"THERE SHALL COME FORTH A ROD; A BRANCH SHALL GROW" Br Rv. C L. Schuster Golden Text "Thou shalt rail hi nam Jesus; for it Is he that ahail aav hit people from their ins." Matt. 1:21. . Lesson Text Isaiah 11: 1-10. Lake t: 8-14. ' ' , And there ahall coma forth a rod not of the t tern of Jesse, and a Branch hall grow out of his roota: And the ipirit of the Lord ahall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of coun sel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord; And shall make him of quick under standing in the feor of the Lord; and he ahall not judge after the sight of kia eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears: But with righteousness shall he Judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he ahall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins. The wolf also shall dwell with the : lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. And the cow and the bear ahall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ex. And the sacking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cocka- lar order of lessons for this data is, Al ine empty iomo ana wiin uie Risen Lord.' But -we ahall lay it aside to study a lesson appropriate to the Christmas time. . The prophet spoke very clearly of the coming of the Messiah, and the character and work of the Messiah who was to save the people from their sins. v The portion of prophecy we study refers to the coming of the Messiah and the blessedness of his kingdom on the earth. The prophet givea us a word picture of the peace and good will to men the coming of the Messiah was to bring to men. How nicely this finds its fulfillment in the song of the angela on the plains of Judea at the time of the birth of the Savior in the village of Bethle- They ahall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth . shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, aa the waters cover the sea. ' - And in that day there shall be a not of Jesse, which shall stand for aa ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be Ctorioos. - . And there were in the same coun try shepherds abiding in the field, . keeping watch over - their flock by night. And, lo the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were sore afraid. And the angel uid onto them. Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tid ings of great Joy, which shall be to all people. ' For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour,' which is Christ the Lord. ' And this shall be a sign unto you; .Ye shall find the babe wrapped in waddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there waa with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying. Glory to God in the highest, and on ccrth peace, good wil Howard men. j The subject that comes in the regu-1 rarely received justice at the hand of those in authority. Righteousness waa to be his girdle, and as the girdle held the garment of the Oriental In place, so in the character of Christ, his unswerving righteousness makes his every attribute and power effec tive. The Messiah's Reign "The wolf shall . dwell with the lamb." r Can we think of more vivid il lustration of the transformation that shall come aa the result of the Mes siah's rign? la the word picture her) used these beasta of prey are changed aa to their very natures and are gentle and harmless. Changes Just aa radical as this are to be brought about In the lives of men by tn gospel, even such a change as If on died and were born again. Old things pass away (rid all thing be come new. The thing of the world will lose their attraction and the mind will be centered on things of God. When the Messiah come to reign then those force now harmful will be transformed and will work blow ing Instead of Injury, "And the earth ahall be full of the knowledge of the Lord." The rulalUaest Ths angel of the Lord cam upon them." To men who were busy with their work. To shepherds who were as dear to God a any. The .angel came, not where men were engaged In ths pleasure of the world, but where men could hear the voice of the angel. . M! bring you good tidings of great PORTLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY BONDS If you Must sell your LIBKHTY or VICTORY bondft-soil to us. If you csn luy more LIBERTY or VICTORY bords buy from us. We buy and sell at the New York market GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL BONOS Wraa fat aSmr ckralart mi kaaahta, MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. Mow MMIm WS-II Sum. Straaj rorriANP. OREGON j The lesson bring to us the pro-J . i a l . m . u . paecy ox ins