ALBANY DEMOCRAT 'JSnterod at the ptoffiooajlbajiy, Oreren, as secon d-clsss ' W. L. Jackson aad Ralph R. Crealse Editors and Mairr Daily published every eveaiag except Sunday. Setaiweekly published Taesdsys sad Fridays. ESTABLISHED 18C5 Basiaess Matter In ordering changes of addresa, subscribers should always fivo old aa well aa new address. Saeacriptiea Rstes Dsily Delivered by carried Per month 60c; Per year in Advance $5.00 By Mail, In Linn and Route 4 Benton County, Per year, in Advance , .(4.00 Outside of Linn County and Rt. 4 Benton Co.. Per year, in Advance . .$5.00 Heather of The Aaeeiated Preaa The Associated Preaa is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatshes credited to it er not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. All rights of republication m special eispatenoe nerein are aite rcnorvoq. PHONE M ALBANY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17 TWO IRISH PROPAGANDAS The Irish controversy seems to be transferring itself to A V-v w a . - . American son. ue vaiera, so-called President of the Irish Republic, has been here for some months, directino th propoganda of the Sinn Fein party. Lately a group of Ulster representatives arrived, to combat the Irish independence t movement and set forth the claims of the Unionists to con tinued British rule. There can be no objection to the efforts of these foreign DrODapandists nrnvided thv rirrv nn nfnrk i k. according to American principles of fair play, and do not AtMMAsl a.M ...!avl. A ' 1 1 m a . iiipvi uuuuiy wun American pouncs. untortunately the Irish question has been injected into the political life of this country during the past year a good deal more than it had any business to be, sometimes to the neelect of local issues and the clouding of the peace treaty problems. Americans, however, are keenly interested in the Irish question, and much puzzled by the present situation, and will welcome a chance to have it cleared up. De Vaiera, challenging the purpose of the newly arrived Unionist spokesmen, proposes the appointment of a com mission to pass on the points at issue between the "Irish Republicans" and the Ulsterites. He would have it consist of two clergymen named by the Republicans, two named by , the Ulster delegation and the fifth, as chairman, agreed upon by the other four all to be Americans, and all Protestants. This would be an interesting proceedure, but would hardly dispose of the matter to the lasting satisfaction of anybody. It has. been suggested that it might be better for the rival propagandists to appeal-directly to the country in a series of public debates, held in every section. Such de- oaies wouia oe well attended, and the speeches would doubt less receive wide publicity. ' 1 -o GETTING AHEAD AFTER ALL . The number of persons who are forehanded or well-to-do increases more rapidly than the population, according to an authority writing in a . Of course there is poverty, of course there is continu ous struggle for the necessaries of life; but the world is Ki owing saner, inniner sounder, in spite of all this, and in , spite of the lamentations of the pessimists and agitators who are using minority cases in the hope of unsettling the major- The furnishings. which go to make homes pleasanter iivi mule cumioriawe are Deine sold todav in ereater auaa tity than ever before, and being paid for, too. Bank depos its creen uoward steadilv in , ...,ii,lM1iH, n bujiiuai i- son of number of depositors and population shows four bank depositors to every ten inhabitants. These are. facts to dwell upon in the midst of the up heavals and disturbances which are agitating the surface of our society. They are worth thinking about for the sense . ovuiny wuw.u uicy Dnng, ana tor the purpose of arous- fi C F T sc,,c,a,iy o a srronger aetermination to en roll themselves with this great majority of .the trustworthy and provident. 7 Every person who adds his name to the list of financi ally sound citizens adds a brick to the wall which is being built to safeguard American homes and institutions from the violent and improvident whose jeolous impulse is to destroy. o BUSINESS AND THE TREATY Without a Kick in It Sine kicks are unlawful and knockers taboo By H. ft A. With a Flak of Kuck'a Snow Eat, drink and raiaa Harry, For tomorrow you may croak. . . -I- -I- VOCABULARY CLUB SKUNK: 1 A popular joke. 2 A flavor found In Limburger. 8 The first internal machine. 4 A fellow away below ourselves, or above us. 5 A subject with which wise man remains in ignorance. A A case wherein experience turns out to be the worst teacher. 7 The bane of all good dogs. 8 The origin of blas phemy. 8 Why we dont believe in evolution. A rodent known and re spected for its peculiar properties. 