CHINESE WOMEN STUDY HEALTI a Three Doctors Return From : America to Begin Active Health ; Campaign Among Wcmen. ALL AGENCIES . COMBINE. American V. W. C, A. Will Support , Woman'! Part of Chinee Health Campaign aa Part of World Sorvloo Program. Aa a result of tho T. W. O. A. Inter national Conference of Women I'hy- Want, held during (September and Oc tober, Chlneoa women are to hare a far-reaching health program. Dr. Ida Kahn, Dr. U Bl-Cn and Dr. Dan, three of China' half hundred women physician, who attended thia - ' r . : n - . - MIR IDA KAHN URQCS CHINES! WOMEN TO WORK. conference, are to take an sctlre part In promotlnc thla health program for women which will be the ahare of tho T. W. a A. la the big health move ment In China. The fund for establish leg these health centers, for demonstratloaa of bow to car for babies, for health lectures for tho women, for babies' dis pensaries and for a general educa tional campaign, will bo raised by the American X. W. G. A. aa part of its program of world senrtca for and girls In 1920. Dr. Ida Kahn, In a recent appeal to modem Chinese women said, "Let oar women of education In Peking and elsewhere gather themselves together to work for tho schools, Bed Cross and T. W. a A, and everything else which bespesks the betterment of the conn try. Instead of staying at home to play poker and "sparrow,' and going oat to attend endless dinners, tea parties and dances. " "Let ns rally our forces and help the ship of state to more safely. On per son cannot accomplish much, but one or two hundred millions of women esq work wonder. Let ns go back to a more Spartan-like simplicity of llrlng and let us build ap social servie until rery city In China Is sanitary, every section of the town hss Its proper schools, and erery child, whether boy ' or girl. Is sent to such schools. True social service brings democracy In tta train, and we who are citizens of a new republic can help to make It truly great by preaching and llrlng democ racy all the-tlme. Why not learn to do onr household duties, deeming It effeminate to be waited upon by maids and slave girls all the time "The status of women In China, while leering much to be desired, still Is quite hopeful when we consider that she Is Just emerging Into the sis terhood of the nations. Our men can depend upon ns to bear the burdens of the dsy, for nowhere Is there a more Industrious, diligent snd persereiing womanhood than In China." Dr. Kahn Is lecturing In this conn try on the needs of her fellow country women. In the interests of the X. W. C A. Educational Campaign which plan to acquaint people with all phases of X. W. C A. work In the United Slates, South America, China. Japan, India and Europe. Tols educa tional campaign will be followed by an actlre effort to raise the $3,000,000 Deeded for service for women through oat the world. CHINESE WOMEN HAVE FINANCIAL ABILjTY. They Carried Y. W. C. A. Campaign "Over the Top." -' . Much has bean said about the hon sty and skill of the Chinese business man. The world has neglected to men tion the financial ability of Chinese women. They prored this ability In the last financial campaign of th X. W. C. A. In Tientsin. Ordinarily three week are ajlowed 1n which to raise th budget by sub scription after th finance committee Jiaa decided upon th sum . necessary to carry on th work of th coming year. Th Tientsin campaign was car Tied on entirely by Chinese women and froke all records by going orer the top In ten day with 4 large surplus orer th budget WANDER FROM STRICT TEX1 Matter f Marvel That Phrase Pre : th Bible Are 8 Prequtntly M'tqueted. ' Km book has contributed more to the grutrul luk of mlMiuotalliMis tnno the nihle. No book exists In su-h multitude of forms, which may aoiunt foi tome of th popular departures from the wording of the King Jam version. Kut II Is not easy to iii'y renson for moat people's hnlilt of lay ing: "In the sweat of thy brow." wliea the text reads "In the sweut of thy face shalt thou rat bread." Why "th pi.rtlng of the any" Instead of the "parting of the wayT" "Hone of uiy bone." instenil of "hone of my bones snd flesh of my flesh" may be due to the desire for perfect parallelism. And the same explanation may hold for "Thus far shalt thou mine, but no fur ther,"' Inatesd of "Hitherto (halt tho come." Ilut why the general prefer ence for "better pert," when we are expressly told that "Mary hath chosen that good part?" The Vnlmte, for whatever renson. says "the het parr" nptltuam partem often cited In the .middle age In pasnf of the superiority or the contemplative life, as represent ed by alarS orer the active life, ayta boMxed by. Martha. ftit apparently no snrb contrast was originally Jntendcd. Why, sgaln, "a multitude of sins," when It Is charity that It "shall corer the multitude of slnsT" Per haps there Is no other reason ear that the tongue Is an unruly member; auch at least the world agrees In calling It, though the biblical text describes It "an onruly erll." Maray Ayrea, In The Review. DREAM BROUGHT HIM WEALTH Peddler Had Laugh on Skeptical Shop. keeper V he Refused to Credit 1 -nth of Vision. In the time of Henry TO the story runs, so Edgar O.