teac the Advertisements as a Guide to Christmas Shopping and Save Time and Monet eooooooooooooeoo 9 Member of TIIK ASSOCIATED 0 -O I'KKHH. The only paper In Linn 0 0 county carrying A. I. dispatch.. O ooooeooooooooooo ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT ALBANY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1919 No. 195 VOL. XXXII. VOTE FOR SCHOOL BUDGET TUESDAY 12 PAGES 8 U SCHOOL ELECTION TO VOTE MONEY FOR DISTRICT TO BEHELD TUESDAY Every Voter Urged to At tend and Cast Ballot for Budget ; School must have . ' Fund to Continue. KNOCKERS ARE FEARED Backsliders Who Have no Real Interest in Schools of City are Menace to Wel fare of Schools. Th. dllien. of AJbasy school district are to vot. toasorrew for the second llmo thl. year on th. question of r.lslng sufficient fundi U contlnu. th. public schools of the city The education of children who li. here and who will be the men end women of tomorrow U on. of the biggest question, th. eltlsen. have .1,1,. nrf .hould certainly M ' .i,id bv tho voter. b, providing fund. ! n equproent ncce-ar, to hold op .kHn ,d to. which th. fc-mwU h tltv ha v. attained. ; Th. school directors nr. th. r. v.ms of the po-jplo. and e:. j not enter Into, .nd pro.Ulo mo.n. for paying ,h. expens. of th. school, unle.j they nr. authorised by th. people. I" de? to continue th. work of the schools f.r th. present school Jr K -limited th.t It will be nry f the people o vot. to raise, by speco. di.trlct lax $66,939.00. ' Th. last meeting for which notices . were posted to .uthorlte the bo.rd to place thl, l.vy, bit twenty-seven rot ers of th. district voted .nd seven teen of lht number voted sgain.it raising .uffident fund, to continue theschools. Every lcrl ot.r who believes In educating the children of Albany Is requested to vote tomor- !Th election will be held l tho .enior hlirh school beglnlnir at 1:00 o'clock and continuing until 7 o clock. oooooooooooooooo lIPBD I '. NRW C L A S OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WANTED Two boy. with bicycles to deliver Albany Democrat In th. city. mvw HIM A POCKET KNIFE FOR Christmas. We have juat bought all th. .Keen Kutter Salesman". I .ample stock. Over 400 varieties. Ilauser Broa. ' d22 . BEFORE THE WAR GERMANY " . r.imi.hMl 7S ner cent of the knives Mid In thl. country. Good knives re now scarcity. The Keen kui tar stock la eompletoly exhausted. Manser Broa have bought th. sales man', aamplo atock of over 400 va rletiea. An aproprlato Xmaa pro. : nt for man or boy. d22 A MAN OR BOY WILL USE AND 1 appreciate a pocket knife. W. have '. th. largest auortment In town. ''. Hauaer Broa. . d22 NEW TODAY On. Toicenbery milk ' goat cheap. Inqulwrt Phon. 64. . 22d24 .FOR SALE On. good Grade Cow, freah aoon, and on. registered Poland Chins Sow, Fred Primrose, Ooltra. Station. - . 22d28 FOR BALE Hooa. and S loU In Hai- -wooL 7-roow house, 2 large porchea, built-ln-kltchen, good or ehard including cherrle., aples, . grapes and berries. Pries 11800, pay I860 down, $20.00 par month. Immediate Possession. Beam Land ' Co., 18$ Lyon Street. Z2d23 . WANTED A , second-hsnd stump- puller. C. A. Karnlsoh, Rt, S 22d24 Van Bailey Is Laid To Rest Near Knox Butte Funeral of Van Francis Bailey was held veeirrduy at 2 o'clock at th. rs- idrnce of hli father James H. Bailey, near Knox Butt. Th. .ervic. was conducted by the missionary of th. American Sunday School Union, G. W. Kohtbouich by peclal request of the deceased. Van Francis Bailey was born at Waterloo. Oreiron July 2 18IM). II. died at his father's horrt sevsn miles cant of Albany on December 20. ine body waa laid to rest in Knox Butt. Cemetery. Th. molher of th. dectated s sis ter of Mrs. Chas. Prochnow, of this city, died when Van Francis was two years of age. