I ..V "A ALBANY DEMOCRAT jkntered at the poitomcs at Albany, Oregea, aa second-glass "atlerT W. L. Jacksea ' aad Ralak R. Croats. Kditors and n,t2lll , M ' Daily published rery ereniag except Sunday. Semiweekly. published Tuesdays aad Friday. ESTABLISH Kl) 1IS Baaineea Matter In ordering change of addross, subscribers ahould alwaya give old aa well aa aew address. Sabeeriptien Rates Dally Delivered by carried Per month 60c; Per year in Advance' $5.00 By Mail, In Linn and Rout 4 Benton County, Per year, in Advance , .$4.00 Outside of Linn County and Rt 4 Benton Co., Per year, in Advance ..$5.00 Heather of The Asoriated Preee ' The Associated Press ia exclusively entitled to the use for republication or not otherwise credited in thisof sU nawa dispatches credited to it paper and also the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special despatches herein are also reserved. PHONE M If Santa Claus Is going to make a visible appearance this year, better provide Tor a set of asbestos whiskers. Not merely on account of the price of cotton, either. . ' Anybody who is fooled by the rate of exchange into loading up with German marks may eventually owe himself more than he'll ever be able to pay. ' Without a Kick V , in It Sine kicks are unlawful and knockers taboo ALBANY, OREGON. MONDAY, DECEMBER 22 NO STINGY CHRISTMAS The worst thing about hard times is that they breed a ,. stingy feeling in hearts ordinarily generous. It is a dread ful and a cramping thing to be torced to .measure every generous impulse in terms of cash. It will be so 'much the easiest thing to dismiss Christ mas presents as an unnecessary extravagance that poor, overworked human nature will likely do a good deal of it, but there is little joy in such a performance. I he money saved is hardly worth what it costs. , Better than no giving at all would be.to adapt giving to the times. There is hardly anything these days which anybody needs, or uses, or wants, which would not make a gift of which no giver need feel ashamed. .There need be no feeling: that the recipient will look wth scorn upon the humble offering. On the contrary his heart will probably swell with love and gratitude to think that, in these times anybody gave him anything at all.' So give the small gift freely and unashamed, following the counsel of the Giver of all Gifts, and despising not the day of small things. ' It does not make so much difference what we give. When a person thinks of it, he cares very little what he gets himself, but he cares a lot because he gets it; and we are all ' pretty much alike; The big thing is not to b& bullied nor scared nor pinched out of giving something. To give no ' gifts at Christmas time is to lei; life be meaner to us than i even the poorest deserves. - - " r - ' o-: .. ,- : PUNISHMENT FOR PROFITEERS !-. By H. ft A. 'AN EPITAPH v t t t Here lies the body of J. Barleycorn. He put up a good fight And hit death dt we moirn. Cowen Uound. Ed. Note We would like to ask this gentleman where John lies. If we culd find him we might play grave robber. ' -I- -I- . A man who called himself O'Hsre One bought soma patent underwear. He wore it morning, noon and night Until thos undies looked sight. Ha labored hard, to no avail He might has well have been in jail. Comment of the State Press v . Snappy Gloamings from th Proas of th . Valley Th Thief At honest labor h could do much better and yet have his own respect and the respect of others, says th East Oregonian. Th man who would live by .robbing ia atupid and pays a heavy pric (or his stupidity. Labor Trouble Th Libby Mine, near MarshBeld under th management of George Doll, resumed operations Monday morning after being closed down for a considerable length of time, owing to a disagreement between the miners and the company. Cooa Bay Harbor. Bif Bertha Bonds The wise nina today la th on who keeps cn saving as he did during the Thoj onions stuck like so much hide, i war, and apenda all he can save in iney in so ngni iney nun uis pnae. ouytng more ox uicse war bonds at . A set of special tribunals numbering 1,600, prosecution of - 7.500 offenders, 1,320 convictions and aggregating $35,000, that is Great Britain's proud record so far in her war against profiteers. It does not include the work which has been going on in Scotland, Ireland and Wales at the same time. Thus far the experience of England has been like that of the United dtates. Ketail prices are little if any lowei as the result of the program, but reports show a general decrease in wholesale rates, and this of course will show soon in retail prices., , - The main thing in England, America or any other, coun- 'try is for the people not to lose their interest in the fight. Each government should feel the pressure of the people whom it represnts forcing it dispassionately but steadily to ward punishment of the offender and justice for the public. The conviction and punishment of a thousand profiteers is . a long step toward justice in any country, but it is small in proportion to the