0000000000000000 0 Member of THE ASSOCIATED 0 .- 0 PHKMS. Th only paper In Linn 0 ' 0 county carrying A. P. dispatches O O00O0O0OO00O9J09 ALBANY DAILY "DEMOCRAT 0000000000000000 u - o O . Tunight and Sunday Fair O o " o 0000000000000009 VOL. XXXII. KOLCHAK MAY BE -WITHOUTOFFICIAL GOVERNMENT AT IRKUTSUIBERIA , Revolutionary Socialists Es y tabli'sh Committee Govern ment, Says Report Receiv ed at Paris Today. STATION IS HELD 'Commander of All-Russian Forces May Find Himself ' ! Without Government when he Returns. TAIUS. Dec, 17 By Associat ed 1'ieea Revolutionary social lata hav fumed a commltte. ' government at Irkutsk, Siberia, where lb All-Husalan Ofir. ascot of Admiral Koktuk Ub llshrd headquarter after bring driven out of ()mak, according to newt received from French of- , flrlal circles. Tha revolutionists took poswssion of tha Irkutsk station on the Trans- Siberian railway, the reports ap. It i considered doubtful here whea ther Admiral Kolchsk will find any thing of hit Kovernmcnt when he finally returns 10 Irkuttk. Ilia prri. nt whercubouts are not definitely known. Clemenceau May Be Candidate PARIS. Dec 27 A number of members of the charrfber of depu ties intend shortly to endeavor to indue Premier Clemenceau to be come candidate for the presidency. Telegrdm Wins . . Libel Case Today PORTLAND. Dec., 27 By A. P. Tha jury In the case of Alxamon Ira Lucas against the Portland Telegram tiT $60,000 damages for alleged libel, f mnd a verdict ort all eounta for tho Telegram. The Telegram recently printed, ar , ticles denying Lucas alleged powers for healing people andcureing thoir mental troubles and the auit follow ed. Portland Man Named WASHINGTON. Dee., 27 John eon 8. Smith, of Portland, was today appointed Federal prohibition direct or for Oregon.- Msde Trip to Corvallis ' - t 1 Millar nronrielor of th Al- i bany Iron foundry mad n business ; trip to Corvallis this afternoon. j ' oooooooooooooooo o r NEW CLASSIFIED O , ' oooooooooooooooo WANTED. Job of work cutting wood with drag saw. G. D. Bilyew, R. F. D. No. 3. 27d30 FOR SALE 8-room dwelling at No. 532 Elm Street, 4 bedrooms, mod ern bath, houaa plastered through out, full cement basement,' furn ace heated. Price $3(100. $300 down $30 par month. Beam Land Co., 138 Lyon Street LOST Combined bill and check book, J V i containing blank ehecks on th First V - -I-,I1 HbmI. A IV,. nil mmn .mA " . C. bills. Finder will kindly return to i 'too rirs national nans ana re- ftripy '' reward. . d27 . .WAITED Furnished house-keeping ' :' Apta. Call for Mr. and Mrs. Mc . Mahan. 418-L or 57 P 21. 27d30 :V ' , FREE Calendars at Hamilton' ', ; ; . Store. Each family Is welcome to . , ' on. Ask for it at th Cashier's ' ofllc. 7d30. FOR SALE (A Ford roadster, cheap for cash. Call 432 Calapoola St, l Phone 621-R. 27d30. -. FOR SALE Mitchell Light Six, first elaas condition-- nlqulr at 618 W. Second St, or Phone 621. d27J2 HEN WANTED, So cut sawlogs wood, slash brush, good wages. House and stov famished, some , tools. Com and see W. J. Turn . idge, Talbot, Or., 0. E. Railroad Telephon Jefferson 8flF2. d27J5 ALBANY. AUTOMOBILE SHOWS INTEREST DEALERS Salem Agencies to Hold Ex hibit in February; Albany May Come Later Salum automobile dealeri are pre paring for their annual automobile how which will be held tometime in February- More than 40 make of oira and trucka are represented in the Capital city and a fine ahow la expected. ' Albany dealers have not yet made definite plana for their 1920 exhibl 'ton, but It la believed that another how, even larger and better that Utt yeara, will be held during the coming spring, perhaps In March aviin. Thia year there are 17 or more deal -ra handling many makes of cara trjrks and tractors, and more than 5 firms aell automobile accessories and supplies. It la possible that thia year the pecessory men will have a better representation than last. It fa regretted that the local armory Is no larger than it la ao that more cara can be accomodated for. dUplay. With several new dealers In the city It is difficult to see horn all can be represented as they would like to be. mm mm m Albany Schools Open Monday A f ter Holiday Vacation Tho public echoola of Albany will onen again Monday morning after vacation of two weeks. One week of 'this time was caused by the weather ! condition and wilt bo made up at the close of the school year in June. This vacation la the third week that thu chlldrcn of Albany have had for rest and recreation since the beginning of tho present school ysar and it is ' expected that every etuder.t. in each I of U.e grades will be found on hand ' Monday morning and b. gin work with the determination to make good in the 'work of tho grade. Albany schools are recognised aa being