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bailey ex tend thanks to th. many friends for ympaihy and kind a.sistance shown at this time. ' V. of O, Team is Training Hard j For Big Game PASADENA, Dec. 82By A. P Two hard training period, daily was the program begun by the football squad of the University of Oregon in preparation fur the contest with JIarv anl on New Years Day. Harvard is due to arrive Friday, according to the present schedule MARQUESAS DYJNG OUT South Sea Wild People Vanish Before Ennobl ing Civilization PAPEETE1, Tahltr-Th. Marqnisaa, fiercest cannibals among th. Polynes ians In the South Pacific, are disap pearing. A few year, ago they num bered more than (0,000. The. last census showed only 3,000 survivors. Opium, Introduced by whit, men in to th. Msrpueaa. Islands, the most northerly French settlement In Ocean is. la held responsible by many for the approaching extinction of this race. This drug la no longer sold in the Islands but it la aaid its effect-is shown in a death rate of 26 per cent a year. Physically the Marquesas were mag nificent. Before tatooing was for bidden the biKlit'i of the native, wore adorned by-the most intricate and beautiful designs, snd soma of these may yet be aecrw Although they had a number of admirable qualities, the Mrarquesaa in the olden days const antly engaged In .tribal wars with the consequent feasts of human flesh. So much has been heard in song and story of the "Cannibal Inlands" of the '.'South Sea" that many persona believe these comprise the myriad Is land, doting th. Pacific south of tho equator. In' some of the islands, sci entific research workers found, man eating was practiced but in many notably In Tahiti and other islands of tho Society Group, cannibalism was unknown.' Efforts Made To Complete , German9 Peace PARIS, Dec. 22 A. P. Supreme Council, it became known today, I. making every effort to reach an agreement with ' Germany on the question of reparation for th. .ink ing of th. German floct In Scappa Flow, so that the protocol may be signed and ratifications of th. treaty of Versailles exchanged before Christ- S. S. Firewood is . . . . Burned at Sea NEW YORK CITY, Dse. P. Th. American steamship Firewood, owned by th. Pacific-American Fish eries Co., burned while off th. coast of .Pro, according to wireless re ceived her. today. Th. crew was res cued by a passing steamer. , VIOLATIONS OF INJUNCTIONS OF FEDERAL COURTS MUST STOP, SAYS FEDERAL JUDGEANDERSON TODAY PRESIDENT OF KANSAS DISTRICT MINE WORK ERS UNION IS SENT TO JAIL AND GIVEN UN TIL MONDAY TO PRE PARE DEFENSE FOR CONTEMPT jOF COURT INDIANOI'OLIS, Dec 22. . By th. Associated Press Declsr ing that violations of th. Feder al Court's Injunction under Uia Lever Art against furthering th. coal strike In Kansas must sup. If persons guilty have to be plac ed in Jail and kept there. United -States Judge Anderson, today per mitted Alexander Haw.tt, presi dent of the Kansas District or th. United Mne-workrr. until Mon dsy to prepare a defense to th. charges of contempt of coart. Howat waa remanded to jail when LONESOME LINN COUNTY MISS SEEKS HUSBAND TO QUIET LONELY HEART;SHE'S AG00DGIRL.T00 Just why any Albany girl wants to go to California to get a husband is a strange matter, but Misa Lonesome, a young school teacher who Uvea on Albany. R. F. D. No. 6, has written a letter to the Kedland. Daily Facts, Redlands, Cel., and aks for asisUnce through the mayor of th. city in so curing a spouse. The nam. of the young lady Is known to the Demc erat, and if she la really intonated hi looking for the right kind of a hus band to keep her from being "Lone some," the Democrat will be pleased to see what can be dona. . If any worthy young bachelor wh can come up to th. requirements an stated In tho letter will communicate with th. Democrat, the editor will see that such Ictterr are delivered. The letter folhws: Dear Somebody: , Circumstance have arisen which 1500 DEPEND ON PAYROLLS FOR A LIVING The following industrial story of Albany appeared in the Portland Telegram: (By A. G. Clark, Manager of Asoriated Industries of Oregon) Albany, Oregon, is coming rnpidly to the front a. an industrial city. Its payroll runs Into thousands of dol lars and the aggregate value of the finished products amount to several million dollars. f The output of the Albany Tanning company alone Is valued at $1,000. 