coming ui uie bmhu), and the announcement of his birth given by the angela of heaven. The Premised Messiah "There shall com forth a rod a Branch shall grow. This eleventh chapter of Isaiah is on of the most remarkable prophe cies in all the Old Testament. It is 'certainly Messianio in its predictions, and I full of holy enthusiasm for the future, and refers to the coming of the Messiah and hi influence on the .world, for in hint only can thee pro ipheeie find their fulfillment. And .how completely o many of the inci dents in the life of live Savtnnr da fulfill the prophecies concerning the I coming Messiah his birth, the place, his being of the line of David, his be trayal, his death and so many other things. Born into the most humble surroundings and conditions to an obscure family of the line of David, and reared in such an humble home that few if any saw in, him the prom ised Messiah. "Who was to save his people from their ins.' The Bamaritan woman at the well had a sense of his ability when she said, "I know that Messiaa Cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he wil Itell us all thing.1 And the lesson says of him "And the Spirit of the Lord hall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit off coun sel and might, the spirit of know! edge and of the fear of the Lord." Be would understand the deep want and needs of men and would know how to supply these wants. . It also 1m plies a real understanding of the will of God and a purpose to carry out the wfll of God, and while he is to be king of kings and lord of lords, yet through all his leaching there shows a real purpose of obedience to his Father. He waa not to Judge after the fash ion of men, but with righteousnera to Judge the poor, who in those days so Old Santa Will Smile ha f4CXsW If yon buy your boy's presents here. So will Father and Mother. Here are a few suggestions from our stock - FOR BOYS Tricycles Roller Skates Kiddie-Kars Boy's Wagons' Sammie-Cars Air Rifles ' Kick-I-Go-Cars Ingersoll Watches--1 FOR MEN ; , ; Fine line of Keen Kutter and W. R. Case & Sons warranted pocket knives. Prices range from $1.00 to $3.50 Safety Razors, any make; Rifles, Shot Guns, Fishing Rods, Hunting Equip ment, Tools. i - FOR WOMEN Fine Aluminum Ware Pyrex Ware, Carving Sets, Flash Lights, ; Monarch Stoves & Ranges ; Hulbert-BallackHdw.Co 322 West First Street -ffl Want to Be Salesman? Writ Park. Brae. Farmer's Son Succeeds I'm a farmer1 son. I've always wanted to be a salesman. That's why I'm now selling Parks Ore.' Quality Groceries wholesale to the farmers. We save them 20 per cent. We guarantee "satisfaction or money back." The business grew each year. IV started several friends, farmers' beys, who earned from S2M to $300 a month the first year. The second year they earn mors $300 to 1400 monthly. They succeed be cause they work aa earnestly in selling aa in farming. They wera trained at Parka Bras.' expense. Do you want such a job? Writ at your age, what work you've done. Ill tell you how to get It H. R. BUNTTINa, Csr T-arks Rrae, Pertlssd. One. ' nl -Permr dak Jab." Kaa luee WW eaaa JUa an rmutk pnn' rww - VENUS H:r.d-M?.de Shade r.,iUi t. ml ' I ii " F i I ' -l.u.l.l hntktmt es HAinvnw aafr MpaWe. COLUMBIA AWNING SHADE CO.. laTOS. PORTLAND. OSEGOM. JOHN CLAIR MONTEITH Seat WerpreUUea: Focetja Dkrieej Operatic, Concert and Chew Slugmg Teae BtdMrng Method by the Bel Cute Mat bod. iiuici ruuci eeastaa, J. w. ausuoMa aticw. mtikHm SC aar. OS. . rwatLARD. OU DDUE Aak Your Grocer HAYNE3-FOSTU BAKING CO. SUQ UIDfC CO, Saks. Or. !wl79DC0 You Cant Break Tml Oei !) siliai assseeaw aw raw. 15,10) Strap Sack, fmiml Or. P3h snv B- A i --i '. -..j r Yra WH1 FeI Riftt at Bcse Here SAFE AND CUTrilA -REASONABLE RATES NORTdNIA HOTEL II r?SJ I lies eaJ StMS, Puitsjil, Or. i-jpJ EaoJeetCefe ' - Bee Meets AB frslee TMB Mam IN VAUOIVILkl nrnir . is " w aea. rm wee. Altar Vf THEATER STattr UiaTai WE WANT YOUR TURKEYS . Tmrnkwr. Veal Ho7e?54rA!esVesteee, UkW ml PACI A SON. 0TLATO. t)S. haa - SHIP- TURKEYS, HOGS and VEAL to . Jiw seeumfcilln WrtenewfwOliMllsM Pmrlee rsnlssee. -.'