Preu On of tha biirffest
ault of tha wave of death and blind
ness which haa followed th sale of
poisoned liquor, th supervising reve
nue agent of tha. New York district
announced today.
Three Far Charge
New York. Dee. 29 1 Three men
faced charge before the United
Statea Commissioner today in connec
tion with"tpreading wood alcohol aa
whiskey through Ave state in th
last 10 day, death and blindness fo., """ inenuerv. and with .tal
low Inc In Ha wake. Investigation ia "art from., Albany and Partland
also being undortaken In numeroua bat the world for furajahing
other eastern cities. ,
Search la Continued
CHICOPEE. Mass Dec. 29 Search'
wa continued today for the person McMan is, with Fire and Water com-
connected with th traffic in poison- mittec have worked out a stupend
ous liquor which ha resulted in the. out program involving all the old
last few day in at least 69 death and time spirt, and the boys are going
many cases of serious Illness her and in for great and good fun, not the
in nearly place. Fourteen arreeta least of which will be that old thrill
hav been made and other are expect- er, the water-fight There will be
Manager of Cannery Returns
From Puyallus; Grow
ers are Encouraged
Manager W. R. Scott of tho Albany,
Puynlljp and Sumner amncry re
turned yesterday from a two weeka
-visit at Puyallup and reports an ex
ceptionally good year for the cannery
with bright prospecta for the future.
Manager Scott statea that the Al
bany plant is ready to tako Orders
for plants for this year Bud that now
Is the time for every grower to get
busy and send in hU order to the can
nery here stating the number and
kind of plants wanted. They .will fill
all order here for logan and rasp
berry tips and alio strawberry plants.
It Is necessary that the company
hove a list of all plants wanted, hero
as soon as possibl in order that they
may know how to meet th demand.
TL. -. n .V- -& 1 1
c i . . . .
bany is now up to the people to plant
berries and support th industry that
is no experiment but a lubstancial bus-
incss with a home market and an In-
dustiry, if prorrly suprrted, means
untold development for thi, p.rt of
tho state.
1 The ordinary farmer who does 'not
exneet to o-a into the husines nn a
till c -la ha th,. Annmrfiitilltt in nlnnt I
mane mom:y a USJr
i at hand accoHing to those who are
In the business, when the prospective
(frower should wake ap and order his
plant now for th, spring planting;. I
Former Minaier AcUra NEW YORK Dee., 29 Harry W.
' OMAHA, Dec., 29 By Associated Walker, who managed th campaign
Pre William Jennings , Bryan will of William J. Bryan for president, left
speak here January 12 o "Tb At- today for a tour of New York and New
tftud of th Democratic Party for England for tha announced purpoae
1020". of Interviewing old member of th
Friends gay that he plant a tour Bryan Leagues regarding reviving
of several week in which ha will dls- those organizations,
cuss th league of nations, tha peace Martin H. Glynn seems to be f?vor
treaty and other possibl campaign d for Bryan's running mat, accord
issue, ing to Walker.
Albany College
Opens Its Doors
For Work Tomorrow
" Albany Collrg is to open lit doors
tomorrow after a two weeks vacation
to honor Christmas and the snow
storm. The students from various
part of th slate are coming in on
very train today and it la expected
J tint a full attendance wil b present
! at the opening tomorrow at , 8,80
o'clock. Tremont Hall has been plac
ed in order and th atudenta will find
proper accommodation in all
peeta. '
Ladder Drills, Races, Water
Fights, and AU Old-time
Firemen Stunts '
While Oregon Is beating Harvard
at Pasadena New Year's afternoon,
th Corvalli firemen, competing
j trcntrltie sport lor ' the hundreds of
onlookers gathered on Second and
Madison streets.
Chief Graham and Acting Chief
excellent prises for the winner in
each event say Walter Hill Kline,
and then after the "big doings" there
will be a royal good time, with sup
per attachment, at the City Hall,
will be for nil tha participants
local firemen and all the visit
ing firemen from Albany' and port-
I . There' is th proinix- that there
will b quite a numlwr o' visitors
from the cities named and it li ex-
pected that the event wi:l develop
some reat competition wai.-uo rimer
Judge W. R. Bilyeu is buying th.e
smokes for Sheriff C. M. Kendall and
Chief of polico John Oitlln today and
. r '
laughing at a good jok on himself. I " "
It waa not so funny for a time, elth- Hpnry- McElmurry and the Odd
er, and the county judge was deeply Fellow pinochle club for investiga
worried over the loss of his vest, $260 tion when the telephone rang and
in cash, his watch and spectacles. Judge Bilyeu informed him that his
The judge retired late in his room possessions hadbeen recovered,
in the Odd Fellows building last night j And here is how It happened. W hen
II hunsr hU vest in Its urjal nlare KhArfff trn-ti man .