among the ' best in the state and worthy of the loyal support of every cltiicn of the school district . , . ' . - . DANIALS WILL ACCEPT REPORT Award of Distinguished Ser I vice Medals Causes Con siderable Controversy ' WASHINGTON. Dec., 27. By As sociated Press. Th revised report of th naval decorations to be made by the Knight board after a survey of all facts will probably be accept ed, secretary Daniels said today. Th secretary disclosed the fact that he hid received letters from Admiral ,1ree and Lebanon were reported, pres Henry B. Wilsan, comander of the , cnt for thepurpo-f of taking part in .Atlantic fleet, Admiral Mayo com- the hilarities of the occasion. ndr of th Atlantic fleet during ' war, supporting the position tikv en by Rar-Adniiral Sims. WASHINGTON Dec. 27 Secretary Dnnicls last evming ordered the navy depa'tment's board of swards recon vened Monday, January 6, to revise the recent recommendations as to na . i. ki.k h, i he source of n 'controversy brought to a head few days ago by . declination nf Admiral Sims to accept the distin guished service medal while tha a wards remained as at present. "While approving In the main th recommendations of the board of wards," aula Mr. uameii in nis oracr to Rear-Admiral A. M. Knight to re convene the board, "my examination into th subject has convinced me that there ar a jiumber of cases re quiring farther examination, and there have been additional recommen dations sine your board adjourned which require examination by a board of "of f Icors." Wnu Powell and Dorothy Russell Are Married Today A pretty wedding occured this morn Ing at th Baptist parsonage when, William G. Powell, of Berlin and Dorotha Russell, of Sweet Home were tnlted In marriag. The happy young couple left for Portland and will reside In Camas Wash., where th groom la employed. Th ceremony was performed by Dr. 0. H. Young. LINN COUNTY, OREGON, WOOD ALCOHOL TAKES TOLL OF LIVES IN EASTERN CITIES WHERE 0VER31 PEOPLE DIE OF POISONING POLICE OFFICERS JOIN IN CRUSADE AGAINST OFFENDERS WHO SELL DEADLY DRUG FOR WHISKEY AND LEAJVE TRAIL OF DEATH AND - BLINDNESS IN THEIR WAKE . . NEW YORK, Dec 27 By Aa aoclated Preea Authorities) In many citiea la the eaat were atir. red Into action today against traf fle In "whiskey" made from wood alcohol following a wave of death and bllndneea from thia causa in Manachuaetta, Connecti cut and other atatea. , Tha death list of victims of Christ mas "cheer" in those two states totall- J ed at least 41 persons today. Chicago Fights Plague CHICAGO, Dec. 27 Authoritiea . here Joined hands tcday for a crusade against the sale of wood alcohol as a beverage. Six victima of wood alcohol poisoning ar dead here. Nine In Cleveland . CLEVELAND, Dee. 27 Nin vlct ima of wood alcohol ar In Cleve land hospitals today, raising the total BARK ROOT AND EXTRACT TAKEN Waterloo Men Face Charge of Being Intoxicated and Hilarious Three men were arrested In Water loo by Sheriff Kendall Christmas Eve for being under the inhuence of in toxicants while attending a public masquerade ball. 'Th name ef the parties are withheld for the present pending the date of trial which may occur at any time. It appears that a large number of people were attending the dance and some bed blood had been .stirred up on a previous occasion and aa a re sult th offenders of the law proceed ed to load up pn Bark Root bitten and a supply of Palace Car extract for the purpose, apparently of pruning those againat whom they had a griev ance. No sooner had the preliminary preparation been completed when the aheriff dropped in on the situation and took in charge th three men who will be called to meet the bar of jus tice here which means a minimum line of from $25 to $50 each and costs for th offense. A good siao delegation from Crab- LOCQl UaragC Is Robbed Of Auto A ccessories The Kirk-McKcrn garage was brok en into last Wednesday evening and tho miscreant got away with a small quantity ei mainrwia, papers, etd., Bvwi the , glass door was stol i f rom a rord Sedan belonging so nutora Prince, will be included in the list of Harold. A quantity of spark plugs, persons wl ose surrender for trial will trj gauge, etc., were takxn and tho be demanded by the French, accord thief was preparing to niako away j jng toy unofficial reports of a recent with a number of tires, pumps and meeting between British law officials larger article), when he was interrupt ed. The theft took place during the fore part of the night when Ira Blodgett, who guards tha place at night, was down town. He was returning when the act waa committed and stopped the progress of the looting by his -entrance. Messrs. Kirk and McKern do not mind the loss of th goods aa mu-;h , Siberian question, it was announced