V. f O. Ltknr 0000000000000000 0 Member of TUB ASSOCIATED 0 0 I'KKSS. The only paper la Lltm 0 0 county carrying As P. dispatches O 00000000 00 000000 ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT oooooooooooooooo e o O Tonight and Thursday Oeeae- O O tonally Rain. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO VOL. XXXII. ALBANY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24. 1919 No. 198 1 SCHOOL DISTRICT VOTES BUDGET AS ASKEDFORBYTHE LOCAL DIRECTORS Total Vote of 148 Ballots is Cast and Measure Carries by. Margin of Nearly Two to One. VOTE IS LIGHT By Providing: Budget of $56, 235.72 Taxpayers Remove Necessity for Borrowing and Paying Interest. . Tha people of . school dUtrlct number ftve want to tha polla yes terday and compiled with tha re quest of tha school board for an ample budget with a vote of al most two to ona In favor of tha laMM. There ware 148 vote east, 98 vot ing fur tha budget and 60 agalnat It While the rota waa light It waa heavi er than that cant tha first time when only 27 people took the trouble to ' vote, IT of that number voting against it. The board estimated that f (.2.235.72 would be needed for the coming year and found It Impossible to prune one rent off of this estimate. Had the taxpayer failed to provide the re quired amount the board would have been forced to borrow about 1.15,000 and to make a levy of about 10.6 mills for tha district tax. The present course was tha moat satisfactory so lution of the problem. With Increasing aalariee and other xnensaa it Is not even known wheth er or not tha amount voted will be' sufficient by tha end of the coming year. JENKINS TO FACE SEDITION CHARGE American Sonsular Agent at Pueblo Charged With Giving Arms EL PASO, Dec, 24. By A. P Charges of sedition will be filed a gainat William O. Jenkins, American Oomular agent at Pueblo, Mexico, following the alleged dilivery by him of arms and hjnmunition to bandit who captured him, according to tha Excelsior, of Mexico City. ooooooooooooooo NO DEMOCRAT. THURSDAY In order that the start of the Democrat may have one day's' rest durin gthe year and an opportunity to observe Christmas at homo with their families, there will be no pap er lieued tomorrow. The Economy Day Page, which usu ally runs oh Thursday, will appear on Friday, giving the advertisers on that page an opportunity to change thoir copy by having it In the office early Friday morning. We wish you a Merry Christ- mas. oooooooooooooooo .. o . r O NBW CLASSIFIED O oooooooooooooooo BICYCLE FOUND Bicycle left at 704 Eaat 8rd St, owner prove prop- arty and pay for this ad. 24(126 FOR SALE Beautiful dwolling at 015 E. lat St, pavement paid for. Thla house la plastered throughout, has electric lights, bath, fire place. Can give immediate possession. Price 12760.00, pay ua $500 down In caah or bonds, $26.00 per month. Beam Land Co., 183 Lyon Street ., 24d26. WANTED A second-hand stump puller. C A. Haralsch, Rt 2. 1 22d24 PRESBYTERIANS TO HAVE TREE Fine Program to be Given at First Church This Evening Tha First Presbyterian Church will hold a Chrlitmss tree program thla evening at 6:46 o'clock in tha par lors of tha church. Tha public la in vited to Join In tha celebration of the Christinaa holidays. Tha church has been decorated and a large tree supplied. Santa. Claus will be there to give candy, nuta and cakea to tha children. Applea will also be given. , A Ana program will be given by the Sunday school, consisting of tha fol lowing numbers: Song by school. Welcome Address, Fredrick Dowd. Once a year, Mark Candera. - Piano Solo, Dorothy Gland. Christmas uestions, Jack Cathey. Christmas Children, Marion Ballack, Jack Flench, France Bothern, Rollln 8chmltt, Catherine Coatee, Frank Cockin, Irene Adderson, Bob Pollock, Dorothy Gland, John Steelqulst Primary Department So rig. A Gentle Reminder, Evelyn Palmer, Barbara Morgan, Lois Banton. Song by school. Christmas Morn, Mrs. Walton Werlia' Clasa. - Talk by Superintendent, Dr. A. C. Schmitt Piano Duet, Dorothy and Mildred Gland. Christmas Eve, Helen Pugh. Av Christmas Lullaby, Thelma Khroubough, assisted by eight little girls. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM TO-NIGHT AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Soleclion Orchestra. "Joy to the World," Congregation "While Shepherd watched their Flocks by Night" Junior Choir. Responsive scripture reading "The Fint Christmas Superintendent all.' For EUROPE'S MOST URGENT NEED IS POOLING OF FOOD SUPPLY ADTHE NAMING OF DIRECTOR, SAYS BUSS GENERAL BLISS, MEMBER OF AMERICAN PEACE ' , DELEGATION, RETURNS FROM FRANCE WITH ' NOUNCE DATE FOR WASHINGTON, Dec 24 By Associated Press Europe's most urgent need today la tha pooling of its food supply and the ea tabliahmeat of proper distribu tion facilities ander a director general, is the opinion of General Trasker H. Bllaa, member of the America a Peace delegation who returned borne today. Such an arrangement, General Bliss said, would remove discontent, strengthen tha morale and aid over the formative period the new govern ments. He says Germany ahould be included in tha economic coalation. Ha saw no possibility of Including Russia. Naval Base at San Diego WASHINGTON. Doe. 24 Tha nav. -Jil establishment at San Diego waa today designated as a "naval base" by Secretary Daniels. All divisions "It came upon the Midnight Clear" Junior Choir. Prayer Pastor. Solo "There's a Song in the Air." May Brown. Primary exercise "A visit to Grandma". "0 Little Town of Bethlehem" Junior Choir. Recitation-'When Chriitmas Smiles Across tha World" Victor Clinton. Duet Cornet and Violin. N Ten minute talk Pastor. A CHRISTMAS ORISON By DR. GEORGE H. YOUNG America of countless lands best! We call thee ours, we love vales and hills. Thy fertile fields, fair skies, each mountain crest. For thee, our heart with pride and rapture thrills. - For what thou art, dear land, we love thy name; Yet most for what it has been thine to do To free the world from tyranny any shame Of rule; establish justice, sure and true. But yet strong tides of evil flood thy soul, The greed of gold, the lust of life's A low sin; Nor ever canst thou fully be made whole ' " Till Christmas Spirit reigns in power within. . Still we thee love, and pray that thou wilt grasp uoa am give, v And learn the way through sacri ficial task him, the Christ, thy national iA life to live. . . RETURN OF RAILROADS. of tha establishment will be placed on- der the commandant, who Is to ap - pointed. To Revoke Licenses i WASHINGTON, Dec 24 Thj re vocation, effective January 1, of all licenses issued by the War Trade Board prior to last September 30 f'r tha exportation of arms and ammuni - tiop to Mexico, was announced today by the state department. To Announce Re tors Date WASHINGTON, Dec. 24 President Wilson will announce tonight the date on which the railroads will be return - ed to private control. Neither the railtad administration nor White House officials would discuss the mat - ter, but an administration official gen- erally held to the opinion that federal conuut win do enaea at midnight, Dec OA. "Silent Night" Four girls. Muiical Monologue "The Hand maid of Bethlehem" Mis Una Hall. "Star of the East" Song(Violin obligate) Selection Orches- "Vislt from J v ' T Sorghu ' S. McNaught o. t Just received machim tion of a 30-ton molaae miU. CoosJ Bay Harbor. cs the thy . lm. it mi va j y ST. MARY'S CHURCH TO GIVE PROGRAM Interesting Exercises to be Held Tomorrow by uukcM An interesting program has been W"- ?or I Bt Mary Church tomorrow. In- of th. midnight m... there will be an early man and general communion of the faithful at 8 o'clock at which the children's choir will ting tha Usual Chriitmai carol i. This ser vice will be immediately followed by the maat of tha aurora or day break J nd th olen,n n,h m" wi" ,un" by the full parih choir at 10.80 a.m. Tha patter will addreia his Christmas wiihes to his parishioners and will speak from tha text "Thla Day la . Born to you a Savior", I Select numbers of tha program will ! be the anthem "Come all Ya Faithful" ! and "Christ Is Born to ua" at the of- , fertory. An afternoon service will be held at 4 o'clock before tha Christmas Crib, which portrays tha scene of Bethlehem. The public is cordially in vited. . ' 1 Christmas tree exercises held yea- terday at St. Mary's Academy. , Pio "Senary" Omo Morris 1 Vocal "Christmas Secrete" Mar- Caret Kennedy. Diologue "Just Like Papa" Prira- arT pupil,. Recitation "Christmas Philosophy" Raymond .Barrett. Son "What I Want" Primary Pu- j Piano Duet "Waltx" Ludllie Dowling and Mary Paul!. , "Chriatmai Hymn" Lucy Brattain and Dorothy Lane. Playet "What Santa Claus Brought" 4th Grade pcpils. Song "Up on the House Top" Pri mary Pupils. Piano Duet Oma Morris and Lacy Brattain. , : Chorus "The Happiest Day of all Jhe Year" Senior Pupils. Recitation "Christmas Wishes" thryne Hartley. '" iting for Santa Claus. SEATTLE MAN IS .. D AMD DCriDTCMT DUiUD ULtlllOl I Infernal Machine is MaHed From, Portland, But Fails to Explode SEATTLE. Dec., 24. By A. .P Portland police have been asked iy Seattle officer to help find the party or parties who mailed an infernal machine in Christmas wrappings