ALBANY DEMOCRAT Entered at th pestomc at Albany, Oregon, as eccondlaaa matter. W. U Jackson and - Ralph R. Croats . ' Editors and Managers ' Dally published every evening except Sunday. Seraiweekly published. Tuesdays and Fridays. ESTABLISHED la5 Business Matter In ordering changes of address, subscribers should always giva old as well as new address. - - Subscription Rates Daily Delivered by carried Per month 60c; Per year In Advance $5.00 ' By Mail, In Linn and Route 4 Benton County, Per year, in Advance . .$4.00 Outside of Linn County and RU 4 Benton Co., Pr year, in Advance . .$5.00 Member of The Asecisted Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication or not otherwise credited in this if all news dispatches credited to it paper and also the local newa published herein. All ngpU of republication ' of special dispatches herein are also reserved. ' PHONE W ALBANY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24 GREETINGS Yuletime is merry time, time of relaxation and happi ness. Away with the problems of our complex civilization; away with them alllThe old, old longing in me, the old re sponse to the Christmas story; is with up yet. Divergent views, colossal problems, unrest, all it cannot drown or even dampen the hand of the spirit that lays over all on Christmas Day. Good will to'11 on this celebration of happi ness that is our thought, onfe and all. It is a thought to carry on. .Soon comes the new year. .The old slate is wiped clean. The past year of doubts, mis givings, readjustments it is all behind us. Let us face the birth of nineteen-twenty with the healing spirit of Christ mas Day strong upon us. Let us carry it a little further with us throughout the coming year. Let us, indeed, keep it with us until another day of world-wide Christian happi ness comes to mark its victory Christmas, 1920. THE SAME OLD CHRISTMAS . What's the use of being a pessimist when the most per sistent and comprehensive thing in the world, and the one which has the greatest effect upon the greatest number of people, is a feast of joy? Der old Christmas! Kill-joys decry it, seers declare the end of the world is coming to put a stop to it, mankind gen erally lets loose a flood of meanness that is enough to dis courage the hardiest holiday, and what happens? Why Christmas comes smiling along, and everybody who is worth a rap forgets all the things he was mad about and devotes his attention to giving gifts to other people. . Familiarity makes us lose sight of the wonder of Christ mas, the marvelous thing that it is, which having neither voice nor physical body has nevertheless so distinct an ef- feet upon the hearts and actions of men. Christmas never loses its patience. It has come now Nineteen hundred and nineteen times to remind mankind that peace on earth and good-will toward men are actual things given them for their happiness and enjoyment. Not to believe in it, not to share in its joys, not to make manifest with gifts our response to its influence, is to stand between ourselves and the sun. : The feet of the reindeer are tinkling on the roof, the Christmas bells are ringing, the Christmas star is shining in the eyes of hosts of little children just as gayly, just as full of promise, as it shown over the hills of Bethlehem "Come, sing a carol joyfully, and welcome Merry. Christ mas!" ' . . . . Comment of the State Press Snappy Gleanings tram Press of the Valley - the Musle will be under the leadership of Sir Knight Clyde Bryant, assisted by Sir Knight Win. Fortmlller and other Sir Knights. D. P. MASON, d23-S4 - Acting . C, Went To Portland Him Dlna Eagle of tha Eagles boarding huut went to Portland today to iprnd Christmas with friends and relatives. I'lalnvlew Vsltors lisao Whraldon one of the proml. netit pioneers of 1'lslnvisw arrived In the city by train this morning to do onte Chr.tmas shopping. The Myrtle Point American issued an extra large number for Christinas, there being thirty-two panes. Editor Smith gav the people a number well worth sending away, ono which re flects credit upon tho community which the paper so thoroughly repre sents. ( She Is Bankable . With eggs at 90 cents a doien, tlie old barnyard hen look with contempt upon tne dove of peace, and in fact feels herself almost a important as the American eagle. Haines Record. Will be Candidate Ssnstur Chamberlain has enounced thmt he will be a candidate for sen ator next year, but fails to state which ticket he expects ta adorn. George was always careful about committing himself too far In advance. rugene r.i..r.l One thin is certain he'll be elected by republican votes, add the Oregon Voter. Lodge, Luadendorff, Johnson et a I The church all over the land fias endorsed the treaty and th League of Nations. ' The American Federa- tion of Labor haa endorsed it. The; women have endorsed it almost 100 ner cent stromr. Right-minded. God-. fearing, law-abiding, war-haing and; peacAoving people everywhere have heen about almost unanimous In their indorsements, and if it was put up to a vote probably 75 per cent of tha people would vote for the rutuica tioa. Who is against it, demands the Stay ton Mail. Visits la Portland. Bert Francis, a former buninoa man of Albany, left ttits morning for Port land to spend Chrlstmss. Visits Daughters Mr. and Mr. Hub Bryant went to Portland today to end the holidays with their two daughters Mm. Mary and Mrs. Tunenisn. Here From Springfield - Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Rowe, of Spring field arrived here this morning to pond Chriatmat with there ions the Lambert y boys of the Hamilton store. MAUAUMItf SU NBEAM MAZDA LAMPS SUNS ONLY COMI'KTITOIl EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Cash or Terms (WESTERN ELECTRIC WASIIINO MACHINES KHKK (WESTERN ELECTRIC BEWINO MACHINES Demonstration (WESTERN ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANERS WIRING DONE BY LICENSED BONDED WI1IKMKN Phone 20 THE ELECTRIC HTORK. INC 117 Wast First BL. Albany Five Minute Per Year (Aurora Observer) A minimum waea of 120.00 for a 8-hour week for female employes, and $400 for an 8-hour day are the provisions of a constitutional amend ment filed with the secretary of state last week. A more sorely needed law is one limiting the labors of e&nomic "nuts" and law tinge rs to about 6 minute per year. The rest of the workers might then enjoy a little free dom from the activities of We nan baked law proposers. T.oTersor" Simpson? As tn Mr. Simbson we opine that should he rnak up his mind to run for governor, it would simply be a walk-away. During his last campaign he mad many friends but he entered the race too late. If the people throughout the state only knew him aa well as they do in his own county ho other fellow would set so dls gusted with himself that he wijuld for get all about having ran for office. Mt. Sctt Herald. THE MOB IS WRONG The mob violence in whatever form and for whatever purpose is a serious menace to constitutional government was declared in a recene address by Hugh L. Nichols of the Ohio Supreme court. "I have heard men denounce violence in one form and condone it in another. It is a false doctrine" said Justice Nichols. "I f officers of the law would stand their ground, many a cowardly mob would see its purpose defeat ed. Only an awakened public conscience and respect for law will prevent violence." .. Any departure from the fundamentals of justice, such as right to trial, right to know the crime one is charged with, t is a danger so far-reaching that every citizen should be on 1 guard, said the speaker. This is good talk.. Mobs never right wrongs, they only double them. The answer to im patience with slow processes of law Is not the mob, but the installation of swifter forms of legal procedure or change of personnel in the administration of the forms existing. Wrongs are righted permanently only by processes of thought, by the rising of mankind to ever higher lovels of Intelligence and justice. The mob is always an unthinking brute which lowers every man who joins it. It iia reaction ' ary force, never a progressive one. Natice to Readers of Albany . DEMOCRAT -, ' 17 Your Paper is not Promptly Delivered CALL Harold Hoflich Phone 531-J. rtiamninn Freak Bill The champion freak bill proposed in Oregon is the one fixing legal rate of interest at 4 to 5 per cent, adiudg ea the Harney County News. We miirht lust aa wel loans a measure fix ing the legal price of wheat at 60 cents, hogs at 8 cents and wool at 15 cents. The only efiect would be tnr.l wheat, hog and wool would be ship nrf outside the state where the world price prevailed. And th same thing will happen to money a by any chance of fate such law should be passed. , 1 To the officers and mem bers of Temple Command ery No. 8 K. T. By order of the Eminent Command. I er, you are commanded to meet at Masonic Temple Christmas morning at 9 o'clock A. M. for our usual Christmas observance. This is the Knightly duty of every member, and it ia hoped that each Sir Knight will do. his duty. BAKE BITE Bread Cak ' Plea Cookies, Roll, Doaghmita, Etc, . ar Making A HIT Try Them t Elite Bakery & Confectionery FULLY PROTECTED We have just installed an Electrical Burguar Alarm System, which places The ALBANY STATE BANK In the front rank for safety and protection. Every inch of the vault surface is electrified, as well as the vault door. This means the combination, the bolt throw, or the vault itself cannot be touched without turn ing in an alarm that can be heard for blocks. Proof of the efficiency of the alarm systems, is the fact that during twenty years that such alarms have been in use In the United States, not a single vault or safe protected by them have been broken into or robbed of a single dollor. This is SOME record when you consider the thousands of leading BANKS that have this protection. . Further, the big insurance companies writing burglary insurance fully realize the safety of the alarms for they automatically reduce the premiums fifty per cent on all banks thus protected. ' Further, Uncle Sam has the best modern alarm appliances he can obtain for the protection of money and valuables in his charge. We feel that we cannot make our vaults too strong for our cutsomers. We feel that they are entitled to the best protection we can giye them. : We still have a limited number of safety deposit , boxes for rent at reasonable prices. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. . Albany State Bank "ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE" for Not fATHtR ' Exquisite Christmas Jewelry Christmas is upon us. If you have not yet decided upon your gift, settle the question now by giving Jewelry. Good jewelry lasts a lifetime and I a constant reminder of your appreciations and good wilL PICKARD CHINA A rar work of art ia PICKARD China, and fortunaU Indeed I th recipient of this beautiful war. Whether you choos a single hand painted plat or novelty or full tea or lunch set, your gift will hav distinction and "class.'' Many design and many prices. SlSTtO SILVERWARE IS SUPERB i N W y! f I A set of -Gorham'i Solid Silver 1 a gift of richness and luxury. Mad In many beautiful pattern, It la th ultimate in correct table furnishings. If yon do not ear for a full aet this year pleas tha wife by giving her aome part of th outfit. . Many novelties to choos from, such a salad fork, pi and cak knives, ladle, berry spoons, tc. Silver plate Is also wonderful. CHIME CLOCKS Mak splendid gifts. -W hav them in many size and at vari ou price. I V fcrBt OTHER SUGGESTIONS - Rings, Leather Goods, Diamonds, Cigarette Case, Watches; Conklin'i Pens, LaValljerei, Hawk' Cut Class, Broaches, Electric Table Lamps. " - F. G, WILL High Class Jewelry 1 v K for 5wi77St7V1 i.."T7 mamw :7 at ' ; V t, 1