aa the fact that a leather case eon-jby th, sUte depl,rtment today. Ne tainlng th price lists waa taken. The tiatiolt ookln to ,Uch , ,Kree book contains the price ot every-1 ment , tm in prorl-M n, d. thing carried in stock and was com- plied with much tim and effort The , ftwth la book is of no us to anyon else, but 0100 lIUO 18 -the owners of the garage state that if . A Warded PtlZC they can get It back they will drop prosecution of th case against the offender. :' M. and Mrs. Albert New from the state of Nebraska were expected to visit his old friend and neighbor A. L. Richardson of 1703 East front street. Th families have not met for th last thirty years. . i SATURDAY, DECEMBER to 24. Three have died today, plac ing the month's total at 14. ' Fatalities in Massachusetts CHICOPEE, Mass., Dec. 27 The total number of known deaths due to drinking wood alcohol up to 3 o'clock this afternoon stood at 81 men and two women here; Holyoke, six men; Springfield, three men and on wo man. Case at Hartford HARTFORD, Conn., Dee. 27 Thirteen have died here as a result of drinking wood alcohol, th list of 10 last night being increased by three deaths today. Three presona are un der arrest for th possible sales of the poison. NEWARK, Dec. 27 Two deaths o curred her today fcom wood alcohol polr-cning. BEATS SNOW BY ONE DAY M. Schlegel Has Satisfac tion, of Saving House From Cold Wave It is profitable to make hay while the sun shines and, sometimes, in foul weather as wel las fair. J. M. Schlegel of Sunrise found this so during the past fall, after ho had moved into w k"i "vjr ing the house thereon. He had retired from the farm a' few miles southeast of town. He wished to improve his new house by aaoing a water ana ugni eyaiciu. uu all modern conveniences. During the fall he worked everlastingly, day in and day out, hiring men when they could be hired and working alone when they could not Sometimes .s wne ana aaugnier nvipeu aim. ( He had just finished a new roof when the snow cam. Had he been a day late with his roof, snow would have filled th new rooms he had add ed, and the freezup would have ruin ed his piping- system o .. o-li i i. k! oomr. """"iovcr his fields has been turned out on the back for all his hard, hssty . . .,. uv i Ackerman. work during the fall. He had .count ed himself unlucky because of the trouble he had in hiring labor, and of the many things occurring to h !d him back. "But maybe I'm lucky after all," he now Bays, "for I beat the snow by cne day I . ; Crown Prince May Also Be Called to Trial LONDON, Dec. 27 A. P. Fred- erick Wiliam, former German Crown and tho French Under-Secretary for Military Justice. Japan and U, S. Reach Agreement WASHINGTON, Dec. 27 By A. P. l.n.n anil tho United States have .,,h ,m.ni ree-arding the County Agent 8. V. Smith went to Shedd this morning to be present at the exercises at which the Shedd Calf club this afternoon received an award of $75, the prixa given by th Ameri can Jersey Cattle club. Tha exer cises took place at tha school house and large attendant waa expected to b present , 27, 1910 PORTLAND GROPES IN DENSE FOG 'Heavy Mantle Drops Over City and Traffic Is Blocked : London doesn't have anything on Portland for fog. At least thai what several hundred thousand Port lander's ar ready to swear, with em- I phssis on th iwear, after the ex- Annual pericne they had groping their way through the thick blanket whico lie ' scended apon th city early hit night says tha Morning Oregon:sr.. I Th heavy shroud which visited the city, especially tha downtown sec tion and those sections on low ground along the river, set everyon te grop ing through the darkness. Even the street lights shon wierdly through the curuin and it was ;mpoiMe to distinguish them short distance a way. '!. The for Was declared by old-timers -to br cne of th heavieit in year only ih I l"her portion of th city being free from it. In th downtown section It was so wick mar. it was difficult to distinguish objects across the street. - Portland traffic suffered heaviest of alL Street cars and automobiles wen compelled to feel their way through th rirtain of darkness and street ear schedules suffered severly. Tavlrnh driver, refused to accent passengers who wiahed to make long trips and had to content themselves with fares who were not going far out of the business district. Brownsville Man a V ictim of nUofl- Vnmor vnecK r orger Claranca Bogg'ie, a well known de sident of Brownsville vicinity has been the victim of a bad check artist, ac cording to a statement made by him J here today. Some person endorsing checks with th nam of George Holmes passed paper for $25 each at Eagle's cigar store in Albany and, Kline's department stort, Corvallis. fht transaction