to Fred Fink, a local musician.. The package bore a Portland post mark with the return address of a Portland .music house. The machine failed to explode when opened. It con tained a loaded revolver and six sticks of dynamite. The device was inten ded to start an explosion when open ed. Careful opening prevented a trng edy. - ' Strike Leader rt tOUna Utility Hi.jvirtu, uec., i A. r. k. a. Russell, one of the leaders of the Win nipeg general strike, charged with seditious conspiracy, was found guilty today on seven counts. oooooooooooooo o O OUR CHRISTMAS POEM o .The Democrat desires to call the attention of its readers, although it is hardly necessary, to the poem which appears on tRb front page of today's pap er. ' At the request of the Democrat, Dr. George H. Young penned this bit of verse and we take pleasure in pra sengng the sentiments which it convey, at . this season. -Written in the form of a o o o o o o o o o o o o O ' Christmas prayer, in perfect O 4 meter and verse, we believe it O O will equal anything that is be- O O ins; printed on the subject to- O O day. Dr. Young has made an -O O enviable reputation with hia O O verse and prose and his writ- O O rngs never lack for a publisher O O when he chooses to put them O O on the market The Democrat O O acknowledges Its debt to Dr. O O Young. : '. 0 O O 000000000000 0,0 0 FORTMILLER AND WILLIAMSON ARE CHOSEN MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL Prominent Business Men Named by Council to Fill Vacancies Caused by Death and Resignation. CHIEF GETS RAISE Council Buys Fordson Tract or For Fire Department; Junkin Allowed Paving In spection Fee. Fred Fortasiller and Clyde E. WilliaaMon were last night added ' to the roll call of the city council whea they were elected by that body to SU vacancies caused by the removal from the ward aad tha death of a former member of that body. Fred Fortmiller waa choeen to rep resent the second ward to succeed E. L. Wieder, who recently moved into ward one. Mr. Fortmiller is a mem ber of the firm of the Fortmiller Fur niture Company and has lived many years in the city. He is a progres sive business man and possesses tha good Judgment necessary for a suc cessful member of the city legislative body. Clyde Williamson, who was chosen to succeed the late R. A. B. Veal, la associated with the Albany State Bank and is a young business man of more than ordinary ability. The choice made by the council will re ceive the approval of the people of their respective wards and keeps in tact a strong, progressive body of business men who have the best inter esta of the city at heart Roads and sewers were discussed pro and con. An ordinance was pass ed by the councilmec to advance the- Ml,ry of 018 chief of plice , mak- tafthnr $95.00 per ftonth. , The Fordson tractor was purchaser.' for the use of the city fire department XTlfltT19 ...fcesvs. au. pulling VLIC UTW engine to better advantage than b horse power. . Street Commissioner Glen Junkm waa voted $150 for services rendered for inspecting the pavement being built on 6th street and on Elm. The mayor advised that he did not dean., it proper to pay the street eommia- '' sioner the money because he was a salaried officer of the city and his time was paid for by the city. However it was passed by the councilmen. Prisoner Brown Repairs His Own Damage to Jail Sheriff Kendall who is some what of an expert in the construction of masonry work, supervised the remod- fnl ot !the un? this mornin by -havtng his boarder, one Chas. Brown alleged to be from Chicago, hitch on to a wheel barrow and haul some gravel and cement into the jail and repair the damage done by Brown himself. Brown who is being held in the jail waiting the action of the next grand jury, on a charge of breaking into the Wills jewelry store here, took occa sion the last few days to dig out of the jail. It appears that the plummers who were making some repairs since the freeze had left a piece of pipe that vaa overlooked and Brown had attempted to follow out of the jail through a hole that had been started by former Inmates of the, jail. He was detected in due time by the sheriff and now has the dam to re paired and no doubt lesa privelrges than he enjoyed before. Pendleton Man Named on State Stock Board SALEM, Ore., Dec, 24-A. P. On the recommendation of the Oregon Wool Growers Association Governor Olcott today appointed K. G. Warner of Pendleton, a member of the State Livestock Sanitary board to seceeed the late J. N. Burgess, who was mur dered in a holdup near Portland last month. His term will expire Jane , 1821. v 1