000. The saddle .flirting turned out by this tannery finds its way into the heart of the east. The chair factory of R. Veal Son Is rapidly coming to be a factor In tho furniture line .' ., , Tho Albany Furniture Co., special izes on tables and turn, out a most superior lino. Local merchant, of Linn county stock the goods. Th. Far West Mfg. Co., goes into woodenware and among other things specialties In ladder, of all descrip tions, cedar chests and wheelbarrow., and they sell their ouptput into sev eral Western state.. V , Albany and Linn county fruit and berries put up by the Puyallup A Sumner Cannning company reach all th. market, of th. country. A new unit is being added to th. cannery and the payroll this next year will easily reach $160,000. Cameron v silos, made in A1bay have great reputation and their dis tribution cover, a wld. territory. The Albany Creamery company ia a prise winner In batter making and the amount paid direct to th. producer will average $25,000 par month. A cheese factory makes and mark- - (Continued on Pag. 12) - th. court rc-conviened this afternoon. PITTSBURG, Kansas, Dec., 22 Ds clarlny that they would not return to work until they knew what Judv. Anderson, of Indianapolis, intended to do with Alexander Howat, 250 min ers employed at Ciown mine Number 16, on. of th. largest producers in the Kansas field, went on strike to day, according to reports to state re ceivers. The strike occured before the. min ers had heard of the proceeding at In dianapolis. makes It necessary for me to find a husband, yet does not furnish the essily explsined and absolutely cred itable to. me. I have so far as I know, all the qualifications of the successful wives of my acquaintance and none of those of the failures. I am at present a teacher in a high, school, but never theless I am a good housekeeper, good dresser, and have some means. Am 6 ft. 6 in., and weigh 140 lbs. Am a good disposition and affectionate. Would like to hear from men in the neighborhood of 40 years or upward. I am surrounded by hosts of friends snd lead a very busy life. But in spite of at this I carry lonely heart Isn't there someone else lonesome too? ' Plea's write to, MISS LONESOME. : Box L, Facts Office Portland Has Two Big Fires . In Two Days In a fire which was one of the most spectaculor in year, and from the standpoint of property damage the most destructive this year, the main plant of tho Portland branch of the P.ilmolive company. Twentieth and Roosevelt streets, was totally de stroyed Saturday afternoon with a loss estimated at $350,000. ("Vim!.,? ilnsA Tt thn tiitr fin which tot-illy destroyed the plant of the Portland Stove works, at Derby street and Columbia boulevard, as announced in The Oregonian yester- Anit mftniinif vnctnrvl.v ifl.rnAAn', I blase mad. the total fir. loss in the I0' the tcuknty ,wi ,,.kcd to uk city for the day reach about the $600,- sharM '" lhc P'"t-Bqnater. 000 mark.- .- I , Th. loss at the Portland Stove No RoOUlfor Pioneers work, fire was estimated by John; , rf x rwi ts Montag, one of the three proprietors, I at $260,000, this including a lurge ( amount of stock and all the wood1 patterns of the concern. Grand Prairie Grange to Meet , : Next Saturday Th. members of .Grand Prairie Grange are to have an all day session next Saturday to which a full attend ance of the membership I. expected and a rousing big time enjoyed by all. The annual election of officers Is on. Important feature of th. occasion. Al so a vol. is requested on th. election of five state ofifcers, which are tat Master, Lecturer, Secretary, nrar aeer and Member of the state ex.au lva Council. Other metiers of local bu.ines. and public questions will b discussed and a fin. banquet at the noon hour for which th. grange has long been famous will be enjoyed. Former Soldier Takes Miss Miller AS His Bride Andrew H. Monson and Miss Elis abeth Miller were married Sunday evening at 7 o'clock at the bom. of Fred Miller In east 8th street in the presence of relstives. Dr. J. C. Spen cer of th. methodiit church officiat ing. - . Th. bride is a well and favorably known lady of Albany and the groom Is s worthy gentleman, and recently returned from serving in the army for th. last two years. Mr. and Mrs. Monson will make their future home in Albany where Mr. Monson is em ployed. Captain Sawyer Is Recovering From Pneumonia - PORTLAND, Dee. 22 A. P Captain A. A. Sawyer, master of the wrecked tanker Chanslor is report ed recovering at Bandon today. He has a broken rib, but his pneumonia I is arrested. The list of survivor, .till I remaina at three, with only four bod- i iea recovered out of the crew of 39. 