took place about Nov. 4 ,nd Boggie and th officers are still . working on tn case, I REBUILDS CAR IN SPARE TIME J,J AckeriTUUl hS . Tractor Equal to Best he Thinks, From Old Truck A rebuilt Ford truck that will pull nlAV onnA flnH Hr-PTl at S metTV CllD " ----- - - ' living On the south side of Know Butte, and of which he is jussly proud practise. The Oregonians have reach Mr. Ackerman sold his Ford truck, ed that 1eak of condition which gave b Jt the purchaser was unfamiliar with the brute, and Mr. Ackerman soon ' bought it back. He got out his axe I his crosscut auw' and his plyers and tacklcd the job. Now his little tractor, running ou low gear and with a big plow hitch- ed behind, is invincible. Mr. Acker- man thisks in some ways is has yot the regular modelsbeaten. - He can do ixl kj, heavy team work with it r lie recently ceieomeu ins o-u birthday. He has been a resident of .. 1 1 1 L- C l .1 Linn County all his life. Former Albany Boy Makes Good As Road Engineer . J. W. Nash, deputy state engineer of the highway commission of the state of Idaho, and former Albany boy. is In the city this week visiting his mother and brothers and sisters. Mr. Nash la employed on the engi neering tore. n,. n tnrougn -Y The regular annual meeting of th. TZ Iri? JxneStrl. of .ctation j. on th. first Monday of one of th. most expensive tines oi t . . . road being built in the state. December -ch year. In th. sesskin Th. state i. spending about one ysterdiy v.rioj. phase, of the million dollars on th. construction of profession wa. discussed and 22 mile, of road th connecting link greater uniformity of fees may be the between th. two leading towns in th. result of th. conference. -Th. off.e- Jtatoi era of th Association are Gal S. Hill Mr. Nash is making good and be- president. A. A. Tossing of Browns longs to that class of young men who ie vice-president, Dan Johnson of la a credit to this part of the state, Albany secretary and Victor Oliver and his hom. town. Mr. Nash reports treasurer. - When it comes to an hon th. anow about four feet deep In th. orabl. and representative das. of pro mountains where they were at work fessioml men. It ia safe to say that and all activities have been discon- Linn county is not surpassed Jn any tinued until th snow clears out 'county of the state. No. 200 1,503 CHILDREN nn onifAAt inn Uf OtilUliL A lit ARE IN DISTRICT SAYS HACKLEMAN Census of School Children Show Increase of 84 in Public Schools Dur ing the Last Year. . GAIN IS SLIGHT . . . . Figuring on School Popula tion the Population of Al bany is Approximately 7,500 People. There ar 1503 children of school ag in Albany, according to District School Clerk D. D. Haeklenaa. who submitted his report of the eavmer.itio.1 ef children to the county school sup erintendent this morning. It shows 708 boys and 795 girl. Last year the total enumeration was 1419. During the year the clerk reports that five families having 32 'children of school eCa have moved out of the district and bat one family having a large number of children has moved in. - Numerous families having one and two children have moved in and out ot th district during the year, ing a net iiM)f M ove leav ing a net gain-oi M cnuaren over ian enumeration. - Each child of schcel z dmwa from the state and county fund about $15, to apply on the expense of conduct ing the school while the balance is made up by district school tax. - Taking five as the average number in a family, th population of Albany is figured at about 7,515. . . Canadian hobOT Leader Sentenced WINNIPEG. Dec. 27 A. P-A sentence of two years was given B. B. Russell, one of the labor leaders in Winnepeg'a general strike recently. Russell was found guilty Wednesday on the charge of seditious conspiracy and received his sentence today Oregon Players Cut Training To One Practise PASADENA, Dec. 27 By A. P. 1 1.1 K Y. tla nl.irm Hit. miuuuBu weigh Oregon, the northerners today ji:k...i ,k.;. -.,t;M i h.lf The easterners began an intensive trainer Bill Hayward and Coach Hunt- ington confidence to decide that one practise period daily will be suffici- ent to keep the men in the best pos- shape- Jscape( ConUld rr.u Held in Frisco . MARYVILLE. Cal.. Dec. 27 A. P. Confronted with telegrams showing that he is wanted in Spokane for bank robbery, Harold Simms, . also known as Leo Hartmann held here as the automobile bandit for the murder of a boot black, confessed to the bank robbery, according to Sheriff McCoy. . Simms, as Hartman, said that he rnUy. from the 0ren j-csassyesst.. je Memberj of tn7inn County Bar Association met , tiioaTned ession , ,he Iaw ,irby of tha J bank wit!l ever, mem ...ori-Hon present except a'.turnoy Garland of L3r.on who is di tk, winter in California.