-Good speed writes In the Atlantic Monthly, there tired In Swaffham Market. In Norfolk, a ped dler named John Chapman. Having dreamed one night that. If he went np I London, on London bridge he would meet a man who would bring him good news, sjid being unable to get this dream out of his mind, he presently heutok himself to London, and all day long walked to and fro on London Bridge. 'At length a shopkeeper. oot t.g hit strange behavior, asked him the meaning of It. and the honest ped dler told him his dream. 'AhP said tba shopkeeper, "had I liken account of dreams I might hare eened much a fool as you ; for only lb other night I dreamed that In a Llsee called 8waffham Market. In K-rfolk. there lire a peddler named John Chapman who has s tree In -hi baek yard, under which is burled a pot of told." Th peddler humbly acknowledged the, folly of such behavior and forth with returned home.- There ha lost 00 time In digging under the tree in his hn.-k yard, and In vary (ruth fiund Just u-h a pot of fold a th shop keeper bed dreamed of. whereby be lived In riiity the rest of hi dava. INDIAN FIGHTER IS ARTIST MODEL r r WHEN ANSWERING classifieds ad. kindly mention The Democrat. FEW FOLKS HAVE GRAYHAIR NOW Dreggist Says Ladies art Using Kectpo of sage Tea ana JMiipnur. Hair that loss It cola and Instr. or when It fades, tuma gray, doll and lifeless, Is oaussd by lack of rautrur In th hair. Oar grandmother made np a mixture ef Bsc Tea and Bulshur to keep her locks dark and beautiful, snd thousands of woman snd msa who value that even eolor. that beautiful aarn ensoe 01 amir wnicn M so at tractive, ns only thla old-tlm recipe. Nowadays we get this famous mix ture Improved by the addition ef other Ingredients by asklna- at aar drua store (or a, bottle of "Wyeth' Bag and Sulphur Compound," which dark en the hair so naturally, so evenly, that nobody can possibly tell it ha been applied. Ton tost damnen a pong or ee ft brush with It and draw this through your hair, takinc one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappear; but What delights th ladle with Wyeth' Bsc and Sulphur Compound I that, be side beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications, H also bring back th gloss mad Isatr sad greas st an appearance of abundance. Wyeth'a Sma-o and Salphor Com pound I delightful toilet requisite to impart color and a youthful ap pearance to the hair. It Is not In tended for the euro, mitigation or pre vention of disss. NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD 03 CATARRH Applv Osea U Ntrf- Tn Upon up Air trll open right up, the air passages ef freely. No more hawking, snuffling, mucous discharge, headache, dryness no stnunrlins- tor farsslh si nieht. vane snU or catarrh is gone Don't star staffed tmt Get A tn bottU ef Ely Cream Balm from your draggis now. Appry a littl of tal frsgTsnt, antisepti cream fat your nos trils, 1st it penetrate through sverr ah? .A lL ,i- . ' . . in o9 mu MOM ana fthss sWnlsAMI 4r1skswiaael - - - . " - - 1 i iimemen aaiissswaasj MeIUIJgaa,ggJb; riving you instant relieL Ely's Crsaa Baun U fust what every cold and a tarrh suffsnr sas.besn cisUag. ilf fuat spWadid. A ChocUw Indian of Calvin, Okla homa, who wa In that company of United Statci soldier which fired th first shots at th Germans, and who was near the fighting lines when th last 'run was heard, has been chosen by Dewarrcux. th French arilie, as the model for his palming of the true American fighter. Th picture is to hanr in th French Federal Building at Pti with those of other Allied Soldiers. Otis W. Leader trained with th famous Blue Devil when he first went to France, and was almost continuous ly under fir while he served over seas. At Chateau Thierry, Mets, St Miheil, Verdin and Arronn h made a splendid record of bravery, and was cited for his action at Chateau Thierry when for thrc dava b fought with th Infantry after th ' entire run crew with which he was fighting had been killed, and th run deatroyrd. At