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PHONE M ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12 GERMANY RESISTS o -The refusal of the German government to sign the peace protocol presented by the allied council brings a sharp shock to Americans who have fancied that the war was en tirely over. As long as Germany continus her present atti tude, there can be no peace. , Germany has passively resisted fulfilling many of the terms to which she explicitly agreed when she signed the Paris pact, but this is the first instance of outspoken refusal. It is openly admitted in Germany that the courage for this defiance of the Allies comes from the failure of the United States to ratify the peace treaty. It appears that treaty may be merely another scrap of paper, so far as Ger many is concerned, unless it is given force by the backing of the United States and the establishment of permanent ma chinery, such as the treaty provides, to administer it. ' In the face of such a disturbing fact, the Senate should take up the treaty again and dispose of it in the shortest pos sible time. Two-thirds of the Senators have shown them selves not opposed to the general plan and purpose of the treaty. The extremists have differed mainly on matters of. interpretation, regarding which it should be possible now to reach a compromise if they go about it sensibly. Germany, licked for her sins and the world's safety, must stay licked. No partisan controversy should be allow ed to interfere with that consummation. o SUBMARINE EAVESDROPPING and the results are likely' to show in a good deal less than 20 years, however long It may lake Europe to recover. Without a Kick ink Since kicks are unlawful knockers taboo By H. ft A. and An occupation which might be considered among the quieter sports by some people is listening to a hsh. Lucas Malet has drawn in the story of "Little Peter" a wonderful picture of the charcoal burner who "could hear the grass grow, and the ureeks had a system of divination by means of parts of fishes, but even Isaak Walton, if memory serves, gave no interpretation of piscatorial conversation. The fishermen off the coast of Norway, however, have developed the seemingly occult art of hearing the fish for commercial purposes. They lower a microphone from the fishing boat, connected by wire to a telephone. The fisher man listens at the instrument, and when they come to a place where the fish are enjoying thefr constitutional rights of freedom of speech and assembly, the listening device re cords the fact and the story is continued in the next ichthyic incarnation. . . o TWENTY YEARS OF UNREST A Dutch delegation to the recent international labor conference held at Washington reminds Americans that after the Napoleonic wars there were "thirty years of grop ing" before the new level of industrial progress was reached, snd says, "We expect a similar groping for 20 years now." That sounds dreadfully discouraging.. Nineteen years more of the unrest, controversy and confusion that we have experienced in the , United States since the armistice was signed? Nineteen years more of quarrelling capital and la bor, of political bickering, of unsettled policies regarding industry and trade, of inadequate production and chaotic distribution of wealth, of rattling, banging, squeaking eco- i nomic macninery, of class envy and prejudice, before we get things straightened out and the nation gets its stride ? . There is not much in the present situation, it must be admitted, to arouse any great amount of optimism. But 20 years Surely the country cannot wait that long and will not. Though things look bad everywhere, somehow one can'J help believing that there.is more power here than elsewhere to get out of the slough of despond more confidence- energy ana consrructive acuity. Kipling realized this when he wrote, of the American' wnue reproof around him rings I T a. I as ne rums a Keen, untroubled gaze Home to the instant need of things." ) MAN'S INHUMANITY TO MAN "Sir: Please give me an unfailing remedy for the man who whacks your cold shoulder and says: "How's this? Cold enough for you?" Ans. Turn the other cold shoulder, e e e MRS. B. GAINED TEN POUNDS ' From Zxlthc, A nam, comes the fol lowing: "Sir Since taking your kickless. column I have felt much bet ter and have had to make all my old clothes over. I now feel Bully. Yours, Mrs. B ." -see THE I. C L. The cost of Inflated Living never bother slim people, like the Obstinate Two-Thirder. .see HERE'S TO RAM ' The travel picture at the Globe theatre last night depicted Ramyses II, as the first "ColyuraUt" Ramyses second had a rarey, eharey wit; Old Ramseyses was quite a, quite a man; O Ramyses married a merry, bearie chit; . Ramyses, how could you, O Ram, Ram, RamT ., Betwixt them and between them they turned out clever scrit; Their colyum was a spire of ada- man.; Betwixt them and between they rais ed children, it is writ; ' O Ramyses, how could you, O Ram, Ram, RamT O Ramyses, O Ram, . . Here's to you. Ram Ram, In the van, van, van. Of the colic col'mn man; ' Here's to you, old Ram, Old Rammy, Rammy Ram, . Here's to you Old manny, canny Ram. e The Same that Klled Cock Robin "And who," spake the 0. T.