.' TJU-STATE 1EKMJNA1. CO. v pt) i c a 5m. roirrtAjn), oet 7 rklAri?DQ TON SET II FLORAL CO. rJLtVS VVlZrrltD T-BwafrWF0t AU OCOSWrtS MfWm whs! hwiss ml Imtm. nuiawli as! Isash. soDns roa-c o. c. tL as m Van T ini I weterlii aSSfOMaraiflrl aSealbanMk. ' ftr AartVki flrial, Set KcDiafJ RnT a staa Normawst Picssami by , --- dl. Mm ..a-dW - tlOnXMWWKWWm WmWmW evlBBlB - ZAN BROS., lac BUTTERFAT w- 5. Zt .Batt"r,,t MarawldniiaaiiiMekm sufaanaw padw oosourT. BMaMIMd 1311. I Ctaettt AWaT POBTLAMD, OU. Ta slessure of your trl te Port- wui oeeesa npoo taa eaiai 7vm ailMt. rMv aurroundlBM. modarats me woMorae roe roe in homo tan, avSlt yea at Gangs la VSaVTMIN o tMt orrics Office FuRNmme a Appliances ml WIS ffJfr ' k'JaSrlrLaWa' rsr unc Ofirm ' Jap alpmaMi LEV comut RHEUMATISM -POXSOrlSTIPATrON Wile Pifeon eeinee Minorel Wster Matare's m roniMr from ue Book. . tMak H and gat watt. BottlaSby Reek Ressecly Co, 1 1st St, PertJaad, Or. Whfle in Portland Don't forget to Mt on of the . Greatest Money Saving Stores on the coast. ' Wfeere Yea ReaDy SAVE do thing, Shoes, Furnishing, Eta, at te regular pricee. GLICKMAN'S US ALDER IT, COUHCT ilCOWP ST. The big itore with the yellow front. Order Your . Christmas Piano by Mail IS Bsnd) It ta Vour Hem . . Then 10 er more monthly. ' New 47 Piano, tIM New 8M Plane, $m - New 100 Player, 6U Thm Htt Plan, KM All r:.se a! ,X& subject ts your approval 1 01 nee not yurcssee ualees eailrely MllsHed to do so aftar trying It out ta your own home. 0 $25 Type $3 Monthly $10 sends one . to your bom $100 Type Order by $6 Monthly Mail Now Schwari Piano Co. Ill Fourth Street, Portland Ground Gripper Shoes mr m BwJt twi aot cysres, aaicaiUfl W-si SEND PO LTmtATUlU atcsrra szoe sioszs . BM1 esstwa s. joy, whlehhall b to all peopls. tot unto you I born this day In the city of David a Savior, which I Chrlti the Lord." . ; H cam not to the palac or to the tempi, but to earth' lowliest plsce, which may hav abounded to his svsry need, yet the place of his birth had a sad significant. "U cam unto hi own but hi own reeolv. ed him not" ' "Cam not to ssvs the righteous, but to call tinner to repentance. , "'"'""r'ss'sa TurkeyiWanted Wo afca sal haal mm srlaaa fm '. CaaaakMaa4 UaoPaaarr. . . HAZLEWOODOOANY rrastaa4askar ariUa. Om Bos V4 Sae TW Portlancl Modern O0' Bonier Pare Gee Frees Cool Oil POttTLANO MOMWI I am, - too Par oM laartaoBarata. Ms UmK C on. etAunm. P Ova TRUSSES . WoejutiSii bMn lee ""'wo roBTLAirn, SHORTHAND IN 30 DAYS M soaalMo wtUi now Coprrl(litod srs toes Just eoviaad.. Horns sludr. Sludants sa4 repneanutlvae wasted, For free las so A proof that V esa loam write Pa. elfle gxtensiea Inetltutev Set Psasau BL Portland, Ore. OUR LEADERSHIP RECORD 76c WE AJUE PAYING POB BUTTERFAT ARB TOU OBTT1NO THIiT 76C Have yon onsemd thst our Compotttors are trying to keap up to OUR HUCORO? THERaVg A RBA80N Oar srslam of Accurst Tests end Waiftita. with Check hy ralnrn mall for ach blpmant. Is provlnf lu poi 'ilarltr, by the rapid growth of crra, ilpparo. JOIN TM1 L1A0IA-HIP US VOUR CRIAM PEERLESS BUTTER 00. . ift-47 Front Street , PORTLAND, OREGON. GLASSES POK MOTH Kit's CHRISTMAS An Ideal present and this la a saf place to buy them. BETTER GLASS RS FOR ... KVEBVONK Our Ophthalmoscope and Rellao cope Is ooa of the most aclentlfle sye testing Instruments la the world. With It oaa detect error of vision ins lastly. . . BITTKR OLAtaCt Too men and women with poor vlsloa need the help our glasse III glv you. Lst a demonatrat pur ability tq fit you. . Cenaultatlen Without ObllgatlM Csmplst Lena ttrtndlnfl " notary a the Premleea ... SAVE YOUR EYES THOMPSON ' OPTICAL IN5TTTUTE . . ByeettM BaeeloJleto Pertlands Lsrgset, Meet Modern, Beet equipped seluehre - Optlaal tetaMhwmeirt se-i.ii CsfSeMBU. esssadMTtna I laa DM, I apaakr law Bsh M larla, Mje Cssaws t CaaaaSTlnliI Mum . SSsTlMatsart, Sta . ssnssi ftstaka-r. " IXPfJIT CKtrkSenkeiWeCo an Oak at Hat. Park A TaaarirnatM- SULUVMIIIU.A WOOt CI. II 1 K HI II " ll. R" s lie 111 13, ay MAR. SXS F O OTitrr p r 1 1 r ft vZMkL7SSo$fJ A L HI El V I AOKNT WAWTSD. Cs, ju m AOCOROIAN PLBATIWQJ . alfytoUiwTrasirtakl. 16 wX atbma imn4 Maura MaU Mis. Oa. Mli.Mrtti imwi. PanlaoS. aoaira for all taa asd kaalare. Prompt attaniloa to mall ordara Rpokaae ' lav A Furnace Raealr Warka, apokaaa. ft, queen crrYSrsi: ffU fcMail1 nvIlM Ca r4rS and ra ja mmtm. Slrlr !! aatW a ff IJ aaUalatUaa. Wa par eaabw war. A MoSaraMly.Prtoad Metst of Mem HOTEL CLIFFORD set Mi nine et, and Bss Mxtk A. MAS par Dev. Twe la a ami, ICN, Jfe""5l " B iMin B MNlls umaaMwPwtki A eiMPLR MOM! RIMRDV FOR RHtUMATiaM OUT ell Is an old and taaiad remedy for II kinds anil claa of dlaaa. SAL CRKNB mld wllk ounco of ollv oil makaa s valuable ramadir for lumboao, rhtumsttam and all othar kldnar dlaaa. It Is aprlailr rcommndd In caaa er kldnay trouble ss SAIA1KBNB conulne no alrohol. alrohol balnc Irritant to tke kldnar. Full directions wlU ke found oa bottle. CS (Thir l 1 w Be rare to hear the New Brunswick, positively the most Play an records. ; Prlees, 1100 ta SO0 HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO. ISO AUH.. PirllaaS. Or.