700 Kolchak Men 'Freeze to Death LONDON, Dec. 22 By A. f Seven hundred Soldiers of Admiral Kolchak's army have froxen to death in a hospital near Omsk,.according to a wireless message received from Mos cow. CONDENSERY TO BE BUILT Milk Plant at Eugene Propos ed by Large Packing Company ' The Mutual Creamery company, which owns and operates 82' cream eries and cheese factories in Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Washing ton and Oregon, will erect a milk con densing plant in Eugene and have it in operation by spring or early sum mer, according to announcement yes terday of F. E. Howard, manager of the Portland office, and H. T. Weis er, who will hafe charge of operations in Eugene until the plant ia complet ed. Three different sites for the plnnt were yesterday examined by these men and they will soon decide upon one of them. The plant will be located on the railroad, they say. The condensary will have a capacity if tstween 60,000 and 75,000 pounds of milk daily according to announce- ! m .f "ow"d and M"- Wiser " h. me u.i, iru 11 waa announceu th.it the poopla of Eugene will not be solicited for stock but the farmers -'lUt A Ulllll rr.r. i r., i antti, American, who have come to the Society Island with small amount of money with which they have purchased land to farm have invariably failed. Land values here are high and it is well nigh impossible to obtain desirable property as th. fixed policy of the native owners is to refuse to i sell land. James B.Nahney ; Laid to Rest . Th. funeral of James B. Nanney was conducted yesterday afternoont the residence with Dr. Whit, officiat ing. Th. body was laid to rest in the Rlversid. eemetemy. A large at ten dance of friends and relatives war. 'present to pay th.it last tribute of respect to. on. they had known for so many years.4., ' . ? ' WOMAN LEAD RED MOB . IN ATTACK ON ENTRANCE TO ELLIS IS. FERRY Wife of Man Being Deported to Russia Charges Guard with 150 Followers and Po liceman is Beaten. GUARDS QUELL RIOT S. S. Buford with 249 Radic als Aboard Sails From New York for Unknown Port; More to Follow Soon. , NEW YORK, Dee, 22-By A. ' P. Led by womea who declared , that her husband had beets de ported to Russia yesterday sat br- S. S. Buford, a nab of 150 Beats- ' i today attacked the entrance of the Ellis Island ferry in an effort to reach their fellow-radicals still awaiting deportation A riot call was necessary, before order was restored by the police: ' The mop turned on the first policef man and brat him, but when the ees- ' erves arrived and drew clubs and at de tail of coast gnards with fixed bay onet came upon the scene the crowd suddenly became docile. A young'twa; suan woman giving her name as Ctira Brooks was arrested as the ring-lead--er. The Soviet ark, Buford', whicrh sail ed for an unnamed Russian port'jea--terday with 249 radical, deportees a board will be followed before she has: an opportunity to Iamf by a second loads of Reds, according to the beat, information obtainable today. It is said that the second batch f deportees will probably be embarked this week. ! The Department of Jus tice has 60,000 radicals listed. How many must go is unknown. Grover Wallace I Arrested Saturday Grover Wallace was arrected by chief Catlin Saturday afternoon at the Russ House for being intoxicated, Wallace gave cash bail and was per mitted to return home and wilt! re turn for trial as soon a. the high wat er will permit him target oven tin road. Crabtree Girl Becomes Bride Of Albany Mart The marriajre of Miss Eva P. FYmz icr, of near Crabtree and L. R. Car ter was solominiied at the .tudyf of the Christian church Saturday even ing by Dr. W. L. Deminir. nast.r of the church. . -. Mr. and Mrs. Carter are well known people of Albany and vicinity and have a host of friends who wish then a long and happy married life. American Sailors Held on Pretext WASHINGTON, ; Dec, 22. By A. P. Two American. Blue jackets ar rested at Matatlan, Mcxica, Nor. 12. charged with participating in street lights, are being held on a "pretext", the American Council at Mazatlan re ported to the state dpartment today. The consul did not state what the pretext was. .. s Shedd Calf Club To Receive Prize Invitation, are being aent one by the Shedd Calf club to attend the warding of the $75 prise which was given by th. American Jersey Cattthr club,' which will be held at the Shedd school house at 1 o'clock, Dec 27. ' ii u J