ground to be covered. . ' ' ; 0 r- ' ; .Not that we want to put any evil suggestions into the minds of burglars; but it does seem foolish to go to so much j trouble blowing safes when there are so many window re frigerators full of butter, eggs and bacon. - : - . . "Predict Higher Sugar Prices in Senate" says a New York headline. Fine! - If sugar prices get high enough in the Senate, maybe -Congress will do something about it. o This last blizzard sweeping across the country was cer tainly an ill wind. . It didn't blow any good even to th4 strik ing coal miners. ' v ' : 0 ' ' ' . Germany, too, agreed to that treaty with reservations, and is doing the same with the peace protocol. Her reserva tions, though, are mental. And the American reservations? Oh, yes, they re temperamental. He cut and hacked to beat th deuce To get th darn things blasted loos. Th reason for his desperation . You sc he'd lost the combination. H. -- -- -- . ANOTHER EPITAPH ' . : t Her lie th body of Miranda Doan, She got shocked listening in oo a country line phone. ' -, Yclept the Old. Old Story One there waa a man yclept Brainie, Met up with a lass yclept Mamie; H turned out to be Her hub. No. 3, And nevermore waa yclept Brainie. Yea Love, We Remember I remember, I remember, Th house where I waa wed;' The quaint old way that led upstaiia. The soft, inviting bed Of pansies kneeling at their pray'rs Outside the window grey, And roses giving buds to wed Peonies red and gay. A. tli prices now current, -advise the Baker Herald. Th Sheep and th Goats The snow storm ha served to class ify a lot of people, the G. T. of Cor vallia reports. hTer are thos who fail to clean off their walks. A man who leaves snow on his walk is not th best kind of a citixen and ia not doing as he would be don by. Hold Him for Rsasoafrr- The Mexican recently picked up by th county official, will' be sent to Southern California as soon as he is able to travel, according to the Rose burg News. Th man waa previously held by the government near th bord er and will be returned to th city where he formerly resided. Not Yet The time will com predict the Lebanon Express, when It will be pos sible to punish crime in a lenient man ner, but it is not yet at hand, and until that day arrives it will be for th protection of society to restore th former law. A GIFT HE WILL LIKE A Box of Eagles' Leaders Packed 12 and 26 in a box .' $1.25 and $2.50 Royal Ribbon Cigars box of 25 . $1.2$ All other leading brands of Cigars. - Pip Tobacco ' . In handy, neat pound and half-, pound glass and tin humidors 50c to $1.75 ' If you want something in the ' ' Smoke ' where, go to Cigarette Carton of Camels, Chesterfields etc., 200 in a box, ...... $2.00 La Marquise in glass jars $1.00 line you can't find else. Vodnti6 Wagons When you want Men's goods ge to a hardware store. Our experience in selecting good goods in the hard ware line enables us to select good substantial wagons and playthings too. Well wager that we have the largest and best line in the city : Wagons, Kiddie Kars, Tricycles, Skates OTHER SUGGESTIONS FOR BOYS A Set of Tools, Electrical Toys, Magic Lanterns, x . Horns, Etc. HOW ABOUT A NEW RANGE FOR MOTHER? Barker Hardware Co. " West First St. EAGLES Globe Theatre Building 1.7 bHUBJI 'Hflta"-'.' MOST COMFORTABLE AND HOMELIKE HOTEL in PORTLAND - rive Minutes rro Anywhere . 1 od np 'GARAGE IN CONNECTION . Give yourself a y Christmas1 Present And Charge it up To Santa Clau Since you've decided that every other mcmber.of ihe family is going to have a Christmas present we-vc decided to look out for YOU. ,' You know, the Pitcher is supposed to have Jiist as nice a uniform as the Catcher and we believe that the Giver should by all means be as well dressed as the Receiver. . . ). If you need an Overcoat now, or are going to be fore the Winter's out get it this week and charge it up to the Christmas fund. . - Our stock is in fine shape to take care of you and there isn't any reason why you shouldn't look out for yourself before you spend all your money on every body else. - - You don't have to wear it before Christ mas unless .you want to but pick it out . today and have it sent home. Gifts for any of the men folks "Hats, Shoes, Shirts, Slippers, Ties, Hose, Silk Hose, Jewelry. . The Blain Clothing Co. Value First ARTISTIC , CHRISTMAS Ill BOXES . , I;, ,'Wnat o-iff'ia mnrpfe fiS complimentary than WvJ Wfe.Jaboxof i&Uti j Helen Ardelle or Chocolate Shop Sweets Dainty attractive Boxes the best of goods Priced 75c to $7.00 LESLIE'S Confectionery oooooo OOOOO OOOOO 00 O W Mak Specialty of 0 O Friendship, Engagement and 0 O r Wadding Rings 0 O F. M. FRENCH SONS 0 O Jewelers sad Engravers O OOOOOO OOOOO OOOOOO Realty , Canadian Lands LOANS AND INSCBANrB Geo. Taylor Corner f Bscead aid BroadalUa Bail $U Boas. 207$ AOtO TOPS n ' ' wi mana and repair Auto Tops, Cartwhu and Cushion. Hoxsm tire. station VIERIC'KS BATHS EipartWorkmaaihlp Th r C h a I r a ' L. VIERECK, HERT CRAWFORD, a F. KIRK Your Patron ag Solicited First and Ellsworth St. i, '