this tint he captured two machine runs and eighteen prisoners. Today Leader's body is covered with mustard gas burns for which he still has to have medical treatment. H Isn't sitting; down for th rest of his life telling war stories to his children and friend. Not much! The man who was chosen aa th type of true American fighter is still in action. At Oklahoma City he is tak ing training; under th direction of th Federal Board for Vocational Educa tion in mechanical and electrical en gineering. After compleinr th etrjrs there h Is to continue in advanced work along the sams Unci in Kansas City MssourL "" FULLY PROTECTED We have just installed an Electrical Burguar Alarm System, which places The ALBANY STATE BANK in the front rank for safety and protection. Every Inch of the vault surface is electrified, as well the vault door. This means the combination, the bolt throw, or the vault itself cannot be touch! without turn ing in an alarm that can be heard for blocks. . . Proof of the efficiency of the alarm systems is the fact that during twenty years that such alarms have .been In use in the United States, not a single vault or safe protected by them have been broken into or robbed of a single dollor. This is SOME record when you consider the thousands of leading , BANKS that have thls protection. Further, the big insurance companies writing burglary Insurance fully realize the safetv of the alarms for thev automntlenllv rrHnr the nrfminme filVv - - - v. w .. w w weew grm vasts a SB A V I cent on all banks thus protected. Further, Uncle Sam has the best modern alarm appliances he can obtain for the protection of money and valuables in his charge. . We feel that we cannot make our vaults too strong for our cutsomers. We feel hat they are entitled to the best protection we can give them. We still have a limited number of safety' deposit boxes for rent at reasonable prices. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. . ' N " '.' Albany State Bank "ALWAYS AT YOUr'sERVICE" Z annanHefTVl Frank G. Will JEWBLER High elaas Jewelry, Silver, Cot Glass and Hand Pahvted China All OLD RECIPE . TO DARKEN HAIR 8atw "Tea and Eulphur - Turns uray, Faded HairjJark and Gloss.r Almost everyone know that Bag Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back th natural eolor snd I oat re to the hair when faded, streaked or gray. Tear ago th only way to get that mixture wa to make it at home, which la mussy and troublesome. Nowaday v simply ask at any drag More for "Wrath's tssge and Sul phur Compound." Ton will get a larg bottle of thla old-time recipe Improved by tho addition of other Ingredients, at very little cost. Everybody usee this preparation now, because no one can possibly tell that yon darkened your hair, a It-doe It o naturally and arenhr. Ton dampen a sponge or soft 'brush with It snd draw thla through your hair, taking one smalt strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another ap plication or two, your hair become beautifully dark, thick and glossy snd you look years younger. Wyeth 's Sage and Sulphur Compound la a delightful toilet requisite, it is not Intended for the ours, mitigation or prevention of Hl:i!iilfl!D IHimisniiismse amwmmmmnmn Irresistible! "Nothing cements friendship, and ripens It.lnto such mellow warmth and un derstanding as a box of CIGARS Not "Just" Cigars, understand, but ' McALPIN-S CIGARS There's a distinction'; just as-one book differs from another. Just as v'ou dlf- fr (rnm rnttr nalnnhnf . raa ssvisa VUi HVIgllUVIs .V CANDIES Send her a box of Candy. W carry th finest line packed in fancy boxes to pleas her y as well aa her taste. Smokers Supplies Civ him a fin briar pip. Our lln is com pleto In all slies, shape, and sites. Also a full lina'of Cigarette. Tobacco In Humidors, etc CIGARS CAN DIES M. McALPIN TOBACCOS' BILLIARDS BfflisiinmiroiiniinniiniTO iwmiUIIWMIIUMiuimmsiiiiiiniiaiiasiaiiiiiisiisiinsiwwMiMlllwsiwHiuwiiiiamuiwiuitlH i ... ni """iifl ' Gift Suggestions tha t Appeal to Men Practical gifts like wearing apparel meet the approval of even those most critical. Every man is interested in wearing something that will improve his personal appearance. In th list w hav carefully selected at the right yoa will find many worth whil suggestions to maks your C h r 1 t m a shopping a pleasure. ' The Blain Clothing Calmpany "Value Fret" Store, Open TiD9 This Evening and Wednesday Suggestions for Men Bath' Robes - Sweaters Slippers Pajamas Neckties Scarfs . Collar Bags v Shirts . Suit Case or Hand Bag Hat or Cap Shoe ,Wool Gloves Dress Gloyes Collars Wild :