j 0 lh, door knob neaT nii bed
, he .roia thi(1 moTning he took, his
.mornmB. bath, dressed and sUrted
down town. ,
' Ho had not gone far when he dls-
covered that he was minus his spec
tacles. Then h discovered' that his
watch was gone and further search
revealed th fact that his judicial sal
ary was missing. He met Chief Qatlln
and informed him of the loss and then
reported the matter to Sheriff Ken- :
0ttn Tho good Judge wai running
Vound In circles. j
j' Chief Catlin went Into executive 1
,eion by himaelf and decided that 1
,jnc4 tne nlKrit poilce ad locked up
Belgian Steamer
Wrecked; Entire
Crew is Missing
HALIFAX. Dee. 29 A. P. Tne
Belgian ateamer Anton von Driel haa
been wrecked west of Cap Race and
all of her crew perished, according to
wireleaa dlapatche received her to
day. r i . ,
' rose Seaside
Mr. Chester Groat of Seaside ar--rived
here this noon to visit her par-?'
cms Mr. and Mr. Frans Vollstedt
of North Albany. Mr. Groat is a
j former well known school teacher of
this county.
Turned Loose in Eugene Sev
eral Weeks Ago Were :
Thought Lost '
Two of the homing paeons that
were let out of the loft kept hre by
the forestry depar.rr.v1i several wevkt
ago for exetci'.e, and that were
thought to iutve hoci. lost, returned
to their orig'til loft a" '."tmp Jt;..
according to woid receive, at th? of
fice of N. F. McDdff, supervisor or
the cascade national Xor, says the
Ejgene Register.
Supervisor McDu.'f tu-rjcil th-: 1-ird
out so they could streatch their wings.
They soon disappeared in the distance
and nothing was heard from (hem
Until yesterday.
While quite a. number of pigeons
in the local loft have returned here
after having been taken some distance
into the forest, there is always a
chance that they may return to their
original loft, says Supervisor MrDuff.
For that reason special efforts are
being made to raise as many young'
ones here as possible so that they
will always return to this loft when
while Lieutenant RoMer, of the
. .. . , , , , ,
avinuuu rcrvicc. iiao cnarge oi tne
pigeons here five or six of them when
turned loose made their way back to
Camp Lewis.
all of the hoboes and stray-characters
ha, i tnh' Tu.' i. k-. A
', , ... .. nnrttna 1F wo ..twin. A Anil
over the for , cIue he iiled
th situation up and then surveyed
the Judi.
"What have you got two vests on
for this morning-, judge?" asked the
"Havel f Well, wouldn't that beat
youT" responded the amazed jurist.
It seems that when Judge Bilyeu
dressed this morning he got ln a hurry
and after putting on his regular a-
tire he got another vest and put It on
over the first one. And there wis
his money, vntch and glasses safe
and sound.
In the future the judfre will hang
his vest In another place.
Western Man Named to Of
ficiate at Big New Years
Football Game
PASADENA, Dee., 20 Tb ap-
pointing ox uvorifv n. varniv vi j
Spokane, at referee of the big New
I . -1 M f Btf M
lenn vny rooioaii (tuna it nijrniy
J.IMBj, rV wiivsjsjh w VICRVII
player. Vernell, who I recognized
as on of tb best officials In th west,
has reereed practically all of th big
frames in which Oregon has played
during th taat few years. He I a
careful official and knows the gam
and Oregon' style of play thorough-
Other official selected ar E. C.
Quiglcy, St. Mary Kansas; umpire;
(Continued on Pag 8)
Important Meeting to be Held
at St. Francis Hotel
At Noon
Breeder of pure .bred live stock in
Linn and part of Benton counties are
to meet at the St.' Francis hotel at
11.46 o'clock tomorrow for the purpose
of organising a County Breeder As
sociation. ' About one hundred inviU-
i.orn and notice have been sent out
and good attendance is" now assur
red. AU breeders of thouroughbrcd
stock are invited and those for any
) reason not receiving notice should re-
I port to A. C. Shmitt at the First
National bank.
! Many leading me of the coast in
the stock industry have been invited
and are expected to speak. Prof. E.
L. Potter, of O. A. C will be one of
the principal speakers, O. M. Plum
mer, manager of the Portland live
' stock how, and J. F. Langner, ag
ricultural editor of the Oregon 3omaI
will also be on the list for a speech.
The editors of the Oregon. Farmers,
The Western Farmer and the Pac
ific Homestead have been invited to
take part.
