ALB A1N I U AIL X DCMUKAT " "viimii(inrswwiim o e eooooeoooooooooo ,VOL. XXXII. ALBANY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1019 No. 188 'O Mabar of'THIC AtMsucsAiau 0 I'REHa. Th mly paper la Llim 0 O comity carrying A. P. dispatch 0 ooeeooooeoeooooo COLDEST WEATHER RECORDED IN OVER- 30 YEARS EXPERIENCED IN ALBANY AND PACIFIC NORTHWEST MERCURY DROPS TO 11 UELOW ZERO HERE LAST NIGHT; ELLENSBURG, WASH., FEELS COLD AT 31 BELOW; MEDFORD ISOLATED BY WORST STORM IN HISTORY OT VALLEY. Th record fur cold weather for a great muy year w brok en her last night when th merc ury dropped to II degree below aero, according to th report of ' local weather forratV K. M. French ft Boo. In 1881 it la said .that th th.r mom Iter showed 10' degree Mow aero. Tho tero point waa reached at V o'clock lat night and tha weather dropped at about - two drgr an hour until the extreme waa reached. ' Houses all over tho city arc . la bad. ,way and plumber ara working over , tit to repair broken plpae., It i difficult to heat up In aom hnnve and building and. there 1 considerable discomfort. Indication point to aior cold weather tonight , Th total inowfairtodaU U 25 1-2 Inch. Residents at Tangent report that tha mercury atood at 14 degree blow aero at 8 o'clock this moi inc. Cold at Portland PORTLAND, Or., Dec.; 12 By Associated Press. Only thro time sine th local branch of th weather barren was established has Portland experienced colder weather than to day when the thermometer drnped to fo-ir degrees below (era. Th storm has abated her and throughout the state, but trains are moving slowly and Irregulorly. , Th Willamette river ha froxen over for th third time In the recol lection of whit men In thi section. It la not sufficiently to walk upon, however. . Milk deliveries ar bring made to (tores but not to residence. SO IVlow at Kttrnsburg ELLEN'SHL'RG. Wash.. Dee. 12 Government theremomlters early to day registered 31 degree below xero, th lowest on record. Medford I Isolated " MEDFORD. Or.. Dec. 12-For 80 hours Medford and Jackson county have been cut off from th rest of th world by th most severe snow storm and cold weather In history. Tele graph and power lines ar oat of cam mission. No paper hav been pub lished her sine Wednesday. Jefferson Cat Off Two feet of mow on th ground nd . th thermomlter showing eight degree abov aero la th situation her tho morning. Nearly all the country schools ara closed also the ' town school. Tho rural mnil carriers are unable to make their rounds on account of th deep snow and as good many telrphon lines ar down, a lot of th farmora are completely Isolated. . ... : , Brownsville House Destroyed By Fire A Brownsville (welling house was entirely destroyed by fir yesterday morning at 9 o'clock with all of its contents. The houso was owned by Thos Lacy who was using it as a kind of work shop inwhich he had been- weaving carpets. It is assumed that th fir started from a fir left In th building. Owing to the snow no assistance could be rendorad. ooooooooo OOOOOOOOO M B W CLASSIFIED T OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO . , 8ALEMAN WANTED For Albany ' and Linn county. , Good opporcun ity for right party. So Mr. Bmlth, Albany hotel. Friday . and Saturday. 12(113 FREE DEMONSTRATION The Rogers Violet Ray High Frequency generator.- Tak. electrical treat ments for your ailmenta. Call Mr. ' Smith for appointment. Hotel Al bany. Agebts Wanted 12I1S- FOR. SALE A four room house and 2 loU in East Albany. Price $1000, $100 down and $10 month. See Hoflich and Homback, Lyon St. 12d , FOR SALE A 8-room house and "5 lot In Sunris Addition. Electric light garage chicken hous con crete floor in basement etc., Prlc ho $2200, $200 down balane monthlyJO See Hoflich and Horn back, 825 Lyon Street. 12dl3 HUMAN AID IS BADLY NEEDED Feathered Friends Repay Feeding Many Times Over Ornithologist of Albany and all people With a kindly plac in their heart for the we feathered songsters hav prepared feeding place already for them.'