10 A smell generally associated with ops. Comment of the State Press Snappy Gloamings from the Press of the Valley 1 1 I- A TERRIBLE NIGHT The moon rode high, its yellow eye Upon two mortals for inspection; Bright stars gleamed forth their ceaseless mirth At me, the night I popped the Ques tion. I silent mused. Bold schemes confus ed. About how the biases I should start. Went clanging thru and banging thru My mind ill prompted by my heart. I coughed discreet -she smiled ro sweet My soul seemed nigh to Paradise! My tongue waa held my heart was filled With love and answered in her eyes! A YES An. apple-a day keeps the pills away. An onion a day keeps your friends away. -I- -1- NO ASSAULT AND BATTERY IN SIDE CITY LIMITS FOR SALE Cafeteria doing good business, can't be beat in city Oregon ian. -. Contriba, Pubbed and Unpnbbed Next Saturday will be your day. The K. C. B. will turn over the eolyum to you. While you are cooling your heels trying to get warm, dig up that Good 1 and send it along. If yon send in nothing nothing will appear. Don't disappoint yourself. Brownsville Farmer Advertise 'The Times congratulates both itself end the fanners o f this vicinity that the latter are awake to the value of ad vertUing and are using our columns freely. A columnor two each week is filled with their notices of articles for sale or wanted, and they tell Us that those notices bring results. Regarding commercial advertising, anyone who observes which firms ara the busiest will find that they are the heaviest advertisers. They thus bring their wares to the notice of the reading public and the resulting activity clears their shelves snd storerooms rapidly, so that their stocks are always fresh The old fogy who makes no use of printer's ink has stale and out of -date merchandise and occaslonslly sells some of it. Times. Stayed in Bed "I atayed in bed all day Sunday be cause I had no wood and today I had to get up and rustle some wood, but haven't been able toret any deliv ered yet," exclaimed a woman yester day aa she asked where she could get a drayman to deliver a small load of fuel for her. ugene Register. Naive Carraa The Mexican government haa enter ed a novel plea in defense of the murder of the American William Wallace. They aay that Wallace committed suicide by refusing to throw up his hands Gasette Times. Important Work The committee on housing report ed that they ara doing everything in their power to make it possible for those so desiring to build homes in Roseburg to do so, says the Roseburg Review. Public Tired of Belag Damned It would be impossible to adequate ly portray the woeful consequences to all the people if the production and distribution of the necessities of life should be halted in the short dark days of winter, says the Dallas Itlm ixer. While the right to strike in aU ordinary industries, under normal con ditions, cannot be denied, there are some callings which are so closely re lated to the life, liberty and security of the people that the right to strike in those cases must be subordinated to the right of the public to enjoy un interrupted service. Ph NeW- Y9rk Chai"ber of Commerce, made up of the most influential group of business men in the UnitedStates on Dec. 4 adopted this resolution : . onfl' Jhat some forfn of international coven ant which seeks to prevent war is a moral necessity : That the differences between the President and the Senate should be composed without delay by such mutual concessions regarding reservations as may be necessary in the treaty to secure ratification." y evPrf emS t0 rePfe,sent th sentiment of business men "Some Mfen Don't Know It Yet" ' says the Good Judge This class of tobacco gives a man a lot more satisfaction than he ever gets out of ordin ary tobacco. Smaller chew the good taste lasts and lasts. You don't need a fresh chew so often. Any man who uses the Real To bacco Chew will tell you that. Put Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco c 3 SUNBEAM lamps SUNS ONLY COMPETITOR EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL ' vm or terms (WESTERN ELECTRIC WARHTVr nr A --rrr.., FREE (WESTERN ELECTRIC SEWING MACRM WESTERN ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANERS WIRINft nnvR ttv f irvvaim . 0 ow, at uvxuKl) WIREMEN Phone 20 THE ELECTRIC STORE, INC, rss bu, Albsny Books Make the Best Gifts II slsi. Foshay Don't Forget the Kiddies ' We Sell the Best Books A large and varied stock to select from. . When you want Books, come to a real 6ook store. & Mason Gifts for Everybody At Last-- ' The shipment of bulbs has arrived A very choice assortment to select from, Tulips, Hyacinths, Gladoli, Fueestas, Jonquils. ' See Them in the Window . Murphy's Seed Store FRESH CANDIES FOR CHRISTMAS-JUST ARRIVED mm We have just received a I new shipment of high grade Candies for Christmas, all packed In dainty boxes. liut I we are not saylnf so much i about the boxes as the candy they contain. ITS THE BEST Helen Ardelle Chocolates Chocolate Shop Sweets Yen Knew their Quslity. Here's a New One rO '.2 .'.1 Los Angeles to meet the demands of the rich tourist f ;io South. Packed in attractive Redwood Boxes. - Our Una is the largest 4 best be have ever carved . Boxes From 75c to $7.00 Leslie's Confectionery A GIFT HE WILL LIKE A .Box of Eagles' Leaders Packed 12 and 25 In a box t.2S and tU( Royal Ribbon Cigars box of 25 n.jj AU other leading brands of Cigars. t Pipe Tobacco In handy, neat pound and half pound glass and tin humidors 50c to 11.73 Cigsrettea Csrton of Camels, Chesterfields etc., 200 in a box 12.00 La Marquise in glass Jars $1.00 If you want something in the "Smoke" line yon can't find else where, go to , EAGLES Globe Theatre Building MULTNOMAH I litUU HOTEL MOST COMFORTABLE AND HOMELIKE HOTEL la PORTLAND Five Mlnatea From Anywhere $IM a ad ap OARAGB IN CONNECTION A Gift of ' ' Every Day Happiness The gift of all gifts for her the one that she will appreciate more than all the rest that will lighten, and simplify her housework immeasurably. A labor saving Electric range. ' . j Husbands or sons who want to give wife or mother" something whose usefulness is unexcelled will find an blectric Range the ideal solution of their problem. Place your order now and we will have your range installed for Christmas day. ; , Mountain States Power Go. Phorte.15 3rd & Lyon St. .'