-T, through a discretionate crack in the door, "Who, by the way, got Ram's goat;" see. BULLI CON CARNE Sir:My bull that cost me $456.79 plus war tax, stays out late at night and won't come up to the pasture bars as of yore. What shall I do? Ans. Tell It to the cows. , e LEAD KINDLY CURRENT The real cause of the present cold spell or misspell lies in sunny Nip pon. Peeved at the picture bride con troversy, and taking advantage of the coal shortage, they have turned off the Japanese Current. Comment of the State Press Snappy Gleaming! from Press or the , Valley the No Dltfe ' In Berlin the other day the Huns were shouting "Down with President Wilson." In congress Senator Lodge and his followers were endeavoring to do the same thing by killing the treaty of peace. What is the differ ence between the two ? asks the Unp- qua Courier. t They All Uve la Corvsllie Ima Nocker is worrying his head off about the unusually cold weather we are having, the Gasette-Timea says. Ima finds his Job as prop to varous buildings on Second street is too lonesome to be pleasant with most of his pals home warming the stove. International Parade Mexico is liable to awaken some of these fine morning and see U. 8. soldiers, flying machines, etc, start on a practice march for Mexico City, says the Tribune. How Can This Be? The British government having on its hands 'two great shipyards con structed during the war, recently of fered to sell thera to the federation of engineering and shipbuilding trades upon very favorable terms. It was a chance to secure not only steady wages, but the profits of management, and to demonstrate that high com pensation to capitalistic managsia was unnecessary. .The federation however, declined the tender, com ments the Brownsville times. One Deschalea Resource One thing Bend will never lack and that s lava rock, says the Bend Press A visitor lady upon arriving in Bend the other day cast her eyes upon the surface of the ground ard quoted: "Oh, how firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord." She had visualised our splendid resuorce of lava rock, which serves as the ready-at-hand concrete wall, and also makes a wear-ever stone fence, which for cheapnest and durability cannot be excelled. Happy Thought If you awake tomorrow and hear the raindrops pattering on the rjof the first instalment of winter ha passed, s the hops the Oregonan liolds out. He Predicted It Will someone please bring forth In dian George so we can hang him, asks the Register. : : r- - ' -MavKa a foils i mmimM Commerce Mortgage Securities Company Portland Oregon We Loan Life Insurance Funds at lowest rates, money on hand to close loans without delay. See our local representative. Barney Hecker Hotel Albany Building . Albany, Oregon NONPAREIL Barber Shop Modern and Efficient We make a specialty f BtaieaU and Children's Work. Expert serv ice for all. Kleetrie Halreattlng, Massaging and Shampooing. 0PPO8FTB rOSTOmCB BUD aTOVXR, aeeerietor At Last The shipment of bulbs has arrived A very ohoice assortment to select from, Tulips, Hyacinths, Cladoli, Fueesias, Jonquils. See Them In the Window Murphy's Seed Store SUNBEAM ml12mdpsa SUNS ONLY COMPETITOR EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Cash or Terms (WESTERN ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES FREE (WESTERN ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES Deaucatratioa (WESTERN ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANERS WIRING TONE BY LICENSED BONDED WIREMEN PhlMIs 70 THE ELECTRIC STORK, INC. 1 IJV1IC niV 117 Wast tint St, Albany Security Do not leave YOUR LIBERTY BONDS and ether valuable where they will be subject to LOSS BY FIRE OR, THEFT. . One ef the Strongest SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS m the State of Ore. gon Is at your service. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES at 11.00, $1.60 and 100 per year. The First National Bank ' ' "Old a ad Reliable" EQUIPPED TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR EVERY BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL WANT ' . ' ' ' . The First Savings Bank . x "Where Savings Are bid" , Four Per Cent latent on Savings. Farm Loans, and Agents for Federal Farm Leans. Wood worth's ANTICEPTIG GARGLE will prevent and cure Sore Throat and Tonsilitis ' Keep a Bottle Handy Woodworth Drug Co. fc.f l 1 1 For Christmas . . Gifts Between friends, a Photograph Studio completely equip 'ed for evening por- trature. Open evenings ' by appointment only. CLIFFORD STUDIO .. 33S W lit. 8t . HOTEL ' MOST COMFORTABLE AND HOMELIKE HOTEL In PORTLANI1 Five Mlnutee From Anywhere . " I1.S0 and up ,. GARAGE IN CONNECTION Notice to Readers of Albany ' DEMOCRAT If Your Paper is not Promptly Delivered CALL Harold Hoflich Phone 531-J Bicycles for Christmas - The Bicycle is the most logical Christmas gift for the boy or girl. Let U3 set yours aside for you. Our slock is always complete J 1 C to CCf prices from . ...... .. ifJJ ' , , FISK TIRES AND SUPPLIES . Baltimore Gun & Bicycle Works ' 336 West Sccond'St