. Thousands of srnall birds a well as larger gam birds will die if snow lay on th ground much longer. . . . . . Piece of aurt nailed to window sills or in boxea outside windows will bring a awarm of eager, hungry lit - tie bird. An ordinary bushel box makes a good fowling plac. ft can be nailed to a post, tro or fasten ed anywhere out of reach of prowl ing cat. Bread crumb, bird seed, grain, crackers, etc., ar relished. Th aurt, fastened down so that th birds must tug at It, is th test foodstuff. If th feeding boa ia near a window, th bird-host will be owr-pald for his trouble in th gleeful, grateful scene low in th snow until it wool be lli hungry guests will enact and cornea full of snow, it then cannot which he may watch. rise or get out of th drift. And Th most common suffuse rs observ- hay must be provided, for pasture is ed in Albany ar Juntos,, robins, varie- covered of coarse, gated thrushes, cheery little rusty 8om' sheepmen have bean nblj to t,r.g rl'a ng sparrows, meadowlarks, bam- and Nuttall's white-crowned sparrow, chickadees, beautiful cher ry bird, gracklca and blackbird, and many others. . In yard having auch aa evergreen about, birds from the covert will be see It, such as brown ere peers, spotted creepers, red-shafted flicker, several varieties of wood- peckers, towhoes and ether ordinarily sliy bird friends. ' Soma " lowland dwellers, auch aa plover and snipe, aandpeepa and belted kingfishers, ar coming clos to residences. Gam birds such a pheasant and "bobs" hav littl food left now. Th few clumps of dock and tarweed pro- It was aom 37 years ago, say old trading abov too anow hav been time Oregonians, that things became threshed out. Th gam bird readi- mixed up above and Dakota weather ly withstand tha cold, but weaken was doled out to th Willamette Val rapidly if they cannot find foodstuffs. Ivy. Th present cool snap recalls It is reportedthe state gam com- tho daya in the minds of many. mission will go fifty-fifty with private Th Willamette river froxa, and war bodies in fording game birds. Soma crossed on planks. Deep snow lay local aid must be given, or hundreds over the .whole valley. At Portland of pheasant in a weakened slate will skating waa popular on th river. fall prey to hunting cat and. dogs. Eared vowla, barn owl, Cooper's and sharp-shinned hawks, blue dart and a host of other birds of prey are busy night and day searching out the help leas bobs and chinabirds. Carter Tired Of Buckwheat Cakes and Sausage Kenneth Carter returned last night from Bend Ore., where h. had been on a business trip. When he reached Bend there was a foot of (now on the ground but before he left a 72 hour's steady foil loft a carpet of 47 inches, About 100 miles from Bend his train was stalled and h ... ! th. train ' two nights and a day In until snow ploughs could open up th track. One engine and plough turn ed over In front of the train. He re- porta the snow doep all along th. Columbia river valley. Carter state that h does not want to sc. buck wheat hat cakes and sausage for some time, for that la the diet with which the Tamiujars were served 000000000000000 o when other food gave out o o o o o 0 o o o Meeting Postponed A. C. Schmitt, secretary and treasurer nf tho Linn County Good Roads Association an nounces that the meeting to have been held at th St. Fran cla tomorrow has been post poned on. week on acount of It not being possible to have the proper atendance from the o o a rural districts of th. county. 0 oooooooooooooooo FARMERS MAY FEEL LOSSES IF SNOW DOES NOT DISAPPEAR SOON ACCORDING TO REPORTS STOCK IN NEED OF FEED IS ALREADY SUFFER ING; WHEELED VEHICLES MAKE POOR ROADS; HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES . LOW 1 IN SOME CASES. , Boss aufferlng and loaa la un avoidable If th present fall of now remain long, aay report today from country district. And If atlll another blanket 'hould rover th present depth, heavy stock loaae wou'd Inevit ably reault. , Cattle are standing the 'old well, wherever they can b fid. Tho stockmen who war depending on HBU1IIIK V flU -. ar facing a difficult probl-m. Whirl ed vehicle can make Jilt It progre's over the roads, even whore broken out. Until yesterday. few country road had been broken, Sheep Must lie Sheltered Heavy sleds ar th only means of making solid roads over which loads of feed can be hauled. 'Where l-d runner pack tha road solidly, watron wheel merely chop up the .iov. A big horsa can scarcely pull a buggy ven on a well-traveled rood. . Little feed can be hauled by teams and wag- on. Th many huudred head of sheep pastured in big fields will suffer, it Is predicted, where they --unnct be gotten under sheds. . Many Bock are in Held where no aheds aru. avail able, or where th adulters var too (mall to accommodate th ''heep. Stockmen declare that if a sheep will mors iarg flocks of sheep to shutter by breaking m narrow, hard trail for them with a team and a long, heavy plank, dragged endwise through the anow. Th sheep can be driven along r JCy BLAST HELD V A T T PV mo TATTF VO VALJJiil fVIK WUbiVS . Weather Phenomena of Old en Days Recalled by Present Storm Much suffering occurred. Some stork was lost. And the cold spell did not break for five weeks. Loral weather prophets, while keep ing an anxiou eye on the southwest for signs of welcome rain-clouds, de clare that wenther, like history, re peat itself. Prepare for worse I I Catholic Baxaar Postponed 1 The ladies of the Catholic Chdrc'i nave auciueo. ro postpone ina usutsr for Indefinite period. Announcement Will W IIIsBUTJ miiCI Battle In Progress Pica t.. h.,n cvwu, . va. . ' - ............ I Mexican Federal soldiers encounter- ,4 , villlsta rirces that raided Mui-; nni mnA fii.httnr. t. r.mrl.i1 In nm. ' grass late yesterday, according to in formation received here. : BEAUTIFUL SNOW By D. C. McClure Show me the villain who wrote "Beautiful Snow," And I'll break him in two; I'll 111 "break -his old back; I'll tear from him his clothes, 3 I'll kick him all overrdfefocAte I shoveled the "Beautiful" till way late last ngiht. And back again at it before it was light. I kinked my old spine, but feel yet that I'm able To clean up the rascal that wrote that old fable, tm a peace-loving man, as everyone knows. It's many, many years since I've come to blows witn any man. dui now i a Where's the whelp that wrote thia hi. Sugar la Scare Country' housewives, ' who lately could only purchaa 25 cent worth of ugar, are doing without sweeta in many cases. Kerosene and other common necessities ara being used rnfullv hv those Hvuiar a distance from town. Autay, on which most , , - i farmer depend for hopping errands, on th. road., av. thos stuck and.111' nn,n that "n h"- abandoned in the deep drifts. Many (,mile. ' The bolls and locks on the safe people cam to town yesterday onjsr aUo connected up and It is im horseback on brief errands. , , possible for anyone to tamper with Phone Stilt Working them wihout starting the median- Many old sheds in stock pastures i,m to 'w0king. hav fallen from the weight of enow-? ' he signal also affords protection drift on them. One turkey house in't(tajn hold-up. Many stations are East Albany fell last night, killing ' pIaced .roond th bank and ho-jld some turkeys; a chickehhouse in the jobbers appear on of several persons sam quarter also is reported to hav eou,d kick gwitches and start th cave in and killed several fowls. Many 'bc,f fag. It lf jmpo;ble to neoole Tenort tne raiiere or ineir house, sagging Wherever pos,ble , f , fcrt,ki of . U,. roof. hav. been cleared of .now . of th twiA bof Some weather propheU declare thatvt4rt ,UrDU , if sudden thaw occurs, aided by a' ... . . . . . warm rain, the weight on roof ill greatly increase before . the snow slides off. Telephones county are in good working order. gme linea are down. Near Hackle- man'a Grove, Albany, wire hav fall en. There six-inch sheaths of ice cover th lines. ' . High Water May Follow If the thaw, when It arrives, ia warm and sudden, a record high water la almost certain. With the entire valley and mountains covered with in almost unprecedented depth of frozen water, a flood ia inevitable unlesa the thaw be slow and gradual. , Late Dispatches By Asosciated Press Carpenter lasaea Challenge PARIS, Dec, 12 George Carpet. tier today issued a challenge to Jack Dempsey for a bout for the world's heavyweight championship. Sufferag Is Ratified DENVER, completed ratification of woman's sufferag a- mendmcnt today when the Houso of Representative, unanimously passed the Senate resolution. Coal Production Increased CHICGO A general increase in the production of cool today was in dicated by reports from all fields. Some sections, however, some miners are in rebellion against the terms of President Wilson's proposal and de sired a mora thorough understanding of tho plan. , ' . McXary Bill Passe WASHINGTON The McNary bill 'jnder which government control of sugar would be continued anotaer , r. . . , P"'ed t ' J - I i rWn Vain Hilar w ' f ' WASHINGTON Th. fotal nluJhf f v"f " - .... . - r -1 - th Country's important farm r o1 department or Agriculture esttsnavsl tndsv. Thi i nearlv a half bfflaW 1 more than crops. the value of last 11 1 fill him with woe; his nose. sure ukc to Know- that stuff, 'Beautiful Snow a w - .. a I - r 1 in ffUUIIU JUW MlHi - this year aggregates $14,092,748,' l'v The company is on of the largest . 1 - I 1 I T- 'Hi i J BURGLAR ALARM BEING INSTALLED Albany State Bank Putting: in Device to Protect Against Robbery . Th Albany State Bank Is this week installing an electric burglar alarm system In their big vault to protect their books and fund and th funds and valuables of their patrons. E. C. Palmer, president of the Sig nal Service Company, of Seattle, is her directing the installation of the apparatus, which Is being put in at a cost of $1,600. yTh steel vault is lind with hundreds of littl wires placed at such intervals as to pre vent anyone from' paasing between them. Th win ar mad of an al loy which is easily broken and is , quickly burned, caosing the electric 'cjreuit c eloted anj iUrting two - . . . ... . , .... . . ------ . ..m,.h . .mm. iinnnv in, la . I year and this adder service and pro- the best possible banking convien- ncM- RED CROWN MUX HAS PROSPERITY $900,000 Paid out for Grain in This Section; Capac ity of Plant Doubled The Albany Sed Crown Mills own ed by the Portland Flour Mill Com pany, and managed by C. J, Johns, completed th installing of new mach iiuiry today, and now have a capa city of one hundred and sixty barrels of flour per day, with the prospect of they capacity of th plant being ao"lea De,ore lnls umo n"r y "df the "Ke ot the min ,how th,t ,h mP"y h" bot?ht 1 more ram 1 st Aug- ww ""m u'" Iur six years, ine sale ol Hour to Al bany merchants since the first of Oct ober is more than th. total sale of flour in the city add vicinity for the first eight months of the years 1914 Th. mill has been run night and day since September 27. Under pres ent operations the plant can grind a bout one half of the grain bought by the company, while if the plant is in creased to grind all of the wheat that is bought here, it will no doubt bo a ! preat asset to this part of the state Th, company is said reolixe tho: thr.t all of the by-products of the mill w,il f jnd ready sale hero at a price - , , , . . . P-'l than it to i other marlets.. In addition to filling f ordinary contracts, the company is I' - ?,. .., II UW KllllUIIlaC 1UI BAUUI I. 1UUI U1UU A l 1. A .... I oss iu imii i v 9 v ara, vaua tivui iUt ; tn 140 nound Jute sacks. financial Institutions in this part of th. -f. mnA h.. ..:.! a... this season about $900,000 to th. pro- IMcucers of grain. IjgeoDOgBBBgggggggg Warning Issued Against O Danger from High Water O , O T. P. Raekleman. on- if Al. C kany's oldest and most prom in- O I P'oneera writes the Demo- O IwScrat and issues a warning towO J people living along the Wil- O O O be on the lookout against high O O ' water caused by the sudden 01 4 melting of the snow. Serious O XO consequences might follow, O 9 he points out, and urges all in O O i that part of the county to care- O 9 fully watch the wind and rap- O 9 idity of the melting of tha O D- snow, should It start to go O 9 away too fast. 0 900000 oo OOO 00000 0 0 MiU WATCHMAN SHOT AT BY TWO UNKNOWN MEN AT HARRISBURG WED W. F.' Woodcock, Guarding - Old Pattison Lumber Mill, Target for Bullets Which Fly . Close to Body. SHERIFF INVESTIGATES Local Men Denounced Infer ence of Suspicion Placed Upon Representatives sent to Mill to Get Logs. W. F. Woodcock, keeper of the defunct J. AL Patttsoa Laaiber Co. mill at Harisburg, waa Ired at Wednesday afternoon by two men who apepared at th rear of the ssilL Two shote were fired one passing a few Inches in front of Woodcock' face and the ether a few feet In front of Uas. At the second -shot Woodcock threw himself on th floor, cither to -cap. being Jut or to fool d. be mjL A. he dJth on. of ho (men was heard to remark something like: I -My Godt we've killed him!" , - Assailant Ron Away With thi they turned and ran and entered a boat which waa tied up below the mill and rowed rapidly down stream. Sheriff Kendall went to. Harisburg yesterday and spent the day investigating the circumstances of the shooting. The shooting would appear to be due to trouble over the logs of the J. Al. Pattiaon company, the president of which was recently indictid in the U. S. District Court for making improper us of funds of the Lmn ton Bank, near Portland. About 500,000 feet of logs rere taken over by the Harirsborr First National Bank, aa a creditor of th. institution and were purchased at public sale by Lee M. Travis, a Eugene attorney. Travis, through J. L. Norwood, a Harisburg attorney, sold tha logs to the R. Veal 4 Son Chair Factory of Albany. , - Teal Sends Fof" Logs Fred Veal Wednesday sent L. t. Hadley and John Fierstein, of thia city, who are working at th. Veal logging camp at Irish Bend, to Har ris burg to tow away that portion of th. logs which were tied' up at the mill. Upon their presentation of the matter to Woodcock th. latter refused to let them have th. logs, stating that he Jiad received orders from Travis to hold them nntil Instructions were received to release them. The matter of payment had not been con cluded, it is said. The Veal representatives called up th. office in this city and were in structed to wait at Harirsburg until the matter was settled. Trouble is Encountered . Mr. Veal this afternoon emphatic ally denounced any attempt to place suspicion upon his men in connection with the shooting and refused to make a statement in the case until Fierstein and Hadley made a report. They ere still at Harrisburg or at Irish Bend (Continued on Page 8) SHOP EARLY and shop early in the day ONLY 10 More days to Shop until ' . Christmas I