The meeting is to close at 1.30 in
order that those in attendance may
attend the taxpayers meeting with the
county tourt A fine banquet is to
be served by the St Francis. -
Comes From Holland to Make
Home in Linn County;
' is Pleased
' Mrs. S. J. Galama is very happy
over the arrival of her mother and
brother, direct from Holland, who
have come to make their home in Leb
anon. Her mother is 73 years of
or.e, and suffered no inconvenience in
making the three weeks jonrney to
this far western coast to spend the
remainded of her days-near her only
" The wonderful expanse of country
in America is a revelation to them.
as Holland Is only one-half as large
as Linn coumy.'and the opportuni-
" ties to m.ikc a TTvirig here are so mrich
greater than in tint wonderful little"
country where the people needing
more lnnd, proceeded ' to push back
the sea and build dykes to make it
stay where they wanted It to.
I . It is three hundred years since the
people from Holland landed in Amer
ica at Plymouth, and still they are
coming and America has found them
most desirable citizens.
Norman Hapgood
Loses Job As
Denmark Minister
WASHINGTON, Dec., 29 Norman
Hapo-ood is no longer American Min
ister to Denmark, it was said today
at the state department Officials ex-
'phined that the Senate failed to eon-
firm the nomination oefore th end
of the special session; and that siace
h wa not (riven a recess appeint-
mentf hence his commission automat
ically expired. ,
$75 is Awarded to
Members by American
Jersey Cattle Club at Meet
ing Saturday.
t ' ' -
Young People DisplajL Skill
in Kaising and Judging
Fine Stock and Ate Prais
ed by Experts.
Shedd haa the best calf club oat
(be Patifie coast. . That was th
I aUteasent made by both E. U
Westover of the Dairy depart.
meat aad L. 1. Allen of the Boy
ft Girls Cub department of O. A.
. C, who were present at the eele
. b ration last Saturday at Shedd. ef
th winning of the $75 award
from the Americas Jersey Cattle
club. -
The money wa distributed amensr
the members according to the quality
of their calves and their ability to
Judge Jersey calves. - .
Mr. Westover acted as official judge
and placed the proper rank upon each
-of the fifteen calves' present : Five
members were either unable to come
or to bring their calve, tfyr. Allen
conducted the judging contest anions;
the members.
I Following ere th awards: For bes
calf, 1st Lyle Davis, $5; 2nd, Merrill
.Davis $4; 3rd. Harry McConnell, $3; '
4th, Kenneth Arnold, $2.50; 5th, Har- "
old Push; 6th, Willard Troutman.
. Each of the 15 members who ex
hibited also received $2, for exhibiting-
In the- judging contest: Harold
Troutman won 1st place and a If
prise; Harold Pugh and Merrill
Davis tied for 2nd place and divided:
2nd and 3rd prizes equally, receiving
$3.25 each; Lyle Davis was 4th, and
received $2.50;' Stanley Satch well
and Ralph Malson tied for 5th and
divided equally 6th and 6th money,
receiving $1.25 each.
' W. H. McConnell a Jersey breeder
at Shedd is leader of the club and it
was largely through his efforts that
the $75 award was won.
After-the contest, talks were given,
in the schoolhouse by Mr. Westover,
Mr. Allen, County Supt of Schools,
Mrs. I. M. Cummin gs and County
Agent S. V. Smith.
The three r-ic-..'. :ra cf th: Shdd
boys stock judging team which rep-
HLyL -IL-6,,
to relate their experiences on the trip.
Each responded nobly and made good
talks. The boys won 5th place amen?
11 compet-ng county teams, so the
ShecH community has reason to be
prorl of the boys.
0'z to tho'disagreeable weather
only about 80 people were present,
but all pronounced it a uplfrdid oc
casion. Extradition of.
; Wilhelm to Be
Demanded Soon
PARIS, Dee. 29 A. P. The extra
dition of Former Emperor William
will be demanded front Holland as
soon as the peace treaty becomes ef- -fective,
according to a decision tnade"
by French and British governments,
says the Echo de Paris.
French Rivers X
v S woolen by Rains
' PARIS, Dec. 29 A. P. River
throughout France are swollen by the v
continued rain which threaten dis
aster in many sections. Navigation
of the Seine iav. already difficult and
if the inundation continue traffic will
be forced to stop.
French Troops j J
ClashWithfrab -SaysDi
PARIS, Dec. 29 A. Pi-A-Wai-J.'
volunteers and French detachments
have clashed at Baalbek, Syria, ac
cording to a Cairo dispatch. Both
sides are understood to have suffered
losses. '
t t